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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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You're right, I misread you as saying otherwise.

Tripping is dumb. Casual players don't even like it. Items are one thing, because people usually have to fight over them. In fact, it would be neat if there were a way for items to not be grabbed for the first 3 seconds they're on a stage so people can battle over them. I'd like for them to tone items down more, though.

Some actual balance in items would be nice. I really do feel like they add a lot to the game, even competitive matches. Nothing better than perfectly timing a button press to catch a pokeball and win the game.

But the Heart and insta-kill pokemon hurt their viability as anything more than "lucky draws." I'd love if all the pokemon and assist trophies were used more for level/platform control than instant attack damage. I love using weapons like mines to strategically control the stage. I enjoy item play, so I hope for more of that.
You look at these mechanics I'm suggesting and say, "BUT THEY WOULDN'T WORK IN MELEE, THEREFORE THEY ARE TERRIBLE AND BORKEN!!!

Is this really all you are getting out of my posts?

Are you actually trying to read them and understand my viewpoint?

You are clearly unable to comprehend the idea that, should such a system be put into play, they would design the game's shielding system with it in mind. Maybe the shield wouldn't regenerate at the same speed. Maybe it doesn't regenerate at all until you touch the ground, meaning that you have a limited amount of shield that you have to choose to use wisely. Maybe your shielding tricks that further invalidate this change won't work identically to what you're used to in Melee

Sounds like you need to flesh out your own idea and then maybe I can make a judgment?

You are making a proposal for a game mechanic change but putting the onus on me to be creative with its implementation?

Oh wait, but I guess that wouldn't work, because that's more things that are different from Melee, and therefore terrible.

Man, its like you are just trying to talk over me dude.

See, I like change. I like new ideas. I'm not saying air shielding would absolutely, positively make a better game, but I think it's an interesting idea that would change up the dynamic of the game, and I want to change up the dynamic of the game. If I were making the game and I tried to implement it, and it turned out to not work very well on the first iteration, you know what I'd do? I wouldn't shout, "NO, FUCK IT, DOESN'T WORK, GO BACK TO THE WAY MELEE DID THINGS," like you have before even trying something different. I'd go back to the drawing board, examine where and why it fell flat, and consider ways that I could make it work.

I never said new ideas can't work. Dude who are you even talking to? What are you even arguing against? Look at what I said and respond to it.

I said whatever new idea comes up would have to fit into the core smash formula, which Melee encapsulates. If shielding in the air does not, which it would based on the limited description you gave me, then it would be a terrible game mechanic. Your entire argument up to now has been arguing against parts of the formula (the positional advantage earned from center stage, both vertically and with edgeguarding). The reason I have even continued this conversation is to show how important that fundamental aspect of the formula that you have been dismissing really is.

If you think you have a way of making shielding mid-air work within that formula, a way you have insofar not described, then thats something. But it doesn't sound like you are interested in that.

I think it's fucking ridiculous that after literally only THREE competent games of this style, you think they already achieved absolute, undeniable perfection with the second iteration.

Melee is really, really, really good.

Its tough to explain it all in this post, but yeah, its that good.

(there are small tweaks that could be changed, but overall, absolute perfection sounds about right)

Serious question: Is there a single change that they could make to Melee's formula that you wouldn't immediately deride as broken and game-ruining?

No. Not to the formula. A single change to the formula is drastic and invariably game-ruining.

But are there additions and implementations that could be cool? Sure. Super meters sound cool. Some sort of resource to manage in general. Maybe add more aerial moves, expand movement options, etc. Lots of stuff.


Maturity, bitches.
I'm hoping we finally get Mushroom Kingdom III now that 3D Land and NSMB3DS have made SMB3 far more relevant again.


Is this really all you are getting out of my posts?

Yes. Because that's all you're saying. Every argument you've made stems from a core belief that Melee is perfect, that the dynamic in that game should not be changed because it cannot be changed for the better, and that's something that I don't agree with at all. Outside of the tripping, I thought Brawl was better than Melee. I liked the additions and changes they made, and I hope they keep heading in that direction with the next game.

It's like arguing with someone who's extremely religious, where the crux of the argument is that you're going to Hell for not believing in their religion, and they completely fail to understand that you don't believe in Hell either.

Whatever. I'm done bashing my face against the brick wall that is your closed-minded Melee purism. I hope the next game is as different from Melee as possible, just to piss off people like you and anth0ny and everyone who worked on that pathetic project m nonsense.
I'm fine with any change in mechanics as long as the characters are balanced. Brawl is a great game. Its physics and air combat make it a different great game than Melee, but it's still fun. Where Brawl suffers is that Metaknight is invincible.

Oh, and remove tripping. I get that some randomness makes up some of the game, and I enjoy playing with items. But I just don't know who tripping is supposed to be fun for. At least with Mario Kart (a more extreme example than I would like Smash to go in), I understand who benefits enjoyably while tearing through the course with a star.

You act like fast characters were essentially the same in Melee. Characters like Fox and Sheik can recover from hits and attack again before some characters can even recover from the move they hit them with! I used Link in Melee and was completely speed blitzed by those characters. Didn't matter how good I was at dodging, blocking, etc when they hit me before my move animation/recover finished
I agree with Timberlake--air shielding sounds like a bad idea. Smash should be focused on the players trying to control center stage--giving those in a disadvantageous position more defensive options just dilutes the game even further. I feel it would have the opposite effect that you're arguing, KevinCow (if you are still debating and not just stomping off in a huff); I think it would make the game lose variation, making the air game much more similar to the ground game, so the whole fight feels more samey no matter where you are on the map. You introduce air shielding and air grabbing you take away a lot of the inherent variation of the fight that makes Smash so different from other fighters. More options is not always the better solution.


Whatever. I'm done bashing my face against the brick wall that is your closed-minded Melee purism. I hope the next game is as different from Melee as possible, just to piss off people like you and anth0ny and everyone who worked on that pathetic project m nonsense.


Project M is the most fun I've had with Brawl since the game died out as a mainstay for my buddies and I. Ditto for all said friends I've played it with. The team has done some great things with the mod. Have you tried it? Or are you bashing it under the assumption that it's for melee fans only?

I wouldn't even consider myself a "melee purist"; I don't think I've played Melee since Brawl came out, but Project M is fucking awesome so far.

It's easy to be frustrated by the constant Melee love that goes on in the community, but it really is a pretty awesome game. I don't agree with all of the Project M changes (namely the more pandering ones, like needlessly changing some of Falco's animations back to how they were in melee) but for the most part the game just plays a lot better - I can't deny them that. The balance and slight playstyle changes (eg. Charizard being very aerial focused) have also been spot on in my eyes. My friends and I aren't tourney players or anything, but we're having having tons of fun with the mod and have been playing the crap out of it so far, and we can't wait for the rest of the characters to be finished.

Also, Blue Charizard.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Stuff like preferring certain characters or totally altering their playstyle as opposed to tweaking them is the thing that bothers me in (serious) mods delivered by Smash fans. This isn't something like Oblivion Official Patch (which fixes broken stuff without totally altering everything, and even gives you options on what to change). I even recall a previous balance mod (I think it was +?) that pretty much handpicked characters.


The complaints about the premise of Project M is understandable, but it's a really mean thing to insult all the talented fans that spent a very great amount of time to make Project M. Even if I don't think it's the style of Smash Bros. physics I want the series to go with in the future (too much gravity for me), I played it thoroughly and thought it was utterly fantastic. The changes to the characters alone are enough to make it feel exhilarating and exciting.


I don't agree with all of the Project M changes (namely the more pandering ones, like needlessly changing some of Falco's animations back to how they were in melee)

It was when I saw that they changed the menus to look like Melee menus, changed the shields to look like Melee shields, and retextured veteran characters with their Melee textures that I realized, oh, their goal isn't to make some gameplay changes to fix some things they don't like about Brawl, their goal is to literally turn Brawl into Melee. Any changes they made to characters or the game mechanics? Revert them to the way it was in Melee. Any new mechanics? Take them out. Any newcomers? Completely change their movesets. It's clear that the thought process was not, "Brawl is flawed, let's fix it," but, "Brawl is not Melee, let's fix it."

And I just find it funny, you know, how with all the effort they've put into making this stupid mod that maybe a hundred people will ever play and there will never be a competitive scene for, they could've just made their own damn game and released it on the PC for like $10 and made money off of it.
It was when I saw that they changed the menus to look like Melee menus, changed the shields to look like Melee shields, and retextured veteran characters with their Melee textures that I realized, oh, their goal isn't to make some gameplay changes to fix some things they don't like about Brawl, their goal is to literally turn Brawl into Melee. Any changes they made to characters or the game mechanics? Revert them to the way it was in Melee. Any new mechanics? Take them out. Any newcomers? Completely change their movesets. It's clear that the thought process was not, "Brawl is flawed, let's fix it," but, "Brawl is not Melee, let's fix it."

And I just find it funny, you know, how with all the effort they've put into making this stupid mod that maybe a hundred people will ever play and there will never be a competitive scene for, they could've just made their own damn game and released it on the PC for like $10 and made money off of it.
The character re-textures are optional and not part of the main Project M package. 'Completely change [newcomers] movesets' lol. Clearly you haven't played the game if you think it's just a Melee clone. I wouldn't worry if I were you, the next Smash Bros will not disappoint you because all you care about is character roster and fan-service.


I wouldn't worry if I were you, the next Smash Bros will not disappoint you because all you care about is character roster and fan-service.

Yup, I find that the most interesting part to talk about when we know literally nothing about the game, and when any speculation on changes or additions to the game mechanics is met with a flurry of "NO THAT WOULD NEVER WORK IT WOULD COMPLETELY RUIN EVERYTHING JUST DO MELEE AGAIN!!!!" therefore it is clearly the only part I care about.


It was when I saw that they changed the menus to look like Melee menus, changed the shields to look like Melee shields, and retextured veteran characters with their Melee textures that I realized, oh, their goal isn't to make some gameplay changes to fix some things they don't like about Brawl, their goal is to literally turn Brawl into Melee. Any changes they made to characters or the game mechanics? Revert them to the way it was in Melee. Any new mechanics? Take them out. Any newcomers? Completely change their movesets. It's clear that the thought process was not, "Brawl is flawed, let's fix it," but, "Brawl is not Melee, let's fix it."

And I just find it funny, you know, how with all the effort they've put into making this stupid mod that maybe a hundred people will ever play and there will never be a competitive scene for, they could've just made their own damn game and released it on the PC for like $10 and made money off of it.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Just stop now.


By the way, just so it's clear?

That was sarcasm.

I care about the gameplay just as fucking much as you do. I just want to see it grow and change, as opposed to your desire for it to stagnate because change is scary and Melee is perfection.


You guys are really shitting up the thread talking about Melee tiers, balance, Brawl mods, etc. Totally sucked the fun out of here. Go to shoryuken if you guys want that. I don't want to see this shit popping up for SSB4 reveals, trailers or the eventual dojo.


You guys are really shitting up the thread talking about Melee tiers, balance, Brawl mods, etc. Totally sucked the fun out of here. Go to shoryuken if you guys want that. I don't want to see this shit popping up for SSB4 reveals, trailers or the eventual dojo.


omg i hope rosalina is a playable character in smash 4 ^_^


I hope Smash 4 makes Fox and Falco undeniably the best characters in the game again, watching them fight on Final Destination was always fun and exciting.
Kevin, have you considered that maybe we thought air shielding was a bad idea because it was a bad idea, and not because it'd not be like Melee? Did you notice I didn't pick on your other ideas (except fall state changes) even though they'd also be different from Melee?

and btw project M is awesome you should give it a chance. I don't know why you think "Melee purists" are out to get you and destroy everything you love but uh

I'm not particularly interested in psychoanalyzing you lol



omg i hope rosalina is a playable character in smash 4 ^_^

I know you're joking but Rosalina is pretty popular, right? She's been in the Mario Kart games since Galaxy, doubt she'd make a playable character. Probably assist trophy.
By the way, just so it's clear?

That was sarcasm.

I care about the gameplay just as fucking much as you do. I just want to see it grow and change, as opposed to your desire for it to stagnate because change is scary and Melee is perfection.
Saying you hope the next game is as different to Melee as possible proves you don't care about gameplay.

I hope Smash 4 makes Fox and Falco undeniably the best characters in the game again, watching them fight on Final Destination was always fun and exciting.
Yes because at all levels of play the only viable characters are Fox and Falco, and Final Destination is both the only map used in tournaments and the only map selectable by anyone.



omg i hope rosalina is a playable character in smash 4 ^_^

I'll take the next best thing if sakurai is generous lol


That looks amazing, Smash really needs more alts like this. Wario was a good start.

I hope not. It makes sense for Wario to have two costumes, with one representing Wario Land and another representing WarioWare. Peach having a Rosalina model... makes zero sense. (I don't think I have to worry about Sakurai shoehorning costumes in like that, though.)


I hope not. Wario makes sense having two costumes. Peach having a Rosalina model... makes zero sense.

I mean, more actual geometry changes. I'd prefer them to be the actual character's costumes too. I guess they could use one of Peach's spinoff costumes but I don't particularly like any of those.


I hope not. It makes sense for Wario to have two costumes, with one representing Wario Land and another representing WarioWare. Peach having a Rosalina model... makes zero sense. (I don't think I have to worry about Sakurai shoehorning costumes in like that, though.)

yeah peach having a rosalina costume makes as much sense as her having a daisy color in brawl, that would've just been stupid and crazy, who would want that


yeah peach having a rosalina costume makes as much sense as her having a daisy color in brawl, that would've just been stupid and crazy, who would want that

...You don't see the difference between that and every single character in the game having a completely separate model as an alternate costume?

Like I said, I shouldn't worry about it, because it's never going to happen under Sakurai's watch. This isn't Street Fighter. He's too conservative for something like that. If we get Rosalina with Peach's moves, it'll be as a clone with her own voice actress, not as a shoehorned costume.

Also, it's a waste of time. 50+ alternate costumes would cost at least two full characters.


they could touch up her daisy alt some more. It was better in melee

Her melee alt actually had flowers and stuff on it, right?

Changing character's attack effects with their costumes might be fun too. Like there would be flower effects instead of hearts for the Daisy alt.
The Daisy colours for Peach is kinda creepy. I'd prefer if they just gave her Daisy's dress, the hair is too much.

Anyway, most of these characters have donned enough costumes over the years that there's no need to go digging into similar characters' wardrobes for alts. Even Lucas went through enough get-ups in MOTHER3 to serve about 4 alts or so.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
You guys are really shitting up the thread talking about Melee tiers, balance, Brawl mods, etc. Totally sucked the fun out of here. Go to shoryuken if you guys want that. I don't want to see this shit popping up for SSB4 reveals, trailers or the eventual dojo.

Well i know what I'm gonna be doing in the SSB4 Dojo thread.


They should make Yoshi good. He has literally never not sucked. But I don't know how you get over the fact that he has no recovery move.
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