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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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The very idea of removing a popular gaming icon just to give his moveset to an obscure character (who only had an eshop game) is fucking unrealistically stupid and hilarious.

Just sayin'

And I don't honestly have a thing against Dillon (he looks cool) and wouldn't mind him being in Smash, but get real man.


A banned site just put up an article stating that Square Enix may have licensed a dormant character (Geno lolol) to Nintendo for use in an upcoming game. It's probably BS, though, being a banned site and all.


A banned site just put up an article stating that Square Enix may have licensed a dormant character (Geno lolol) to Nintendo for use in an upcoming game. It's probably BS, though, being a banned site and all.

The fact that it's a "direct tip" pretty much puts it in the BS category for me.


Pfff, Geno. For all this BS "relevant" talk, he fits the irrelevant bill. I don't see the appeal.

Kamek is what we need. In fact, it's what we deserve.


More than likely it's BS like most of their rumors.

If anything, it's Slime in Smash brothers. We're not lucky to get something better than that.

Uzumaki Goku

Junior Member
I'd like to see Ganondorf have a much more unique moveset rather than being a Captain Falcon clone. (like give him some attacks he used from Ocarina of Time, the energy ball, black hole attack, a Ganon transformation etc.)

For a another third party character, I think we'd all like to see Mega Man, but... with the way Capcom is treating him....

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
We're already at the Geno part of the cycle? How fast does the cycle spin?!

Exactly what I was getting at.
I also feel that she would complete the trope-tree for the series.

1. I have to say that I doubt JPuff is still the "2nd top popular" and recognizable Pokemon for the series. I'm sure that would go to Meowth because, at the very least, it's still featured in the anime which would keep it in people's minds and even make it so that new fans can see it and recognize it (Yeah, Pokemon's 15+ years old now ... there's likely a TON of new fans that were too young to be the ones that liked JPuff 2nd only to Pikachu out of the org 151 and seeing how the thing isn't used to promote a great deal of stuff I don't see any reason to think that it's still seen that way to Pokemon Company).

2. Chicken or the egg really. Lucario was the 4th gen mascott, which is a heavily promoted Pokemon for that generation of games. Naturally he became popular. Logic more so detects to me that Sakurai just asked GF for a list of their most important promotion Pokemon at the time that they would be ok with being in smash and Lucario topped the list seeing as it was their main promotional tool for that gen (just like how P+M were their main promotional tool for the 3rd gen and double battles and was planned to be in regardless of how many "Smash Fans" thought it was popular).

3. It's importance HAS faded. Sure, it can still be popular to some level ... but it's no longer relevant to the games and the likely hood that it will be something that out prioritizes w/e the 6th gen mascott will be aint good at all. I think of it like Ike ... sure, Ike was important at the time brawl was being made and people love him. But is he important enough to the series that they would keep him in place of Chrome in Smash who will also likely get in because he's "important to the latest games in the time smash is being made"? Personally I think that anything that gets in because it's the "latest promotional thing" for the series it's from is likely to be replaceable to the team on the next game.

You do know that popularity doesn't simply *snap* vanish like that, and if does, then the argument for Mewtwo should not hold well too. Hell, they have this manga about Jigglypuff recently, and guess who's the cover image in Conquest? There is much more to it than just basing popularity in the anime and such.

Again, that Lucario argument - gee I wonder why Riolu is added? I wonder why there's still a Lucario fursuit costume in Pokemon Sunday. It's small details like that which show staying power. You need to assess them more than just random guessing or simply basing it on "US power".

Sakurai clearly knows he done goofed by making all of melee's clones direct 1:1 clones so in Brawl we didn't get that for characters other than Ganon. All new characters in Brawl that have move-sets like other characters are all also different in some ways to their source move-set. And even Falco got de-cloned enough to be like Fox's Luigi instead of a 1:1 clone. To ME that makes it clear that if Krystal is a "Fox fighting style character" she would at least be different in some way and not a 1:1 melee clone at this point.

Now, you can go on and on about how different Wolf is but there's no dismissing the fact that he is based on Fox's move-set. I never said it was a 1:1 link to Shotos, just that I think it's a fighting style/ move-set Sakurai seems to feel comfortable having different versions of.

Say what you want but a lot of people still call Wolf a clone and it's clear that all 3 of them fight a certain way.

And whoosh, you missed my point entirely.

Think of what I meant by Ryu -> Robert. Both share the same "moves" due to being under the same archetype, but you can pretty much see that despite having the same archetypes they managed to play differently.

And I'm still standing by my Ganon example and the "the similar the character is in their verse the more unlikely s/he is going to be a clone" idea.

not this wolf talk again.
can people just play the game and put that discussion to rest?
Wolf already has his own moveset. People really need to shut the fuck up about this imaginary game where Fox and Wolf literally share the same moves and animations.

So it's already part of that cycle huh? :/


As in "Heathcliff"
A banned site just put up an article stating that Square Enix may have licensed a dormant character (Geno lolol) to Nintendo for use in an upcoming game. It's probably BS, though, being a banned site and all.

Feh, That's why I quit going to that site long time ago. The site just want our clicks for money with those false rumors. I can't remember when their rumor came true.
Just two things...

-Takkamaru has to be in this. And he HAS to make a come back like the Kid Icarus franchise. I see him playing like Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur on a 2d pane in smash style.
I hope to see a triumphant return. He is just what Nintendo needs right now IMO

-New WTF character (as suggested earlier in this thread somewhere) should be a Modernised Captain N. Dressed in the modern Nintendo white/gray/light blue colour scheme. Attacks with Nintendo accessories. Wii remote sword slashes, Nunchucks used like Nunchuks, balance board...something, wii zapper projectile, Motion+ calibration power up, 3ds/WiiU AR moves...the possibilities with this guy is endless.
Final Smash- The Official Strategy Guide. He pulls out a virtual representation of a real life Smash bros 4 strategy guide, flicks through is and becomes BROKEN due to his new found knowledge. Think turnabout Phoenix Wright in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.

Hoverboard for recovery.

The problem with Captain N is probably rights, and if Japanese people even know he exists. It would be hilarious though.

Nintendo owns Captain N and all of the original characters from that universe. The only things they don't own are the third party characters, but they also did a comic version that was all first party, replacing Mega Man and Simon with Samus.
Yes, but if Sakurai had more time, he wouldn't have added Goroh -- he'd have included Mewtwo, Roy, Dr. Mario, Toon Zelda, and Plusle & Minun.
Yeah ... but I'm also sure that if given more time he still wouldn't have added PT into melee (or at the very least there's nothing pointing to him wanting PT in melee). I remember people were convinced that Sakurai wouldn't add any more first gen Pokemon. Hell, every list normally tried to get a"rep" for every gen and people thought it were too late for anymore 1st gen pokes.

And MK. From what lil I remember Sakurai wanted him in smash for a long time ... but it wasn't the time that stopped him, it was the tech behind gliding or something. And wasn't Diddy and Dinzy supposed to be together but he couldn't get the mechanics to work?There's no telling what idles he has that simply couldn't be done the way he wanted at the time.

Just using that as an example of the fact that I'm sure he doesn't try to cram in every character he can think of into the game

Barring the two retro characters, EVERY single one of Brawl's newcomers had appeared within the 2-3 year time frame before the completion of the planning document. They were all relevant. Of course, anything's possible, and crazier things have happened, but the only way I could see a new F-Zero character being added is if there's a sequel currently in the works. The precedent for adding a non-retro, 10-years-irrelevant "limbo" character like Goroh just isn't there, is all I'm trying to say.
I agree, FZ aint getting any new meat ... not sure how that relates to my listed characters though. I do try to only list characters that are in some way relevant to the latest games in their series. In fact, that's one of my golden rules. You keep using Goroh as an example and he is the only one that supports your point of the 3 you listed.

I noticed you didn't address any of my other stuff. To put it simply, I think that there's reason behind his decision to allow his staff to help balance characters this time. Personally I think he could be willing to artificially buff the roster by way of customization and using alts like clones. Adding any level of customization to a game with even brawl's or melee's amount of characters would warrant a more than one person trying to balance it. There's also the other side of it, I could see DLC coming out of the fact that now Sakurai doesn't have to be the only person balancing stuff.

But nevermind that ... I try to get talks started about the only thing of interest we know of coming in this game (customization) but it never goes anywhere :/

Really, I can't see anyway of this game being on WiiU as a downside that hinders Sakurai in someway. The HW may be different but it's not like he's making the game from the ground up, in 3D environments or something.
I don't like Sonic that much, but he's much bigger and more recognizable than most characters in SSB. Sega probably loves having him in the game, and the only downside is that (according to Sakurai) he's a pain to implement because he's a third-party character. Why wouldn't he return?

And why do you think Dillon is likely? His game isn't a new major or super-successful IP or anything, it's just one eShop game..

By definition a "Guest Character" should be seen as ... a guest IMO at least. I don't think of Smash as some home for Sonic so I don't see why we should assume he will return. Personally I could see him and other 3rd party characters being DLC so that they can focus on getting actual Nintendo characters in the disk game first.

As for Dillon I never said he was likely, just that I could see him taking Sonic's move-set as to not let it go to waste in the event of him not returning.

You do know that popularity doesn't simply *snap* vanish like that, and if does, then the argument for Mewtwo should not hold well too. Hell, they have this manga about Jigglypuff recently, and guess who's the cover image in Conquest? There is much more to it than just basing popularity in the anime and such.

Again, that Lucario argument - gee I wonder why Riolu is added? I wonder why there's still a Lucario fursuit costume in Pokemon Sunday. It's small details like that which show staying power. You need to assess them more than just random guessing or simply basing it on "US power".
I never said Lucario wasn't popular NOR did I say Jpuff wasn't. I said Lucario got in BECAUSE he's the promotion figure-head of the 4th gen which was the latest generation of Pokemon games at the time of Brawl's development. Since then he HAS lost relevance to the series. And you're gonna have to do better than that to convince me that an 8 year old JPN kid who started with DP somehow likes and recognizes Jpuff above all Pokemon other then Pikachu.

As for Mewtwo ... they JUST recently had a Mewtwo event in which they gave out Mewtwo with the moves "Psystrike/Shadow Ball/Aura Sphere/Electro Ball". I don't see him as any less relevant than the 1st gen starters.

And whoosh, you missed my point entirely.

Think of what I meant by Ryu -> Robert. Both share the same "moves" due to being under the same archetype, but you can pretty much see that despite having the same archetypes they managed to play differently.

And I'm still standing by my Ganon example and the "the similar the character is in their verse the more unlikely s/he is going to be a clone" idea.
Your point falls on deaf ears because I wasn't trying to make a 1:1 example, but hell if I know why people get so pissy about Wolf.

And I stand by my point that Sakurai doesn't seem to think going the 1:1 clone route is a good idle anymore. So yeah, if there are any non-Ganon clones coming I see them being "Luigi-ed" characters like Falco/ Wolf or Lucas.


ahh the beauty that was melee peach
and that broken down smash
has returned......welp im brawling tonight lol


Yeah ... but I'm also sure that if given more time he still wouldn't have added PT into melee (or at the very least there's nothing pointing to him wanting PT in melee). I remember people were convinced that Sakurai wouldn't add any more first gen Pokemon. Hell, every list normally tried to get a"rep" for every gen and people thought it were too late for anymore 1st gen pokes.

FireRed and LeafGreen were released a year before Sakurai wrote his planning document, so Pokémon Trainer was still very much relevant. Keeping in mind that the Pokémon Trainer is actually three full characters disguised as one, there's no way he could have been included in Melee. Sakurai didn't really have long to work on that game -- there are only seven unique newcomers. Those slots were precious, and Pokémon Trainer wouldn't have been worth it. After Melee's success, Sakurai was given the luxury to do whatever he wanted with Brawl. If a character isn't playable in that game, he probably has a good personal reason for it. Characters like Krom and Zoroark/Victini are fair game for SSB4 because they didn't exist in 2005. There are also old characters like Palutena who are much more relevant now than they were back then.


So a mod of Brawl that makes it fun

Jesus fucking christ.


We get it.

You don't like Brawl.

We got it about eight thousand posts ago.

Good for you.

You don't have to throw a little "HERP-DEE-DERP BRAWL SUXXORZ!!!!" in every single post that you make about Smash Bros.


Jesus fucking christ.


We get it.

You don't like Brawl.

We got it about eight thousand posts ago.

Good for you.

You don't have to throw a little "HERP-DEE-DERP BRAWL SUXXORZ!!!!" in every single post that you make about Smash Bros.

Jesus fucking christ.


Why are you so angry?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'm more saddened by the fact that people like to shoehorn Sonic moves on Dillon. Shows how many people not played the game. =/

Hoverboard for recovery.

Nintendo owns Captain N and all of the original characters from that universe. The only things they don't own are the third party characters, but they also did a comic version that was all first party, replacing Mega Man and Simon with Samus.

I always thought DiC owned Captain N. Color me surprised.

I never said Lucario wasn't popular NOR did I say Jpuff wasn't. I said Lucario got in BECAUSE he's the promotion figure-head of the 4th gen which was the latest generation of Pokemon games at the time of Brawl's development. Since then he HAS lost relevance to the series. And you're gonna have to do better than that to convince me that an 8 year old JPN kid who started with DP somehow likes and recognizes Jpuff above all Pokemon other then Pikachu.

As for Mewtwo ... they JUST recently had a Mewtwo event in which they gave out Mewtwo with the moves "Psystrike/Shadow Ball/Aura Sphere/Electro Ball". I don't see him as any less relevant than the 1st gen starters.

Considering how much Jiggly is featured in merchandising, I'd consider that a kid who started even at Gen V would still recognize Jiggly. For Lucario, my point is that despite that, he is still popular and pulling him out is a bad move regardless of relevance. By that logic a lot of NES classic characters should be pulled out since their only ties is that they are there for retro factor and not relevancy.

My point with Mewtwo is that you can't make him super-special when compared to other similarly popular characters. It just doesn't work that way.

Your point falls on deaf ears because I wasn't trying to make a 1:1 example, but hell if I know why people get so pissy about Wolf.

And I stand by my point that Sakurai doesn't seem to think going the 1:1 clone route is a good idle anymore. So yeah, if there are any non-Ganon clones coming I see them being "Luigi-ed" characters like Falco/ Wolf or Lucas.

I was merely pointing out how people like to go for a shallow comparison (Ryu -> Akuma) when it's not really apt.

And I just don't want Krystal here, that's all. :p


Just sick of you trying your hardest to shit up every single Smash Bros. discussion.

A spoilered jab at Brawl is trying my hardest to shit up every single Smash Bros discussion? Okay.

On topic: Mewtwo is probably the most popular legendary Pokemon of all time, and he is still very relevant today. As someone mentioned, he's one of the main characters in Nobunaga's Ambition. I don't think it's a stretch at all for him to make a return in Smash 4.

By 2014, or whenever Smash is released, I think Lucario may be borderline irrelevant. Nonetheless, he should be in the game too. Because dropping characters is fucking stupid and Sakurai should feel bad for dropping Doc, Roy, Mewtwo, Pichu and Young Link. I have a buddy who refused to play Brawl because Doc was gone. They least they could have done was throw in an alt costume, Wario style.
Is Lucario being used to promote the fifth generation too? Someone mentioned that earlier in the thread, and I didn't think they were still using him.

Because dropping characters is fucking stupid and Sakurai should feel bad for dropping Doc, Roy, Mewtwo, Pichu and Young Link.

But Toon Link is Young Link. They're pretty much the same character, and Toon Link even plays like Young Link would have. Saying Toon Link was cut is like saying Ocarina of Time Link was cut.


Saying Toon Link was cut is like saying Ocarina of Time Link was cut.

Toon Link is technically a new character, though, with the different name and all. Yeah, it's nitpicking, but the official classification is that he's a newcomer. The visual jump from Young Link to Toon Link is also much greater than from OOT Link to TP Link.
But Toon Link is Young Link. They're pretty much the same character, and Toon Link even plays like Young Link would have. Saying Toon Link was cut is like saying Ocarina of Time Link was cut.

I think you need to replay Melee and compare them. They're based on the same idea of a lighter, faster Link, but they really don't play all that similarly. Toon Link is much, much floatier than Young Link, and really the only moves of Young Link's that made it to Toon Link's movelist were his Forward Smash and Up Special. Everything else is more or less completely different. Toon Link has significantly less in common with Young Link than any veteran in Brawl has to their respective incarnation in Melee. They're really only a similar idea, but gone about in a completely different fashion. He's another clone based on the same idea, not just Young Link repurposed for Brawl.
FireRed and LeafGreen were released a year before Sakurai wrote his planning document, so Pokémon Trainer was still very much relevant. Keeping in mind that the Pokémon Trainer is actually three full characters disguised as one, there's no way he could have been included in Melee. Sakurai didn't really have long to work on that game -- there are only seven unique newcomers. Those slots were precious, and Pokémon Trainer wouldn't have been worth it. After Melee's success, Sakurai was given the luxury to do whatever he wanted with Brawl. If a character isn't playable in that game, he probably has a good personal reason for it. Characters like Krom and Zoroark/Victini are fair game for SSB4 because they didn't exist in 2005. There are also old characters like Palutena who are much more relevant now than they were back then.

I really doubt that a remake released in the beginning of 2004 had any bearing on getting PT in or making him more "relevant" than he was before. And my point wasn't "oh hey, he didn't add in these characters to melee" it's that there doesn't seem to be any indication he wanted them in melee to begin with.

Just to be clear, you seem to be saying "if XYZ didn't get into BRAWL or wasn't planned for BRAWL via forbidden 7 then they don't stand a chance now" and I simply don't think that to be the case.

Ontop of that, no ... Sakurai wasn't given the "luxury" of having as much time as he wanted to do w/e he wanted (as seen with the forbidden 7). He was given more time than with Melee but clearly it wasn't something Nintendo would just let him pump however many years he wanted into.

Has there been any info released or is everything still speculation?

It's on WiiU and 3DS. 3DS is more for a one player experience.

There's gonna be some kinda customization feature ... but no one seems to care about that :p


if i had the choice between 20 old characters (including some of my favorites) and 20 new i'd go with the latter.

The problem I have with that is we already have pretty much every important major and minor character so we'd be losing important people for nobodies.
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