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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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As in "Heathcliff"
Here's hoping the recent Capcpom friendship and the Koei friendship lands us some nice new 3rd party dudes in this game.

As for first party dudes I want to see the bizarre left field character get named. First it was Captain Falcon, Then Game and Watch, Then ROB. Next I want it to be Captain N!
Bring it on.

Captain N is great idea but I rather to see Duck Hunt Dog/Laughing Dog. IMO


Maturity, bitches.
It will be the shopping bag from the eShop. I go to school with Iwata's son, whose father works at Nintendo, so I know these things.
Although, if alternates like Toon Link and Toon Zelda count, the most important Zelda character not represented in smash is:


Ganondorf's Final Smash is not only Ganon, it's the best version of Ganon.


I feel like Kid Icarus's online will be a good indicator of what to expect from Smash. If it's notably improved from Brawl, then maybe Sakurai and Nintendo actually care and there's a chance Smash could be alright. If it still feels like it was designed by somebody who neither understands nor cares about the internet, then I'm basically resigning myself to no Smash online.


I am thinking we will only be getting ONE Kid Icarus newcomer, and that one newcomer will be Palutena. I knew it was good to wait on Uprising releasing for a better assessment on the characters.

Huge Kid Icarus Uprising spoilers below

Medusa gets taken out of the picture at Chapter 9 in a 25 chapter game. That is basically a little over 1/3 of the way through.

The only other female character that I think has a really good shot at being playable (and actually deserves to be playable) is Dixie Kong.


I am thinking we will only be getting ONE Kid Icarus newcomer, and that one newcomer will be Palutena. I knew it was good to wait on Uprising releasing for a better assessment on the characters.

Huge Kid Icarus Uprising spoilers below

Medusa gets taken out of the picture at Chapter 9 in a 25 chapter game. That is basically a little over 1/3 of the way through.

The only other female character that I think has a really good shot at being playable (and actually deserves to be playable) is Dixie Kong.

I agree.
I was an advocate of Medusa but after chapter 9 of Uprising it appears that Palutena would indeed be the better choice. Plus she is awesome.

Azure J

Fuck logic, Palutena and Medusa need to be in. One's the best written Nintendo troll since Super Paper Mario and the other's an iconic villain within the KI realm.


Fuck logic, Palutena and Medusa need to be in. One's the best written Nintendo troll since Super Paper Mario and the other's an iconic villain within the KI realm.

Major Uprising spoilers:

Many people actually seem to like the true villain of Uprising, Hades, for his personality. I actually thought Medusa was one of the least developed major characters from that game, and I thought even Magnus, who was made to be a cliched RPG hero, was more entertaining/interesting. I would even go as far to say that Hades's flair and style was better than Ghirahim's. However, I don't think Hades has a shot at being playable.


I think Palutena is going to be our "girl" newcomer for Smash 4. Dixie Kong is female too, but unfortunately, when most people think of "female" they mean someone that is sexually attractive. Aside from Palutena and Dixie Kong, I can't think of any other female mainstays for series that are both well-liked and important (yeah there is the WarioWare cast, but they are all equally important there).

Also, lately I have been thinking we may actually get a teaser at E3 2012 for Smash 4.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I can't see Palutena being added simply because she is, literally, a goddess -- she is logically overpowered for a Smash Bros. fighting game.

Yes, I used "logic" and "Smash Bros." in the same sentence.

I -do- see Little Mac making it in, though -- and there are plenty of Fire Emblem characters they could draw from if they really wanted a female character... or Jill from Drill Dozer.


I can't see Palutena being added simply because she is, literally, a goddess -- she is logically overpowered for a Smash Bros. fighting game.

Yes, I used "logic" and "Smash Bros." in the same sentence.

I -do- see Little Mac making it in, though -- and there are plenty of Fire Emblem characters they could draw from if they really wanted a female character... or Jill from Drill Dozer.

Ganondorf is literally god-like in the Zelda series (with only the Master Sword and Light Arrows able to hurt or impede him), and yet he has been a Smash Bros. staple since Melee.

As for female FE characters, the only two Fire Emblem characters that are likely to be added are Roy (planned for Brawl and one of the two most wanted newcomers for Smash 4 in Japan as well as the most wanted FE character in the West) and Krom (the most recent lord at the start of Smash 4's development). Most of the female lords often play second-fiddle to a male lord in their game (Lyn being a tutorial character, while the rest of the game centers around Eliwood and Hector) and Ike basically stealing the spotlight from Micaiah when he is re-introduced in FE10.

I see little reason why not to include Palutena.


Gods and goddesses mean very little in games, much less ones based on Greek mythology. And if Palutena actually were overpowered even in her own game she wouldn't need to be sending Pit off on missions to do everything.

As for Lyn, I don't see her tutorial role in the game being such a big factor, she's still prominently featured alongside the other two, and let's not forget she's the only FE character so far to get an Assist Trophy. I don't think her chances are as bad as most make it out to be. Though it makes me a bit sad Eirika is always so overlooked.

But let's not be scrambling to figure out how to get more female characters in for the sake of more female characters, I don't think that has ever been a motivating factor before.


PokéKong;36338222 said:
As for Lyn, I don't see her tutorial role in the game being such a big factor, she's still prominently featured alongside the other two, and let's not forget she's the only FE character so far to get an Assist Trophy. I don't think her chances are as bad as most make it out to be. Though it makes me a bit sad Eirika is always so overlooked.

But let's not be scrambling to figure out how to get more female characters in for the sake of more female characters, I don't think that has ever been a motivating factor before.

I have seen more people overrate her chances than underrate them.

As to the second comment I bolded, you are correct. When Sakurai mentioned that he liked adding Zero Suit Samus since he thought there was a lack of female characters in Smash Bros., people blew his comment way out of proportions and thought he would SPECIFICALLY select for female characters (ie. choose Krystal over Wolf; choose Midna over Toon Link; Lyn over Ike).

I also have links to a whole host of Japanese polls pertaining to Smash Bros. PM me if you are interested.


I can't see Palutena being added simply because she is, literally, a goddess -- she is logically overpowered for a Smash Bros. fighting game.

I don't think so. Just watch the KI anime episodes with her. It seems that she mostly uses her staff and different spells but can easily be overwhelmed. Plus Pit does most of her fighting for her.

I think she would make a great magic-using character, who is bad at close-range/melee but good at keepaway with magic spells.


Junior Member
Snakey, you post a lot in here. I'm interested. What is it that you like about Smash? Is it the fan service or the gameplay?


Snakey, you post a lot in here. I'm interested. What is it that you like about Smash? Is it the fan service or the gameplay?

Its actually both. I enjoy the Smash Bros. series for both its fanservice (compilation of content from Nintendo's series) and the gameplay. I am not a competitive player at all, but I do enjoy playing matches with friends and family, nor am I a fan of any other fighting series.

Many of my favorite game series are made by Nintendo, so its really something special to see all of the important characters from Nintendo's various universes battling out. I also love the various arenas/stages chosen for the games.

I have been following the series ever since it was unveiled since very late 1998. I learned of Smash Bros. from a link on a Metroid fansite on Samus finally making an appearance on the Nintendo 64. Needless to say, I was absolutely ecstatic when I learned she would be in a game alongside my other favorite Nintendo characters, Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Yoshi. It was really something else.

I really enjoyed Brawl, and for me it was as big an improvement over Melee as Melee was over Smash 64. However, I think Smash 4 will be the last Smash Bros. game I will be following/buying, since I do much less gaming than I used to. I probably won't be buying any more new games past the end of this decade, and mostly stick to replaying my games for my older consoles. Heck, the only reason why I am even interested in the Wii U (I have no interest in the X-Box successor or PlayStation 4) is solely due to Smash 4.

My hopes for Smash 4 are primarily that they add the remaining few Nintendo characters (with the exception of Mega Man) that I like that were not playable in Brawl. These characters consist of:

The main antagonist for the Metroid series. He is probably my favorite video game villain ever, and has been my most wanted newcomer for Smash Bros. ever since I saw him fighting Samus in the Melee unveil trailer shown at E3 2001. They have teased Ridley in Smash Bros. since the very beginning (Ridley is sometimes shown flying in the background in the Planet Zebes stage in Smash 64), and having him as a boss fight in Brawl twice (Ridley and Meta Ridley) was a very bad tease. Ridley is still my most wanted newcomer for the Smash Bros. series, and I hope that he is at long last added in Smash 4. It helps that he is one of the two most wanted newcomers for Smash 4 by the Western Smash Bros. fanbase.

Mega Man:
For those who had the NES as their first gaming console, Mega Man's games were enjoyable classics. I really enjoyed the entirety of the classic Mega Man series and even X games up until X5. Mega Man is one of the few third-party characters that I feel fits in very well with the rest of Nintendo's cast, and the only third-party newcomer that I am personally hoping for. It helps that Mega Man is by far the most wanted third-party character all over the world, and that no other third-party character has a notable level of support.

Mewtwo is possibly the face of legendaries in the Pokemon series. While I basically stopped following Pokemon after 2001, Mewtwo left a powerful impression on me as a character from the first Pokemon movie. Mewtwo was also one of my most used Pokemons in the original Red/Blue games. Mewtwo being a playable character in Melee was a really pleasant surprise for me, and his animations and attacks were so interesting. Its a shame though that he was not properly balanced though. I really loved that they added Pokemon Trainer with Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard because I really liked all three of those starter Pokemon. The only way Pokemon's playable representation can get any better is if they brought back Mewtwo. He was very fun to use in Melee, and I really hoping for him to come back balanced better. I was very disappointed that he was cut from Brawl, and I absolutely did not expect it. It helps that Mewtwo is not only the most requested Pokemon newcomer in Smash Bros., but also one of the most wanted newcomers for Smash Bros. worldwide. It also helps that he was planned for Brawl

Roy was one of two characters that I used all the time in Melee (the other being Samus). I did not know who either Marth or Roy were when I got Melee, but I did end up becoming endeared to both of those characters. For me Roy had a lot of charm, and I loved the flaming sword he had. He was really fun to play as. It was specifically from me using Roy so much in Melee, that I picked up my first Fire Emblem game, and I have become hooked on the series ever since. Heck, I even went and imported some of the Japan-only Fire Emblem games, one of which included Roy's game (FE6). I ended up liking FE6 a great deal (its still one of my favorite FEs), which made me like Roy even more. I think Roy made many other people check out the Fire Emblem series as well. I was disappointed that Roy did not return in Brawl (the inclusion of a song in Brawl entitled "Winning Roy - Roy's Hope" was especially ironic). Roy represents the face of the GBA Fire Emblem trilogy, and stands as a face to the overall Fire Emblem series. It helps that Roy is one of the two most wanted newcomers for Smash 4 in Japan, and the most wanted FE character in the West. It also helps that he was planned for Brawl.

Dixie Kong:
Dixie Kong is probably my second favorite female character from a video game (my most favorite being Samus). Dixie Kong stands out not only among other female characters, but also other female video game characters. In comparison to other female Nintendo characters, she has the distinction of being one of the two main protagonists for Donkey Kong Country 2 and Donkey Kong Country 3. These two games were not only among the best selling games for the Super Nintendo, but also among the most critically acclaimed. They were a definite part of my childhood. Dixie Kong is also distinctive in that she is one of the few female protagonists that has neither been kidnapped (while both DK and Diddy have), and also among the few that has not been sexualized. She also showed up in many of post-Rare Donky Kong games as well as quite a few Mario sports spinoffs. No other female Nintendo character has resume or importance to their own series that Dixie Kong has. It helps that Dixie Kong is the most requested female newcomer for Smash 4 (though that may change with the release of Uprising, of which I can see Palutena usurping that title). It also helps that Dixie Kong was planned for Brawl.

K. Rool:
I actually did not become endeared to K. Rool until Donkey Kong 64. He is one of the few characters that I want to see in solely through a possible moveset point of view. Unlike many other villains, K. Rool is comical. He has a vast array of stuff that can be used from his battles in the DKC trilogy and DK64. His moveset practically writes itself. He was always a humorous character in Rare's DK games and one that always brought an interesting dynamic to each one of his fights. It helps that K. Rool is one of the most requested newcomers for Smash 4.

Little Mac:
Punch-Out is the only Nintendo series that I enjoy that lacks a playable character in Smash Bros. Punch-Out NES, Super Punch-Out SNES, and Punch-Out Wii were all really fun and memorable titles. Punch-Out NES to this very day is still largely considered a classic, and remains one of the most popular titles for that console. Little Mac is probably the most deserving Nintendo hero not yet playable in Smash Bros. I feel that with his successful Wii resurrection title, that is time for him to finally be added to the roster. It helps that Little Mac is one of the most wanted newcomers for Smash 4 by the Western Smash Bros. fanbase.

Toad is the only character on my wishlist that I can fully understand not making it as a playable character in Smash 4. I feel Toad is most iconic Mario character that is not yet a playable character in Smash Bros. I primarily desire Toad due to how much I love Wario's Woods (which still remains my favorite puzzle game of all time). Toad is also the only Mario character that has been playable in the Mario platformers (Super Mario Bros. 2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii) and been playable in every Mario Kart game that is not yet playable in Smash Bros. He is definitely the least likely character on my wishlist, and I can definitely see him not making it.


I don't see how that could be done with K. Rool, besides for in some Adventure mode event.

It somehow doesn't feel like a legitimate reason to get Roy back just because he was a favorite in the past. I mean... people know about him because of Melee. He's famous because of SSB, and people want him back because of SSB, it just doesn't feel like his actual worth as a character in his own series has ever played a big factor in his demand.


I think Palutena is going to be our "girl" newcomer for Smash 4. Dixie Kong is female too, but unfortunately, when most people think of "female" they mean someone that is sexually attractive. Aside from Palutena and Dixie Kong, I can't think of any other female mainstays for series that are both well-liked and important (yeah there is the WarioWare cast, but they are all equally important there).

I agree wholeheartedly with all of this; I've been saying for months that Palutena and Dixie are the only female newcomers with any realistic chance of appearing.


What about Medusa? Isn't she kinda the Bowser/Ganondorf of the Kid Icarus universe? I'd rather see Palutena (actually I'd rather see both) but Medusa would fill the role of a female and a villain.


What about Medusa? Isn't she kinda the Bowser/Ganondorf of the Kid Icarus universe?

Eh... not really. She's the main villain of the first game, she doesn't appear at all in the second one, and she
plays second fiddle to Hades
in Uprising.

On the other hand, Palutena's an important "background character" playing major roles in all three titles; she's the Peach/Zelda of the Kid Icarus games. The series is actually called "Palutena's Mirror" in Japan instead of Kid Icarus.


What about Medusa? Isn't she kinda the Bowser/Ganondorf of the Kid Icarus universe? I'd rather see Palutena (actually I'd rather see both) but Medusa would fill the role of a female and a villain.

Play Kid Icarus Uprising... That's all I'll say.

As for Palutena I'm totally on board with that. They should switch out Pit's Final Smash for something from Uprising while they're at it.


Oh god guys,just think about the trophies,every nintendo character ever,sculpted with z-brush with hundreds of billion of polygons.

Or they could just take models from other games like last time. :p

But I hope it's more like Melee where there were a lot of trophies specially made for the game. I.E., Mach Rider and Pit. It could even ignite more interest in older characters if they update their look like that.

But at that point they should go ahead and make them assists.


It might just be time to move on from the GCN controller.

Also just finished chapter 9 of KIU. I stand corrected. Cool, bring on Palutena I say. Give her Pits old final smash and give Pit the three sacred treasures. :)


PokéKong;36381349 said:
It somehow doesn't feel like a legitimate reason to get Roy back just because he was a favorite in the past. I mean... people know about him because of Melee. He's famous because of SSB, and people want him back because of SSB, it just doesn't feel like his actual worth as a character in his own series has ever played a big factor in his demand.

In Japan, Roy is the most popular character from the GBA Fire Emblem trilogy. For many people, Roy helped introduced the Fire Emblem series. He was also planned for Brawl. Smash Bros. already has plenty of characters that are no longer "relevent" to their series (Sheik, Ike, Lucario, Jigglypuff, Ness). Heck, FE9 and FE10 (the FE games Ike was in) were the two of the three worst selling games in the series in Japan (FE9, FE5, and FE10 were the only games in the FE series to sell under 200K), but yet, is one of the most well-received characters in Brawl. What matters is the characters in Smash Bros. were received well, and Roy was one of the most well-received newcomers in Melee. The only characters yet in Smash Bros. that seemed to most people to be questionable were Dr. Mario (who should be brought back as costume), Pichu, and Young Link (ie. basically alternate version of already existing characters).
I genuinely want Groose in as a character, not even as a joke, he'd be a really fun addition. He'd be slow and his 'A' attacks could primarily be hard-hitting melee attacks, while his special attacks can involve him throwing bombs. For his Final Smash he'd hop in the Groosenator and it'd essentially work like a slower version of Snake's Final Smash.

I'm not expecting Groose to be in it, but if he is I'll be a happy guy.

Another idea I know won't happen, but I'd love to see Young Link return, except instead of being a carbon copy of Link he'd essentially be like the Pokemon Trainer in that he switches into 3 other forms when you pres down-B. In Young Link form he'd just be a faster, weaker version of Link. That's it, really. In Deku form, he'd have ranged abilities ala the bubble-shooter, quick melee attacks, etc. As a Goron he'd be slower, but more powerful. He could roll up into a ball and harm players ala Sonic, but stronger. As a Zora he'd be medium speed and more aerodynamic, with ranged abilities via his fins. Final Smash would have Link wear the Fierce Deity's Mask and do a one-hit kill to whoever he's facing by slashing at them with the double-helix sword.

ALTERNATE IDEA. Final Smash works like Samus', in that he wears the Fierce Deity Mask and becomes an entirely different character. He'd be slower than both Link and Young Link, but be about as powerful as Ganondorf. 'A' attacks would involve slashes with the double-helix blade, and 'B' abilities would involve the magical properties of it ala shooting sword beams.
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