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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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The squirrel from 'Follow my Family Finance Diary' and the Corn cob from 'Bonsai Barber' for SSB4.

lol yeah, some are pretty garbage and weird. Mike Jones does sound like a cool character now that I read what the games are about. lol. I doubt he'll get in but still.

This argument in particular is pretty arbitrary. Why not? Because you think they won't? Veterans have gotten moveset/mechanics changes before. I'm not saying it'll definitely happen in Zelda's case since it'd be a pretty big change, but ruling it out "just because" weakens the rest of your argument.

Also, using Impa's "one-off" status against her (which is already an exaggeration) while supporting both Ghirahim as a new addition and Shiek staying as a character, when they're both explicitly one-offs as opposed to Impa's recurring role (fluctuating importance or not) makes your stance hard to take seriously. Well okay, a lot of your comments do that. Some of your justifications are fair enough, the rest are either grasping at straws or hypocritical considering your other roster choices. It feels like really all you need to say is "I don't want Impa in because I don't like her." Then this conversation could have ended a page ago.

Actually it doesn't, seeing as Sakurai didn't even fix up Ganondorf. Also, he couldn't even get a Diddy/Dixie tag team to work (where a tag team function has actually happened in their game) Of course , anything is possible, but it's not a good idea, and probably isn't going to happen.

An exaggeration of course, but if it wasn't for SS, no one would think to want Impa playable at all. I don't really have a problem with Impa getting in as her own character, just replacing a veteran. Sheik appearing in Brawl already proved relevance isn't an issue, so to think otherwise is a bit silly. Again, No one cared for Impa before SS. However, she's still a secondary character, and Ghirahim is the main villain. (Don't care about characters being one off)


We're never going to see Ghirahim again in the Zelda series. As far as a game like Smash Bros. is concerned, his position in Zelda's canon means absolutely nothing. He's no different than Midna, Zant, Wolf Link, or any of the other topical one-offs that people wanted to see in Brawl in 2006-2007. Aren't we supposed to learn from history?

Realistically, Tingle and Toon Zelda are the only additional characters with even the slightest possibility of being included.
Realistically, Tingle and Toon Zelda are the only additional characters with even the slightest possibility of being included.

If they go with Toon Zelda, I hope they don't use the Toon Shiek idea from the original leak of unused characters. Toon Zelda should transform into Tetra or the guardian from Spirit Tracks, if anything.

I'd also say that Classis (Pig Form) Ganon has just as much of a chance as Toon Zelda, and may be our only hope for a Ganon with unique and character appropriate moves.


It all depends on if they truly intend to keep the WW legacy going with future handheld Zeldas. If not, do not count on any more toon characters, or maybe even Toon Link returning at all, in favor of a semi-toon semi-regular SS Link. But if so, even then it's highly unlikely, though it would just be Tetra long before a Toon Zelda.


FLUDD was added to Brawl, changing the moveset of one important vet character, Pokemon trainer (as Red) representing Pokemon Red/Blue was added to Brawl too, Landmaster for everyone (lol), and Snake being in the game demonstrate that Smash is unpredictable that's all you can expect when talking about it.

and please Sakurai keep pretty Zelda ( if you can make her look prettier, closer to her TP model, please do it) also the awesome SSE cinematics <3 even if there is SSE no more :(

Add more particle effects, Fear Factory stage from DKC should be in too, keep Credits (remix) or remix it again and.....

Lyn as playable character!!!! Haters gonna hate, non believers won't believe, but I'll keep on wanting Lyn.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Speaking of Donkey Kong, I'd love for their to be a level based off the sunset level in Donkey Kong Country Returns, with the sun hiding behind the scenery at certain points turning everyone into silhouettes. That'd probably be a bit difficult to do, though, and won't look as pretty as in DKC Returns I'm guessing, but it'd be better than another jungle level.
Ike isn't a Roy replacement. Roy was planned, but he didn't make the final cut due to time constraints. There was a point where they both coexisted in the game.

Erm, Roy is definitely a Melee Marth clone. Ike is not a replacement, much like Lucario isn't a Mewtwo replacement...


God damn "smash terms". I feel like we're a stone's throw from "what's your definition of a "clone"?!?!?"

No, I wasn't saying that Sakurai decided to simply not do XYZ character in favor of ABC character taking their spot from the start. But clearly Ike and Lucario out prioritized Roy and Mewtwo which is what I was referring to. So in other words I could see having Demise with a unique move-set being something that's giving more priority than Ganon Falcon, much like with Roy and Ike. So if shit hits the fan in dev-crunch time then "Oh well, at least we got Demise in".

And again, do I think that's actually gonna happen? Nope, I think Ganon Falcon will return to be a SSB4 clone and Demise will at best be a AT.

Yes, Ghirahim is the main villain of the first Zelda game in the timeline, with a moveset practically drawn out already.
I love Ghirahim and would love for him to be in smash which is why I hoped he would actually be the end-all-villain for SS before playing it. But no ... he's the game's Zant. A one-off bad guy that gets one-upped by the true big bad in the final hour. And even worse they made Demise the incarnation of hatred that's reincarnated into villains like Ganon most notably ... effectively making him Ganon's origin AND the character to start this cursed cycle of reincarnation.

And on top of that ... if you want to look at the LoZ history/ timeline then that can't do anything but help arguments for Impa seeing the amount of importance she had in SS and other games in the series.

Tingle has his own series. Relevance isn't an issue. She couldn't logically replace Sheik because Impa isn't Zelda.
Relevance is a big fat issue from the looks of it. I can't think of one Brawl new-comer that wasn't in some way relevant to their series by the time brawl came out .. and not only was Tingle not a main character/ side character, he was a sells-man with not plot importance that suddenly stopped showing up in the series such and such games ago.

Sheik's not even a character, it's one Zelda's alter-ego. Replacing that with Impa makes prefect sense to me given her role in the games and the fact that though Zelda has only cross-dressed as Sheik once, Impa has played the role of her guardian throughout the series. I don't have the slightest clue as to why people object to this ... really, it's just turning "Sheik" into an actual character from the LoZ series which may actually give her some interesting new moves. It's like people are saying "No! Zelda must always be OoT Zelda ...". But hell, things can stay that way and they could just make Impa a Falco/ Wolf to Zelda's Sheik, I don't really care ... but having take that spot would make more sense to me.

An exaggeration of course, but if it wasn't for SS, no one would think to want Impa playable at all.
People have been talking about her being in smash since melee because of her role in OoT.
And on top of that ... if you want to look at the LoZ history/ timeline then that can't do anything but help arguments for Impa seeing the amount of importance she had in SS and other games in the series.
No, just no. SS is her big role, as the timeline passes she's less and less important. Reoccurring doesn't mean a good character.

Relevance is a big fat issue from the looks of it. I can't think of one Brawl new-comer that wasn't in some way relevant to their series by the time brawl came out .. and not only was Tingle not a main character/ side character, he was a sells-man with not plot importance that suddenly stopped showing up in the series such and such games ago.
ROB. To name other characters that aren't relevant: IC's, Game & Watch, Jigglypuff, Ness, & Sheik. inb4retrovip. You needed Tingle in WW to decipher the charts to complete the game, as well as a playable character *sort of*. He has three games of his own too. He has a cameo in SS, so he clearly isn't a dead character.

Sheik's not even a character, it's one Zelda's alter-ego. Replacing that with Impa makes prefect sense to me given her role in the games and the fact that though Zelda has only cross-dressed as Sheik once, Impa has played the role of her guardian throughout the series. I don't have the slightest clue as to why people object to this ... really, it's just turning "Sheik" into an actual character from the LoZ series which may actually give her some interesting new moves. It's like people are saying "No! Zelda must always be OoT Zelda ...". But hell, things can stay that way and they could just make Impa a Falco/ Wolf to Zelda's Sheik, I don't really care ... but having take that spot would make more sense to me.
Sheik is still Zelda, regardless of only appearing in one game. Unless you can explain to me how Zelda can transform into Impa, I fail to see how it makes sense. I've yet to see any good reason why Sheik should be replaced, since she's been in two Smash games now. Impa's best shot is probably an AT.

People have been talking about her being in smash since melee because of her role in OoT.
Sheik is still Zelda, regardless of only appearing in one game. Unless you can explain to me how Zelda can transform into Impa, I fail to see how it makes sense. I've yet to see any good reason why Sheik should be replaced, since she's been in two Smash games now. Impa's best shot is probably an AT.

I think many of us would like to see Shiek/Impa and Zelda seperated, but they could still work very well as a swap character. In every incarnation, Impa is either Zelda's nurse or bodyguard, so the swap mechanic works similar to Pokemon trainer's pokemon swapping. Charizard doesn't turn into Squirtle, but they tag out because they're traveling together.

Big One

No, just no. SS is her big role, as the timeline passes she's less and less important. Reoccurring doesn't mean a good character.
This doesn't stop her from being a more important character than Sheik, Tingle, Ghirahim, Demise, and Vaati in the series. She's the only character alongside Link, Zelda, and Ganon to have been in the series since the very first game. There's no doubt in my mind that she would be a proper representation as a new Zelda character if we get SS versions of Link and Zelda in the game (the later doesn't have much fighting ability so it wouldn't make sense for her to turn into Sheik). Though there's also the dilemma of Ganondorf and how they would have to redesign him to fit SS style.


Straight up replacing Sheik with Impa as is is a crazy dumb idea. Chopping out Sheik and making Impa her own character using Sheik as a template is a decent idea.

No, just no. SS is her big role, as the timeline passes she's less and less important. Reoccurring doesn't mean a good character.

Let's be careful not to be stuck in the mindset of chronology within the world of Zelda.

Impa did not decline in importance as time went on, these games exist in real life time and she has an increased importance NOW, plus the coolness factor which I'm sure will carry on in future games.
(And I don't know about you but I thought most people liked her OoT self a lot.)

Demise is not suddenly a bigger more important villain than Ganondorf because he came "first", he was in fact just invented and introduced. Likewise for Ghirahim.

It is not like Star Wars where SS was a prequel which was planned out long before the first game was ever made. No aspect of SS was conceived or taken into account before production on SS began, in fact its role as a prequel probably wasn't decided until some time into its production.

Speaking of Donkey Kong, I'd love for their to be a level based off the sunset level in Donkey Kong Country Returns, with the sun hiding behind the scenery at certain points turning everyone into silhouettes. That'd probably be a bit difficult to do, though, and won't look as pretty as in DKC Returns I'm guessing, but it'd be better than another jungle level.

Yup, this thread has definitely gone into syndication and we're airing repeats now.


We're still on this?

lulz. I wasn't around Melee talk before its release so idk, BUT I thought Impa would have been a great character in Brawl although I know her chances were very very bad. She would be a clone of Shiek, but slower and stronger with a few changes including her using a kunai or some type of weapon that she had in OoT. But with this younger Impa she would play similar to Shiek, in theory, but wield more magical arts which is fine and would make her play differently.

There are many routes they could take with how they will rep the always changing Legend of Zelda series and we have collectively created multiple ideas.

I'm one of those who believes Impa is very important to the series and it is no secret that her race, the Sheikah, are deeply connected to Hyrule and serve as the trusted protectors of the royal family. Impa's destiny is just as intertwined to the triforce as Zelda's, Link's, and Ganon in the games she has appeared in so seeing her in this game would make sense to say the least.
No, just no. SS is her big role, as the timeline passes she's less and less important. Reoccurring doesn't mean a good character.
... What?
Are you trying to look at the timeline as reason for her not being important? PokéKong hit the nail on the head.

ROB. To name other characters that aren't relevant: IC's, Game & Watch, Jigglypuff, Ness, & Sheik. inb4retrovip.
No, I said relevant to THEIR SERIES. Pitt, MK, Ike, Diddy and so on were ALL relevant to their series at the time they were included into brawl. On the other hand Tingle aint been around lately unless you're gonna cling the Link having a Tingle Doll in SS. "But he would rep his own series!" Ok ... then why are you talking as if he would be a LoZ rep in this case? Wario isn't a Mario rep.

And on top of that I said NEW comers to brawl, not vets. Do you think some random important FE character from a few games back that never showed up in the series again would have gotten in over Ike? How about ... instead of Diddy we got some character from DK Racing?

And speaking of Ness ... Sakurai openly said that he was going to replace him with Lucas in Melee but at some point decided against it ... just saying.

Don't know what's so funny ... I never played OoT back then so I was always wondering wtf Impa was and why people were saying she should be in. That's how I actually learnt of her.

Who am I talking to? Diddy Kong ...
What am I talking about? People talking about Impa back in the Melee days.

Want to start a Gif-off? Ok, I'm gamed.


The presence of vehicles in KIU has me thinking: what if SSB4 had vehicles as an item subcategory? A vehicle spawns on the field & the 1st player to get in it gets to tear shit up until its destroyed. This could add a new layer to the gameplay much like final smashes did.

1. Go Kart (Mario Kart series)

Drops banana peels on the ground. Despawns when it runs out.

2. Arwing (Star fox series)

Hovers above the field & shoots lasers. Kind of an airborne landmaster.

3. Beetle (Kid Icarus Uprising)

A ground vehicle used for melee combat.

4. Blue Falcon (F-Zero series)

Can run over players but has a risk of running over the edge. Oh & Cap gets a super-duber falcon punch for a new FS.

5. Artillery (Advance Wars series)

Lobs bombs from a distance.

6. UFO (Earthbound)

Uses a tractor beam to lift opposing players & carry them around.

7. Ballista (Fire Emblem series)

A giant bow like weapon that specializes to attacking aerial targets.

8. ZERO-ONE (Poke'mon Snap)

Possessing no forms of attack & moves on it own, its main feature is being a protective shell, giving the rider a breather until it despawns after a period of time.

9. Hunter class (Metroid series)

Remaining immobile, a player enters it to have his health slowly restored to 0%. Other players can attempt to destroy it while healing or wait to board it themselves.

10. Loftwing (Legend of Zelda the Skyward Sword)

Filling the role of an aerial melee vehicle.

11. Kaboola (Kirby Dream Land)

With its cannon pointed downward, it serves as a bomber.

12. Ride Armor (Mega Man X)

Assuming of course Mega Man makes it in the game the ride armor is a slow moving but highly durable melee machine

13. Egg Mobile (Sonic the Hedgehog series)

The "clefairy" of the vehicles. When it shows up it assumes a random weapon configuration that each functions differently. In true Sakurai fashion this includes a "dud" form that's near useless to the rider.
PokéKong;35836277 said:
Straight up replacing Sheik with Impa as is is a crazy dumb idea. Chopping out Sheik and making Impa her own character using Sheik as a template is a decent idea.

Let's be careful not to be stuck in the mindset of chronology within the world of Zelda.

Impa did not decline in importance as time went on, these games exist in real life time and she has an increased importance NOW, plus the coolness factor which I'm sure will carry on in future games.
(And I don't know about you but I thought most people liked her OoT self a lot.)

Demise is not suddenly a bigger more important villain than Ganondorf because he came "first", he was in fact just invented and introduced. Likewise for Ghirahim.

Nope, Demise set the stage for Ganondorf in all future titles. Impa is always older in all of the titles after SS, and the pattern will most likely continue. What happens when she's an old lady again? Of course Demise isn't more important per say, but he's more important than say Skull Kid.

No, I said relevant to THEIR SERIES. Pitt, MK, Ike, Diddy and so on were ALL relevant to their series at the time they were included into brawl. On the other hand Tingle aint been around lately unless you're gonna cling the Link having a Tingle Doll in SS. "But he would rep his own series!" Ok ... then why are you talking as if he would be a LoZ rep in this case? Wario isn't a Mario rep.
Oh, I didn't realize Pit had a game in 2008.. Meta Knight and DeDeDe were highly requested, and Sakurai's characters, so they were added. Sakurai asked for a FE rep, and Ike was chosen. Diddy Kong was long overdue, as he is important character regardless of relevance. Unless you're saying we won't see K.Rool because Tiki Tong is the most recent enemy. The doll means nothing, but you stated Tingle was dead, and he's clearly not. He didn't exist in the timeline back then, neither did Sheik. It wouldn't have made sense for those characters to appear.

And on top of that I said NEW comers to brawl, not vets. Do you think some random important FE character from a few games back that never showed up in the series again would have gotten in over Ike? How about ... instead of Diddy we got some character from DK Racing?

And speaking of Ness ... Sakurai openly said that he was going to replace him with Lucas in Melee but at some point decided against it ... just saying.
ROB is a newcomer. Ike has second party influence, so it's a different scenario (likewise with Pokemon). We wouldn't have gotten any DK rep before Diddy Kong, because he's the second most important character to the series, and had a few games of his own.

And your key words their are "decided against it".
Impa is always older in all of the titles after SS, and the pattern will most likely continue. What happens when she's an old lady again?

Impa is only elderly in Zelda 1 and 2, and one of her worms in SS. (Impaz in Twilight Princess is a different character, named after Impa)

In OoT, she is a Shiekah Warrior, still young enough to hold her own:


And in the Oracle Games, though a bit beefier, she still looks like someone who could hold her own in a fight- just perhaps not with the same Sheik moves.


The point being- no, she isn't always an old lady- and she's at much higher popularity when she's young.

Although, if alternates like Toon Link and Toon Zelda count, the most important Zelda character not represented in smash is:



The presence of vehicles in KIU has me thinking: what if SSB4 had vehicles as an item subcategory? A vehicle spawns on the field & the 1st player to get in it gets to tear shit up until its destroyed. This could add a new layer to the gameplay much like final smashes did.
This is a cool idea, and to add:


Although since these cars are actually "alive", they might work better as Assist Trophies.


Yep gotta admit that is an awesome idea. I'd love to see that, honestly. Wario can't have all the fun.


You know what? that could also open up the idea of a few mini games too.
Oh, I didn't realize Pit had a game in 2008.. Meta Knight and DeDeDe were highly requested, and Sakurai's characters, so they were added. Sakurai asked for a FE rep, and Ike was chosen. Diddy Kong was long overdue, as he is important character regardless of relevance. Unless you're saying we won't see K.Rool because Tiki Tong is the most recent enemy. The doll means nothing, but you stated Tingle was dead, and he's clearly not. He didn't exist in the timeline back then, neither did Sheik. It wouldn't have made sense for those characters to appear.
You're not understanding what I'm saying....

NO, their series doesn't have to be "relevant" or have new entrees to get them in ... I'm saying that they themselves were relevant to their series when they got in. As in, they weren't just characters that no longer showed up in the latest games in their series by the time brawl came out. That's the problem I'm seeing.

As for K. Rool I don't know and don't care. I don't think DK really NEEDS more than Diddy and DK so ehhh. I'm certainly not gonna "go with the crowd" and say I could actually care about him cause I don't.

ROB is a newcomer. Ike has second party influence, so it's a different scenario (likewise with Pokemon). We wouldn't have gotten any DK rep before Diddy Kong, because he's the second most important character to the series, and had a few games of his own.

And your key words their are "decided against it".
ROB has nothing to do with what I'm saying.
And that's exactly my point about Diddy.

Also keep in mind Sakurai actually decided to cut characters before and I see no reason for him to not do that again.
You're not understanding what I'm saying....

NO, their series doesn't have to be "relevant" or have new entrees to get them in ... I'm saying that they themselves were relevant to their series when they got in. As in, they weren't just characters that no longer showed up in the latest games in their series by the time brawl came out. That's the problem I'm seeing.
I'm not understanding this. Irrelevant series got their main character as the playable character, because they're the most important characters to that game/series.

Also keep in mind Sakurai actually decided to cut characters before and I see no reason for him to not do that again.
The only planned cuts were Pichu and Young Link (with Toon Link as his successor). Most people want Mewtwo and Roy back. I see no reason to cut characters when they're going to be wanted in the next game anyway.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Eh, I doubt it. It's gotta be either Mega Man or Ryu, maybe an RE character. I don't think Dead Rising has the history or advertising potential, and barely has history with Nintendo.

Yeah but this is Capcom being Capcpom.


That vehicle idea is really awesome. Now I'm sad that we won't see it in the game.

This is why speculation is lame. Ever so often you think of competent, amazing ideas but you have to come to terms with the fact that the chance of the developers thinking the same thing is slim to none.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
On a related note, do you want to be the next Pokemon character to be a trainer or an actual Pokemon?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
On a related note, do you want to be the next Pokemon character to be a trainer or an actual Pokemon?

Love to see them do Hilda with a team of Snivy, Pignite, and Samurott...maybe have her Pokemon run out of stamina faster, but be able to switch faster to make up for it.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I want Cynthia or N, and I'd want them to fight alongside their Pokemon.

Yeah, I could see them having N, like, summoning various Pokemon to use for his attacks. Maybe kill two birds with one stone and have him use his Zoroark who'd transform into other Pokemon for the attacks? A character who plays like the JoJo Bizarre Adventure Figher + Stand teams, I guess.


The problem with trainers is they have to make a bunch of different models with different animations, probably too much work. Plus none of them are as iconic as the one we already have anyway. They could easily switch out the trainer model though, maybe add a female version.


Here's hoping the recent Capcpom friendship and the Koei friendship lands us some nice new 3rd party dudes in this game.

As for first party dudes I want to see the bizarre left field character get named. First it was Captain Falcon, Then Game and Watch, Then ROB. Next I want it to be Captain N!
Bring it on.
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