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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I still want Dillon to be in it.

Yes, we still need this guy.
It's a different case to most wanted candidates as his game is a download title that wasn't received too well but he'd fit so damn well into Smash and the design is one of the best from Nintendo's recent outings. I hope the character and game universe itself doesn't vanish, there's potential there for something great that isn't another tower defence.
I should note that I did enjoy the game, but I have yet to finish it because it gets bloody difficult.


Not to mention Xenosaga is way too irrelevant nowadays to be in Smash Bros as a Monolith representation.
If Monolith gets a character into Smash, it'll be Shulk. Which would be okay with me.

And I second the inclusion of Anna from Fire Emblem. Series mascot, hostess of the tutorials, goddess of the random number generator, and finally playable in Awakening as a Sword/Staff wielding Trickster. Having sword moves with special moves based off the magic staves in Fire Emblem would work nicely. Anna is more than qualified for Smash now. If not playable, then at least a(n assist) trophy.


In 2 games ... in a series that's 3 games long so far :p
With more cross game importance than any other villain so far.

And isn't there some anime short about her? I don't think she's just some throw-a-way character to Sakurai, from the looks of it to me she's the main series villain/ staple villain. He could have just used the 2nd game's villain instead for example. Plus, they call one the goddess of light and the other the goddess of darkness ... that seem's pretty self-explanatory.

And personally, seeing as I don't subscribe to the thought process of "series fairness" that makes some arbitrary limit to how many characters a series can have on a prediction list, I'm willing to just say both Palutena and Medusa get in.

Uprising spoilers.
She isn't the main villain of Uprising... She was mostly used as a puppet until the "oh shit" moment where a clearly more powerful villain showed up. Using her in all the promotions added to the surprising effect of the other villain's appearance.

I think it's a safe bet that Palutena will get in over any other KI character, and on the kinda unlikely (IMO) chance it gets a third rep then Medusa has a shot, sure. I think they'd spend more time on other series reps before that though, because it is a question of trying to appeal to fans of a lot of different series.

Why would you put Palutena in as a playable character? All her attacks would be calling Pit out to do the gruntwork.

Sounds like Zelda. Also,
Palutena does fight in Uprising, multiple times.
She would be a cool magic user.
Glad to see we agree on something.

It was likely to happen at some point :p

Uprising spoilers.
She isn't the main villain of Uprising... She was mostly used as a puppet until the "oh shit" moment where a clearly more powerful villain showed up. Using her in all the promotions added to the surprising effect of the other villain's appearance.

I already knew that, didn't say
she was the main villain of Uprising
, just that she's the series's main villain so far and only staple villain and that I'm sure Sakurai doesn't see her as some throw away character with the way she's being promoted.


She doesn't seem to do much that Palutena couldn't do attack-wise though. Unless they make her a clone with maybe some attacks that have "petrify" effects that turn people to stone.

I would be down for clone characters like that assuming they don't take a ton of development time.


One clone that I would like to see happen would be a Gen V pokemon trainer. I don't want them to actually spend time to make any completely new Pokemon reps honestly, but it would be cool to have a Gen V trainer with oshawatt, seviper, and emboar or something. I guess you would have to tweak it into only a semi-clone though as charizard flies...
She doesn't seem to do much that Palutena couldn't do attack-wise though. Unless they make her a clone with maybe some attacks that have "petrify" effects that turn people to stone.

I would be down for clone characters like that assuming they don't take a ton of development time.

I have nothing against clone characters (Hell, I'm expecting Krystal to be another "version" of Fox's move-set if she makes it in and I wouldn't have a problem with that) but both characters have a crap-load of move-set options.

I haven't played the game but given the anime shorts I could see Palutena going anyway Sakurai wants to take her (Ranged Regal Mage like Zelda, character that pulls out tons of random crap from their game like Peach, melee fighter that gets up close or w/e).

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
One clone that I would like to see happen would be a Gen V pokemon trainer. I don't want them to actually spend time to make any completely new Pokemon reps honestly, but it would be cool to have a Gen V trainer with oshawatt, seviper, and emboar or something. I guess you would have to tweak it into only a semi-clone though as charizard flies...

Servine, you mean?

I actually had an idea for N and Zorua (he has a Zoroark, but Zorua is more manageable and he had one in the past according to the opening cutscene) the other day, where N would actually fight on-stage alongside Zorua, but would be like Olimar...he couldn't attack, but instead he'd use Zorua, who'd morph into various Pokemon to change up his hit-box. N would be the one to KO and take damage, though, and use items. Considering how popular N was, and how we've got BW2 coming and he'll probably be in it, I expect we might see him in some role in Smash 4.


But I care not for how much hotness emanates from this Chrome fellow, I need Radiant Dawn Ike and his roided up appearance in the next smash.

Krom/Chrome's appearance is similar to that of Ike's Radiant Dawn incarnation (specifically the entirely bare arm and the shoulder pad).

That being said, they could easily use Marth to represent FE13, seeing as Marth seems to be a major character in that game.

I don't think Ike will be cut due to how well received he was in Brawl, and I think Roy has a really good shot to return due to how much clamor there is for him to return as well as the fact he was planned for Brawl.



She'll be in or I'll cry you guys. I'll cry.


She'll be in or I'll cry you guys. I'll cry.

It seems the newest female FE character fad has arrived.

I still think Palutena and Dixie Kong are our best bets for female newcomers. I have seen lots of people praise Palutena as a character in Uprising (specifically her sense of humor and banter with Pit), and DKC2 and DKC3 more than validate a playable appearance for Dixie Kong.


She's really the first character I've ever actually wanted in Smash because I know Raichu isn't ever making it in so deal wit it.


She's really the first character I've ever actually wanted in Smash because I know Raichu isn't ever making it in so deal wit it.

After Melee was released, Sakurai opened a post-Melee journal in Japan, where Smash Bros. fans were allowed to give their thoughts on the game as well as some questions they had. One question that was asked to Sakurai was why he included Pichu instead of Raichu. Sakurai's response was that he thought that Pichu (with its self-damage gimmick) was more distinctive than simply having a stronger, slower Pikachu-clone (Raichu).


Palutena will be in there. Guaranteed.

I think she's the only staple for Smash 4 so far.

I would be surprised if Palutena were not part of the first set of newcomers for Smash 4 for its unveil.

The pattern for Smash Bros. unveils seems to be this:

Popular bad guy that lots of people wanted to be in the previous installment:
Bowser, Wario (Meta Knight works too though)

The girl (basically an overtly female newcomer):
Peach, Zero Suit Samus

Retro Revival:
Ice Climbers, Pit

The cool side character (this is the genre though I can see Smash 4's unveil not having):
Sheik, Meta Knight

The guest:


After Melee was released, Sakurai opened a post-Melee journal in Japan, where Smash Bros. fans were allowed to give their thoughts on the game as well as some questions they had. One question that was asked to Sakurai was why he included Pichu instead of Raichu. Sakurai's response was that he thought that Pichu (with its self-damage gimmick) was more distinctive than simply having a stronger, slower Pikachu-clone (Raichu).

but raichu would be faster...
They're should be a Super Mario Bros. 3 Retro Level this time, I sick of waiting
SSB (64): SMB1
SSB:Melee: SMB2
SSB:Brawl: Mario Bros and SMB 1-1 , 1-2 (20 years later)


As in "Heathcliff"
So ... with Kid Icarus released .... any chance of we start to hear some news in the next months ?

I seriously doubt it. If we didn't hear any small news from E3 2012 then we are more likely to hear something about it at Nintendo Event 2012 or E3 2013.


I have nothing against clone characters (Hell, I'm expecting Krystal to be another "version" of Fox's move-set if she makes it in and I wouldn't have a problem with that) but both characters have a crap-load of move-set options.

I haven't played the game but given the anime shorts I could see Palutena going anyway Sakurai wants to take her (Ranged Regal Mage like Zelda, character that pulls out tons of random crap from their game like Peach, melee fighter that gets up close or w/e).

Palutena is definitely a ranged Zelda-type character. Medusa
pretty much shoots energy at you just like Palutena, except Palutena had more diversity in her attacks in Uprising. Which is why I say Medusa wouldn't be that much different.

Magnus is probably assist trophy material.


Have we discussed Adventure mode possibilities? I haven't been up to date on this thread.

Anyways, I want them to go back to Melee's template of having each stage, and its enemies, to be related to a specific character's universe. No more of the completely random enemy types that were in SSE. Also, I don't really think they have to work so damn hard on the "story" of the game. It's a game about Nintendo's all-stars beating the crap out of each other. A deep, fleshed out story isn't really necessary. I just wanna traverse some familiar worlds and, as aforementioned, beat the crap out of Nintendo all-stars.


I seriously doubt it. If we didn't hear any small news from E3 2012 then we are more likely to hear something about it at Nintendo Event 2012 or E3 2013.

So this page will hit page 200th or 300th when an oficial news come ?
For non-gold gaf with default amount of posts per page, of course


Have we discussed Adventure mode possibilities? I haven't been up to date on this thread.

Anyways, I want them to go back to Melee's template of having each stage, and its enemies, to be related to a specific character's universe. No more of the completely random enemy types that were in SSE. Also, I don't really think they have to work so damn hard on the "story" of the game. It's a game about Nintendo's all-stars beating the crap out of each other. A deep, fleshed out story isn't really necessary. I just wanna traverse some familiar worlds and, as aforementioned, beat the crap out of Nintendo all-stars.

works for me, just add multiple routes.

and bring back giga bowser as a regular boss
I didn't mind SSE's plot (infact if it weren't so incoherent at times I'd go as far to say I really liked it), just the abundance of dull OC enemies and bosses in what's supposed to be a huge crossover game. What would be ideal is having a story, but rather than reusing the environment's SSE had they go back to having traditional Nintendo levels like in Melee but remix them to make one cohesive world which manages to seamlessly weave in happy-go-lucky locations from games such as Mario and Kirby with gritty, realistic games such as Metal Gear and Metroid. Or even remixing tropes a bit; World 1-1 redone as if it were in a Sonic the Hedgehog game, 2D-stealth segments in a redone Jungle Hyjinx to resemble MGS3 or rallying up an army of pikmin to tackle underground caverns stylised after Norfair or other Metroid locales would be amazing if done right.


As in "Heathcliff"
Iwata: That's right, we've worked together for a long time, but rather than strengthen the story, you tend to put other elements as the priority.

from Sakurai and Iwata discussion about kid icarus. It made me lol because I felt that they wasted most of their development on single mode in brawl. IMO


Regarding Kid Icarus, I'd be content with this:

Playable Characters


Assist Trophy
Eggplant Wizard - turned into a walking eggplant for 5-10 seconds, unable to attack

Dark Pit (also an alternate color for Pit)


Kid Icarus will definitely have an awesome new stage too. It's kinda hard to figure out what it might be though, Uprising has so many great setpieces.

the space pirate ship? Or a Star Fox-esque stage where you fly through battles between the centurions, nature forces, and underworld forces.



not sure if this has been discussed earlier, but what do you guys think of Playable Character/Assist Trophy prospects for these guys?

Considering there's been Cave Story releases on DSiWare, WiiWare, and now even a full 3DS remake, it seems like a plausible consideration.
I didn't mind SSE's plot (infact if it weren't so incoherent at times I'd go as far to say I really liked it), just the abundance of dull OC enemies and bosses in what's supposed to be a huge crossover game. What would be ideal is having a story, but rather than reusing the environment's SSE had they go back to having traditional Nintendo levels like in Melee but remix them to make one cohesive world which manages to seamlessly weave in happy-go-lucky locations from games such as Mario and Kirby with gritty, realistic games such as Metal Gear and Metroid. Or even remixing tropes a bit; World 1-1 redone as if it were in a Sonic the Hedgehog game, 2D-stealth segments in a redone Jungle Hyjinx to resemble MGS3 or rallying up an army of pikmin to tackle underground caverns stylised after Norfair or other Metroid locales would be amazing if done right.

Yes, yes, yes.



not sure if this has been discussed earlier, but what do you guys think of Playable Character/Assist Trophy prospects for these guys?

Considering there's been Cave Story releases on DSiWare, WiiWare, and now even a full 3DS remake, it seems like a plausible consideration.[/QUOTE]

they're extremely niche characters from a third party game. there are characters from niche nintendo games who deserve some love first.


The Kid Icarus stage should be a platform that gains "The Power of Flight" and soars through all the various enviornments from Uprising, meanwhile various giant Gods or Goddesses appear in the background and reign down different hazards.

I've said it before, but I'm more excited for the stages than I am the the expanded roster. Gorgeous HD tributes to Nintendo's history, on a console with some horsepower to have lots of different effects happening on screen.
I didn't mind SSE's plot (infact if it weren't so incoherent at times I'd go as far to say I really liked it), just the abundance of dull OC enemies and bosses in what's supposed to be a huge crossover game. What would be ideal is having a story, but rather than reusing the environment's SSE had they go back to having traditional Nintendo levels like in Melee but remix them to make one cohesive world which manages to seamlessly weave in happy-go-lucky locations from games such as Mario and Kirby with gritty, realistic games such as Metal Gear and Metroid. Or even remixing tropes a bit; World 1-1 redone as if it were in a Sonic the Hedgehog game, 2D-stealth segments in a redone Jungle Hyjinx to resemble MGS3 or rallying up an army of pikmin to tackle underground caverns stylised after Norfair or other Metroid locales would be amazing if done right.

Ehh. I like these ideas, but I don't know if I want another Adventure mode based around Smash Bros.-style platforming. It wasn't very good in Melee either. I'd rather just have an Adventure mode with tons of fights. Like a combination of Melee's Adventure and Event modes.


The Kid Icarus stage should be a platform that gains "The Power of Flight" and soars through all the various enviornments from Uprising, meanwhile various giant Gods or Goddesses appear in the background and reign down different hazards.

Uprising spoilers:
Doesn't even have to be given the power of flight or whatever. There's a stage later on in Uprising where you're on a platform that's being carried by Centurions. They could just do that.

Have it fly by Skyworld, the Underworld, the Aurum invasion, a reset bomb, Pandora's labyrinth... I mean really, just choose any level.

For the second stage, set it on the deck of the Space Pirate ship in the sea of constellations or whatever it was called, just because that level looked absolutely amazing on the 3DS and I can only imagine how amazing it would look on the Wii U.

Also, to represent Uprising, change Pit's neutral B to work like an Uprising weapon: Uncharged, you can hold B to fire a rapid stream of weak projectiles. Tap left or right while holding B, and you'll dash in that direction and fire some slightly more powerful projectiles. Go a few seconds without firing it and it'll charge up automatically, letting you fire a more powerful shot with slight homing capabilities.
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