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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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The only other legendary Pokemon from Black/White that I think has a shot for Smash 4 is Genesect. Its the only legendary from that game not revealed yet, and its origin story makes it seem like a modern Mewtwo (basically, a Pokemon made by scientists create the world's strongest Pokemon).

I looked at the Genesect event for Black/White, and I think there is a good chance that there will be more to this Pokemon's story in Black/White 2.

I'm wary of Genesect due to how closely his situation mirrors Deoxys'. They're both legendary, multi-form, "scientific" Pokémon. I remember quite clearly that a lot of people included Deoxys in their Brawl prediction lists because they perceived him to be the Mewtwo of the third generation. I get a similar vibe from Genesect.


My prediction is not that BOTH Lucario and Zoroark won't be in Smash 4, but that its either going to be one or the other. This means that if Lucario is in, Zoroark will be out, and if Zoroark is in, Lucario will be out. I am very confident about this.
Oh, okay, I read it as neither will be in, sorry.


I'm wary of Genesect due to how closely his situation mirrors Deoxys'. They're both legendary, multi-form, "scientific" Pokémon. I remember quite clearly that a lot of people included Deoxys in their Brawl prediction lists because they perceived him to be the Mewtwo of the third generation. I get a similar vibe from Genesect.

I thought about that too. I do think Genesect is going to be massively popular once his movie is released (probably 2013).

I am leaning towards Victini or Genesect right now (more so toward Victini).

I will repeat again that I think Black/White 2 will offer clarity in regards to the most likely Black/White Pokemon newcomer.


Not entirely. I don't want a deluge, but Sonic and Snake can't be the only ones again... and I don't think they should be the only representatives of their franchises here.

Something like:

-Mega Man/Zero

would be good enough for me.

Third-party villains appear as bosses in Adventure Mode.

Wily and Robotnik team up for a ridiculously awesome robot battle.

I have said this before, and it is worth saying again because it is the best idea.
Third-party villains appear as bosses in Adventure Mode.

Wily and Robotnik team up for a ridiculously awesome robot battle.

I have said this before, and it is worth saying again because it is the best idea.

Yeah, it's cool. I want a good Adventure mode with a big dumb story.


Third-party villains appear as bosses in Adventure Mode.

Wily and Robotnik team up for a ridiculously awesome robot battle.

I have said this before, and it is worth saying again because it is the best idea.

I actually came up with this idea for the Smash 4 Adventure Mode I designed a few years ago.
It seems like, for the most part, characters who aren't from series directly made by Nintendo (aside from third-parties) aren't really getting in. There are very few characters in the game who aren't from primarily first-party series, and Sakurai said recently that even Pokemon is like a weird exception because it's not 100% Nintendo. I think it's kind of unlikely that games like Golden Sun and Xenoblade will get characters in the game, even though they've sold really well.

I don't really care much for Golden Sun, so don't take this as me trying to argue for the series, but I think it's kind of odd that Sakurai said something like "jeez, there aren't very many post-Pikmin Nintendo games I could pull stuff from" on the Dojo when Golden Sun sold millions of copies. That's probably a sign of something.

Sorry for replying to a post 3 pages back, but I haven't been able to check back into this thread until now.

The difference between Pokemon and Golden Sun and Xenoblade is that Gamefreak and Camelot are not studios owned by Nintendo.

Monolithsoft is owned by Nintendo now, they are as first-party as Intelligent System, Project Sora, and Retro Studios from what I understand. Making the situation more similar to Fire Emblem than to Golden Sun.


Sorry for replying to a post 3 pages back, but I haven't been able to check back into this thread until now.

The difference between Pokemon and Golden Sun and Xenoblade is that Gamefreak and Camelot are not studios owned by Nintendo.

Monolithsoft is owned by Nintendo now, they are as first-party as Intelligent System. Making the situation more similar to Fire Emblem than to Golden Sun.

The problem with Xenoblade is that its just a stand alone game. I think the only series to ever get in Smash Bros. with just a stand alone game was Ice Climber (of which Sakurai was going more for something to represent all of the one-shot early NES games in general). Every other series had at least two games by the time they were included in Smash Bros. There is also the fact that while Xenoblade did well for an original RPG game (around 175K in Japan), it did not do well enough for simply a stand alone game (especially when you take into account the first two Golden Sun games and most of the Starfy games sold better than that in just Japan alone).

I am going to repeat my predictions for new series in Smash 4:

1. Punch-Out (Little Mac)
2. Wii (Mii, this one is the most iffy though)
3. Miyamoto's/EAD's new IP
4. New retro character
5. Mega Man
The problem with Xenoblade is that its just a stand alone game. I think the only series to ever get in Smash Bros. with just a stand alone game was Ice Climber (of which Sakurai was going more for something to represent all of the one-shot early NES games in general). Every other series had at least two games by the time they were included in Smash Bros. There is also the fact that while Xenoblade did well for an original RPG game (around 175K in Japan), it did not do well enough for simply a stand alone game (especially when you take into account the first two Golden Sun games and most of the Starfy games sold better than that in just Japan alone).

I am going to repeat my predictions for new series in Smash 4:

1. Punch-Out (Little Mac)
2. Wii (Mii, this one is the most iffy though)
3. Miyamoto's/EAD's new IP
4. New retro character
5. Mega Man
Even suggesting that Palutena might be absent makes my blood temperature rise.


Even suggesting that Palutena might be absent makes my blood temperature rise.

I am talking about "new series" as in series that lack a playable character in Smash Bros. as of Brawl. Since Palutena is from the Kid Icarus series, she does not count as a new series newcomer. Also, I am expecting Palutena as a newcomer for Smash 4 and I would be shocked if she is not playable.
Anything official said about Ridley?

Only newcomer I really care about.

If you mean recently, no. But a little after Brawl came out, Nintendo Power asked Sakurai about Ridley and he said something like "uh, that kind of would have been impossible, maybe if we tried really hard we could have put him in the game but he might be kind of slow".

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Also why would Lucario be out? Please don't bring that Mewtwo-was-removed theory again!

I'd argue that he's about on par with Victini and Lucario in terms of popularity, but of course there's no way to prove that. He's certainly a very popular choice for teams in-game, at least.

I'm not talking about game teams. Popularity extends to merchandising and fan recollection. Hell, Cottony is much more beloved than Zoroark iirc.


Anything official said about Ridley?

Only newcomer I really care about.

Ridley has been my most wanted character for Smash Bros. since 2001 (when Smash Bros. Melee was announced). Ridley is my favorite villain in video games, and the Metroid series is one of my favorite video game franchises. There is no other character I want more than Ridley for Smash 4.

Some other characters I want for Smash Bros. (Mewtwo, Roy, Dixie Kong) were planned for Brawl, so you can imagine how disappointed I was when they were so close yet so far away.

Overall these are the character I am personally hoping for in Smash Bros. 4:

- Ridley
- Mega Man
- Mewtwo
- Roy
- Dixie Kong
- Little Mac
- Toad
- K. Rool


As in "Heathcliff"
Wait, IH's working on a prediction thread and not an official "GAF votes"/forwarded to Sakurai kinda deal.
Beyond that, I'm neither for or against more as long as they're not shoehorned in.

Yes, I'm. Whoever got the prediction correct or very close enough would receive a prize. I already came up with tie breaker just in case.
I am talking about "new series" as in series that lack a playable character in Smash Bros. as of Brawl. Since Palutena is from the Kid Icarus series, she does not count as a new series newcomer. Also, I am expecting Palutena as a newcomer for Smash 4 and I would be shocked if she is not playable.
Ah yes, and you were quite clear about it too. My mistake sir! Kid Icarus feels like a "new series" to me, so maybe that's why I got jumbled up.


my predictions

-Animal crossing represent
-Chibi robo
-Rhythm heaven representive
-5th gen pokemon trainer
-Golden sun character
-Samurai Gorah
-King K. Rool
Also why would Lucario be out? Please don't bring that Mewtwo-was-removed theory again!

The fourth Pokemon generation has already passed, and it doesn't seem like Nintendo is using Lucario as a major Pokemon mascot much anymore. I think that if he stays in, it'll only be if Sakurai decides he wants to cut as few characters as he possibly can (so he'd pretty much be in the next SSB for the same reason that Roy was going to be in Brawl).


The fourth Pokemon generation has already passed, and it doesn't seem like Nintendo is using Lucario as a major Pokemon mascot much anymore. I think that if he stays in, it'll only be if Sakurai decides he wants to cut as few characters as he possibly can (so he'd pretty much be in the next SSB for the same reason that Roy was going to be in Brawl).
There is absolutely no reason why Lucario would be cut before Jigglypuff. Generation IV may be old news now, but Generation I is even older, and already over represented in Smash. Jigglypuff was once popular, largely thanks to the anime, but her time has long passed. At least Lucario is still fairly popular, and he's not a Generation I Pokémon. It just doesn't make any sense to get rid of him.


Idk, at this point Jigglypuff is a "Smashbros character," so I don't think she's subject to the same popularity/timeliness debate as Pichu, Mewtwo, Lucario, or Zoroark.


Idk, at this point Jigglypuff is a "Smashbros character," so I don't think she's subject to the same popularity/timeliness debate as Pichu, Mewtwo, Lucario, or Zoroark.

Yeah. She's a staple of the series for me. I'd be sad if she was cut.

In fact all of the originals should be granted infinite immunity.
There is absolutely no reason why Lucario would be cut before Jigglypuff. Generation IV may be old news now, but Generation I is even older, and already over represented in Smash. Jigglypuff was once popular, largely thanks to the anime, but her time has long passed. At least Lucario is still fairly popular, and he's not a Generation I Pokémon. It just doesn't make any sense to get rid of him.

The first Pokemon generation is still the most recognizable (and popular?), so it's not over-represented. But Jigglypuff is probably still in the game just because she's the Smash Bros. joke character and not because of anything related to Pokemon, so I don't think she's held to the same standards as Lucario.


The first Pokemon generation is still the most recognizable (and popular?), so it's not over-represented. But Jigglypuff is probably still in the game just because she's the Smash Bros. joke character and not because of anything related to Pokemon, so I don't think she's held to the same standards as Lucario.
I think 5 out of 6 is definitely over represented, no matter how popular Generation I is, especially considering that there are five generations of Pokémon now. And it may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think a joke character should get in over a serious new character.


my predictions

-Animal crossing represent
-Chibi robo
-Rhythm heaven representive
-5th gen pokemon trainer
-Golden sun character
-Samurai Gorah
-King K. Rool

I'm ok with everything on this list.
I see plusle/minun as Ice Climbers with basically Pikachu's moves. Maybe with some comical Pichu stuff thrown in. Like maybe they hurt each other with their attacks and end up using each other as weapons.

I don't think they could just make them Pikachu fused with IC. If that were the case I would think they would have gotten in seeing as the source material would already be there.

Pichu worked that way because it actually does hurt it's self in the games "world". That's why it's the joke character.

plusle/minun, on the other hand, are the "helper/cheering pokemon". They were made to promote double battles in Pokemon so I'm guessing w/e Sakurai had in mind for them was unique and geared towards something other than "2 Pikachu acting like IC"
The thing is, most of the other cut characters were from Melee. We can't say for sure, but I think it's pretty likely that Plusle and Minun were going to be Pichu's replacement.

I think 5 out of 6 is definitely over represented, no matter how popular Generation I is, especially considering that there are five generations of Pokémon now. And it may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think a joke character should get in over a serious new character.

How many of those other generations are still relevant, and how many of them even have strong standout characters that could represent them well?


I think 5 out of 6 is definitely over represented, no matter how popular Generation I is, especially considering that there are five generations of Pokémon now. And it may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think a joke character should get in over a serious new character.

Look at it this way.

1. Was the character in the first game?
2. Is the character the sole representation of their franchise?

Just going by the character changes between the 3 games, those questions supersede this pokemon popularity nonsense.


I don't think they could just make them Pikachu fused with IC. If that were the case I would think they would have gotten in seeing as the source material would already be there.

Pichu worked that way because it actually does hurt it's self in the games "world". That's why it's the joke character.

plusle/minun, on the other hand, are the "helper/cheering pokemon". They were made to promote double battles in Pokemon so I'm guessing w/e Sakurai had in mind for them was unique and geared towards something other than "2 Pikachu acting like IC"

Most likely, Plusle & Minun were going to be two Pikachu semi-clones that stood next to each other at all times without any de-syncing, but the attacks used would alternate between them. For instance, if you wanted to do a weak attack, a special move, and then a smash attack, Plusle would do the weak attack, Minun would do the special move, and then Plusle would do the smash attack. Not a ton of effort involved, but it would mirror the altering attack patterns of double battles.


Junior Member
I saw somebody mentioned a few pages back that Ness was going to be replaced by Lucas for Melee. Wasn't Mother 3 for the N64 already canceled at that point?


I saw somebody mentioned a few pages back that Ness was going to be replaced by Lucas for Melee. Wasn't Mother 3 for the N64 already canceled at that point?

Sakurai finished his Melee planning document sometime in the summer of 1999, and Mother 3 for the N64 was cancelled a year later in August 2000.

...Come to think of it, I wonder if Lucas was featured in the planning document instead of Ness, and if it wasn't until August 2000 that Sakurai made the decision to replace his model with Ness'.
If you mean recently, no. But a little after Brawl came out, Nintendo Power asked Sakurai about Ridley and he said something like "uh, that kind of would have been impossible, maybe if we tried really hard we could have put him in the game but he might be kind of slow".

Read that on Smashboards, glad to know nothing has completely disconfirmed him, then. Been rooting for him since the Melee intro.

Regarding Pokémon, I don't know why everyone says Jigglypuff is a joke character... it's usually rather good. Lucario is a goner unless they really want to keep every character (and if that means Mewtwo has a shot at coming back, I welcome it), simply because his popularity alone won't keep him in the game he's no longer promoting anything. Zoroark should get in the game simply because I don't think there's any other Gen V Pokémon who could make it. Always thought it was a shame Deoxys didn't make it in. Personally I'd love to see a Gen V trainer playable, but I heavily doubt they'd just copy Pokémon Trainer.

Palutena is definitely in, and I can see Little Mac and Miis doing it as well. I'd love King K. Rool but I don't think he has a good chance.

Yeah, yeah, generic post, but first time (well, second) posting here
Regarding Pokémon, I don't know why everyone says Jigglypuff is a joke character... it's usually rather good.

I'm not sure how good she's considered in the first Smash Bros. or Brawl, but she was intended to be the joke character of the original for sure. In Melee, Pichu was the joke character, so she was balanced properly, but I feel like she was meant to be a joke again in Brawl.
What? No. Why would you let Magikarp evolve into a lame-ass fish dragon when you're already playing as the best Pokemon?

It'd be like a joke. You get the final smash and you're all like "Woah, I'm transforming into giant Magikarp!! Wai...what, I'm Gyarados now? What the eff why the downgrade?!?! DAMN YOU SAKURAIIIIII"


I'm not sure how good she's considered in the first Smash Bros. or Brawl, but she was intended to be the joke character of the original for sure. In Melee, Pichu was the joke character, so she was balanced properly, but I feel like she was meant to be a joke again in Brawl.

i blame the stupid decision of nerfing rest


Would personally love to see Travis Touchdown in this as a left field third-party character. I think he would fit into the zany nature of the games pretty well, although I suppose a lot of his dialogue would have to be toned down...he wouldn't be able to say "What the fuck!?" every time he got knocked on his arse.


Meleotta is also not yet revealed (I think? I don't follow the anime). I could see her getting in but...

Donotwant. Probably more likely as an assist trophy in any event.


Meleotta is also not yet revealed (I think? I don't follow the anime). I could see her getting in but...

Donotwant. Probably more likely as an assist trophy in any event.

Meloetta has already been revealed in Japan. Meloetta will be the main Pokemon for the Pikachu short for this year's Pokemon movie.
I'm not sure how good she's considered in the first Smash Bros. or Brawl, but she was intended to be the joke character of the original for sure. In Melee, Pichu was the joke character, so she was balanced properly, but I feel like she was meant to be a joke again in Brawl.

Personally I wise she had been replaced with Meowth but ehh, apparently anyone from the first game is off-limits :/

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Hmm we need to change topic from pokeymans

Kid Icarus is now upgraded from a NES classic character to his own series right? I wonder if this would another new NES classic character.
I haven't played Pokemon since Gen 1, so answer me this: all subsequent generations only added to the pool, right? We never "lost" any Pokemon?
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