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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Through cednym logic, I have decided that Ridley should be a clone of Yoshi.

The elephant in the room

I really like Waluigi. He's my go-to Mario spinoff character. But I don't know about him being a playable character. I think there are some better choices for Mario characters, and I think there are plenty of better choices in general than more Mario characters.

A way he could still be in the game in a more significant manner than a trophy or assist, though: A Waluigi Pinball stage. Represents Waluigi, and also represents Mario Kart with the best Mario Kart track, one that is specifically Mario [I]Kart[/I] and not based on something else in the Mario-verse.


Through cednym logic, I have decided that Ridley should be a clone of Yoshi.


Seriously, how do you get that from anything I've ever said? I might not have the most popular opinion, but I'm always well-intended and rational in a pessimistic, hope-for-the-best-and-expect-the-worst sort of way. Having been around pre-release for Melee and Brawl, it's funny how the underwhelming realities of the final product do little to keep hopes in check for the next game. It's like everyone forgets once a new Smash Bros. is announced.
haha just going through the dojo site since someone posted and i totally forgot about this:


smh at everyone spamming that move online :mad: , go home Ike


I don't know. You seem to think it's perfectly logical for Ganondorf to be a Captain Falcon clone. Pretty much the same thing.

Well, no, Sakurai seems to think it's perfectly logical for Ganondorf to be a Captain Falcon clone. You know, the guy making the game, and the only guy whose opinion matters.

Clones were included in Melee at the figurative last minute just to beef up the roster count, and Ganondorf happened to be among those characters. In Brawl, Sakurai could have given him a completely original move set if he wanted to -- but he didn't.

Logically, if Sakurai didn't want to make Ganondorf unique following a major role in Twilight Princess, then why would he want to do so six-plus years later? There's a precedent in keeping clones familiar, but there's no history of giving veterans (let alone two game veterans) a 100% new move set. With Ganondorf in particular, something like that would have happened in Brawl if it were to happen at all. The swordsman Ganondorf ship has sailed.

For the record, I hate that Ganondorf is a Falcon clone, but I have no reason to suspect that a total move set re-haul is plausible.


If Samurai Goroh does manage to get in, he will most likely be a luigi-fied clone of Takamaru. There is no way I can see Sakurai making a completely unique second character for a series that has been on hiatus since 2004.


If Samurai Goroh does manage to get in, he will most likely be a luigi-fied clone of Takamaru. There is no way I can see Sakurai making a completely unique second character for a series that has been on hiatus since 2004.

I agree. There won't be a second F-Zero character unless there's a game in the works on the Wii U or something, though. All I know is that Black Shadow won't ever be a playable character. People like Black Shadow because he's an evil, "bad ass" villain, but Goroh has always been pushed as the more iconic of the two, be it through cameo appearances or promotional materials.


I agree. There won't be a second F-Zero character unless there's a game in the works on the Wii U or something, though. All I know is that Black Shadow won't ever be a playable character. People like Black Shadow because he's an evil, "bad ass" villain, but Goroh has always been pushed as the more iconic of the two, be it through cameo appearances or promotional material.

I have seen the idea of Black Shadow taking Ganondorf's current moveset on Japanese message boards. However, I am pretty sure they like Black Shadow there due to his prominent role in the F-Zero anime (as well as being voiced by Norio Wakamoto).

Black Shadow is an idea that makes perfect sense to most of us, but I think Sakurai's conservatism will keep Ganondorf still with a Captain Falcon inspired moveset (though Sakurai might go in the way of giving him even more different A-moves and perhaps a different special this time).

The same goes for Toad. That character has the best resume of any Mario character not yet playable in Smash Bros, but I think Sakurai sees his role in Smash Bros. as being Peach's neutral special.

Lately, I have been conflicted about Dixie Kong and K. Rool as well. Those two characters are probably the two most noteworthy characters from a series already with a playable character in Smash Bros. outside of Ridley. However, both of those characters missing the boat of Donkey Kong Country Returns might make Sakurai think the series is adequately represented with just DK and Diddy.

Of course there is also the possibility that Sakurai continues to deem Ridley a boss character, and that Little Mac does not have enough move diversity to warrant playable status.

Really, its very difficult to think of a character that does not have some mark against them that might keep them from being included.
No way that Little Mac should be left out due to a lack of diversity, one could have made the same argument against Marth but here he is.

And as far as Samurai Goroh and Black Shadow go, would anyone really want Goroh? I feel he's just getting mentions because he is the original rival for Falcon which extended as far as instruction manuals and because he's a samurai so easy moveset potential? Black shadow has more rival worthy status in GX, not sure about the anime or GBA sequels though. Though he does have some pretty nifty backflips in that one GX cutscene.


No way that Little Mac should be left out due to a lack of diversity, one could have made the same argument against Marth but here he is.

And as far as Samurai Goroh and Black Shadow go, would anyone really want Goroh? I feel he's just getting mentions because he is the original rival for Falcon which extended as far as instruction manuals and because he's a samurai so easy moveset potential? Black shadow has more rival worthy status in GX, not sure about the anime or GBA sequels though. Though he does have some pretty nifty backflips in that one GX cutscene.

Black Shadow pretty much eclipsed Samurai Goroh from GX onward. He was pretty much the most important character in the F-Zero anime next to Ryu Suzaku (Rick Wheeler) and Captain Falcon, and F-Zero GP Legend and F-Zero Climax were based off of the F-Zero anime.

I think Takamaru will have Samurai Goroh beat for the katana and japanese weaponry moveset.

Its really a shame because Ganondorf's Melee/Brawl moveset really would be natural for Black Shadow.

On a sidenote, I remember reading an interview back in 2007 with Norio Wakamoto being asked if he was contacted to do any voice work for Brawl, and he said no, but added that he would be happy to reprise his role as Black Shadow.


Waluigi sucks.




Seriously, how do you get that from anything I've ever said? I might not have the most popular opinion, but I'm always well-intended and rational in a pessimistic, hope-for-the-best-and-expect-the-worst sort of way. Having been around pre-release for Melee and Brawl, it's funny how the underwhelming realities of the final product do little to keep hopes in check for the next game. It's like everyone forgets once a new Smash Bros. is announced.

I followed Smash Bros. since I learned of Samus being a playable fighter in Smash 64, which is to say, before even the original was released in Japan.

In regards to disappointments, I can say with Melee and Brawl there were some momentary disappointments them (with Melee it was character inclusions for the likes of Dr. Mario, Pichu, and Young Link, and for Brawl it was the exclusion of Ridley, Mewtwo, and Roy). However, my disappointment would fade as soon as I got my hands on the game itself. Brawl to me was as big an improvement over Melee as Melee was to Smash 64.

At this point, there are so few characters left that I anticipate for inclusion in Smash Bros. (with two of them even being characters that were playable in Melee). I think after Smash 4, there is a good chance that I will be completely satisfied with the series in terms of characters. For those who are curious my wishlist for Smash 4 is this:
- Ridley
- Mega Man
- Mewtwo
- Roy
- Dixie Kong
- Little Mac
- K. Rool
- Toad
I followed Smash Bros. since I learned of Samus being a playable fighter in Smash 64, which is to say, before even the original was released in Japan.

In regards to disappointments, I can say with Melee and Brawl there were some momentary disappointments them (with Melee it was character inclusions for the likes of Dr. Mario, Pichu, and Young Link, and for Brawl it was the exclusion of Ridley, Mewtwo, and Roy). However, my disappointment would fade as soon as I got my hands on the game itself. Brawl to me was as big an improvement over Melee as Melee was to Smash 64.

At this point, there are so few characters left that I anticipate for inclusion in Smash Bros. (with two of them even being characters that were playable in Melee). I think after Smash 4, there is a good chance that I will be completely satisfied with the series in terms of characters. For those who are curious my wishlist for Smash 4 is this:
- Ridley
- Mega Man
- Mewtwo
- Roy
- Dixie Kong
- Little Mac
- K. Rool
- Toad

Drop Toad, Add Palutena, Mii, and Takamaru and you probably have a very accurate list of newcomers there. Of course, Sakurai likes to select as much on his whims as on predictable metrics so this may be completely off.


Drop Toad, Add Palutena, Mii, and Takamaru and you probably have a very accurate list of newcomers there. Of course, Sakurai likes to select as much on his whims as on predictable metrics so this may be completely off.

Toad is definitely the least likely character on my wishlist, and probably won't get in Smash 4. I think Palutena is one of the most likely newcomers, and that Takamaru is one of the most likely candidates for the retro newcomer. As for Mii, I think the character's chances are 50/50 despite it making so much sense in regards to inclusion.
Drop Toad, Add Palutena, Mii, and Takamaru and you probably have a very accurate list of newcomers there. Of course, Sakurai likes to select as much on his whims as on predictable metrics so this may be completely off.

You're forgetting Magnus from KI. I'll be AMAZED if he doesn't get in.

I love Waluigi, and after Toad he is the next logical choice for a new Mario character.

And because I never tire of saying it, Professor Layton for the next 3rd party character!!!


For the record, I hate that Ganondorf is a Falcon clone, but I have no reason to suspect that a total move set re-haul is plausible.

Come on, man. Let me have my dreams of a kickass Ganon whose moves are consistent with the last two games he's been in (three if you count the GCN tech demo).

I still think it's possible for Sakurai to shove off the moves to a better-suited character if he really wanted to. It all depends on who the newcomers are.

And, if Ike got the boot in favor of a new FE character like Krom, then Ganon could at least be a worthy character to pick up the slack.


And, if Ike got the boot in favor of a new FE character like Krom, then Ganon could at least be a worthy character to pick up the slack.

The problem with Krom is that he is basically Ike Part 2. He even has a staff wielding little sister. Krom if he gets in will definitely have a moveset based off of Ike's.


The problem with Krom is that he is basically Ike Part 2. He even has a staff wielding little sister. Krom if he gets in will definitely have a moveset based off of Ike's.
Krom also has
, so yeah. He could replace Ike.

Interestingly, we may have to look at Roy again with FE:Awakening. He's DLC, but with a pretty different design. He's dual wielding swords now, and I don't think we have one of those in Smash.


I'm gonna go ahead and predict Marth, Krom, and Ike as the playable Fire Emblem characters. Krom will be a weaker, faster Ike semi-clone. Roy would be the definite fourth, but that would probably be too many Fire Emblem reps.
Wait, there's a 4th SF character and he's a clone of Fox? Who is he?

I'm using cednym's Fire Emblem character theory, 2 clone like characters being Roy and possibly Krom.
Starfox being used as a half assed measure for character reps, 5 games with only 2 truly acclaimed entries getting 3 characters is rather fortunate for it.

but to answer your odd question it's James McCloud


I'm gonna go ahead and predict Marth, Krom, and Ike as the playable Fire Emblem characters. Krom will be a weaker, faster Ike semi-clone. Roy would be the definite fourth, but that would probably be too many Fire Emblem reps.

I definitely don't see Krom and Ike co-existing. Krom literally has the same abilities as Ike in FE13 (Aether and Quick Draw), and appears to be quite muscular looking at his official artwork.

I think Roy would stand out more as a character in a three FE character scenario. Perhaps being the medium between a light/quick acrobatic Marth (especially look at Marth's FE13 redesign where he looks particularly like this) and a strong, but slow Ike/Krom.


I definitely don't see Krom and Ike co-existing. Krom literally has the same abilities as Ike in FE13 (Aether and Quick Draw), and appears to be quite muscular looking at his official artwork.

I think Roy would stand out more as a character in a three FE character scenario. Perhaps being the medium between a light/quick acrobatic Marth (especially look at Marth's FE13 redesign where he looks particularly like this) and a strong, but slow Ike/Krom.

I'm confused. Roy could coexist as a Marth clone, but Krom couldn't coexist as an Ike clone?


Because Ike and Krom are like literally the same type of character.

Ike wields a heavy broadsword and Krom carries the Falchion. Krom wouldn't be nearly as slow (or powerful) as Ike. Most of Ike's animations would have to be changed, too, because Krom carries his sword differently.

The fact of the matter is that Krom would be just as different from Ike as Roy would be from Marth. From here, it's just a matter of preference in narrowing down the pool of Marth (unique), Ike (unique), Roy (semi-clone), and Krom (semi-clone). Personally, two uniques and one semi-clone makes the most sense to me, and between Krom and Roy, Krom is the more relevant. He's also a newcomer, which the game would desperately need.
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