Miis are important? Since when?
Miis are important? Since when?
Miis are important? Since when?
Miis are important? Since when?
I think you need to double-check the definition of "constants", since you just listed off the only things that are variable.Technically the only constants of a Mii are their face design, favourite colour, height and width, so Sakurai could theoretically give the Miis a body more suitable for fighting. He would probably ignore height and width to make hit boxes easier to manage.
Also costume colours would mean the favourite colour probably wouldn't apply. Maybe give them a headband.
Miis won't (and shouldn't) make it in for the same reason the "main character" of Animal Crossing wasn't playable in Brawl. They're nameless, faceless avatars completely devoid of any personality or unique appearance. They aren't characters. They are literally a blank slate for you to use in the absence of real characters.
Miis won't (and shouldn't) make it in for the same reason the "main character" of Animal Crossing wasn't playable in Brawl. They're nameless, faceless avatars completely devoid of any personality or unique appearance. They aren't characters. They are literally a blank slate for you to use in the absence of real characters.
Miis won't (and shouldn't) make it in for the same reason the "main character" of Animal Crossing wasn't playable in Brawl. They're nameless, faceless avatars completely devoid of any personality or unique appearance. They aren't characters. They are literally a blank slate for you to use in the absence of real characters.
So a handful of first-party games and some shovelware.
Link is the ultimate generic fantasy character. He is a heroic pretty swordsman who has no personality on his own, doesn't speak and saves the princess/world.
Heck, his name is Link because he creates a link between player and game.
Mario has very little personality as well, but it's still more than Link.
Link is the ultimate generic fantasy character. He is a heroic pretty swordsman who has no personality on his own, doesn't speak and saves the princess/world.
Heck, his name is Link because he creates a link between player and game.
Mario has very little personality as well, but it's still more than Link.
Hey, just like the entire Wii lineup.
Shiek has been one of the most popular characters since her inclusion in Melee, she's not going anywhere. I personally don't see Jigglypuff or ZSS as necessary to stay but Jiggs especially may get a spot just for being in Smash 64.
Also I'd like to say that more characters shouldn't be added to a series based completely on the series' popularity but rather how well the series is represented. Wario is a huge selling series but it really only has one important character. Series like Pokemon and Mario on the other hand have tons of extremely iconic and playable characters in addition to being huge sellers. There should be more focus on including characters from more low-profile series like Custom Robo, Sin and Punishment, Golden Sun, Xenoblade, etc. than adding in Jimmy from WarioWare.
Before that bit of news I would have agreed. 48-50ish non-dlc characters was completely reasonable and I thought not 1 but 2 or maybe even 3 KI characters where likely.
But in the case of the roster number being restricted to brawl's level I really think other series and more needed/ a few other series deserve additions more. I could see him treating it like he treated Kirby before brawl ... even more now seeing how he is very open with the fact that he doesn't intend to make anymore KI games.
As for Paper Mario and Takamaru I just think that there are far more interesting series than Takamaru (it just seems like a fan-fav pick to me. I don't see how it's any more likely than other fan-fav series) and if Toon Link has shown us ANYTHING it's that Paper Mario would just be a Mario Clone. "But he could be so different!" So could Toon Link ... didn't happen.
He has become one of Nintendo's biggest character IPs, his character's are unique, lovable and recognizable ... yet time and time again I see list that add in damn there everything BUT a 2nd character from his series. It seems easier to convince people that K. Rool deserves a spot above any Wario character.
And THAT'S why I'm really glad people here arnt making the game >_>
I wonder if they'll do fancy stuff with their stages. I really think Battle Royale's mish-mash is a great goddamn idea. Though I don't know if it'd be swell for Nintendo.
Eh, clashing themes ruin the stage.
If the roster really ends up being Brawl sized or even only slightly larger I'll ( and most likely a lot of people) be very disappointed with the game. I honestly don't care about any extra shit like RPG elements or whatever else he plans on adding to shake things up. If it doesn't deliver most of the old characters with a nice amount of new characters and the same goes for stages then the game will be a failure in my eyes.
I honestly think he's just being modest and we will see a decent bump in characters/stages though.![]()
I'm rather surprised they haven't done a tag team mode style of gameplay added, as a single and multiplayer deal. I think those could be fun. Granted it probably wouldn't make a huge difference for most people.
I've always wanted to see a tag team style mode where, say, you play 4 stock, and you choose 4 different characters. Your first stock is character 1, then he dies and you switch to character 2, and so on.
I wonder if they'll do fancy stuff with their stages. I really think Battle Royale's mish-mash is a great goddamn idea. Though I don't know if it'd be swell for Nintendo.
Definitely want a toggle to turn off the damn enviro hazards though!
Wii U-3DS Connection?
"It was last year that we talked about a new Smash Bros. that will have some interoperability, some linkage between Wii U and Nintendo 3DS," Fils-Aime said. "Obviously [Smash Bros. lead designer] Mr. Sakurai, having just finished Kid Icarus, hasn't made a ton of progress on that game, but that's going to be the one where we talk about how the two systems could work together on one game."
I think they should revamp Luigi's moveset to reflect Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. (And original one too)
So, no new Smash info from E3? (I've been away with no internet for a week)
Sad Scrafty is sad.
Iwata said the 3DS and WiiU Smash games will probably exemplify the 3DS to WiiU connection capabilities.
That's all I can remember.
I would prefer Falco getting axed over Wolf, but I don't think many characters are in danger of getting cut, to be quite frank.