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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Considering how much Jiggly is featured in merchandising, I'd consider that a kid who started even at Gen V would still recognize Jiggly. For Lucario, my point is that despite that, he is still popular and pulling him out is a bad move regardless of relevance. By that logic a lot of NES classic characters should be pulled out since their only ties is that they are there for retro factor and not relevancy.

My point with Mewtwo is that you can't make him super-special when compared to other similarly popular characters. It just doesn't work that way.

I'm sure any kid into Pokemon can recognize a Pokemon. I said "likes and recognizes" ... any proof that they actually like Jpuff more than any other non-Pikachu Pokemon even though they got into the series at a time when it had 100s of Pokemon to pick from?

I think that's why Jpuff is now just the Joke Character in Smash. :/

And for Lucario I disagree. I think all parties involved would put w/e 6th gen mon GF wants to use to promote the 6th gen higher on the list of importance than Lucario.

For your retro bit ... that's apples and oranges. Retro characters are there to be throw backs to Nintendo's roots be them Popular or Not (In fact, I'm sure none of them were popular before getting into smash). For an ever evolving, on going series I think relevance to the series counts a whole lot.

As for Mewtwo ... being the first Pokemon to star in a movie, the closest thing the series had to a "villain pokemon", it's wide-spread love and recognition, it's on-going relevance in the series ... yeah, I do think it's more of a special case compared to "other popular Pokemon".

Has there been any info released or is everything still speculation?

It's on WiiU and 3DS. 3DS is more for a one player experience.

There's gonna be some kinda customization feature ... but no one seems to care about that :p


I have a hard time thinking of 5, though I guess that depends on your definition of "relevant".
True, it depends. Relevant could mean any current or future character with a release between Brawl and Smash Wii U or characters that have gain popularity through game releases. At this point, I don't know what to believe anymore.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Why is Geno so popular anyway? He shoots peas from his arm. Wow.

I never really got it too.

His stoicness I guess (meaning uninteresting, bland character), which pretty much reflects Sephiroth?

I guess he has that "nerd factor" with that disc attack dealing 9999 damage if you time it right.


I really doubt that a remake released in the beginning of 2004 had any bearing on getting PT in or making him more "relevant" than he was before. And my point wasn't "oh hey, he didn't add in these characters to melee" it's that there doesn't seem to be any indication he wanted them in melee to begin with.

Just to be clear, you seem to be saying "if XYZ didn't get into BRAWL or wasn't planned for BRAWL via forbidden 7 then they don't stand a chance now" and I simply don't think that to be the case.

Ontop of that, no ... Sakurai wasn't given the "luxury" of having as much time as he wanted to do w/e he wanted (as seen with the forbidden 7). He was given more time than with Melee but clearly it wasn't something Nintendo would just let him pump however many years he wanted into.

"Luxury" is clearly hyperbole, but Brawl's budget and team size most likely dwarfed that of Melee.

I realize I've sort of dug myself into a hole regarding "relevance," but it really isn't something I feel strongly about. I'm just trying to look at things from a Melee and Brawl perspective when it comes to assessing a potential roster; obviously, it's not something any of us are going to get right, but I feel more confident looking for patterns in Sakurai's past decision-making. For instance, it sounds crazy to me that Sakurai would add Isaac, Starfy, Saki, Shulk, and a bunch of other new franchise representatives when historically he has only added 1-2 new worlds per game.

I also disagree on the Pokémon Trainer thing. FireRed and LeafGreen were pretty big releases that sold exceptionally well. They reintroduced the first generation of Pokémon to a lot of people.

Why is Geno so popular anyway? He shoots peas from his arm. Wow.

He's not, but he has very loud fans.
Why not just make Zelda's down B a tag in/tag out? Switch between Zelda and Impa.
Actually, I was thinking of an idea kinda similar to this. This might have been brought up before - like hell I'm reading 100 pages to verify if it has, of course - but maybe have a game mode akin to Capcom's Vs. series, where you pick two fighters and swap them in/out in the middle of a fight to let the percentage of the other fighter "heal" (albeit only down to a certain point relative to when they went in). Alternatively, a mode more like Virtua Fighter 2's (and many other games', I'm sure) Team Battle, where you pick up to, say, five fighters in the order desired, and every time you lose a life you have to move on to the next fighter in the list, until all of a player's list is defeated.

It probably wouldn't mix up the dynamic of the game too much, but having even more game-modifying options like that would be pretty nifty.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Erm, I thought it's already in the game.

Nah, not team. Actually having two characters in your command.

I chalk it up to something like Tekken Tag Tournament or Neo Geo Battle Coliseum where killing only one of the teammates is enough for a penalty. Benched characters slowly reduce their percentage. Characters can tag in during attack combos, etc.
I can barely keep up with four people on the screen, honestly.
Well, with a tag team fight, there still would generally only be four people on-screen at a given time at most; it's just that those four would occasionally swap out for other characters, either so one can rest or because one was taken out.


I think 4+ player local multiplayer is a must tbh. They've already shown off 5 player support at E3 2011, and Wii U was like pre-alpha at that point.

3 v 3 matches would make comically large stages like New Pork City playable.

I'd like to see a tag mechanic too. Seriously, ditch (most of) the shitty ideas in Special Brawl and give us something worthwhile.

2 v 2 Tag, SFxT style. This can be done with either one player controlling 2 characters, or two players each controlling one character, an interesting new take on teams.

3 v 3 Tag, MVC3 style. Like 2v2 tag above, one player can control all 3 characters, or 3 players can be pinned each to one character.

There can be an item that triggers a cross assault-like mode, where all players from one team get on the screen at once and can use the opportunity to destroy their opponent.

Instead, we'll probably get a long, shitty single player mode no one asked for.


As in "Heathcliff"
I can barely keep up with four people on the screen, honestly.

I thought it would be nice if we could have 6 players in Brawl. They could have went with it. 4 GameCube Controller and two Wii controllers (Classic Controller) Usually 4 players matches are not problem for me because I usually win a lot.

Tag Team concept seem interesting and I fully support it.


Also thought about the new SMASH! I played the shit out of all the Smash Bros and this is my take on new characters:

Zelda -> Midna & Wolf or Ghirarim or
Punch Out > Little Mac
Sin and Punishment > Kachi & Isa
1080> Ricky Winterborn, Kensuki Kimachi (dont know about the moveset)
Wario series > Waluigi! DONT DO IT! too generic!
Golden Sun> Isaac or Saturos
Metroid> Ridley
Donkey Kong > King K.Rool
Fzero: We need another awesome rider!
Kid Icarus > big boss
Xenoblade > Ryan, Shulk or Riki Heropon or character 7.
Captain Rainbow?

Looks like a manfest!

We need women:

Mario> Rosalina ?
KI> Medusa / Paluntena
FE> Eirika ( bring on the cam)

Ow and Travis Touchdown! must Happen! cant wait for Recharging and the trash talk through the wiimote

Bring back a old character like you guys did with Pit.

- I would love to see the dog from Duckhunt as a assist trophy much like the Toasted guy from Mortal Kombat. If you see him laugh you must press a button. The last one gets shot and the dog laughs.
- What about a Kid Icarus stage with the gods on the background.
- Or a spherical level from galaxy series.
- eggplantdude or the other guy as an assist trophy
-No more double moveset! Each and every one must have a unique fighting style.

- A mii plaza stage where Mario Karts are driving & pilotwings pilots fly over
- Skyward sword end stage!
Donkey Kong Returns Silhouet stage! when the sun is going down, only silhouet visible.
- A 1080 stage with snow (duh)and Riders doing insane stunts.
Wario Ware Level with more insane oldschool games.
A Kid Icarus stage where Pits angels or protectors carry the stage and sometimes one gets shot and the stage flips 20 to 30 degrees. The ending boss from Kid Icarus will be on the background talking trash!

I am also loving the Captain N ideas! Bring it Nintendo!
"Luxury" is clearly hyperbole, but Brawl's budget and team size most likely dwarfed that of Melee.
It's not even just that, I do remember Sakurai commenting on how the Wii's HW was a limitation as well. He also stated that with the new HW he can get better and more animations into the characters than he could with the Wii.
At the very least I remember him stating that he wouldn't be against doing DLC (as to keep the game fresh and fun for years until the next installment) but ... that's not possible with the Wii. Now with WiiU and even 3DS that's not the case.

And it also has to do with how he's spending his time and resources. There's no doubt in my mind that had he chilled the fuck out on SSE we would have been given more characters. Now, people think that with the new "treatment" the series is getting with the whole single player focused 3DS title matched with the multi-player WiiU title that maybe something will change in this regard.

Also, you have to factor in the fact that he was the only person on the team balancing these characters. There's a limit to how much you could expect one man to do and I'm sure he thought about that when picking characters before. Now (I guess either because of how lopsided brawl's balancing is or because of the fact he knows he can't be the only one balancing this game duo to how big it will be with the customization features ... w/e they are) that's no longer the case and he's allowing others to help balance the game as well. I'm certainly not an expert in game development but it seems to me that having one man balancing characters would be a bit of a limitation when it comes to adding new characters.

Point being, there's a ton of things that contributed to how Brawl turned out and the decisions Sakurai made regarding characters and such. It wasn't just a time thing.

I realize I've sort of dug myself into a hole regarding "relevance," but it really isn't something I feel strongly about. I'm just trying to look at things from a Melee and Brawl perspective when it comes to assessing a potential roster; obviously, it's not something any of us are going to get right, but I feel more confident looking for patterns in Sakurai's past decision-making. For instance, it sounds crazy to me that Sakurai would add Isaac, Starfy, Saki, Shulk, and a bunch of other new franchise representatives when historically he has only added 1-2 new worlds per game.
I love patterns, but you have to also look at context. Also, with looking at new series being added ... that's not yet really a pattern seeing as you can only go by melee and brawl as games that "added" characters to the games. It's no wonder why Melee had so few, it was rushed and clones were used to beef up the roster. Brawl, on the other hand, has 5 new series (Pikmin/ KI/ Wario/ MGS/ Sonic).

I also disagree on the Pokémon Trainer thing. FireRed and LeafGreen were pretty big releases that sold exceptionally well. They reintroduced the first generation of Pokémon to a lot of people.
Every mainline Pokemon game is a "big release" that sells "exceptionally well". And on top of that there were 3 more Pokemon games released between it and Brawl's release.

Not saying that it's not possible (hell, I would love it to work like that. Gives Impa even more of a leg to stand on given the OoT remake along side SS) but I really don't think a remake that came out 4 years before Brawl's release somehow over-rides the fact that those would be the most logical picks for Pokemon a Pokemon Trainer character would have.

Would also like this PM everyone is talking about. :p
3 v 3 matches would make comically large stages like New Pork City playable.

I lost at that prerelease Gamestop tournament in one of the qualifiers because we had to choose random stages, and New Pork City was the stage I lost in. That experience alone nearly made me forget that I actually like Earthbound.


I lost at that prerelease Gamestop tournament in one of the qualifiers because we had to choose random stages, and New Pork City was the stage I lost in. That experience alone nearly made me forget that I actually like Earthbound.

I won that tournament near me using only Lucas. Made me love Mother 3 more. ;)


Junior Member
I don't get what some people are talking about by saying only relevant characters should be put in. Wouldn't it be more important to put in characters that aren't relevant anymore? It helps to gain interest in series. It worked for Pit. So I don't see why people are dismissing other people who bring up an F-Zero character, for example. Being a good character is far more important than being relevant.


It's great when somebody is both relevant and a good, popular character, but there aren't many of those left. Between characters like Wario and Diddy Kong, Brawl seems to have exhausted all of the big names. This is the first Smash Bros. without a true shoo-in, and it's a bit odd that Samus' archenemy is the closest thing we have to a missing "big name"; the number two character from Nintendo's number ten(?) franchise.


Junior Member
It's great when somebody is both relevant and a good, popular character, but there aren't many of those left. Between characters like Wario and Diddy Kong, Brawl seems to have exhausted all of the big names. This is the first Smash Bros. without a true shoo-in, and it's a bit odd that Samus' archenemy is the closest thing we have to a missing "big name"; the number two character from Nintendo's number ten(?) franchise.

After Kid Icarus Uprising, I'd say Palutena probably counts as a big name too. But what I'm wondering is why big names matter at this point. I think people will buy Smash even if new characters are obscure.


I'm hoping they tweak the Final Smash and at least give e option to turn it to meter based. The Smash Balls are fun sometimes, but I find it kind of kills the flow of the game. I'd prefer it if you built up a meter by landing actual smash attacks.

Plus, some of those final smashes... Meh.


After Kid Icarus Uprising, I'd say Palutena probably counts as a big name too. But what I'm wondering is why big names matter at this point. I think people will buy Smash even if new characters are obscure.

Oh, you're right, I'm just saying that it personally feels strange to me that there aren't any huge newcomers left to market the game around. They might have to dig into a third-party like Mega Man for that. There are always a few new guys on the box art, for example, but I can't think of anyone well-known enough to deserve that honor this time around.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
After finishing Rhythm Heaven Fever (just cleared, not yet medal'd, Remix 10) - I hope that game gets a rep as an assist trophy or a stage.

I wouldn't mind if it's a stage based on Night Walk or maybe an assortment of the minigames as the stage.


I'm pretty sure a banned site doesn't mean you're not allowed to discuss the content of that site at all. It just means you can't link to them directly.

The whole point of the rule is to get people to look for better sources than certain unreliable ones. I'm sure no mod's gonna ban you for saying, "Hey, here's a rumor from an unreliable source, but it is literally the only thing we have to talk about right now and it's better than going back over the same five or six topics for the hundredth time."

If you're all really too scared to post it, just send it to me.


Maturity, bitches.
Is the rumour to do with Square Enix? I just searched "Smash Bros rumour" in Google to cover just the past 24 hours.
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