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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You can bet your ass that it's fan-wishing to the highest degree because it has Waluigi in the wishlist. Also it has Wolf not in his leather cowboy suit.
Smash Snake should become Twin Snakes Snake, complete with the over the top cutscene theatrics, slow mo and flipping antics that the purists hate so much.


Maturity, bitches.
Twin Snakes was the first time I played a complete Metal Gear game so I thought over the top theatrics was what the series was about. Didn't help the MGS2 and 3 carried on this tradition.
Twin Snakes was the first time I played a complete Metal Gear game so I thought over the top theatrics was what the series was about. Didn't help the MGS2 and 3 carried on this tradition.

Same here, well i'd played some of MGS2 before hand but Twin Snakes was my first proper go at the series, having played those two first I also figured that such stuff was typical of the series, so I was quite surprised to discover the disdain some fans have for Twin Snakes.
Smash Snake should become Twin Snakes Snake, complete with the over the top cutscene theatrics, slow mo and flipping antics that the purists hate so much.



Friend of mine had an idea for a new link, a mask link that uses the 3 masks from majora's mask kinda like how pokemon trainer has 3 pokemon with different movesets.

I wouldn't mind dropping toon link for mask link if the next normal link, which should be skyward link, is like a cross of twilight link and toon link in terms of weight/speed/power.

I also want rayman as a third party character
The obscure characters that weren't really known. Marth, Roy, etc.

Marth is on the same tier as Mario, Samus, Link, Fox and Pit in Japan as far as Nintendo mascots go. Dude's iconic.

And Roy was unknown but intentionally put there to promote his FE game (to great success because last I checked Roy is the most popular FE Lord in Japanese polls now).


I watched someone beat it, and it was awful. Good enough?

I don't know why you need to beat a game to say it's awful, either. It's not like the gameplay gets reformed during the second half of the game.

this is between me and beef. only me and beef.

i don't see how anyone could call it awful, though. i played through it for the first time last year and it was an amazing experience.
uhm... pit, fox and marth are nowhere nears as popular as mario, samus & link. hell, samus & link are like an entire tier below mario.

But the original point is Marth's nowhere near obscure, unless you're trying to say Fox is also obscure. Which he isn't.

EDIT: And Samus isn't actually all that popular in Japan (which is what I was talking about with Marth), she's much bigger here than she is there. And I'd still say she's "iconic", even not counting US.
this is between me and beef. only me and beef.

i don't see how anyone could call it awful, though. i played through it for the first time last year and it was an amazing experience.
Then why'd you quote me? :p

I'll re-try it at some point, just to be fair. You know what game I thought was amazing as a kid but turned out to be terrible when I played through it, though? Simon's Quest. Just awful.

it kinda does
Show me via a link. I've seen videos of a good part of the game and it all seemed the same to me. Keep in mind it's the combat that I think is terrible.
uhm... pit, fox and marth are nowhere nears as popular as mario, samus & link. hell, samus & link are like an entire tier below mario.

I wouldn't even put Samus and Link on the same tier. And DK and Yoshi are above Link.
But Toon Link did have a LoZ colourscheme and the Zelda II palace theme has appeared in Brawl.

Here is an actually 8 bit colour scheme that was missing:

When was the last time they referenced Wario's Woods?


Maturity, bitches.
When was the last time they referenced Wario's Woods?
It was a missed opportunity. Poor Toad. His one game doesn't even have his name in the title and Nintendo won't even remember it.

Shirtless Wario? Not sure if want.
Though they really should've given him that instead of the generic color schemes he got for Brawl.
It's clearly an innocent white top. You need to stop having sex on the brain.
It was a missed opportunity. Poor Toad. His one game doesn't even have his name in the title and Nintendo won't even remember it.

Eh, it had the misfortune of being released in the transition between NES and SNES. But I don't mind it not being heavily featured, it never struck me as particularly interesting when I played it.

It's clearly an innocent white top. You need to stop having sex on the brain.

Oh you. :3
Do you honestly think that Generation I has better designs than the current Generation, or are you just blinded by nostalgia? Stop living in the past; Gen I had more horrible designs than any Generation other than II.

It's one thing to argue that Gen I isn't vastly superior, but it's a whole 'nother thing to say that Gen I's Pokémon suck while other Gens don't.


It's one thing to argue that Gen I isn't vastly superior, but it's a whole 'nother thing to say that Gen I's Pokémon suck while other Gens don't.

I'm not saying that other Gens don't have some bad designs, because they definitely do, but people who argue that Gen I is the gospel and has the best designs of all time have either

A) Never played a Pokémon game past Red and Blue; or

B) Been blinded by their own nostalgia, because Gen I was both a broken mess and had some atrocious designs.

I've been playing Pokémon ever since the series' advent in 1998, and I steadfastly believe that every subsequent Generation has only made the series bigger and better, with Gen V capping off all of that awesomeness and progression by being (in my opinion) the best generation so far along with introducing some great and memorable designs, one of which became my all-time favourite Pokémon (take a guess at which one).

If you or anyone else is opposed to change and "liked it better when there were only 151," then that's your opinion. If you want to discuss it further, I'll be waiting in the Pokémon Community thread as to retain from derailing this thread any further.
This is kind of getting off topic, but Generation 3 is probably my least favorite. A lot of them are really forgettable. I think Generations 4 and 5 went in the right direction though--Generation 5 probably has my favorite set of designs since the first generation save for the disappointing as heck starters (so much potential in those basic forms wasted in their evolutions) and bleh legendaries.


Friend of mine had an idea for a new link, a mask link that uses the 3 masks from majora's mask kinda like how pokemon trainer has 3 pokemon with different movesets.

I wouldn't mind dropping toon link for mask link if the next normal link, which should be skyward link, is like a cross of twilight link and toon link in terms of weight/speed/power.

I also want rayman as a third party character

DOPE idea. Never even considered anything like this.


I'm just going to pop in to say that Zelda II overworld is the worst of the Zeldas. Random enemy encounters = the worst. End of story.


Maturity, bitches.
Zelda II's overworld is a reflection on life. If you stray from your path you will be distracted. However if you stick to your path rigidly you'll never meet new challenges and gain new experiences.


So okay, I want to make a new prediction.

So for a while there's been discussion about whether or not we're getting a teaser trailer at this year's E3. Most people are saying it's too soon and development's barely started, but some others (
Okay, mostly just Black Wind :p
) have insisted that Smash Bros is too big to go a full year without presenting something, and they'd try to outsource a CG trailer at bare minimum. I have been on the "no, too soon" side of this debate thus far, but the other side does have a little merit. I'd like to revise my statement and say that it's possible that we will get a trailer for the next Smash Bros. game.

But it'll be for the 3DS version. And only the 3DS version, with visuals that are on par with Brawl, and in fact probably reusing/slightly modifying a lot of existing Brawl assets. For example, Mario might have the exact same model. We will not see a mindblowing HD trailer that showcases Wii U graphics. Because first off, why would we if the 3DS version is coming out first? Second off, this is really the only way I can see Sakurai coming up with something presentable after starting development maybe 3 months ago.

I also still would not bat an eye if the entirety of E3 came and went without a trailer for either version. I'm just saying I think a trailer is plausible now, under the circumstances I've mentioned above.
It could honestly go either way. Brawl was in development for roughly six months as opposed to Smash 4's now four months before being shown off (which isn't too huge a difference) and unlike Brawl Sakurai seemed to have far more of a groundwork laid down for both versions of the game last year when it was announced... Instead of finding out right then and there he was going to be directing a new Smash game and frantically having to put together a new team and set up a new office.

On the other hand the Wii U version's going to have an enormous jump in terms of graphics regardless of what the system's final specs are, and it's going to be easier said than done to port Brawl's engine over to the 3DS to build off of (assuming they even do that as opposed to writing a new one from scratch). Was also under the impression both versions of the game were meant to come out around the same time, so revealing the 3DS one before the Wii U version may muddle things a bit, though given the likelihood of getting jack in terms of news I'd take whatever.

Best thing to do though is to just expect nothing (or an official logo/name) and be pleasantly surprised if it gets a last minute reveal like Brawl did in '06.


Best thing to do though is to just expect nothing (or an official logo/name) and be pleasantly surprised if it gets a last minute reveal like Brawl did in '06.

This is how I feel. I don't really expect anything other than maybe a Sakurai sighting where he'll get interviewed about his ideas and what he plan to take Smash next. But...other than Smash I am not really sure what Nintendo has to really show for the WiiU other than ports that it may be getting from this gen with new tablet controls, WiiU tech demos, Mario Mario Mario, and maybe Retro's new game so there could be a chance for Smash but there's only a slim chance but it could just be too early.


Maturity, bitches.
This is what will happen:

Trailer begins and the Super Mario Bros Mario sprite pops up on the screen. He walks towards an 8bit computer sprite. He taps away at the keyboard and then the camera zooms in on the screen to reveal.... THE DOJO IS BACK! OH MY GOSH THE CROWD GOES WILD!

Everyone switches tabs to access the site only to see, "Starts Later Today (Japan Time)".


This is what will happen:

Trailer begins and the Super Mario Bros Mario sprite pops up on the screen. He walks towards an 8bit computer sprite. He taps away at the keyboard and then the camera zooms in on the screen to reveal.... THE DOJO IS BACK! OH MY GOSH THE CROWD GOES WILD!

Everyone switches tabs to access the site only to see, "Starts Later Today (Japan Time)".

I'd be like:


I cannot think of a worse idea than showing a slightly-modified-from-Brawl 3DS version only at E3. It doesn't matter if its specified as only the 3DS version, everyone will associate it with the WiiU version, and the 'WiiU is no more powerful than the Wii' backlash will be deafening.

I expect we will get nothing. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.


Maturity, bitches.
I know there are stupid people out there but that is a really really big stretch. Saying Smash 3DS is representative of the WiiU capabilities would just look idiotic even by an idiot's standards. All you need is footage of another game, say Pikmin3, to show what the WiiU can do. If anyone decides to carry on saying WiiU has 3DS level graphics because of a 3DS trailer then I'm sure the mods will take them outside for a nice little chat.


I know there are stupid people out there but that is a really really big stretch. Saying Smash 3DS is representative of the WiiU capabilities would just look idiotic even by an idiot's standards. All you need is footage of another game, say Pikmin3, to show what the WiiU can do. If anyone decides to carry on saying WiiU has 3DS level graphics because of a 3DS trailer then I'm sure the mods will take them outside for a nice little chat.

You clearly have a lot more faith in the world than I do.
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