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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I don't get how so many people can play F-Zero X and F-Zero GX, look at that massive roster of unique character, know the least bit of bio information on some of them, and say "nope, we're all done and good with just Captain Falcon". The untapped potential is staggering, I don't care what state the F-Zero franchise is in, Star Fox doesn't get much more attention from Nintendo either and they still got three characters, and they're not even that distinct from eachother.


PokéKong;36971475 said:
I don't get how so many people can play F-Zero X and F-Zero GX, look at that massive roster of unique character, know the least bit of bio information on some of them, and say "nope, we're all done and good with just Captain Falcon". The untapped potential is staggering, I don't care what state the F-Zero franchise is in, Star Fox doesn't get much more attention from Nintendo either and they still got three characters, and they're not even that distinct from eachother.

There have been three Star Fox releases since 2005. There have been... zero F-Zero games since then. If F-Zero didn't gain any newcomers in Brawl fresh off of GX/AX, then it isn't going to get anyone in SSB4 after a decade of inactivity. I want Samurai Goroh to be in the game, but it's unrealistic to expect him or anyone else from F-Zero to be added.
So, I finally caved in and did my own list. It’s pretty much a mix of wishful thinking and trying to be reasonable. Lots of female characters in there. :)


Mario: NONE. I think basically every major character is already in and Toad is a part of Peach’s moveset. Maybe Birdo? Waluigi was made for the lame spin-offs, so he doesn’t count.

Zelda: I could see Impa replacing Sheik. (i.e. instead of Zelda transforming into Sheik, she teleports away and Impa appears and vice versa)

Metroid: Ridley. He has to be in. If there will be another character, it would be Dark Samus, since she’s appeared in three games in one form or other. I’m not really a fan of ‘Dark’ versions of characters, but at least she has the potential to have a unique move set, instead of being just another clone character.

Fire Emblem: This’ll be a wild card, but I think Anna will be in. Who is Anna? She’s the closest thing to a series mascot, since she’s appeared in almost every Fire Emblem game ever made. Now, she is finally going to be a playable character in FE:Awakening.

Xenoblade: Shulk would be a bit boring, and there are enough sword users already. Therefore I’m betting on the seventh character.
Fiona has the coolest character design in her cyborg form and she has the potential for a really unique moveset. She was prominently featured in the Japanese commercials as well, so I’m guessing Sakurai would consider her a major character.

Kid Icarus: Medusa. She is a classic character, who appears prominently in Uprising as well. (Plus I think Smash really needs its own evil female character…) Palutena is a part of Pit’s Final Smash, so I’m not really sure about her.

Sin & Punishmen: Isa and Kachi (tag team, like the Ice Climbers): Sure, this might be wishful thinking, but at least we know Sakurai really likes the franchise, so who knows?

Pokemon: I don’t know much about Pokemon, so I’ll just leave this blank. I do think Mewtwo will make a return though.

F-Zero, Starfox, Earthbound, Kirby, Wario, Pikmin, Donkey Kong: NONE.


Barbara the Bat (the sequel sold great in Japan)

Little Mac (Wii title did great in the US. Besides, he was born to be in Smash Bros.)

Mr Resetti (Sure, Animal Crossing characters would be a bit out of place In a fighting game, but it’s really too big a franchise to ignore. Besides, Mr Resetti already has a weapon…)


Mario: Rosalina

Zelda: Midna is a pretty safe bet, considering TP was easily one of the best selling games in the series. Personally, I would hope that she is playable instead though. Also, Ghirahim.

Metroid: Adam or Anthony Higgs

Fire Emblem: The Dark Knight, or Sigurd on horseback. Or maybe a dragon from Awakening?

Kid Icarus: Hades

Donkey Kong: Tiki Tong (The Tiki Tribe’s King). Cranky Kong should also replace Mr. Resetti.


Slime from Square-Enix and Mega Man from Capcom. Maybe Rayman too, considering how close Ubi Soft and Nintendo are these days. (I hope he won't be included though. Such a shitty design.). In any case, I wouldn't expect more than three, considering how low priority the guest characters seem to be for Sakurai. And rightly so. After all, Smash Bros is supposed to be about all things Nintendo, not the whole videogaming universe...


Junior Member
I've been thinking about it for a little bit and I think Porky has a pretty good chance for being in. He represents both Earthbound and Mother 3 and is the only character to do so. Considering how big of a cult classic the series is, I think they might try to please those fans that are upset over how the series is being handled.

I'll admit, this is probably just wishful thinking.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

Mac will probably be included, but not as a retro character.

True, but then again was Punch Out Wii successful enough to be revitalized?

I'm almost sure it will be Takamaru.

I'm also almost sure though that my predictions are going to be 100% wrong.

Wasn't Balloon Fighter originally suggested by Sakurai?

I'm still thinking of some other NES guys... maybe that Clu Clu monster?

PokéKong;36971475 said:
I don't get how so many people can play F-Zero X and F-Zero GX, look at that massive roster of unique character, know the least bit of bio information on some of them, and say "nope, we're all done and good with just Captain Falcon". The untapped potential is staggering, I don't care what state the F-Zero franchise is in, Star Fox doesn't get much more attention from Nintendo either and they still got three characters, and they're not even that distinct from eachother.

Here's the thing though - F-Zero never got to have some franchise pulls. I mean sure Star Fox output had been poor lately, but if they managed to pull SF64 remake/port out, then you could still say it has some pull.
I've been thinking about it for a little bit and I think Porky has a pretty good chance for being in. He represents both Earthbound and Mother 3 and is the only character to do so. Considering how big of a cult classic the series is, I think they might try to please those fans that are upset over how the series is being handled.

I'll admit, this is probably just wishful thinking.
How would he fight though? I can't imagine him fighting on foot and his robots are too big.
I'm almost sure it will be Takamaru.

I'm also almost sure though that my predictions are going to be 100% wrong.

I could see Castle of Murasame being revived as Nintendo's answer to Ninja Gaiden/DMC/God of War. If Nintendo is really intereted in capturing the "HD Gamer" crowd by diversifying their output, this might be the right time for Takamaru's return.


Junior Member
How would he fight though? I can't imagine him fighting on foot and his robots are too big.

Good point, I didn't really think about that. He doesn't really have any on-foot moves but I'm sure they could get creative. I don't think he'd work well just as a generic fighter. Also, I don't recall his mech actually being that big. But you're right, it's probably too big for Smash. I'll have to think of a move set sometime.

EDIT: For people quoting him, he's right. It probably is too big. It's a valid argument. Porky is actually inside the mech so you can't really shrink it down without shrinking Porky down, which would just look strange. In Brawl, the mech is pretty huge but in the actual games it is pretty small. Just a little bigger than a normal character if I remember correctly. So it could possibly work for Smash, but I'm not sure.

I can't imagine that being scaled down in the way Bowser or other characters can be.


This sort of size might work but I think it would still be weird. Masked Man would be a much better fit even if he doesn't represent Mother 2.


Junior Member

I can't imagine that being scaled down in the way Bowser or other characters can be.


This sort of size might work but I think it would still be weird. Masked Man would be a much better fit even if he doesn't represent Mother 2.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how the Brawl picture is relevant. It was enlarged for Brawl, it's not like that is its normal size. I think Masked Man would be a good fit too, but if there is one character that is important to the series as a whole that isn't included, it's Porky.

qq more

hey guys what do u think of my list ov newcomers

amiy roise
super sanic
super shadoiwo
supr silvr
sora w/ mikkey
epic mikey
kopa tropa
bowsr jr
babby bowsr
babby mrio
babby wrio
bby dsgsdjgdjkkjdjkga

pls rate this rosteR!!!!
So, Fox is like Ryu, Falco is like Ken, and Wolf is like Akuma? I could go with that. If you try to play either as the other, you're missing the point. Of those three, I prefer Fox, I think. Falco should get his Final Smash changed to bringing in an Arwing rather than a Landmaster, though. Wolf should get the Raging Demon.

Does that mean Krystal would be like Sakura? The faster, more mobile one with odd variants of the special moves.
Exactly what I was getting at.
I also feel that she would complete the trope-tree for the series.

Pikachu and Jigglypuff are actually still the "top" popular Pokemon - in fact, they're mostly dominated by cute Pokemon. Lucario was picked because he is popular, sure a popular rep, it hasn't faded and I seriously doubt he would be cut away.
1. I have to say that I doubt JPuff is still the "2nd top popular" and recognizable Pokemon for the series. I'm sure that would go to Meowth because, at the very least, it's still featured in the anime which would keep it in people's minds and even make it so that new fans can see it and recognize it (Yeah, Pokemon's 15+ years old now ... there's likely a TON of new fans that were too young to be the ones that liked JPuff 2nd only to Pikachu out of the org 151 and seeing how the thing isn't used to promote a great deal of stuff I don't see any reason to think that it's still seen that way to Pokemon Company).

2. Chicken or the egg really. Lucario was the 4th gen mascott, which is a heavily promoted Pokemon for that generation of games. Naturally he became popular. Logic more so detects to me that Sakurai just asked GF for a list of their most important promotion Pokemon at the time that they would be ok with being in smash and Lucario topped the list seeing as it was their main promotional tool for that gen (just like how P+M were their main promotional tool for the 3rd gen and double battles and was planned to be in regardless of how many "Smash Fans" thought it was popular).

3. It's importance HAS faded. Sure, it can still be popular to some level ... but it's no longer relevant to the games and the likely hood that it will be something that out prioritizes w/e the 6th gen mascott will be aint good at all. I think of it like Ike ... sure, Ike was important at the time brawl was being made and people love him. But is he important enough to the series that they would keep him in place of Chrome in Smash who will also likely get in because he's "important to the latest games in the time smash is being made"? Personally I think that anything that gets in because it's the "latest promotional thing" for the series it's from is likely to be replaceable to the team on the next game.

That depends - but honestly, Sakurai could do that to Ganon, but he didn't. What makes you think Krystal would be different?

And no, honestly Fox -> Wolf is much MUCH more different than Ryu -> Akuma. Think of it more as Ryu -> Robert Garcia.

Sakurai clearly knows he done goofed by making all of melee's clones direct 1:1 clones so in Brawl we didn't get that for characters other than Ganon. All new characters in Brawl that have move-sets like other characters are all also different in some ways to their source move-set. And even Falco got de-cloned enough to be like Fox's Luigi instead of a 1:1 clone. To ME that makes it clear that if Krystal is a "Fox fighting style character" she would at least be different in some way and not a 1:1 melee clone at this point.

Now, you can go on and on about how different Wolf is but there's no dismissing the fact that he is based on Fox's move-set. I never said it was a 1:1 link to Shotos, just that I think it's a fighting style/ move-set Sakurai seems to feel comfortable having different versions of.

Say what you want but a lot of people still call Wolf a clone and it's clear that all 3 of them fight a certain way.


Character speculation and lists you say?

Mario - Bowser Jr as a light-weight Bowser clone. Reason: He's been prominently featured in nearly all new Mario games.

Metroid - I don't see anything new. Dark Samus as a Samus clone is the only thing I can see. Ridley doesn't make sense for obvious reasons.

Fire Emblem - Ike's out, Krom's in. Same basic moveset. Reason: In with old out with new like Roy -> Ike. Maybe the could squeeze Black Knight/Zelgius in somewhere.

Xenoblade - Shulk if they bother with this franchise. I'd give it a 50% chance.

Pokemon - Lucario out, Zororoak in. Reason: Generational "humanoid" Pokemon shift.

Kid Icarus - Don't really see Medusa because she's a bigger boss. If anyone I'd think Magnus.

Punch-out - Little Mac. Reason: Wii revival.

Sin and Punishment - Saki/Isa.

Golden Sun - Issac/Matthew.

F-Zero - Black Bull. Reason: Needs more villains and F-zero.

Some more characters could be squeezed in if Sakurai finally adds real costume changes / Alts which is #1 on my things I'd like to see list. To work even better a costume change could modify one special attack on a character or something too and therefore we don't need whole separate characters with custom stats. So Pokemon and Fire Emblem characters or Golden Sun and Sin and Punishment described above can easily incorporate more without bloating the roster. Plus you could get things like Dr. Mario, Daisy, Louie etc.

They also need a few more definitive splits between clones. Luigi needs to get Poltergeist 3000 as a special (down-b), Gannondorf needs a complete moveset makeover because a Falcon clone was lame and still is. Star Wolf could do well with his own moveset too (we definitely don't need 3 separate Foxes).

qq more

Star Wolf could do well with his own moveset too (we definitely don't need 3 separate Foxes).

Fortunately that is very easy. All they have to do is change his B moves and his Final Smash. :)

EDIT: ugh don't replace lucario. zororoak isn't even that popular :(
Wolf already has his own moveset. People really need to shut the fuck up about this imaginary game where Fox and Wolf literally share the same moves and animations.
I think Impa will be in the game. Maybe as a clone of Sheik's move set, or Sora will retool Zelda with new moveset and make Impa the "new sheik".

I also think most of Sonic's moveset will live on as Dillon.

Honestly, think about that for a second. Do you really think they would replace Sonic the Hedgehog (no matter how bad some of his recent games have been) with a character from a one-off DD-only game?

It took Sakurai over two years (and a couple of delays) to get 39 playable characters into Brawl. This was ONE game made for comparatively simpler hardware. Given that he has to make SSB4 for both the Wii U and 3DS, and that it's an HD game, I'm somewhat fearful that the roster count might float around the 45 range at best. It definitely isn't going to exceed 50. Newcomer spots are going to be much more precious this time around. Palutena, a new Pokémon, a new Fire Emblem character, and at least one retro character are probably the only safe bets. We might be looking at a few cuts, too.

That seems like a pessimistic (if realistic) point of view to take compared to your earlier posts. Was it that Iwata Asks quote that changed your mind?


hey guys what do u think of my list ov newcomers

amiy roise
super sanic
super shadoiwo
supr silvr
sora w/ mikkey
epic mikey
kopa tropa
bowsr jr
babby bowsr
babby mrio
babby wrio
bby dsgsdjgdjkkjdjkga

pls rate this rosteR!!!!

bby dsgsdjgdikkjdjkga is too big!

Also Sakurai already said babby wrio isn't going to get in, from a old old interview!

Also shygie is totally going to get in, how do I know? I red sakurais mind!

Azure J

I'm wondering if the Smash Thread Cycle will repeat more times than I remember the Marvel 3 Thread Cycle did at this rate. :p

Mario - While a lot of people will say that this series is well represented between the big 4, I feel like you can still get away with one more slot (two if Nintendo feels generous). Vying for that spot is either Bowser Jr, Toad or (to a lesser degree) Daisy. Personally, my preference goes to Daisy and Toad. Daisy creates a power duo like Mario & Luigi on the princess side of things by playing up the tomboy angle. She would also be a wonderful way to consolidate all the Mario Sports & party titles into one representative while sticking close to the main series mold. Toad has a pretty decent following and between his incarnation in SMB2 as a speedy power lifter, Wario's Woods where he was able to incorporate bomb projectiles, and more recently NSMBWii where the characters shared the Freeze Flower powers, Propeller and Penguin Suits, there's a lot to draw from for a move set. Bowser Jr. is a personal eh, but a very popular pick nonetheless. He could bring a lot to the table between the Sunshine paintbrush, contraptions he rides in and more.

Metroid - Ridley is easily the only other choice here. Too much potential there not to take advantage of, a recurring force in the universe that is nearly as constant as the titular creatures themselves, and a strong backing make me feel like if Metroid gets another rep, this is it.

Donkey Kong - Dixie Kong and K. Rool are the ones that make most sense, however I can see both the series not getting another rep or the series only getting one without being surprised. I'd definitely go for both if pressed though.

Kid Icarus - This is the new hot shit and you're silly to think that Palutena isn't a lock both from dynamic within the new Kid Icarus world and overall popularity explosion. While I do think this is another franchise with the potential for multiple entrants just because of its recent star status, its cast of exceptionally interesting figures, and Sakurai's nepotism, I'll refrain from saying anyone else will make it in. That being said though, Magnus, Medusa, and (Uprising Spoilers)
all are strong contenders for a third spot differing reasons, be they story, legacy or gameplay wise.

F-Zero - Black Shadow. Adds a villain, potentially frees Ganondorf's move set up for much needed re-imagining (just don't take Dash Grab, Warlock Punch, or down air Thunderstomp from him plzkthx) and gives the series one of its more popular figures.

Punch-out - Little Mac. Nothing more to say.

Sin and Punishment - Isa/Katchi - Potentially one, optimistically both Ice Climber'd. The series receiving a sequel and Sakurai's apparent love for the series gives a strong possibility to a character slot for the franchise though.

Golden Sun - Issac. Already pretty popular and prominent in the series as is.

Wildcards - Takamaru (perhaps the single most popular "obscure" pick and offers potential in a fighting style not used in smash yet surprisingly), Lip (gives Nintendo Puzzle League a single rep, magic styled attacks based on the different puzzle games/panel de pon could lead to craziness; pretty popular herself)

Personal interesting picks - Mike Jones (StarTrpoics; throws obscure western Nintendo fans a bone!; adds an athlete type to the line-up), Kamek (Yoshi villain, can make for a very fun yet eccentric playstyle with the random goofy spells and enemy summons), Captain Syrup (adds a villain, Wario Land representation to balance Wario's mixed WarioWare/Land appearance, pirate!)

Anything else, I'm either not informed enough on to make a suggestion or don't feel should be changed/altered/removed coming from Brawl.

Edit: Yeah, the whole Wolf is a clone thing is almost as tired as Character X is too big.
It seems like Sakurai really wants Wolf in SSB, so I don't think he'll get removed.

Personally, the only thing I particularly want out of SSB4 (roster-wise, because mainly I just hope the game plays really well) is for Lucas and Snake to stay. I feel like they're the two characters who are mostly likely to get cut, and they're also my favorite characters in Brawl.


Junior Member
hey guys what do u think of my list ov newcomers

amiy roise
super sanic
super shadoiwo
supr silvr
sora w/ mikkey
epic mikey
kopa tropa
bowsr jr
babby bowsr
babby mrio
babby wrio
bby dsgsdjgdjkkjdjkga

pls rate this rosteR!!!!

All I said was Porky could be a possible newcomer in the new Smash. It's a Smash Bros. speculation thread. Why am I being mocked for that?

qq more

guys ridley isnt too big guys what do you think

he should be in my wishlist roster becuz hed make a good additin but i thik geno dserves it more becuz hes populr n shits

also they shold remove wolf becuz hes a clone

but i think wolfs wolfen would be a great fighter even tho its a ship and wuld probably be too big but what do u gies think it wouldnt be at least a clone xdddddd

qq more

All I said was Porky could be a possible newcomer in the new Smash. It's a Smash Bros. speculation thread. Why am I being mocked for that?
huh? that post wasn't directed at anyone

(actually half of it was a parody of a shitty smash bros fangame)

Although Porky would be actually awesome.


Junior Member
huh? that post wasn't directed at anyone

(actually half of it was a parody of a shitty smash bros fangame)

Although Porky would be actually awesome.

Ah, sorry about that. Your post was right below mine and I guess my speculation could be considered unrealistic by some people.

A little while back people were saying the lost tracks were fake. This and this weren't actually cut from the game? I've been thinking they were actually cut from the game for years. If they are fake, they're very high quality anyway.


Those aren't the actual tracks in the game, theres also names of them but no actual music of them. Reasons for there exclusion could be a number of things, maybe the song was copyrighted or there wasn't enough time to finish it.
Honestly, think about that for a second. Do you really think they would replace Sonic the Hedgehog (no matter how bad some of his recent games have been) with a character from a one-off DD-only game?

I don't think Sonic's a "fore-ever main stay" now. He's a guest character ... and IDK how things work behind the scenes for guest characters but I would hate to think that they would have to go through that every game simply because a 3rd party character made a guest appearance in one smash game.

I COULD see Sonic not returning from the start, anything's possible and I don't see why he would be considered a character that's untouchable. And I could actually see Dillon taking his move-set with a few changes.

And why do people get so damn butt hurt over talking about Wolf's move-set? :/

If characters from the aforementioned series weren't "entitled" in 2005, they sure as hell aren't in 2012.

It took Sakurai over two years (and a couple of delays) to get 39 playable characters into Brawl. This was ONE game made for comparatively simpler hardware. Given that he has to make SSB4 for both the Wii U and 3DS, and that it's an HD game, I'm somewhat fearful that the roster count might float around the 45 range at best. It definitely isn't going to exceed 50. Newcomer spots are going to be much more precious this time around. Palutena, a new Pokémon, a new Fire Emblem character, and at least one retro character are probably the only safe bets. We might be looking at a few cuts, too.

I think you're over looking a hella lot of stuff.

Just because a character didn't get into a past smash doesn't mean he doesn't think they're "entitled" to a spot. He does have, ya know, limited time and resources along with console constraints to think about.

As for Smash4 it should also be noted that Sakurai claims he was the only one involved with the balancing of characters and such in the past games and that now, for Smash4, he is allowing the team to help in this regard. I'm no expert but I full that him being the only one allowed to balance characters would have also posed a limiting factor in what they could get away with in that span of time.

Also I don't think that the WiiU being much stronger than the Wii has any form of a negative effect. It should still be smash regardless so I don't think he would be reinventing the wheel ... and if there's anything I see happening with stronger HW it's more content. Seeing as this is a big first party IP I don't see cost being a problem either.
Ah, sorry about that. Your post was right below mine and I guess my speculation could be considered unrealistic by some people.

A little while back people were saying the lost tracks were fake. This and this weren't actually cut from the game? I've been thinking they were actually cut from the game for years. If they are fake, they're very high quality anyway.

The only thing we have of the unused music tracks are the file names. The music that's been uploaded to Youtube and the like are just fan made renditions (of those that are rearrangements, the straight rips are just what they sound like). I'm pretty certain when they were first uploaded to listen to this was explicitly mentioned, but as they got re-distributed multiple times that fact was lost.

And why do people get so damn butt hurt over talking about Wolf's move-set? :/

I think that may come from the fact that so many people seem to believe that he's a straight clone of Fox when he really isn't, further proving that the average Smash fan is incredibly superficial and hardly knows a thing about the games they claim to love so much. They press the special move button a few times and write off entire characters. The entitled lowest common denominator fan--why wouldn't one get sick of dealing with them?
I think that may come from the fact that so many people seem to believe that he's a straight clone of Fox when he really isn't, further proving that the average Smash fan is incredibly superficial and hardly knows a thing about the games they claim to love so much. They press the special move button a few times and write off entire characters. The entitled lowest common denominator fan--why wouldn't one get sick of dealing with them?
But they have the same FINAL SMASH?!?!?!


Just because a character didn't get into a past smash doesn't mean he doesn't think they're "entitled" to a spot. He does have, ya know, limited time and resources along with console constraints to think about.

Yes, but if Sakurai had more time, he wouldn't have added Goroh -- he'd have included Mewtwo, Roy, Dr. Mario, Toon Zelda, and Plusle & Minun. Barring the two retro characters, EVERY single one of Brawl's newcomers had appeared within the 2-3 year time frame before the completion of the planning document. They were all relevant. Of course, anything's possible, and crazier things have happened, but the only way I could see a new F-Zero character being added is if there's a sequel currently in the works. The precedent for adding a non-retro, 10-years-irrelevant "limbo" character like Goroh just isn't there, is all I'm trying to say.


As in "Heathcliff"
Yeah, seriously. Wolf >>> Fox and he's here to stay! I'll be pissed if he gets removed in SSB4.

Feh, I prefer to keep Wolf in SSB, but I am willing to sacrificed Falco for better playable character but I doubt it will happens anyway.

I want Wolf to get new final smash which would allow us to control the target and shoot lasers at the opponents on Wolfen.

I lol'd at people complaining about Star Fox which made me realized the irony.

Star Fox vs. Street Figther

Fox vs. Ryu
Falco vs Ken - Best Friend
Wolf vs Akuma - Rival

Think about it

Peppy vs Gouken
Krystal vs Sakura
Slippy vs Dan


Just two things...

-Takkamaru has to be in this. And he HAS to make a come back like the Kid Icarus franchise. I see him playing like Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur on a 2d pane in smash style.
I hope to see a triumphant return. He is just what Nintendo needs right now IMO

-New WTF character (as suggested earlier in this thread somewhere) should be a Modernised Captain N. Dressed in the modern Nintendo white/gray/light blue colour scheme. Attacks with Nintendo accessories. Wii remote sword slashes, Nunchucks used like Nunchuks, balance board...something, wii zapper projectile, Motion+ calibration power up, 3ds/WiiU AR moves...the possibilities with this guy is endless.
Final Smash- The Official Strategy Guide. He pulls out a virtual representation of a real life Smash bros 4 strategy guide, flicks through is and becomes BROKEN due to his new found knowledge. Think turnabout Phoenix Wright in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.


As in "Heathcliff"
Just two things...

-Takkamaru has to be in this. And he HAS to make a come back like the Kid Icarus franchise. I see him playing like Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur on a 2d pane in smash style.
I hope to see a triumphant return. He is just what Nintendo needs right now IMO

-New WTF character (as suggested earlier in this thread somewhere) should be a Modernised Captain N. Dressed in the modern Nintendo white/gray/light blue colour scheme. Attacks with Nintendo accessories. Wii remote sword slashes, Nunchucks used like Nunchuks, balance board...something, wii zapper projectile, Motion+ calibration power up, 3ds/WiiU AR moves...the possibilities with this guy is endless.
Final Smash- The Official Strategy Guide. He pulls out a virtual representation of a real life Smash bros 4 strategy guide, flicks through is and becomes BROKEN due to his new found knowledge. Think turnabout Phoenix Wright in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.

Feh, I am okay with Captain N but I am not sure how exactly Nintendo felt about him. I would like it pretty much to see Laughing Dog (Duck Hunt Dog) to happens.
I don't think Sonic's a "fore-ever main stay" now. He's a guest character ... and IDK how things work behind the scenes for guest characters but I would hate to think that they would have to go through that every game simply because a 3rd party character made a guest appearance in one smash game.

I COULD see Sonic not returning from the start, anything's possible and I don't see why he would be considered a character that's untouchable. And I could actually see Dillon taking his move-set with a few changes.

I don't like Sonic that much, but he's much bigger and more recognizable than most characters in SSB. Sega probably loves having him in the game, and the only downside is that (according to Sakurai) he's a pain to implement because he's a third-party character. Why wouldn't he return?

And why do you think Dillon is likely? His game isn't a new major or super-successful IP or anything, it's just one eShop game. I don't even think it was developed by Nintendo. There's no way he would be a playable character in the first place, but to suggest that he would replace Sonic, one of gaming's biggest icons (no matter how far his series has fallen), is totally crazy.
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