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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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nope. some aren't obtainable in specific games, but they can always be transferred from different sources into 'em.
So if my favorite Pokemon (Golem) happens to not be in, and I haven't played in a long time, I'm screwed? I was thinking about buying the theoretical Pokemon 3DS when it comes out.


So if my favorite Pokemon (Golem) happens to not be in, and I haven't played in a long time, I'm screwed? I was thinking about buying the theoretical Pokemon 3DS when it comes out.

pokegaf is a helpful place, if golem wasn't catchable, one of us would trade you one.
As for Pokemon ... I don't get this "Zoroark aint popular enough" mess. It seems to me like people are assuming that the small-yet-vocal group that makes up Smash World like forums or topics like these is somehow indicative of any actual levels of interest in these characters among fans or Nintendo.

THAT being said ... I don't think Lucario or Zoroark or any 5th gen Pokemon are getting in. I think that the 6th gen games are around the corner (or at the very least it's happening before Smash is released) and w/e they decide to use to promote that will be high on the list of new Pokemon Characters.

Personally, I want either a Pokemon Rival using the latest starters as counterparts to the PT Pokemon, a Gym Leader using a set of Pokemon that are popular or somewhat relevant to the series or a Pokemon Champion who just uses 3 strong, popular Pokemon with no real connection to each other (Like Scrafty-Whimsicott-Haxorus seeing as they all placed high on the Coro-Coro poll from what I remember) or maybe even a Pokemon Dragon Master seeing as they're given importance in more than one game.

Hmm we need to change topic from pokeymans

Oooohkey doke :p

As for over all? Here's what I think ...

If we're only getting say 12-15 more Nintendo characters (not counting possible replacements for those that don't make it) I say ...

New Series

Golden Sun-
1/2 Characters. It's a big handheld Nintendo RPG and Sakurai at least knows of the series given how it has an AT.

Advanced Wars/ Battalion Wars-
1/2 Characters. It's a long running IP that can use the FE treatment of "HEY, you don't know of this shit? Here, fall in love with these characters and start playing their games".

Sin & Punishment-
The 2 playable characters from w/e game Sakurai picks. They would fight the same with slight differences. Smash aint all about sells and importance to Nintendo's profits, the series is a cult classic that people loved enough for Nintendo to bring back and smash is about the fans.

Lil Mac ... series has made a come back!

Xenoblade or any other JRPG Nintendo made for the Wii that may have gotten out of Japan-
1 character. Would also be another good low-key shock character that few people know.

That's 6-8 characters from 5 new series.

New Characters to Old Series.

Impa. Last relevant character that appears through out the series with a recent boost of importance in SS.

Dixie Kong. Forbidden 7.

Chrome. (-1>Takes Ike's slot)
Some other Important character from that series that doesn't use a sword. Would be nice to have a mage or something else from such a series full of cool shit other then Swordsmen-With-Blue-Hair ....

2-Palutena and Medusa. Goddess of Light and Darkness.

Krystal. 4th and final member of the trope-tree. I expect her to be the Female Fox with Wolf level differences but best case would be her using her staff in some cool jungle stick fighting style.
And don't bring Palutena into this, both the anime-shorts and games have shown us EXACTLY how she uses her staff. As a means to do magic ... seeing as it's a mage staff

Either Wario Land or WW character. I pick Cap. Syrup myself, cool machine stuff and genie like attacks. Or Mona. :]

Mewtwo returns (-1> Lucario leaves) or a flavor-of-the-month for the 6th gen.
P&M or a PT counter Part in some way using the 6th gen Pokemon.

New 3rd party Characters.
Travis Touchdown. Sakurai seems to feel that a 3rd party ASKING him to place w/e character into smash is how it works and Suda is the only one I know of that's close to him and has actually said "I want my character in smash!".

Maybe some WTF character like Chell (Portal. Chances of the first and second games getting ported onto WiiU aint bad) or Death (DarkSiders) from some new 3rd party series getting on the WiiU.

I don't think MM is getting in ... he's Capcom's Red Headed Stepchild now and they don't even want him in their fighting games :/. I would think Ryu would get their vote before him ... not that I really care about either of them.

That's about 14-15 characters covering a large range of series and such :]

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I don't get this mentality.

"Lucario won't return! ...but Mewtwo will! Fo' sho'!"



I don't get this mentality.

"Lucario won't return! ...but Mewtwo will! Fo' sho'!"


I agree. I think that people are taking it for granted that all cut characters will return in the same way that people took for granted that all clone characters in melee will be decloned. It just aint gonna happen.
Just get someone on Gaf to trade you one, Wifi trading man!
pokegaf is a helpful place, if golem wasn't catchable, one of us would trade you one.
There's online trading now. So you'd be fine.

I don't get this mentality.

"Lucario won't return! ...but Mewtwo will! Fo' sho'!"

Krystal would really, really upset me.

Travis Touchdown. Sakurai seems to feel that a 3rd party ASKING him to place w/e character into smash is how it works and Suda is the only one I know of that's close to him and has actually said "I want my character in smash!".
Travis seems pretty tasteless for the kind of game Smash Bros is trying to be.

I don't think MM is getting in ... he's Capcom's Red Headed Stepchild now and they don't even want him in their fighting games :/. I would think Ryu would get their vote before him ... not that I really care about either of them.

That's about 14-15 characters covering a large range of series and such :]
MMX is going to be in a 3DS RPG, so he's not all dead. MM Classic definitely fits the Smash "feel" more than any other Capcom character.


I don't get this mentality.

"Lucario won't return! ...but Mewtwo will! Fo' sho'!"


The sad thing is that the Krystal prediction is not the most absurd thing he wrote in his predictions. Travis Touchdown is frankly not going to happen. The character is a very niche third-party characters and being vulgar is a huge part to the character. If we are talking about dark horse third-party newcomers, I can see Layton or someone from Dragon Quest, but definitely not Travis Touchdown. What I find even more funny, is that he thinks Krystal will get in, but Ridley and Mega Man will not.
I don't get this mentality.

"Lucario won't return! ...but Mewtwo will! Fo' sho'!"


I said "OR a 6th gen Pokemon".

I could see Mew2 returning because of the "forbidden 7" and the fact that, in 2013-2014, Lucario wont be a relevant figure in the Pokemon series much like how it's understandably why Pichu was cut ... or turned into Pikachu.

And Krystal? Yeah ... so what? You know what, nvm

I agree. I think that people are taking it for granted that all cut characters will return in the same way that people took for granted that all clone characters in melee will be decloned. It just aint gonna happen.
I only think that Mew2 has a chance at returning actually. But if Sakurai turns to clones as an extension of the "customization" feature he's adding then I can see both Doc and Pichu returning as alts of somekind.

Travis seems pretty tasteless for the kind of game Smash Bros is trying to be.

MMX is going to be in a 3DS RPG, so he's not all dead. MM Classic definitely fits the Smash "feel" more than any other Capcom character.

After Snake I don't think there's a such thing as "Smash Bro Feel". It's just a matter of the art department matching the character with their smash style and Sakurai making a move-set that makes sense for the smash world.

Nor do I see how a character could be to "tasteless" for smash. If you mean "vulgar" Wario is pretty nasty :/

The sad thing is that the Krystal prediction is not the most absurd thing he wrote in his predictions. Travis Touchdown is frankly not going to happen. The character is a very niche third-party characters and being vulgar is a huge part to the character. If we are talking about dark horse third-party newcomers, I can see Layton or someone from Dragon Quest, but definitely not Travis Touchdown. What I find even more funny, is that he thinks Krystal will get in, but Ridley and Mega Man will not.

That's my list, agree with it or not ... but please don't act as if anyone has some cosmic guild to what Sakurai will do. That's one of my pet-peevs about online Smash fandom ... they toss around these idles over and over and make these inbreed list and anyone that doesn't follow their logic gets frowned upon.

That's actually why I loved random smash talks in the WiiU thread ... people just said what they want or thought would be cool with OUT having to be browbeaten into complying with w/e a group of fans decide upon.

You think Ridley will be in, Ok ... but if he hasn't made it in yet then I don't see him making the cut personally for w/e reason Sakurai gave or thinks. And you think MM is more likely than Travis ... Ok, but from what I remember when they asked him about MM and no other 3rd party characters getting in he said "LOL, no one from those 3rd party companies approached me :p" where as Suda 51 not only knows Sakurai and did events with him but has also been very open about wanting Travis in smash. I don't think there's some complex drug-dealer level decisions going on behind 3rd party characters ... or characters in general. I simply think Sakurai does what he wants for the most part ... which is why Snake got in because he's his bro's character and Sonic had to be number one in the online Poll Sakurai held to get in.
There was an online poll? Where was this?

Sakurai held an online poll in Japan. He basically asked people what characters they want in Brawl and told them that they could pick any Nintendo Character or 3rd party character that has appeared on a Nintendo console (Character also had to originate in games ... so no Manga characters like Naruto or Anime/ Cartoon Characters).

Sonic was, of course, the most requested character and that's why he's in Brawl.

qq more

Sakurai held an online poll in Japan. He basically asked people what characters they want in Brawl and told them that they could pick any Nintendo Character or 3rd party character that has appeared on a Nintendo console (Character also had to originate in games ... so no Manga characters like Naruto or Anime/ Cartoon Characters).

Sonic was, of course, the most requested character and that's why he's in Brawl.

How did Sonic even get the most votes in a Japanese poll? No one in Japan cares about Sonic except a very minor vocal.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I said "OR a 6th gen Pokemon".

I could see Mew2 returning because of the "forbidden 7" and the fact that, in 2013-2014, Lucario wont be a relevant figure in the Pokemon series much like how it's understandably why Pichu was cut ... or turned into Pikachu.

And Krystal? Yeah ... so what? You know what, nvm

My problem with that reasoning is that it somehow manages to exempt Mewtwo from that line of thinking. I could replace Lucario with Mewtwo in that sentence and it would make sense, but apparently Mewtwo is immune from it.

And I'm laughing at the fact that Krystal would be "unique" when the staff moves she pretty much has are pretty much taken from Smash moves. And just because she has a staff doesn't make her incapable of being a clone. Remember, this is Sakurai who made Ganon a clone despite knowing he has a sword. Notice how that one character in Smash who has a high chance of being a clone (Wolf) ended up being different?

Seems like the more likely the character is unique in his or her own verse, the more the character ends up being a clone in Smash.

Sakurai held an online poll in Japan. He basically asked people what characters they want in Brawl and told them that they could pick any Nintendo Character or 3rd party character that has appeared on a Nintendo console (Character also had to originate in games ... so no Manga characters like Naruto or Anime/ Cartoon Characters).

Sonic was, of course, the most requested character and that's why he's in Brawl.

People kept on saying this "online poll" but there's no official source on this. If anything, Sonic was only added due to Sega and Nintendo being in collab of many games lately - Sonic isn't really big in Japan during Brawl's timeline.
How did Sonic even get the most votes in a Japanese poll? No one in Japan cares about Sonic except a very minor vocal.

Likely because everyone wanted to see Mario vs Sonic. Even people I know that don't care for Sonic wanted to see him in smash for that reason a lone.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I still want to see this poll.

I mean, I recall people saying that "Geno should be in the game because people saw a track from the game files that hints Mario RPG" and even provided a youtube video of said song... except said song was actually a fan-made remix of the Mario RPG song and it was only a "what if this song was in Smash". The unused track? It was actually named after a Zelda music.
How did Sonic even get the most votes in a Japanese poll? No one in Japan cares about Sonic except a very minor vocal.

I don't think that's actually true (that Sonic isn't popular in Japan), but Sakurai did say that Sonic got the most votes on both the Japanese and American polls.

The unused track? It was actually named after a Zelda music.

The track is just named something like "Mushroom Forest". It's been a while, but I remember doing research and coming away thinking that it was supposed to be a song from the second Mario and Luigi game.

qq more

The very fact Sonic games doesn't even sell in Japan should say something about his popularity. Even in the Genesis days he wasn't popular there, which would make people of Japan to not really care about the whole Sonic VS Mario rivalry. Sonic being the most popular wanted character for Brawl in the west makes much much more sense. Sonic was a major competitor to Mario here.

So yeah, I don't really believe Japan was what got Sonic in Brawl, I'm pretty sure it was the western fans.
My problem with that reasoning is that it somehow manages to exempt Mewtwo from that line of thinking. I could replace Lucario with Mewtwo in that sentence and it would make sense, but apparently Mewtwo is immune from it.
Mewtwo is like the first gen starters or Pikachu ... it's one of the most loved and recognized Pokemon in the series.
Think about it this way, why the first gen starters instead of the 4th gen starters for PT?

And ontop of that Mewtwo is still the best option for a Pokemon Villain. People want him back, Sakurai wanted him in and he is easily more recognizable than Lucario who was clearly picked to rep the "new gen".

And I'm laughing at the fact that Krystal would be "unique" when the staff moves she pretty much has are pretty much taken from Smash moves. And just because she has a staff doesn't make her incapable of being a clone.
Actually, I said that she would LIKELY be "Female Fox" with a Wolf like level of differences but with a move-set clearly based on Fox (no staff) and that in the best case they would go through the effort of making her a unique staff using jungle stick fighter.

Personally I think Fox Fighting style is like Shoto to Sakurai ... as in he's perfectly fine with having different versions of it for players to use (You can give me the talk about Wolf being this and that but he is still clearly based on Fox's move-set to some extent).

In case you didn't know I have no problem with clones. Falco has always been better for me than Fox when I play Smash :p

People kept on saying this "online poll" but there's no official source on this..
Ummm ... what?

Here's how I remember it ... we never actually got to SEE the results of this poll. People based character's likely hood on how many comments Sakurai POSTED about certain suggestions from the poll survey thing (like "Oooooowwww! He commented about this character 3 times! So what, this one I like has 8 comments! Blah blah blah! Blah blah! If this character got in then the next likely one would be this character because they have the next highest amount of comments!").

I wouldn't get hung up on the JPN part. That's the only official poll/ survey I know of but apparently he DID look at the West as well in some way.
I don't know of any English suggestion area but Nintendo DID have an official forum back then so maybe he got it from NoA.


Personally I think Fox Fighting style is like Shoto to Sakurai ... as in he's perfectly fine with having different versions of it for players to use (You can give me the talk about Wolf being this and that but he is still clearly based on Fox's move-set to some extent).

In case you didn't know I have no problem with clones. Falco has always been better for me than Fox when I play Smash :p
So, Fox is like Ryu, Falco is like Ken, and Wolf is like Akuma? I could go with that. If you try to play either as the other, you're missing the point. Of those three, I prefer Fox, I think. Falco should get his Final Smash changed to bringing in an Arwing rather than a Landmaster, though. Wolf should get the Raging Demon.

Does that mean Krystal would be like Sakura? The faster, more mobile one with odd variants of the special moves. I wouldn't mind Krystal being in, there are several suggested characters I'd pick her over, anyway. On the other hand, I wouldn't be disappointed if she's not in either. She's an okay choice.

I hope Sonic stays in, honestly. He fits the game nicely, and he's pretty fun to play, even if he's not that powerful. I just want him added in a way where it's not obvious that he was a last minute addition. And somewhat balanced. Obviously, he should have the fastest running speed. It'd be nice to have a proper Sonic stage for Adventure Mode, even if it's just Green Hill Zone again.


we all agree that these characters are basically "lifers", right?

captain falcon
donkey kong
ice climbers
mr game & watch


I might worry about Falco, but he's a 99% inclusion after they changed up his specials for Brawl. He got the Luigi treatment, basically.

Captain Falcon is fun, because it's not F-Zero keeping him in Smash. He's a almost a Smash Bros character that also stars in racing games now. All from being so awesomely over the top. FALCON! PUNCH!
captain falcon
donkey kong
ice climbers
mr game & watch
I would say some from Brawl are pretty much safe... I don't see them removing Wario, Pit, Dedede, Meta Knight, Diddy Kong or Pokémon Trainer in any foreseeable future, for example.
I would say some from Brawl are pretty much safe... I don't see them removing Wario, Pit, Dedede, Meta Knight, Diddy Kong or Pokémon Trainer in any foreseeable future, for example.

I don't think they'll remove any characters considering the negative reactions the removal of Roy, Mewtwo etc. caused. The most they'll do is replace Ike with the new blue-haired Fire Emblem lead of FE:Awakening. (although I hope they won't...)
I don't think they'll remove any characters considering the negative reactions the removal of Roy, Mewtwo etc. caused. The most they'll do is replace Ike with the new blue-haired Fire Emblem lead of FE:Awakening. (although I hope they won't...)
I'm completely against the removal of characters (Mewtwo was my main...) so I hope you are right. I'd say Lucario is in the danger zone more than Ike though.

I hope if they do a Story Mode, they don't do it the SSE way and instead simply make us fight typical Nintendo baddies (Goombas, ReDeads, wild Pokémon, Space Pirates and the like).

And of course, playable Ridley. They can add Krystal, 15 third party characters or Waluigi and I wouldn't mind if Ridley is there.
Pokemon trainer might be changed to more current pokemon.

I hope they never take out mr. game and watch B^)

Also give me all the colors of Yoshi for the next smash, there hasn't been the black with white shoes of white with black shoes from Yoshis story right?
Pokemon trainer might be changed to more current pokemon.

I hope they never take out mr. game and watch B^)

Also give me all the colors of Yoshi for the next smash, there hasn't been the black with white shoes of white with black shoes from Yoshis story right?

No, those Yoshis haven't been in Smash yet.

I don't think Pokémon Trainer will get new Pokémon, if that were the case, they would've given him third gen Pokémon for Brawl since none have been playable yet. But I guess they realized playable Charizard was something a lot of people wanted.

I would love the female trainer from Gen V with three new Pokémon though...
I remember I thought of a female pokemon trainer having diamond/pearl pokemon since I think that was the current game at the time when Brawl came out.

My new idea is, if there are 6 gens of pokemon right now (i lost count :p ) then have each trainer have three but one from gen.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
The track is just named something like "Mushroom Forest". It's been a while, but I remember doing research and coming away thinking that it was supposed to be a song from the second Mario and Luigi game.

Ahh it's from ML then? Still, the point remains true - it's not from Mario RPG despite what the fans think. Damn, I can still remember the idiocy it spawned in the fanbase, claiming "GENO IS IN THE GAME/WAS PLANNED BECAUSE THIS IS PROOF RAWR" which causes me a headache.

Mewtwo is like the first gen starters or Pikachu ... it's one of the most loved and recognized Pokemon in the series.
Think about it this way, why the first gen starters instead of the 4th gen starters for PT?

And ontop of that Mewtwo is still the best option for a Pokemon Villain. People want him back, Sakurai wanted him in and he is easily more recognizable than Lucario who was clearly picked to rep the "new gen".

Pikachu and Jigglypuff are actually still the "top" popular Pokemon - in fact, they're mostly dominated by cute Pokemon. Lucario was picked because he is popular, sure a popular rep, it hasn't faded and I seriously doubt he would be cut away.

Actually, I said that she would LIKELY be "Female Fox" with a Wolf like level of differences but with a move-set clearly based on Fox (no staff) and that in the best case they would go through the effort of making her a unique staff using jungle stick fighter.

Personally I think Fox Fighting style is like Shoto to Sakurai ... as in he's perfectly fine with having different versions of it for players to use (You can give me the talk about Wolf being this and that but he is still clearly based on Fox's move-set to some extent).

That depends - but honestly, Sakurai could do that to Ganon, but he didn't. What makes you think Krystal would be different?

And no, honestly Fox -> Wolf is much MUCH more different than Ryu -> Akuma. Think of it more as Ryu -> Robert Garcia.


And no, honestly Fox -> Wolf is much MUCH more different than Ryu -> Akuma. Think of it more as Ryu -> Robert Garcia.
And now I want to see Robert Garcia do a Shoryuken... Akuma is pretty different from Ryu, though. They share moves, yes, but playing Akuma like Ryu gets you a nerfed Ryu with less health. Playing Akuma right gives you a raging vortex of fists and kicks. That's pretty much what I meant with that comparison. You gotta play Wolf like Wolf, or you'll just get a slower Fox.

But all know that the shoto in Smash is Mario. Fireball, uppercut, spin attack. Remind you of anyone?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
And now I want to see Robert Garcia do a Shoryuken... Akuma is pretty different from Ryu, though. They share moves, yes, but playing Akuma like Ryu gets you a nerfed Ryu with less health. Playing Akuma right gives you a raging vortex of fists and kicks. That's pretty much what I meant with that comparison. You gotta play Wolf like Wolf, or you'll just get a slower Fox.

But all know that the shoto in Smash is Mario. Fireball, uppercut, spin attack. Remind you of anyone?

But see here, even Akuma shares NORMAL moves with Ryu. That's why I said Robert Garcia - he is a definite "ripoff", but you know for a fact that their moves have similar "bases" (Ryuugekiken = Hadouken, Ryuuga = Shoryuken, Hienshipuukyaku = Tatsumakisenpuukyaku), but they look and function so differently than Akuma-ized versions of Ryu's moves.
Pokemon-wise, the Sixth Gen will be far more prominent at the time of planning and development than the Fifth Gen; odds are decent that the Sixth Gen begins next year. I get the feeling that it'll be brushed over; Zoroark was an attempt to force the popularity that Lucario got, but it didn't take. The fact that, so far, Lucario and its pre-evo have been significantly used in the marketing for Black and White 2 is fairly indicative that it remains popular. I think Genesect will fall into the Deoxys mold; certainly a great deal of potential for a moveset, but overshadowed by the oncoming new Generation. We'll get some new mascot for Sixth Gen within the next year or two, and that'll take a slot, and Lucario will remain.

As for other franchises...

Mario: The mainline Mario games have enough representation, but I'd like something from the RPGs- Paper Mario (with paper based moves, such as an aeroplane glide), Fawful, or, dare I say it, Geno.

Zelda: It's probably Ghirahim or bust here. I think Ghirahim would fit in well,
maybe with Demise pulling double duty as a Final Smash
, but I really don't see any other representation for this franchise, short of some surprise 3DS entry.

Metroid: It's not getting any new representation. The Metroid series is Samus's, and short of putting in Dark Samus (not happening) or Ridley (REALLY not happening), she's going to remain the only representative.

Kid Icarus: I'd say Palutena's almost a certainty, and I would be far from surprised if there's a third;
Probably Hades, but maybe Medusa or Magnus
. Pit will get at least a partial new moveset, utilising some of the new weaponry in Uprising, and swapping out his Palutena Final Smash for one using the Three Sacred Treasures.

Star Fox: Please God, no more. Three is plenty for a franchise of Star Fox's current stature, and I want Krystal nowhere near the game.

Mother: Masked Man could give us a nice set, but beyond that, I'm not seeing an enormous amount of potential that screams out for a character.

One-shots/ Obscure characters: With Sakurai's complaining about the lack of recurring IPs that he can use, I can see him dipping into these a bit more. Shulk from Xenoblade seems a good start; an inbuilt moveset ready to go, plenty of stage and music potential, and has received a lot of international prominence thanks to Operation Rainfall. The eShop seems like a good source of potential, too; particularly Dillon, but I could see Mallo making it at a push too. For the token retro revival, Mach Rider is a very good candidate, as is Balloon Fighter or Little Mac (yes, I know it's not a retro revival, but IIRC the Wii Punch-Out didn't get much exposure in Japan.)

Third Parties: Sad to say, I don't think the calls for Megaman will get anywhere. Third party representatives need modern popularity and exposure as well as historical significance, and Capcom seem to be actively trying to smother Megaman. I'd say that the most obvious third party candidates will be the ones that have the biggest recent hits on Nintendo hardware. I'd bet on Professor Layton, and something from Dragon Quest; probably a Slime.
If Sakurai really wanted to indulge his natural trollish inclinations, he'd include something from Monster Hunter too.


Star Fox, F-Zero, and Mother are NOT getting any new characters. If, say, Krystal, Samurai Goroh, and Masked Man weren't important enough to get in at the height of their relevance, why would Sakurai wait until now (when they're entirely forgotten) to put them in? He wouldn't. They're not charming NES classics for him to revive, they're just irrelevant characters that aren't worth the effort of inclusion. Take a look at this quote from Sakurai:

"I felt that a large premise of the project was that this was not a series that would continue indefinitely. After all, it wasn’t possible to keep on increasing the characters that are entitled to take the field in Smash Bros." (Source)

If characters from the aforementioned series weren't "entitled" in 2005, they sure as hell aren't in 2012.

It took Sakurai over two years (and a couple of delays) to get 39 playable characters into Brawl. This was ONE game made for comparatively simpler hardware. Given that he has to make SSB4 for both the Wii U and 3DS, and that it's an HD game, I'm somewhat fearful that the roster count might float around the 45 range at best. It definitely isn't going to exceed 50. Newcomer spots are going to be much more precious this time around. Palutena, a new Pokémon, a new Fire Emblem character, and at least one retro character are probably the only safe bets. We might be looking at a few cuts, too.
Possibilities from existing franchises:

Mario: Maybe Toad or Bowser Jr, but most of the heavy hitters have been covered. Wart could be an interesting retro character, but would probably only get in on the ROB/Ice Climber ticket. Birdo, Rosalina, Waluigi and the Mario Babies are long shot characters.

Donkey Kong: Dixie and K. Rool are strong possibilities. I always hope for Cranky Kong, but Funky will happen before him and even he's not a strong possibility.

Yoshi, Wario: These would most likely be one character franchises. Captain Syrup could be an addition, but she's low probability.

Zelda: Tingle, Impa, or Pig Ganon. Ghirahim could show up, but most likely won't. I seriously hope the Toon Zelda/Toon Shiek idea doesn't get dusted off. If we get a Toon Zelda, her transformation should either be Tetra or the Guardian from Spirit Tracks. There's always hope for a more representative overhaul of Ganondorf.

Metroid: Ridley. He's the only real possibility.

Kid Icarus: Palutena. Maybe a complete reworking of Pit to better represent Uprising. I foresee him becoming "Broken tier"

Ice Climber, ROB: Once again, one character for each of these series.

Kirby: All the major players are here.

Pikmin: Olimar is all you need.

Star Fox: Krystal is possible, if her moves are based on Adventures and not her subsequent appearances, but I'd say that Fox, Falco and Wolf are probably the only representation Star Fox will get. Maybe less Landmasters this time?

F-ZERO: Black Shadow- but only if they're reworking Ganondorf. Otherwise, nobody.

Pokemon: Mewtwo could return. Maybe somebody from B/W Generation. Lucario could see a cut, or not. I don't know much about his sustained level of popularity.

Fire Emblem: Marth stays, Ike questionable. We may see a new representative of recent Fire Emblem games. I don't know this franchise well enough to make qualified calls.

Mother, Game and Watch: Both probably have all the representation they're going to get.


I think Impa will be in the game. Maybe as a clone of Sheik's move set, or Sora will retool Zelda with new moveset and make Impa the "new sheik".

I also think most of Sonic's moveset will live on as Dillon.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Pokemon-wise, the Sixth Gen will be far more prominent at the time of planning and development than the Fifth Gen; odds are decent that the Sixth Gen begins next year. I get the feeling that it'll be brushed over; Zoroark was an attempt to force the popularity that Lucario got, but it didn't take. The fact that, so far, Lucario and its pre-evo have been significantly used in the marketing for Black and White 2 is fairly indicative that it remains popular. I think Genesect will fall into the Deoxys mold; certainly a great deal of potential for a moveset, but overshadowed by the oncoming new Generation. We'll get some new mascot for Sixth Gen within the next year or two, and that'll take a slot, and Lucario will remain.

Yeah, Riolu being available is a sign that Lucario still has staying power.

Star Fox, F-Zero, and Mother are NOT getting any new characters. If, say, Krystal, Samurai Goroh, and Masked Man weren't important enough to get in at the height of their relevance, why would Sakurai wait until now (when they're entirely forgotten) to put them in? He wouldn't. They're not charming NES classics for him to revive, they're just irrelevant characters that aren't worth the effort of inclusion

Exactly. While it'd be nice to see another F-Zero member, chances are very slim. Honestly I'm satisfied with what we have so far from them.

With that said, which NES classic would replace Pit since Kid Icarus has "lifted" itself from that status? Maybe Little Mac?


With that said, which NES classic would replace Pit since Kid Icarus has "lifted" itself from that status? Maybe Little Mac?


Mac will probably be included, but not as a retro character.


Yeah, Riolu being available is a sign that Lucario still has staying power.

Exactly. While it'd be nice to see another F-Zero member, chances are very slim. Honestly I'm satisfied with what we have so far from them.

With that said, which NES classic would replace Pit since Kid Icarus has "lifted" itself from that status? Maybe Little Mac?

I'm almost sure it will be Takamaru.

I'm also almost sure though that my predictions are going to be 100% wrong.


Junior Member
I think Earthbound/Mother is done getting new characters because of how the games are set up. Each game has new characters and a new story. The main protagonists from Earthbound and Mother 3 are already in Smash. If you put in another character from one or the other, it isn't balanced anymore. Using this logic, they could possibly put in Ninten. That isn't going to happen though since he is way too similar to Ness. I think some characters like Jeff or Masked Man would be cool but it just won't happen. I didn't even touch on Nintendo's neglection of the series either. I'm curious to what they will put in from the series for the story or stages though. I really want a Mother 3 stage that is actually good, unlike New Pork City. If Earthbound got the Onett stage which shows the urban feel of Earthbound, maybe Mother 3 can get a Tazmily Forest stage which shows the rural feel of Mother 3.

Actually, come to think of it, Porky represents Earthbound and Mother 3 pretty well. He's really the only possibility and it most likely isn't going to happen.
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