The presence of vehicles in KIU has me thinking: what if SSB4 had vehicles as an item subcategory? A vehicle spawns on the field & the 1st player to get in it gets to tear shit up until its destroyed. This could add a new layer to the gameplay much like final smashes did.
1. Go Kart (Mario Kart series)
Drops banana peels on the ground. Despawns when it runs out.
2. Arwing (Star fox series)
Hovers above the field & shoots lasers. Kind of an airborne landmaster.
3. Beetle (Kid Icarus Uprising)
A ground vehicle used for melee combat.
4. Blue Falcon (F-Zero series)
Can run over players but has a risk of running over the edge. Oh & Cap gets a super-duber falcon punch for a new FS.
5. Artillery (Advance Wars series)
Lobs bombs from a distance.
6. UFO (Earthbound)
Uses a tractor beam to lift opposing players & carry them around.
7. Ballista (Fire Emblem series)
A giant bow like weapon that specializes to attacking aerial targets.
8. ZERO-ONE (Poke'mon Snap)
Possessing no forms of attack & moves on it own, its main feature is being a protective shell, giving the rider a breather until it despawns after a period of time.
9. Hunter class (Metroid series)
Remaining immobile, a player enters it to have his health slowly restored to 0%. Other players can attempt to destroy it while healing or wait to board it themselves.
10. Loftwing (Legend of Zelda the Skyward Sword)
Filling the role of an aerial melee vehicle.
11. Kaboola (Kirby Dream Land)
With its cannon pointed downward, it serves as a bomber.
12. Ride Armor (Mega Man X)
Assuming of course Mega Man makes it in the game the ride armor is a slow moving but highly durable melee machine
13. Egg Mobile (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
The "clefairy" of the vehicles. When it shows up it assumes a random weapon configuration that each functions differently. In true Sakurai fashion this includes a "dud" form that's near useless to the rider.