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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I want to see Palutena playable too, but I think the best thing they could do for Kid Icarus would be to put the Eggplant Wizard in the game somehow - either as an enemy or assist trophy. I was kind of surprised that it wasn't in Brawl.
An Eggplant Wizard would make the perfect Assist Trophy. I'd think it would work kind of like the Hammer Brother Assist Trophy in the sense that it would look like its modern design but its attack pattern based on its original.


Eggplant Wizard should be an assist just for the hilarity of seeing other characters besides Pit turned into eggplants.

Imagine an eggplant with Bowser's legs.
The ones that Cednym mentioned are the only ones that we know were going to get in. I don't think Sakurai or anyone from Nintendo said that Meowth, Sigurd, Peach, or Lucas were planned for the first Smash Bros., but Lucas was going to replace Ness in Melee early on.

I remember seeing a journal entry on the Japanese official site (back when it looked terribad, post Smash 64-era) where something was mentioned about Sigurd and Lucas. As for the Melee stuff... it looks like pure speculation.
I agree, and I'd be pretty surprised if Palutena isn't in actually. People want a magic user and more female characters is a plus. Hopefully if she is in they give her plenty of alt colors based on the other notable characters.

I could see an Uprising antagonist as a story mode boss as well.
Yeah, and she has a huge magic arsenal that's pretty neat.

I haven't played Uprising (no 3DS), so forgive me for asking such a stupid question, but does Palutena appear in the game during any of the combat sequences, or is she strictly a communications character? I definitely think she's going to be in the game, but it'd be nice if there's stuff in Uprising to pull from directly for her attacks.
Yup, she has a pretty big attack repertoire. I recommend checking out a Youtube video of her fights. She also comes with a built-in Final Smash from the third level.

I want to see Palutena playable too, but I think the best thing they could do for Kid Icarus would be to put the Eggplant Wizard in the game somehow - either as an enemy or assist trophy. I was kind of surprised that it wasn't in Brawl.
I think that'd be a great idea too...but it better not interfere with Palutena! Though I really just want Samus to not suck. I was always a Samus player in 64 and Melee, and in Brawl she was just too terrible for how I like to play her. Bombs need to explode ON CONTACT.

if palutena is in smash 4 i hope they don't go overboard with the lame jokes.
I was going to type a serious response to you until I remembered your comments on the KI thread, and how you have terrible taste in this regard.
Monolith is straight up Nintendo first-party now, right? So Xenoblade is a Nintendo property that could see Smash representation?

I'd love to see Shulk as a new addition.


Xenoblade's 100% Nintendo, but it's not nearly big or important enough to warrant a playable character. He's perfect Assist Trophy material.



No way Sakurai is going to pass up the opportunity to pump this game full of Kid Icarus characters. Palutena will be there for sure, and maybe one more KI character.
Magnus from kid icarus uprising is such a shoe in for the next smash, even more then Palutena

You mean the guy who makes a total of three appearances the entire game (one of which is extremely minor), has next to no storyline importance, and has an arsenal of seen moves that consist of "hit shit with sword in exactly two different fashions?" He's extremely low on the rung compared to the other Kid Icarus characters, not even including Palutena.

(I'd almost say he's even less likely than Viridi, who isn't ever actually seen doing anything in Uprising)

I'd say he's not even interesting enough to be an Assist Trophy--there are more than enough of them that do nothing but chase and attack and I couldn't see a Magnus assist doing much more than that.

No way Sakurai is going to pass up the opportunity to pump this game full of Kid Icarus characters. Palutena will be there for sure, and maybe one more KI character.
While I don't doubt that there will be at least one more playable Kid Icarus character, saying he will pump the game full of Kid Icarus characters lacks some evidence that he's wont to do so with characters of his own--remember that Kirby (the series of his own creation) went three games before getting more than one character, despite the facts that a second was planned for the first game and that it's certainly a popular enough series that it should have gotten a second in Melee. The only place Smash seems to favor anything of Sakurai's is plot significance in the Subspace Emissary, which wasn't even written by Sakurai.

Near as I can tell, Sakurai's supposed bias towards representing things from his own series when it comes to Smash is greatly exaggerated if not practically nonexistant.


Magnus from kid icarus uprising is such a shoe in for the next smash, even more then Palutena

Palutena's the most important character in the franchise after Pit, and she's had major roles in all three games. Not to mention, the series is named after her in Japan (Palutena's Mirror). She's essentially the Princess Zelda of the Kid Icarus series.

Magnus... appears in one game, and he's kind of insignificant.


is definitely my choice for a third KI rep as well.
There was some Medusa talk but I think she's been overshadowed big time. Unless they go the clone route with Medusa.

Other than that I can't think of any worthy ones besides assist material.


If I was a betting man, I'd say that Pit and Palutena would be the only playable characters from Kid Icarus and that Eggplant Wizard would be an Assist Trophy. If bosses return in some fashion, Medusa would probably be one of those. The other main characters would be relegated to regular trophies/stickers.


If I was a betting man, I'd say that Pit and Palutena would be the only playable characters from Kid Icarus and that Eggplant Wizard would be an Assist Trophy. If bosses return in some fashion, Medusa would probably be one of those. The other main characters would be relegated to regular trophies/stickers.
This is pretty much exactly what I would expect, too. Though I'm not so sure about Eggplant Wizard becoming an Assist Trophy. They'd have to make alternate eggplant models for every character if that were the case, and I'm not so sure that they'd be willing to do all that for one Assist Trophy. I'd love to see it happen, though.
This is pretty much exactly what I would expect, too. Though I'm not so sure about Eggplant Wizard becoming an Assist Trophy. They'd have to make alternate eggplant models for every character if that were the case, and I'm not so sure that they'd be willing to do all that for one Assist Trophy. I'd love to see it happen, though.
I don't see that as being too difficult. Make one generic Eggplant model and clip everyone's legs onto it.

I still want to see the argument for Magnus over Palutena.

I'm skeptical about Hades, but I'd love for him to be in.
Xenoblade's 100% Nintendo, but it's not nearly big or important enough to warrant a playable character. He's perfect Assist Trophy material.

Hasn't the game done quite well for itself in Japan? I imagine that region's sales are the main barometer as far as how successful it would need to be to be in Smash. We've had plenty of Japan-only characters which Xenoblade already has a leg up on.


If I was a betting man, I'd say that Pit and Palutena would be the only playable characters from Kid Icarus and that Eggplant Wizard would be an Assist Trophy. If bosses return in some fashion, Medusa would probably be one of those. The other main characters would be relegated to regular trophies/stickers.

That's what I'm expecting as well. I'll throw out that I think the Space Pirate Ship will be the new KI stage, and it will fly through various scenes of the armies attacking each other. But there are so many setpieces in Uprising that it could be any number of things.
That's what I'm expecting as well. I'll throw out that I think the Space Pirate Ship will be the new KI stage, and it will fly through various scenes of the armies attacking each other. But there are so many setpieces in Uprising that it could be any number of things.
That would be neat, but we already have several "space" levels. I would like the Underworld to be incorporated, with reapers walking around in the background.
Hasn't the game done quite well for itself in Japan? I imagine that region's sales are the main barometer as far as how successful it would need to be to be in Smash. We've had plenty of Japan-only characters which Xenoblade already has a leg up on.

It seems like, for the most part, characters who aren't from series directly made by Nintendo (aside from third-parties) aren't really getting in. There are very few characters in the game who aren't from primarily first-party series, and Sakurai said recently that even Pokemon is like a weird exception because it's not 100% Nintendo. I think it's kind of unlikely that games like Golden Sun and Xenoblade will get characters in the game, even though they've sold really well.

I don't really care much for Golden Sun, so don't take this as me trying to argue for the series, but I think it's kind of odd that Sakurai said something like "jeez, there aren't very many post-Pikmin Nintendo games I could pull stuff from" on the Dojo when Golden Sun sold millions of copies. That's probably a sign of something.

Never stopped the Star Fox characters.

Magnus literally has nothing separating him from Ike as he is in SSBB, though. I think Sakurai really wanted to represent Star Fox with several characters, but because no one really has unique fighting styles within that series, they all ended up kind of similar in Brawl. If Nintendo wants to put multiple Kid Icarus characters in SSB4, they don't have to resort to using Magnus.


It seems like, for the most part, characters who aren't from series directly made by Nintendo (aside from third-parties) aren't really getting in. There are very few characters in the game who aren't from primarily first-party series, and Sakurai said recently that even Pokemon is like a weird exception because it's not 100% Nintendo. I think it's kind of unlikely that games like Golden Sun and Xenoblade will get characters in the game, even though they've sold really well.

I don't really care much for Golden Sun, so don't take this as me trying to argue for the series, but I think it's kind of odd that Sakurai said something like "jeez, there aren't very many post-Pikmin Nintendo games I could pull stuff from" on the Dojo when Golden Sun sold millions of copies. That's probably a sign of something.

Wow, somebody else gets it. I've been saying this for years, but nobody seems to agree with me.


As in "Heathcliff"
Wow, somebody else gets it. I've been saying this for years, but nobody seems to agree with me.

I haven't seen your discussion about it but I already noticed it and it's sad thing that it had to be that way. IT was noticeable ever since Super Smash Bros. Melee

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Magnus literally has nothing separating him from Ike as he is in SSBB, though. I think Sakurai really wanted to represent Star Fox with several characters, but because no one really has unique fighting styles within that series, they all ended up kind of similar in Brawl. If Nintendo wants to put multiple Kid Icarus characters in SSB4, they don't have to resort to using Magnus.

I disagree. He managed to make Wolf stand out from Fox and Falco.


I don't think we should be counting out the possibility of having Shulk in as a Xenoblade rep, especially since Monolith is reportedly working on titles for 3DS and WiiU currently, which are fairly likely to be sequels/whatever of Xenoblade. (I haven't finished the game, so I'm not sure if a sequel would fit into the story)


I think if they didn't cheapen out with the final smashes it would be better. Three landmasters was lame. Falco needs an Arwing or something in the next one at least.
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