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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I really don't see how people want Paper Mario, he'd look so off. G&W only works because he's a silhouette.

And yeah Jiggly Puff is male too.

I don't see why that's a problem. Are clashing styles that bad? They should've kept Toon Link's shading too, IMO. I think the different styles coming together is actually a good selling point.

And Jiggly is female dammit.
What's a toon ganon



I recently went back and played through the New Super Mario Bros. and Galaxy games, and I think Bowser Jr. has a really good chance at making the roster. The plot of both NSMB games essentially revolve around him. Keep in mind that as of Brawl's planning period, Sunshine was the only mainline game he had appeared in.

Here's a Sakurai-esque move set I just came up with for him, and there's none of that implausible Shadow Mario transformation garbage.


General: He's light and very fast. His standard attacks would be things like bites and scratches, not unlike Bowser.

Side Smash Attack: Sideways Paintbrush Swing
Up Smash Attack: Upward Paintbrush Swing
Down Smash Attack: Sweeping Paintbrush Swipes (multiple hits)

Standard Special Move: Fireball [New Super Mario Bros. Wii]
Bowser Jr. rears back and spits out a fireball projectile.

Side Special Move: Green Shell Throw [New Super Mario Bros.]
Bowser Jr. tosses a green shell at the opponent; hold B down to charge this up and increase the speed of the throw.

Up Special Move: Spinning Shell [he retracts into his shell in NSMB]
A faster version of Bowser's Whirling Fortress.

Down Special Move: Paint Puddle [Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Sports Mix]
Bowser Jr. mops the floor with his paintbrush, creating a small puddle of paint that stays down for about 5 seconds. If the opponent comes in contact with the puddle they'll slip. 2 puddles can appear on the screen at a time.

Final Smash: Koopa Clown Car [New Super Mario Bros. Wii]
Control the Clown Car similar to Yoshi/Pikachu/Diddy/Sonic's Final Smashes. Press A to spin and B to spit a fireball.

Pretty good I would make him too fast though but I haven't seen him in action much. I think Bowser Jr is defintely up there for Mario newcomers. And with his paintbrush he would definitely be unique.


Maturity, bitches.
I don't see why that's a problem. Are clashing styles that bad? They should've kept Toon Link's shading too, IMO. I think the different styles coming together is actually a good selling point.

And Jiggly is female dammit.

Clashing styles is one of the criticism people have for Sony's effort. Also it's nice to see character portrayed differently. In some ways Link is the most boring as they've just replicated his "realistic" look. That's why Brawlified Toon Link is refreshing.
With Snake apparently confirmed in that Sony game does that mean he won't be in Smash?

As much as I love Snake and hope he'll be in Smash 4, I do think that MGS4-Raiden would make a really great addition to the roster. He could play like a faster, weaker Marth, darting around the battlefield and zapping people with lightning. His Final Smash could be he crazy sword combo he uses the in the first trailer for Revengeance, and he could have colours based off of Grey Fox, MGS2 Raiden, a F.R.O.G. soldier and Solidus Snake.

*braces for massive backlash*
With Snake apparently confirmed in that Sony game does that mean he won't be in Smash?

The two games are likely going to be years apart, so I don't think either Sony or Nintendo need to worry about them competing in sales directly, so I don't see why he couldn't stay. But with guest characters you never know.


As much as I love Snake and hope he'll be in Smash 4, I do think that MGS4-Raiden would make a really great addition to the roster. He could play like a faster, weaker Marth, darting around the battlefield and zapping people with lightning. His Final Smash could be he crazy sword combo he uses the in the first trailer for Revengeance, and he could have colours based off of Grey Fox, MGS2 Raiden, a F.R.O.G. soldier and Solidus Snake.

*braces for massive backlash*

You're right, let's replace the main character of the series with somebody who's never appeared on a Nintendo console.


Super Member
You're right, let's replace the main character of the series with somebody who's never appeared on a Nintendo console.
Yup. I almost want to say not to bother with Snake if Wii U doesn't get a Metal Gear game.

And by the way, Silver the Hedgehog, the Geckos and a few other character who've never appeared on a Nintendo console got repped in some way, so that argument doesn't really hold water.
Arguably, Silver and the Geckos were bad decisions too
You're right, let's replace the main character of the series with somebody who's never appeared on a Nintendo console.

I didn't say replace Snake; I just think that it'd be cool if Raiden had a slot on the roster.

And by the way, Silver the Hedgehog, the Geckos and a few other character who've never appeared on a Nintendo console got repped in some way, so that argument doesn't really hold water.

I'm almost afraid to post on this forum now, seeing as my opinions and ideas get shot down every single time I do...

qq more

I didn't say replace Snake; I just think that it'd be cool if Raiden had a slot on the roster.

And by the way, Silver the Hedgehog, the Geckos and a few other character who've never appeared on a Nintendo console got repped in some way, so that argument doesn't really hold water.

I'm almost afraid to post on this forum now, seeing as my opinions and ideas get shot down every single time I do...

I'm pretty sure silver appeared in secret rings, or so I heard. Dunno about the rest though. Although I don't think it matters much since they weren't playable to begin with *shrugs*

EDIT: With that said, if they do decide to allow 3rd party franchises to have multiple slots then I can easily see that happening. Would be kind of cool. (even though I like smash bros better with treating 3rd parties as just guest characters)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
To be fair though, Snake got in due to the friendship thingie.

Who knows, maybe Sakurai has other friends.


And by the way, Silver the Hedgehog, the Geckos and a few other character who've never appeared on a Nintendo console got repped in some way, so that argument doesn't really hold water.

They're not playable, though. Sakurai said that guest characters had to have appeared on a Nintendo console in order to be playable.


I didn't say replace Snake; I just think that it'd be cool if Raiden had a slot on the roster.

And by the way, Silver the Hedgehog, the Geckos and a few other character who've never appeared on a Nintendo console got repped in some way, so that argument doesn't really hold water.

I'm almost afraid to post on this forum now, seeing as my opinions and ideas get shot down every single time I do...

Raiden would be cool but if we got him what's stopping us from getting someone like Bayonetta?

It's a good idea to stay in Nintendo realm, otherwise we're opening up the floor to a ton of other hopefuls.
Raiden would be cool but if we got him what's stopping us from getting someone like Bayonetta?

It's a good idea to stay in Nintendo realm, otherwise we're opening up the floor to a ton of other hopefuls.
I'm not sure I see the problem with this.

Well, beyond balancing issues, but still.
Silver was on a Nintendo console before, and playable too.
He was in Sonic and the Secret Rings' party mode, Sonic Riders Zero Gravity, Sonic & the Black Knight, several Mario & Sonic at the Olympics versions, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations. And 2 of those games (Secret Rings and Zero Gravity) were released before and in the same timeframe as Brawl.
As far as guest characters go, only a few select companies actually deserve a slot, and their picks are obvious:

SEGA - Sonic & a friend (Tails or Knuckles, surely). Possibly 2 friends or Metal Sonic/Robotnik if they wanted him to be a heavily represented series. Sonic could easily hold three characters with interesting move sets, I think.

Capcom - Ryu, Mega Man

Konami - Snake, a Belmont

and then if they were interested, Square Enix - A DQ character & Sora.

Done. No more.


I'd add Namco Bandai (Pac-Man) to the list, and then you'd have all of the major Japanese publishers. He'd be a pretty boring character, I think, but he's a gaming icon, and there's a fairly close Nintendo association through Miyamoto's Pac-Man Vs. and the Mario Kart Arcade GP games.
As far as guest characters go, only a few select companies actually deserve a slot, and their picks are obvious:

SEGA - Sonic & a friend (Tails or Knuckles, surely). Possibly 2 friends or Metal Sonic/Robotnik if they wanted him to be a heavily represented series. Sonic could easily hold three characters with interesting move sets, I think.

Capcom - Ryu, Mega Man

Konami - Snake, a Belmont

and then if they were interested, Square Enix - A DQ character & Sora.

Done. No more.

And Terra from FF6.
As far as guest characters go, only a few select companies actually deserve a slot, and their picks are obvious:

SEGA - Sonic & a friend (Tails or Knuckles, surely). Possibly 2 friends or Metal Sonic/Robotnik if they wanted him to be a heavily represented series. Sonic could easily hold three characters with interesting move sets, I think.

Capcom - Ryu, Mega Man

Konami - Snake, a Belmont

and then if they were interested, Square Enix - A DQ character & Sora.

Done. No more.

I'd argue for a generic Final Fantasy character over Sora for SE (Black Mage, White Mage, Chocobo, or Moogle, take your poison), would add Hudson/Konami's Bomberman and Namco's Pac-Man, and I think it'd be perfect.


As far as guest characters go, only a few select companies actually deserve a slot, and their picks are obvious:

SEGA - Sonic & a friend (Tails or Knuckles, surely). Possibly 2 friends or Metal Sonic/Robotnik if they wanted him to be a heavily represented series. Sonic could easily hold three characters with interesting move sets, I think.

Capcom - Ryu, Mega Man

Konami - Snake, a Belmont

and then if they were interested, Square Enix - A DQ character & Sora.

Done. No more.

Ugh, I hope they don't add any Sonic friends. I'd rather they keep the guest series to one character in favor of repping other series. Plus they might add Shadow's lame ass.
I'd honestly prefer Gilius Thunderhead (the dwarf from Golden Axe), Alex Kidd, Ristar or Ulala (Space Channel 5) over a second Sonic character, unless they added Robotnik.
I don't think any of those characters have any relevance to Nintendo at all.

Well, Ulala, Alex Kidd and Gilius appeared in the Sega All-stars series (Gilius was planned for the first racing game but was ultimately cut iirc, but is gonna be in the next one), most Alex Kidd and Golden Axe games are on Virtual Console, and Space Channel 5 was on the GBA, as well.

Granted, they probably wouldn't have as much impact as the inclusion of a second Sonic character, but that's why I said "I'd rather see", i.e. this is my opinion/taste. ;)
Not to mention at least Gilius and Ulala could have a lot of moveset potential.


Maturity, bitches.
We'll be lucky to get another third party character and you are potentially hoping another Sonic character takes that spot? Oh the humanity!
I'll want what I want, frankly.

Although I'd probably take Mega Man or a Belmont over another representative from an already-used third-party franchise, I'm totally open to the latter.
To be fair, it is really hard to picture Sakurai doing this. But if it does happen I hope to god it's Robotnik or at least Tails and not the lame-ass Shadow.

The third-party scenario in Brawl was weird. This time round, they'll hopefully be planning ahead- or just scrapping third party characters all together.

Personally, I find having a franchise as storied as Sonic in the game with only one playable rep as incredibly bizarre. Just depends if Sakurai agrees, I guess.


Maturity, bitches.
Says who? We have no idea what the third-party scenario will be like.

I'm being a pessimist.

Also I hope if Sega lends out Sonic again they aren't stingy on the music this time round. One remix that wasn't even made for the game? Gee thanks.

qq more

I'm being a pessimist.

Also I hope if Sega lends out Sonic again they aren't stingy on the music this time round. One remix that wasn't even made for the game? Gee thanks.

IIRC, Sonic was the last addition to the game. Probably explains why the music selection was rushed.
Yeah, the lack of remixes was due to him being pretty much the last thing added. At least Sonic Generations gave us a mountain of remixes to enjoy.


Personally, I find having a franchise as storied as Sonic in the game with only one playable rep as incredibly bizarre.

I think it's more sensible that a guest series be represented by a single character. It's a Nintendo all-star game, after all. It's okay for there to be a few third-party characters, but I'd rather just have the company mascots by themselves. That creates more of an impact.
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