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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Considering how Sonic already had stuff like his old 'looking over the edge' animations and the leg cycle when he ran fast, they could probably have an optional costume/model switch without having to change too much in the first place.

EDIT: I'd argue at least online Kirby seems to have more of a following, but overall yeah DK's the bigger brand.

Don't see anything wrong with how often Ross pimps Marvel though considering how awesome he is. I'd go on instead about how apparently he's anal tentative over using Kyle Raynor ahead of any other Green Lantern which has led to some drama in projects he's worked on.
and relate this to Sakurai using Zero-Suit Samus ahead of Ridley or Young Link and Sheik ahead of a proper representation Ganondorf
Gravijah said:
they're just hating on transgendered people. :/

Probably. I mean, it's obvious that the intent of Sheik was to have Zelda disguised as a guy, what with the Japanese version's use of a male-specific personal pronoun when he introduced himself. Alas, Aonuma holds all the cards.
Yeah seriously:


Look at that sly, really 10 years old motherfucker.


Super Member
Astrosanity said:
Considering how Sonic already had stuff like his old 'looking over the edge' animations and the leg cycle when he ran fast, they could probably have an optional costume/model switch without having to change too much in the first place.

EDIT: I'd argue at least online Kirby seems to have more of a following, but overall yeah DK's the bigger brand.

Don't see anything wrong with how often Ross pimps Marvel though considering how awesome he is. I'd go on instead about how apparently he's anal tentative over using Kyle Raynor ahead of any other Green Lantern which has led to some drama in projects he's worked on.
and relate this to Sakurai using Zero-Suit Samus ahead of Ridley or Young Link and Sheik ahead of a proper representation Ganondorf
I was joking about Captain Marvel. He's awesome. I've just never seen the TV show featuring Jackson Bostwick, whose inclusion is just "oh yeah" compared to the other actors (George Reeves, Adam West, Lynda Carter).

Kirby (and his "team") are conveniently placed in the center of Melee/Brawl's character select screens

It's obvious where Sakurai's bias is

SAKURAAAAAAIIIIII *shakes fist in direction of Japan*


Black-Wind said:
They're the only ones that HAD important roles that changed and pushed the plot.

In spite of that, they didn't get all that much screen time compared to other characters.

In addition, I'd say that you really can't lump Metaknight with Kirby and Dedede. He does basically nothing story-wise aside from wandering around, in spite of all the screen time that his Halberd gets. His two big actions cutscene-wise are just pointless duels with Marth and Lucario. When you look at the main points of the "plot", Kirby and Dedede certainly received a lot of focus, but that didn't translate into much actual screen time focus.
Ironic that you would call Samus one of Nintendo's main three, when her series is decidedly less popular and famous than Kirby. Kirby's got a 100 episode anime, man, and this gen has had six games, versus Samus' five games. Of these games, Kirby has six of them being mainline titles, with only one of them being a remake; of Samus', we have four of them as arguably mainline (Prime Hunters is fairly different, but I'll count it), with one of the mainline titles being a collection. And on top of that, with Kirby's titles, three of them are million sellers (the other two not quite being there due to being recent releases or not-quite-released titles), and as far as anyone can tell, none of the Metroid titles this generation have accomplished that.

You can say that maybe it's unfair to put Kirby over DK (even though DK's had like, only one title that was better than a Kirby title this gen), but Samus is definitely not one of Nintendo's "big three".


A Link to the Snitch said:
Ironic that you would call Samus one of Nintendo's main three, when her series is decidedly less popular and famous than Kirby. Kirby's got a 100 episode anime, man, and this gen has had six games, versus Samus' four games.

Samus is basically the Thor of Marios iron man and Links captain america.


Super Member
A Link to the Snitch said:
Ironic that you would call Samus one of Nintendo's main three, when her series is decidedly less popular and famous than Kirby. Kirby's got a 100 episode anime, man, and this gen has had six games, versus Samus' four games.
Mario, Link and Samus are associated with Nintendo's highest tier in terms of the quality of their games (and this began around the time of SMB3/World/ZeldaIII/Super Metroid and went to further greatness with SM64/Ocarina/Majora/Metroid Prime).

At the time of Smash Bros. 64's release, the same golden regard could be given to any of its characters. With the much larger casts and some of the recent games, not so much. :p

If it was sales, it would be Mario, Pikachu, and Miis

but it makes sense that Sakurai/Kirby might be the one to serve as the uniting element for Smash Bros. because games like Superstar had so many cameos already. Those games have more fanservice than other franchises.

Azure J

So I went ahead and found an old post I made elsewhere detailing some ideas on a Mike Jones inclusion. The main idea I wanted to hammer home was that Mike can go either way and really has a lot more going for himself towards being seen as more than "OMG (Potential) NESS CLONE!" His physicality already works towards a fun moveset and the many one off gadgets and tools he picks up through his dungeon treks would make for fun things to play around with in one off specials.

For my idea, Mike would be a fairly athletic and nimble character, I'd say around Pit's speed with Melee Falcon's weight class. This would also mean that he's pretty easy to knock around if you get around his crazy yoyo-fu. His attacks would be fast and could almost become a hassle to watch out for at times. The reasoning for this is due to the fact that in both of his games, he was always referred to as an ace baseball player with a mean pitch. Getting that out of the way, now let's talk about what would make him unique, namely, the fighting style and moves.

A (Jab - See Forward Pass) - Throws his plain island yo-yo (star if you're a newbie to this series) straight forward. Has light knock back & does light damage.

A>A>A Hold (Barrage) - Mike pitches his Yo-Yo forward in quick succession at varying angles, building up damage similar to Fox's Kicks.

Dashing A (Walking the Dog) - Mike runs forward then quickly launches his Yo-Yo forward at a 60 degree angle to the floor. Does average damage but has decent knock back, can KO at high damages if caught in the initial yoyo toss or first few instances of the "Walking The Dog" animation.

Up Tilt  - Quickly throws his yoyo, now resembling the Morning Star upgrade from StarTropics 1 upward and makes it rotate, doing damage like Sonic's up smash.

Forward Tilt - Walks the dog at the same angle of his Dash A but rotates it like his Up Tilt, damaging enemies while keeping then at bay.

Down Tilt - Wraps the Morning Star (Morning Star = tilt/power attacks) around his leg and does a "Skip It" motion with it gliding along the ground. The Star meteors in certain situations (i.e. catching an opponent before grabbing the ledge) and the chain can sometimes trip opponents caught in it on the ground. Has a light pop-up effect when hit with the Star part on flat ground.

Forward Smash (Forward Pass) - Mike does a quick & simple forward pass pitch with the Island yo-yo, now donning a Supernova appearance to signify his Smash Attack. Has strong knock back, strong damage and the pull back motion can drag opponents closer to you. The longer you charge, the harder and quicker the hit. The yo-yo animates to reflect this strength (it will start sparking up greater than usual before released).

Up Smash (Around The World) - This and Mike's Down Smash are the only two moves that can be considered Ness cloning, but there are vast differences in execution however. Mike swings his yo-yo over his head in a wide arc while psychic charging both the chain and Supernova. The greater the charge, the more devastating the effect. This move can be quite lethal if caught nearby. It has a strong knock back and can send opponents flying at uncomfortable angles.

Down Smash - Similar to Ness' downward smash, except Mike's yo-yo darts forward first then back and has a faster motion. Mike does a small hop animation as the yo-yo travels under him. It also retains the the Supernova properites of sparking up due to being a Smash attack. Has a great horizontal knock back and damage.

Neutral Air - Does a somesault with his morning star out and swings it in a sweeping somersault motion. Think Kirby's Hammer Spin in the air. Does weak knockback and damage.

Forward Air - CLEATS! More specifically, does a jumping full body kick reminiscent of Mario & Luigi's Forward Air from Super Smash Bros. 64. Has good knock back and moderate damage.

Back Air - Back kick like Fox using the cleats. Has lower knock back than the forward air but higher damage.

Down Air - A twirling kick much like Mario's old kick that racks up moderate damage. The last hit has a weak spike effect.

Grab - Mike just runs up to them and grabs them by the collar.

Grab Attack - Mike kicks their midsection.

Back Throw - Mike tosses the character behind him and swings a bat at them to swat them away.

Forward Throw - Mike throws the opponent by their shirt forward.

Upward Throw - Mike throws them moderately high then shoots a volley of small psychic flash bombs at them all at once with his slingshot.

Down Throw - Mike jumps on top of them and stomps them (a la Kirby down throw) with his cleats.

B Special (Pitch) - Mike will reach into his pocket and toss a Wonder Horsehide (Baseball) at an opponent. The longer you hold B, the harder the pitch. Sometimes, he might pull out a surprise weapon such as a burning ember (longer he holds this, the more fire damage he takes), bolas which can tangle a person up (try this to someone recovering if you want to lose a friend), a dagger or a Psychic Flash (which has a tiny firecracker effect). Then there's always the chance of him hurling a pebble at someone for 1 damage and no flinching. It's all a game of chance. Has minimal to good knock back and damage.

Forward B (Two Step Draw) - Mike will quickly pull a katana out of hammerspace (he's part psychic and it's Smash Bros, he can do this) and do a quick draw and sheath move. Has average knock back & attack strength but is pretty fast. It should really be used more as a keep away move.

Up B (Anklet Jump) - With wings on his shoes, Mike takes a mighty leap forward with his knee extended creating a pressure effect like Wolf's. Opponents are dealt one solid upward blow instead of being carried though. The wings then flap and keep his forward momentum up for recovery purposes. It should be noted that you fall slower than usual with this technique though, even when trying a fast fall.

Down B (Mirror Palms) - Mike spins in place while bringing up the enchanted mirror in both of his hands. (Think Mario's Spin in Super Mario Galaxy with a cool mirror animation at the hands.) This move is interesting because it can reflect projectiles as well as spin approaching opponents around if timed right. This move of course can be used offensively, but it easily has the weakest attack strength and zero knock back. Momentum can be shifted however.

And Final Smash (should they still exist):

Ultra Psychic Shockwave - After getting the Final Smash, Mike leaps into the air, puts both his hands to his head and collects a large charge on each of his fingertips, then flicks them in random directions and sets them off with a fireworks like explosion.

Now then, the little touches. His jumping SFX carries over from the NES games. His taunts include

- Pulling out a "Try-Your Luck" Sign with a Smash, StarTropics, and Nintendo logo on it that appears at random.
- Him "walking the dog" in place with a mischievous grin on his face.

His victory theme would be a grander and edited for Smash remaster of the first theme in this video. One of his victory poses would be him talking to the crowd and getting interrupted by Mica telepathically.

And now to make up for all that, I really hope Samus is fast again. Like N64 level fast with more physical rushes and lunges thanks to her Other M incarnation.
Please Nintendo, take a page out of Paper Mario (yswidt) and include at least one character as playable.

Count Bleck
O' Chunks
Rawk the Hawk

and playable PM himself, complete with paper plane/tube/boat abilities.

Assist Trophies

A load, I mean, a load of Punis/X-Nauts who stampede through an arena, oh and the
Koopa Bros and Hooktail...

Oh I gone and got carried away.
MisterHero said:
I really want to speculate that since this will be the 1st HD Smash Bros that maybe they could add 2-4 player slots and have 6 or even 8 players at a time.

Getting controllers (I'm guessing Wiimote Alone/Wiimote+CC/CCPro is the default now) for everyone would be a complete hassle though

5 player is likely, since the current "limits" are 4 wii remotes and 1 U-pad. 7 is a hard limit based on Bluetooth technology (8 devices can be linked, including the receiver)

I'd imagine there would be some form of asymmetrical mode, since that seems to be the focus of the multiplayer tech demos shown at e3.

Brainstorming about what kind of asymmetrical mode could be used, here's my first idea:

1 VS 4 Mode


One player using the U-Pad vs a team of 4 players using Classic Controller Pros. The player with the U-Pad gets to pick 3 characters to switch between (all share the same damage meter and stock pool in a stock match) and 9 items (either through random assignment, presets, or a currency system to avoid an all-hammer or Smash Ball setup). The U-Pad player uses the touch screen to swap characters and use stored items.
Jorok Goldblade said:
5 player is likely, since the current "limits" are 4 wii remotes and 1 U-pad. 7 is a hard limit based on Bluetooth technology (8 devices can be linked, including the receiver)

I'd imagine there would be some form of asymmetrical mode, since that seems to be the focus of the multiplayer tech demos shown at e3.

Brainstorming about what kind of asymmetrical mode could be used, here's my first idea:

1 VS 4 Mode


One player using the U-Pad vs a team of 4 players using Classic Controller Pros. The player with the U-Pad gets to pick 3 characters to switch between (all share the same damage meter and stock pool in a stock match) and 9 items (either through random assignment, presets, or a currency system to avoid an all-hammer or Smash Ball setup). The U-Pad player uses the touch screen to swap characters and use stored items.
God "U-Pad" sounds like some kind of menstrual pad. Please don't let the "U-Pad" be the official name of the controller..
Anyways, the character thing sounds neat. But the items...I think that'd be cheap. I see the headlines already "U-Pad banned from Smash Tourneys."
That sounds like the point - the U-Pad player gets a big advantage, which is why the other players get to team up. It probably wouldn't be played in tournaments anyway.


How about this instead;

The player with the Wii-U controller plays as Master Hand, though he remains entirely off-screen. During the match, the player can use the touch screen to trigger all of the little events and effects that regularly occur in Smash Bros. matches;


For example, they can aim the cannons on the Great Sea level. They might also be able to control the deck catapult, trigger when the Tornado arrives and possibly how long the ship stays aloft.

Nintendo could also do this mode justice by including lots of new stage elements that can only occur when the Master Hand mode is used.

- Cause a Submarine to roll up alongside the ship and have a bunch of CPU-controlled Moblins spill out and start attacking the players.

- Summon the Helmaroc King and control him; he swoops from one edge of the screen to the other, with the player drawing his flight path. (Every stage should have at least one 'drawing'-activated feature).

- Have Jabun swim up from beneath and wreck the ship (similar to when it runs into the small island), during which time the Master Hand player can have Jabun shoot water from his blowhole, launching players skyward. After a few minutes, Jabun would sink back down and let the ship get back underway.

- The Master Hand player can cause the Tower of the Gods to erupt from the sea, which the ship sails into. Once inside, the stage becomes a vertically scrolling segment with the water level rising, lifting the ship. There would be several Beamos' in the background that continually fire beams, forcing the players to move out of their path as the ship climbs upward. The top is open to the sky, of course, so when the players reach it, they're back out on the open sea.

All of this is in addition to tossing items at the players. Instead of having a huge list though, the player would randomly be given 4 items in a "Next" slot (similar to Tetris). The player then picks which item will spawn by pressing the A, B, Y or X buttons. The game inserts it randomly to prevent too much favoritism.

This random approach also prevents crap like constantly getting Hammers tossed into the match (though I suppose the option could exist to allow the Master Hand player to pick whatever they want). It might be cool to have a "Freeze" option though, where you can hold a shoulder button, make your selection, and then keep that item in reserve for whenever you want to drop it (say, drop health in when someone's damage is high, or keep a Smash Ball for tense Sudden Death).

As a bonus, the Master Hand player could also change the music mid-match, acting as a sort of DJ (for example, putting on something epic when it's 1-on-1 for the win).

At the end of the match, the Master Hand player is rated based on environmental damage caused (to all players), how often players actually used the items picked, any environmental KOs caused, etc. This would generate points that unlocks lots of extra features relevant to Master Hand mode.

For example, it could unlock additional stage builder levels (or additional pieces for it), musical tracks, or allow more options and features in Master Hand mode, like being able to reshuffle the items rather than being forced to pick one, freezing more items to use later, or being able to trigger events more often (I would imagine it would be heavily cooldown-based to prevent constant event spamming).

To keep things fair though, for those of us without friends, these features could also be unlocked via the Vault or other means (the Master Hand mode is just a different, perhaps slightly faster method).

If you read this far, you get a Tannie point, as I am all out of Brownie Points. Yay for you!


- Please give me a Link that DOESN'T suck. Seriously, it's about time he gets some buffs on him after. Bottom tier SSB64 and Brawl? The fuck Nintendo?!
- get rid of tripping. It pains me to see people trip into Ike's F-smash.
- A game that wasn't as floaty as Brawl. No ridiculous characters like Meta-Knight.
- Better online is a MUST. Seriously, this should've been done on the first attempt.

Oh, and yeah, Marth's return. Seriously, it's the only one I can use. :lol


IceDoesntHelp said:
God "U-Pad" sounds like some kind of menstrual pad. Please don't let the "U-Pad" be the official name of the controller..
Anyways, the character thing sounds neat. But the items...I think that'd be cheap. I see the headlines already "U-Pad banned from Smash Tourneys."

I've got boxes of Kotex U menstrual pads and liners :lol

The issue is whether or not Sakurai will listen to the fans and their suggestions... and as the guy who suggested Tripping, I don't think he wants to.


hydragonwarrior said:
The issue is whether or not Sakurai will listen to the fans and their suggestions... and as the guy who suggested Tripping, I don't think he wants to.

The guy who suggested it was probably joking lol.

I'd love for him to listen to the fans...but there's alot of us and there will be riots, many many riots. I don't think it would turn out to good. *continues to sharpen pitchfork* If they went that route he shoukd have a small team to read all of the suggestions.
GamerSoul said:
The guy who suggested it was probably joking lol.

I'd love for him to listen to the fans...but there's alot of us and there will be riots, many many riots. I don't think it would turn out to good. *continues to sharpen pitchfork* If they went that route he shoukd have a small team to read all of the suggestions.
But we all know what happens when the community helps with the development of a game, it gets canned.


Retro said:
How about this instead;

I think that these are good ideas for the WiiU Pad. I think theres a really good chance that it will have features like that if the WiiU Pad is really going to be integrated well with the game. Taking snapshots with the Pad could also be a little feature too.

IceDoesntHelp said:
But we all know what happens when the community helps with the development of a game, it gets canned.

hah lol. that or it will drive Sakurai crazy.
friskykillface said:
when would be the earliest time for a trailer? i'd say E3 but i might think they hold it for Nintendo world 2012 :(
That seems plausible, but that may even be to early. As KI got pushed to 2012. So Nintendo might hold another conference during TGS again next year. That's the earliest I'd expect one.


friskykillface said:
when would be the earliest time for a trailer? i'd say E3 but i might think they hold it for Nintendo world 2012 :(

No idea. I think we might get some more conceptual ideas from Sakurai probably around that time.

IceDoesntHelp said:
That seems plausible, but that may even be to early. As KI got pushed to 2012. So Nintendo might hold another conference during TGS again next year. That's the earliest I'd expect one.

Is KI near completion? LOL no break for you Sakurai.

El Sloth

Halycon said:
I want yarn Kirby to be an alternate color for Kirby.

Or yarn stage, and everyone is forced into their yarn form.

Yeah they don't have the resources to do it I DON'T CARE.

Yay unreasonable demands.
Couldn't they just make a whole new Yarn Kirby character with attacks based on that game? Or that other yarn guy that's in the game with him. The one with the crown.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Here's my idea for a Character Roster, 55 Characters. (50 Nintendo Characters, 4 Third Party, and Mii)

(I'm home sick this week on Fall Break with no homework, so this is what I have to keep me occupied haha)

Mario Series- 4 Veterans, 1 Newcomer
Mario- Alternate costume would be Dr. Mario, and his fireballs would change into pills. The F.L.U.D.D. is now gone and has been replaced with his spin move, which is now slightly different and modeled off of the Galaxy Spin.

Princess Peach- Alternate costume would be Daisy, and more than a simple costume change, as her facial features would change too. Her parasol is now Parry from Super Princess Peach, and sometimes when using Toad, she pulls out either Toadsworth or Toadette instead.

Bowser- Alternate costume would be Dry Bowser from NSMB. Bowser wouldn't have any notable changes.

Luigi- Alternate costume would be Mr. L from Super Paper Mario, albeit a 3D version. Luigi would remain mostly the same. Maybe, since Mario loses the F.L.U.D.D. and regains his Spin, Luigi could lose the Spin and utilize the Poultergust?

Paper Mario- A 2D character like Mr. Game and Watch, his normal attacks would utilize his hammer instead of fists. He's more floaty than normal Mario and an evasive character. B has him do an Action Command counter, which when used correctly blocks attacks and hurts the foe. B-Side has him turn into a paper airplane, allowing him to glide and he'd hurt enemies who he flies into. B-Up has him randomly call upon a partner from the RPG who would briefly aid him, and he couldn't change partners until he's KO'd. Pressing B-Up again would then use that partner's ability, although partners would sometimes hit foes similar to the Ice Climbers, but could be knocked back and attacked. There are six possible partners. Goombella would tattle on foes, like Snake's Codec, which would block part of the screen like Mr. Resetti, Kooper would fly straight forward and hit foes, and would also bring items back to Mario, Parakarry could lift Mario through the air striking foes above him, Bombette could be thrown and would explode on contact, Flurrie could blow enemies away, and Ms. Mowz can sniff out an item and may pull one out of the ground. Down B allows Mario to briefly flip dimensions and turn flat, dodging attacks. His alternate costume would be the original Jumpman sprite.

Zelda Series- 4 Veterans, 1 Newcomer
Link- Now based off the Skyward Sword Link, there would be two main differences. He'd now roll his bombs, like in SS, and instead of the boomerang he'd have the Beetle, which works similar to the boomerang although a bit slower. When it hits an enemy, it knocks them back towards Link. It can also pick up items from far away if it grabs one and bring it back to Link. Alternate costume would give him his classic, blond Ocarina of Time look, but he would still use the Beetle and roll bombs.

Zelda- Basically unchanged, although now resembling her Skyward Sword appearance. Sheik would have a new SS-style design, like how she had a TP-one in Brawl. Alternate outfit for the two of them would have them resemble their classic Ocarina look.

Ganondorf- Still a Captain Falcon clone, sorry. But maybe he could get a buff? He'd have, if he's not in Skyward Sword, a new SS-style design and his alternate, like Link and Zelda, would be the classic Ocarina design.

Toon Link- Toon Link would be changed around a bit, as his Hookshot would now be the snake whip from ST, but since normal Link gets a change with no boomerang and rolling bombs, TL would be different as he'd keep those. His alternate outfit would be the conductor outfit from Spirit Tracks.

Ghirahim- Come on, this guy is crazy popular. He'd be a fast, tricky sword-fighter I guess, with the sword-between-finger counter grab, but apart from that I'm not sure what he could do, but I think he has a shot at getting in. Not sure about an alternate costume either, but we'll see what Skyward Sword gives us!

Pokemon Series- 4 Veterans, 1 Newcomer
Pikachu- Not much to change about this guy, really. Alternate costume would probably be another Pikachu-esque Pokemon, perhaps Emolga since he's pretty new and popular, or even Raichu.

Pokemon Trainer- He still uses Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard, but maybe they could be buffed a bit since they sort of sucked, and they could remove that one mechanic that weakens them the longer they're out. Alternate costume wouldn't change the Pokemon, but the PT himself would change into the Pokemon Black Male Hero.

Jigglypuff- Still the same. You can't stop Jigglypuff! Not sure what his alternate costume would be, but perhaps a Pokemon who resembles Jigglypuff rather closely. Clefairy?

Mewtwo- He'd return, and be the Pokemon series "villain". He'd be a bit buffed from Melee and stronger, and he would re-replace Lucario. Maybe Lucario, given his similar body shape, or even Zoroark, could be an alternate costume for Mewtwo? Or maybe his awesome mecha-suit from the movie?

Pokemon Trainer (Female)- A new character, representing the 5th Generation, she'd be the Female White Heroine. She'd use Snivy, Pignite, and Samurott and would switch them the same way as the male PT. Snivy would be light and speedy, with a lot of aerial gameplay, Pignite would be bulkier and focus on close-combat moves, and Samurott would be the heaviest and be a sword-fighter. Her alternate costume would be the Fire Red/Leaf Green female heroine.

Kirby Series- 3 Veterans
Kirby- Basically the same, although maybe he'd get buffed back to Melee level. His alternate costume would make him resemble the Epic Yarn Kirby, so he'd be transparent with a yarn outline.

Meta Knight- Would be nerfed so he wouldn't be banned anymore, I guess. I'm not a competitive player, so I don't know who should be buffed and who should be nerfed, but I assume there was a reason he was banned. Alternate costume could be Galacta Knight from Kirby Super Star Ultra.

King DeDeDe- I guess he wouldn't change much either. Alternate costume would be Yarn DeDeDe, I reckon, or perhaps Masked DeDeDe from Kirby Super Star Ultra? Maybe one of the Waddle Dee he occasionally throws out could be the bandanna dude from Return to Dreamland, and maybe he'd be more powerful than a normal Dee?

Donkey Kong Series- 2 Veterans, 1 Newcomer
Donkey Kong- Pretty much the same, and I guess a good alternate costume would be Funky Kong since he has a similar body shape and is fairly popular if his inclusion in Mario Kart Wii was anything to go by.

Diddy Kong- Would remain the same too, and his alternate costume could be perhaps Dixie, or, maybe even the Donkey Kong Jr. model the early Mario sports titles used before Diddy replaced him.

King K. Rool- In the games he's known for being extremely nimble despite being large, so maybe he could compliment Donkey Kong by being a fast, but heavy, character. He could have his crown throw, his big vertical jump from Donkey Kong Country, and, I don't know, like Donkey Kong they could get creative with his move-set. Like Donkey Kong he'd be able to walk while holding barrels and crates at normal speed. Alternate costume would probably be one of his costumes, perhaps Kaptain K. Rool or Baron von K. Roolstein.

Star Fox Series- 3 Veterans
Fox- Same ol' Fox. Alternate costume would probably be Krystal since they're both, y'know, foxes and all, or perhaps his father James McCloud.

Falco- Falco was changed up in Brawl, so I think he'd be good as he is. Not sure who his Alternate would be, perhaps Leon since they're rivals?

Wolf- Wolf also doesn't need to be changed, although hopefully they change the Final Smashes for the Star Fox characters. His alternate I'd say would be Panther Caruso, since he seems pretty popular.

Fire Emblem Series- 2 Veterans, 1 Newcomer
Marth- He'd stay, since he's still fairly popular and his game just got released in America thanks to the remake. Roy would be the Alternate, obviously.

Ike- I like Ike, so I'll include him, although honestly since, like Roy, he was kind of representative of what Fire Emblem was currently they might drop him since it's been awhile since he was in a game. Not sure what his alternate could be, but I hear Hector from the GBA Fire Emblem was super popular and inspired Ike, being of similar strength, so him?

Fire Emblem 3DS Character- Not Chrome, though, since we don't need another blue-haired swordsman. Maybe the female lead, Liz, as I think she uses a bow and arrow which would be pretty neat. Or, since the 3DS game focuses on team-up attacks, maybe they could work similar to Ice Climbers? Eh, I dunno, but for now I'll say Liz on her own since more female characters is always good. No clue for an Alt, but maybe a popular female Fire Emblem character? Marth's girl?

Yoshi Series- 1 Veteran, 1 Newcomer
Yoshi- He wouldn't change much, since he got a buff in Brawl, although I'm not sure what a good alternate would be. Birdo seems obvious, but it'd change up the gameplay since she lacks a tongue and everything and I can't imagine them having an alternate costume that deviates that far from the character's trademark, and Boshi is a bit too obscure. Maybe, like Yarn Kirby, he could have a special filter alternate costume that makes him resemble the hand-drawn style of YI?

Shy Guy- Yoshi's been on his own for far too long, and I think Shy Guy would be a nice compliment. He's the most prolific Yoshi Series enemy, he comes in multiple colors, and, hell, he rocks. His moves would probably be drawn from the various Mario spin-offs, like a Kart attack or something, and I think it'd be cool if he was short but a bit bulkier than one would expect. His alternate would be either a Snifit, a Bandit, or a Toadie, I can't decide which. Maybe Bandit, since he was technically a second player in the original Yoshi Island when you played mini-games.

Metroid Series- 1 Veteran, 1 Newcomer
Samus/ZSS- I'm thinking Samus' alternate costume would be one of her other suits, like maybe the classic suit from the original Metroid. ZSS could have the space academy duds she wore in Other M, the one thing I liked in that game since Samus looked pretty good with short hair and pants.

Ridley- Come on, they could get creative! Have him crawl around like his Other M second form when he's on the ground, with his wings folded in, and he'd open them when he takes to the air. Alternate Costume would be Meta-Ridley, probably.

Mother Series- 2 Veterans
Ness- Would stay the same. Alternate costume would be Paula or Jeff, I'm not sure. I'd go with Jeff personally.

Lucas- Would stay the same, I guess, although maybe they could change him up a bit. Alternate costume would be Kumatora. Lucas would still be an alt-color, he's a twin basically so making him an alternate costume would seem cheap.

Kid Icarus Series- 1 Veteran, 1 Newcomer
Pit- He was kind of cheap and annoying in Brawl, if I remember correctly, so maybe he could get a slight nerf. And maybe he might have some stuff inspired by Uprising. I guess his alternate costume could be one of those cool knights we see in the multi-player modes, or maybe have him resemble his American-style design that Melee used as a trophy.

Medusa- Female and a villain, something we need more of. She'd have moves based off what she can do in Uprising, which is yet to be seen. I'm thinking one move that freezes the opponent to simulate turning them into stone, and something that involves snakes. Alternate outfit could be Palutena, probably.

F-Zero Series- 1 Veteran
Captain Falcon- The Captain's still on his own, and the knee would be restored. I thought about Samurai Goroh, but we have too many swordsmen, and it interferes with an idea I have with another new character. Falcon's alternate outfit would be Black Shadow, his arch-nemesis I think. I'm not a F-Zero fan, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Ice Climber Series- 1 Veteran
Ice Climbers- There's really no one else to add. There's no real existing choices for an Alternate Costume, so maybe they can get creative and give them tropical wear? Like a Hawaiian shirt and shades.

Game and Watch Series- 1 Veteran
Mr. Game and Watch- No clue what a good Alternate would be. Maybe they could, I dunno, make something up like a Mrs. Game and Watch? Who knows.

Wario Series- 1 Veteran
Wario- He would still have his Alternate be the classic Wario design.

Pikmin Series- 1 Veteran
Olimar- Maybe, if Pikmin 3 introduces any new Pikmin, he could use them as well. Alternate would be Louie, an obvious choice.

R.O.B Series- 1 Veteran
R.O.B.- I don't know what an alternate costume would be. Maybe have him composed of various Nintendo products, like a Virtual Boy as his eyes?

New Series- 9 Newcomers
Lil Mac- From Punch Out, Lil Mac would be a short, but medium-weight, close-combat character with boxing moves. Maybe they could incorporate the Star Moves in somehow, perhaps rewarding you if you time your punches so you strike foes during certain attack frames? And he'd have a counter, a rolling punch, etc. Alternate Outfit would either be the Super Nes Punch Out character, or perhaps even Doc Louis.

Isaac- From Golden Sun, he'd be a swordsman like Link although his Special Moves would be generic Psynergy like Move and Catch that'd give him some distance as well. I was thinking he'd have a system in which he'd switch Djinn which would change his swordplay up. With a Venus Djinn, he'd be slow but strong, Mars would be weak but quick, Jupiter would give his swordplay a cyclone effect and increase his recovery, and Neptune would weaken his swordplay but he'd take less damage and be harder to knock back. His Alternate Outfit would be either his son Matthew or Felix.

Muddy Mole- From Mole Mania, his gameplay would revolve around the giant iron ball...when carrying it, it'd increase his weight making him harder to knock off. He'd use it to attack and everything. He could also dig to hide underground in platforms too. His series is so small there's no suitable Alternate Outfits there, so Nintendo can get creative.

Starfy- From the Legendary Starfy series, he'd basically play as if he was in water, extremely floaty and light. His whole special move repertoire would be based around spinning...each move would be a different kind of spin, and he could link the spins three times in a row (consecutively getting stronger) for combo-based game-play allowing him to fly around the stage like it was water. He'd be super light, and one good hit would send him flying, but he's hard to catch. Alternate outfit would be his sister, Starly.

Barbara Bat- From the Jam With the Band series, she's fairly popular, cameoing in a lot of games in Japan, plus she's a edgy female which the Smash series lacks with all the princesses running around. Her game-play would be based off rhythm-style moves that would increase if you followed a beat while attacking. Her band mates, the little bat and the skull dude (forgot their names), would fly around with her and assist her moves, yet they wouldn't be interactable and would be more for aesthetic purposes. Not sure what her alternate would be.

Takamaru- From the Nazo no Murasame series, his model would borrow from his recent 3D appearance in the Samurai Warriors series. A swordsman, he'd be very quick though, as expected for a samurai, and would also be rather ninja inspired with the ability to walk up walls, throw ninja stars, and use an invisibility cloak to differentiate him from the other swordsmen. Think of Meta Knight, Marth, and Shiek rolled into one. He's the "no export for you!" character, basically, like (formerly) Marth and Lucas. Another character who I don't know what a good alternate would be, as his series is rather limited in terms of sequels (like, none!) and characters.

Isa Jo- From the Sin and Punishment series, I thought since I went with Isaac, the elder, for Golden Sun, why not use the new guy for the SP series as opposed to Saki? Anyway, his gameplay would be interesting as it would focus on his jetpack...he could fly around and be an aerial character, but his attacks would be weaker, or he can go on the ground with stronger attacks but less jumping ability. I was thinking his jetpack would run out of juice if you used it too long and you'd have to let it charge up, so he'd be about balancing your air time. Saki would be his alternate, obviously.

Tin Star- From the Tin Star series, he's kind of my hopeful wish character...his game is a little-known Light Gun game for the SNES, and he's basically a robot cowboy. Hey, Japan gets all their exclusive characters, so why can't the West get one for a change? He'd use a gun, but a bit cartoony (since Sakurai mentioned Snake couldn't use realistic weapons in Brawl), and I was thinking he'd have an ammo system. Basically, you could spam his attacks, but he'd run out of bullets and you'd have to take time to recharge. No clue for an alternate outfit.

Captain N- His logo would be the Nintendo logo. I never thought of including this guy but, since Nintendo apparently owns him as someone mentioned on a previous page, hey, why not? Like Game and Watch and R.O.B., he'd be the final WTF character you'd unlock basically. He'd use various Nintendo gear, like the Power Glove, the Zapper, and the Power Pad from the show. Maybe Duke, his dog, could follow him around. And his original VA, Matt Hill, is still pretty much in the business, since he does Ed's voice in Ed, Edd, N' Eddy, so get him back! Alternate outfit could be...I don't know, something Nintendo related.

Third Party 1 Veteran, 3 Newcomers (Sega, Capcom, Konami, Square-Enix)
Sonic- I kind of agree that Snake seemed more like a one-time thing, but I definitely think Sonic can and will stay. I was also thinking this time he'd be available from the start. His alternate would be silent, Classic Sonic. I think people hope for that dearly, am I right?

Ryu- Street Fighter series. He'd play as a bulkier, realistic moving Mario, which makes sense because Mario's moveset is pretty much based off Ryu's when you think about it, with a fireball, an uppercut, and a spin. Ryu would have Hadouken as B, Shoryuken as B-Up, Tatsumaki Seppuken as B-Down, and his B-Side...I don't know, exactly. Some sort of counter move like Mario's cape? His alternate would be Ken, so get the flowcharts ready. I'm thinking he'd naturally be unlocked by playing a lot of VS. mode, like how Mewtwo was unlocked in Melee, or maybe if you beat the Classic "Arcade Mode" with all the starting characters.

Bomberman- Bomberman series, he'd use...well, bombs. I love Bomberman, he's already teamed up with Wario in a game, he's been on every Nintendo system I believe, and he's adorable. He'd be a risky character as all of his attacks could potentially hurt him if he gets caught up in the explosion. Alternate costume would be...Max from the Bomberman series? Or maybe classic box-art design of Bomberman where he resembled a spaceman.

Slime- The Slime from Dragon Quest, he's been cameoing in Mario games lately like Fortune Street and Sports Mix, so I think he'd work. I was thinking maybe his moves could be homages to SE RPGs, and he'd get stronger as the battle goes on as he would level up to simulate an RPG. His alternate could be Metal Slime. Or would that be easier to accomplish with a color change?

A special, customizable character, there would be 10 body shapes (based off another character's basic stats) to choose from, each with their own stats and basic moves. You'd choose faces from the Mii's you have on your Wii, you would use coins to buy outfits and you'd also customize their B moves and Final Smash buy purchasing attacks that are based off moves from other Nintendo characters. You could, for example, for B select a Mario-style fireball or the Wii Sports Resort Bow and Arrow. You register up to 20 Miis on each file to select to use in matches.


Unconfirmed Member
Watch Da Birdie said:
Here's my idea for a Character Roster, 55 Characters. (50 Nintendo Characters, 4 Third Party, and Mii)
F-Zero Series- 1 Veteran
Captain Falcon- The Captain's still on his own, and the knee would be restored. I thought about Samurai Goroh, but we have too many swordsmen, and it interferes with an idea I have with another new character. Falcon's alternate outfit would be Black Shadow, his arch-nemesis I think. I'm not a F-Zero fan, so correct me if I'm wrong.
Black Shadow wouldn't work as an alt, in my opinion. He would be better off as a replacement for Ganondorf as a more powerful Falcon "clone" as others have mentioned though, provided Ganondorf gets a more unique moveset.

And I think alts would be better off as entirely separate models with their own animations to compensate (but the exact same attacks, hitboxes, and all that complicated stuff). That might end up being too much effort though.

I also wouldn't limit it to one per character, and only stick them in where they fit. So one character might have a few alts while others don't have any, obviously some characters are going to be pretty unique. That just seems like a relatively easy way to have more playable representatives without ridiculously complicated balancing. It's certainly one way to get around the whole "too many sword users!" thing if there were only a handful of unique ones with several alts.
I was just playing Punch Out Wii and now i'm even more hyped for what should be an inevitable inclusion for Little Mac, throw in a Doc Louis assist trophy where he lobs healing chocolate bars all over the place.


Remember how Sakurai said he would include Takamaru if he got a new game? If the dude in the new samurai game Nintendo announced today is Takamaru, that's three games he's appeared in since Brawl:
Samurai Warriors 3
Captain Rainbow
Nimble Sakura Warrior

I hope they don't use his 3ds redesign though...

edit: Oh and Nazo no Murasame Jō got ported to GBA in 2004, so that's four games since Melee. Seems almost like a done deal to me.
spanks said:
Remember how Sakurai said he would include Takamaru if he got a new game?
He said that in passing a decade or so ago. He could have long since changed his mind or forgotten he even said that. I wouldn't put any real stake into it.
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