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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Jigglypuff is the most deserving of a cut in terms of irrelevance and an overstayed welcome, but in good conscience I'd never remove any of the original twelve characters. There's too much nostalgia attached to Jigglypuff for me, regardless of whether or not she deserves to be in the game.

I'll probably get crucified for saying this, but I think Falco is one of the least "qualified" characters on the roster. The Star Fox series itself isn't a very major one (these days, at least), and within those games Falco is sort of the number four marketed/important character after Fox, Wolf, and Krystal. He was only included in Melee because he made for an easy clone, and he stuck around for Brawl because his Melee incarnation was so popular (read: overpowered). Don't get me wrong -- I LOVE Falco, but in a game of supposed Nintendo all-stars, he's one of the least significant. Fox and Wolf would sufficiently represent the series for me.


wolf is the only character i can think of that i would cut without hesitation.

Fine, I'll clarify. I'm not a fan of shitty "hey look it's nintendo's roots before mario you should enjoy these kinda guys" characters. I thought G&W was a nice distraction in Melee, I thought ROB was stupid in Mario Kart, and my feelings only intensified when I found out both of them were in Brawl.

i use g&w all the time. he's one of my favorite characters to use. YOU ARE A STINK.
Here's kind of a weird question. If you had to cut one character from the new Smash, who would it be and why?

Jigglypuff, plenty of pokemon to chose from yet so many from gen 1, I actually would prefer to play as Jigglypuff then say Lucario but it's nice to see the 4th gen represented. Main arguments against cutting Jiggles usually are...

1. Seniority: Jiggs was in from Smash 64, somehow this means that being cut is simply inexcusable. I don't get this argument at all, the reason why the other Smash 64 characters wouldn't be cut is because they are actually all main characters from their own Nintendo series, Jigglypuff sits as the odd one out here and plenty of more important Nintendo characters have been introduced in sequels, if I were given the choice of cutting Marth or Jigglypuff I sure as hell wouldn't go "well Jiggs was here first, sorry face of fire emblem, seniority and all that".

2. Joke Character status: I'm not sure how to even go about this one but yeah it's one reason that pops up every now and then. Not sure how this works as a reason either way.

Jigglypuff does bring an aerial sort of playstyle to the game and was certainly solid in melee (very much a non joke), hell I enjoyed playing as it eevry now and then but in the end there are many pokemon in smash anyway, if any series could have their numbers slashed i'd rather take out one of the numerous pokemon that are just kind of lying around and Jigglypuff is the most uninteresting to me of the lot.

Bracing myself for angry words.


R.O.B. I can somewhat understand, but cutting G&W?

Jigglypuff is the most deserving of a cut in terms of irrelevance and an overstayed welcome, but in good conscience I'd never remove any of the original twelve characters. There's too much nostalgia attached to Jigglypuff for me, regardless of whether or not she deserves to be in the game.

I'll probably get crucified for saying this, but I think Falco is one of the least "qualified" characters on the roster. The Star Fox series itself isn't a very major one (these days, at least), and within those games Falco is sort of the number four marketed/important character after Fox, Wolf, and Krystal. He was only included in Melee because he made for an easy clone, and he stuck around for Brawl because his Melee incarnation was so popular (read: overpowered). Don't get me wrong -- I LOVE Falco, but in a game of supposed Nintendo all-stars, he's one of the least significant. Fox and Wolf perfectly represents the series for me.

I'd cut Wolf over Falco (and not because of some shitty clone argument, because he's not a clone). I would argue that Falco is more "relevant" than Wolf is, despite both of them being quite popular.


Maturity, bitches.


I'd cut Lucario, but only to bring back Mewtwo with maybe some of Lucario's moveset rolled in.

I would never cut Jigglypuff, not just for being a well-marketed Pokemon from the first gen and being a fondly remembered character in the anime, but mostly from a gameplay perspective. In fighting games you always gotta have a couple "gimmick" characters that are fun to play with because their strategy revolves around a machanic not common to any other fighter, and with Jigglypuff it's that Sleep move that turns her into living hot potato that is in some ways harmless but no one wants to get too close to.


PokéKong;37162965 said:
I'd cut Lucario, but only to bring back Mewtwo with maybe some of Lucario's moveset rolled in.

I would never cut Jigglypuff, not just for being a well-marketed Pokemon from the first gen and being a fondly remembered character in the anime, but mostly from a gameplay perspective. In fighting games you always gotta have a couple "gimmick" characters that are fun to play with because their strategy revolves around a machanic not common to any other fighter, and with Jigglypuff it's that Sleep move that turns her into living hot potato that is in some ways harmless but no one wants to get too close to.

cutting a gen iv pokemon for the return of yet another gen 1 pokemon would be so lame, though. i hope the next smash has gen v/vi pokemon.
Ohhh, I forgot about Falco, he'd be high on my cutting list. Wolf takes the Fox approach and makes it his own far more than Falco ever did and on top of that is a rival character.
Falco isn't bad but Starfox is fortunate to have 3 reps anyway, if one had to be put on the chopping block I wouldn't hesitate to throw Falco on before Wolf.
Falco basically has the same credentials as Peppy and Slippy and at least those two had the decency to stick around for SF adventures while Falco just dropped in at the last minute much like Andross himself, I don't know what this little point has to do with anything but yeah!




R.O.B. would be better if he used a zapper, NES advantage, and maybe some other peripherals too. That is, if there isn't a Duck Hunt character or a better fit for it.


Ohhh, I forgot about Falco, he'd be high on my cutting list. Wolf takes the Fox approach and makes it his own far more than Falco ever did and on top of that is a rival character.
Falco isn't bad but Starfox is fortunate to have 3 reps anyway, if one had to be put on the chopping block I wouldn't hesitate to throw Falco on before Wolf.
Falco basically has the same credentials as Peppy and Slippy and at least those two had the decency to stick around for SF adventures while Falco just dropped in at the last minute much like Andross himself, I don't know what this little point has to do with anything but yeah!

Yeah, I agree with this. Believe me, I'm not anti-Falco or anything -- I love the character -- but he definitely isn't as important as Wolf.

I would argue that Falco is more "relevant" than Wolf is, despite both of them being quite popular.

I'm not so sure -- I recently played through most of the major games that the Brawl cast appears in, and Falco and Jigglypuff stand out in my mind as the least important. Maybe I'm wrong. Since Star Fox 64, I've gotten the impression that Wolf means more to the series than Falco; Fox is the most important Star Fox member, and Wolf is the most important Star Wolf member. It wouldn't feel right to me having two good guys in the game representing the series without an antagonist (it bothered me in Melee).


Maturity, bitches.
Come at me, random GameFAQs lurkers.

GameFAQs users probably thought ROB was an original character made for the SSE mode.

And if ROB is so useless lets propose that any character who has appeared in less games than it should be cut because they are even more useless. HA HA HA HA!
Actually, since GameFAQs recently made changes to their username system, I now finally have the same username there that I have here. So now they can send me angry PMs that I can ignore.
Yeah, I agree with this. Believe me, I'm not anti-Falco or anything -- I love the character -- but he definitely isn't as important as Wolf.

I'm going to also agree with your point that for most the Falco support was because of how damn good he was in melee, my main smash bros rival played melee Falco and was like "yeah he's my favourite character", that tune immediately changed when he was weaker in Brawl, dropped for the most part (even though he's still pretty good if memory serves).

Not that there's anything wrong with liking a character for how they play but it's an observation, most of the people who I played melee with cared not for Nintendo history but my word did they love that tier list, you'd think Starfox was Nintendo's most beloved franchise.

Edit: Actually i'm no better, I dropped Yoshi from regular use because I didn't care much for him in Brawl, plus it was newer newt Yoshi, bleh.



This tread reminded me that they need to bring back fighter Jigglypuff.

I would cut Diddy Kong. I never play as him and I find his sounds really annoying.
When was the last time Nintendo cared about a Tier List, though?
Was mainly talking about this comment:
I'm going to also agree with your point that for most the Falco support was because of how damn good he was in melee, my main smash bros rival played melee Falco and was like "yeah he's my favourite character", that tune immediately changed when he was weaker in Brawl, dropped for the most part (even though he's still pretty good if memory serves).


There is no way I would choose to cut a single Star Fox character, I don't care how unpopular or "irrelevant" the series or its characters become, I love them all too much and they're just great quality Nintendo characters that all deserve to be featured if ever chosen to (except for Krystal).

ROB is a neat little tidbit of Nintendo history trivia, of which there are many, but he gained the unfair advantage of having a character-like form. But I'm indifferent to his reasons for appearing, I'd sooner cut the Ice Climbers.

I'd cut Ike, the Fire Emblem franchise is rich with awesome and unique characters, and Ike is the star of one of my least favorite entries. Whether to be in favor of Chrom, or some other popular throwback character from the series, I don't really care.

cutting a gen iv pokemon for the return of yet another gen 1 pokemon would be so lame, though. i hope the next smash has gen v/vi pokemon.

Forgot to mention I fully support adding Zoroark as the gen 5 representation, preferably with his own completely original moves. Gen 6 seems like a longshot still.
Falco is still very high up in the Brawl tier list (4t) and much higher than the other space animals.
I think the only reason my friend used him was due to the ridiculous down air move really, that got nerfed and then there was no more Falco.

Sorry, but I'm simply not a monkey person.

i feel your pain, i don't like apes or monkeys either.

So you don't like DK or Primeape either, we can never be friends.
primeape is unique and cool. plus he was in the first episode of the anime that i ever watched~ <3

donkey kong... is... alright, he's cool.
I'm sorry to have doubted you.

I thought about cutting DK, as I also never use him, but my little cousin is quite fond of him. Not to mention that he doesn't make any awful high pitched cries.
Your little cousin has the right idea, you should learn from him.


So you don't like DK or Primeape either, we can never be friends.
I played a lot of DK for the game boy and back then I preferred Diddy over DK because he was more agile but after his appearance in brawl I hate him. I have nothing against DK as a character, I just don't like slow fighters.
The design of Primeape is alright but I dislike him because he would beat up Ash for no reason. He should take some anger management classes.

Your little cousin has the right idea, you should learn from him.
I think he only uses him because he can headbutt people into the ground and charge up his punch for massive damage.


Here's kind of a weird question. If you had to cut one character from the new Smash, who would it be and why?

Either Falco or Wolf, honestly.

I'm not a fan of the "Nintendo's museum of history" characters like ROB and G&W, especially when there are more deserving characters out there, but I do think it's pretty fun to troll people with G&W. ROB could definitely go though and I wouldn't miss him one bit.

I also wish that Ganon would get a moveset that resembled something from his previous games (or hell even a tweaked clone moveset from Ike) and that his current moves could be passed off to someone better-suited to it.

EDIT: Lucario could be cut too and I'd be fine with it, though I do wish Mewtwo would come back and take a lot of Lucario's moves.
I don't like the idea of cutting any characters, but if I had to make a cut, it would be the Young Link/Toon Link character.

It represents another aspect of the Zelda series, but with Link probably using his SS appearance, having "Toon" link in as an entirely different character seems... pointless, since Link will already be somewhat toony.

And I always felt of all the clones Toon Link/Young Link was the weakest, next to maybe Dr. Mario. Nothing felt unique about him, he's just Link but a little smaller and faster. There isn't really anything unique about him in Brawl, even compared to other clones (like Falco and Ganon).

But I really do think once you're in Smash, you stay in Smash. I miss Mewtwo, Pichu and Roy, I feel like that were given the short end of the stick (especially since they brought back Falco, Ganondorf and Young Link).

I also feel every generation of Pokemon should have a character, and Pichu fit for the second gen well.



Lucas was by far the most boring and derivative character in Brawl.
Is he a big deal in Japan or something? I certainly don't care about him.



Lucas was by far the most boring and derivative character in Brawl.
Is he a big deal in Japan or something? I certainly don't care about him.

Well he's a main character in Mother 3, sequel to Earthbound that is one of the most beloved game from the gba era (it was never localized unfortunately). Yeah he's kind of a big deal.
I really like how Lucas plays, he's like a power character in a small body, I wasn't expecting so much "oomph" from his smash attacks, shame that his specials are so similar to Ness' but i'll forgive it for that PK Thunder.


Maturity, bitches.
Why is he called Young Link when in the majority of Zelda games Link is young? It should be Link and "Adult" Link.


PokéKong;37163684 said:
I'd cut Ike, the Fire Emblem franchise is rich with awesome and unique characters, and Ike is the star of one of my least favorite entries.

If you want to remove Ike from the game, you'll get no sympathy mercy from me.
Mother 3 has to be one of Nintendo's best games. For that reason alone I hope Lucas doesn't get cut.

But I think he's more likely to get cut than a lot of characters.


Maturity, bitches.
Or they should include a character from a game that the majority of the world has had access to, like Ray from Disaster Day of Crisis.


I don't like the idea of cutting any characters, but if I had to make a cut, it would be the Young Link/Toon Link character.

Actually that's a fair cut. He's a pretty weak character choice. (Especially with how the Toon Link version is portrayed... it just clashes with the art style of the game completely.)
Considering Super Smash Bros 4 is, according to Sakurai, not going to have too many new characters, I think the best route to take would be to not cut any characters if possible. Either that or load up on third party characters, but who really wants that. I can handle Sonic the Hedgehog and Solid Snake alongside Megaman, some Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy character or Professor Layton; but outside of that I have little tolerance for much else. Even then I'm not saying all five should be in at the same time.
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