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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Neo Member
My ideas:
(Zelda character specific):
- 90% of Brawl's Ganondorf moveset need to be separated and converted in Black Shadow from F-Zero.
- Ganondorf needs to have a moveset similar to Ocarina of Time one (and merged with TP's Ganondorf).
For example, able to fly instead of just jump, able to throw energy balls, use sword, etc..
- Link's moveset is not so much similar to their games counterpart, should be remake and give more weapons, not the generic ones.
- Toon Link should have another set of weapons and will be good if maintains some of their moveset.
- If we have so much Links in Smash, why not the return of Young Link, BUT with Majora's Mask moveset? Can be similar to Pokémon Trainer in the form of able to fight with Deku, Goron and Zora Link, and use masks. And a Final Smash of transform in Fierce Deity Link.
- Smash Bros. NEEDS more female characters, specially female villains, hope that Medusa from Kid Icarus will be in the next one.
- King K. Rool needs to be a newcomer in Smash.
- Costumes will be a fantastic thing in Smash.
- Little Mac from Punch Out Wii should be a playable character.
- Old and forgotten Nintendo characters need to be characters in Smash. Takamaru and others will fit very well.
- Some old Smash characters need to have a moveset more similar to their games (Luigi should have more differents moves than Mario, Star Fox characteres need to have more different attacks and a different Final Smash, etc..).

Well, a lot can be done in Smash, this is just a bit.
IceDoesntHelp said:
All I ask for is

Seriously put Travis in, and you will have won my heart Sakurai

With the recent development of character model importing and Project M coming, I'm finding it hard to get excited for another Smash game. Especially if it's going to play like Brawl.
Willy105 said:
I hope they don't change it for the sake of changing it though. The Brawl system was great.
I really don't want to start another Brawl vs Melee debate, but seems to me that Brawl changed the gameplay for the sake of change and added very little (and removed A LOT) to the actual fighting mechanics.


Game needs to play like Brawl+. Simplicity and ease of control from the Brawl series, with the speed and mechanics of Melee.

Add more characters, new story mode, new stages, and hell, maybe even cater to the crowd that keeps this damn game alive for years on end with some sort of competitive option that removes all the party bs, and we've got a game :D


Neo Member
Barrow Roll said:
I really don't want to start another Brawl vs Melee debate, but seems to me that Brawl changed the gameplay for the sake of change and added very little (and removed A LOT) to the actual fighting mechanics.

But seriously give me top tier Ness next game and I'll play it.


Mit- said:
Game needs to play like Brawl+. Simplicity and ease of control from the Brawl series, with the speed and mechanics of Melee.

Add more characters, new story mode, new stages, and hell, maybe even cater to the crowd that keeps this damn game alive for years on end with some sort of competitive option that removes all the party bs, and we've got a game :D


Now this is the Smash I know and love. Does this have auto L-canceling?
Snakeyes said:

Now this is the Smash I know and love. Does this have auto L-canceling?
I wonder if Sakurai actually pays attention to this.

I know Nintendo, at some point in time, told the people who were making custom brawl mods to cut that shit out. And of course a lot of it is just random "hey, this character have a general body shape matching this manga/ comic/ cartoon character ... TEXTURE SWAP!" but there's also a ton that try to ... make sense. Like Shiny Charizard ... I think that actually was in the game in an early demo but they took it out. Others just try to incorporate outfits or alts that come from the character's game.

And if he noticed that then what about people making "Brawl x" who want a faster more melee like game?

I wonder if that could be part of this "customization option" Sakurai decided to do with SSB4 3DS. I know fans do this with any game they can get their pop open but yeah ... could be something.


Sakurai said:
Looking back, nearly a decade on, Sakurai seems proud of Melee overall. "Melee is the sharpest game in the series," he wrote. "It's pretty speedy all around and asks a lot of your coordination skills. Fans of the first Smash Bros. got into it quickly, and it just felt really good to play."

He admits that Melee is the most "hardcore" Smash game. The question is... does he want to go in that direction again for Smash 4? The answer is almost certainly no.

To which I respond... is it possible to have less hitstun than Brawl?
Fallacy said:

But seriously give me top tier Ness next game and I'll play it.
I didn't read the other 17 pages so I guess I already missed the debate?

Black-Wind said:
And of course a lot of it is just random "hey, this character have a general body shape matching this manga/ comic/ cartoon character ... TEXTURE SWAP!" but there's also a ton that try to ... make sense. Like Shiny Charizard ... I think that actually was in the game in an early demo but they took it out. Others just try to incorporate outfits or alts that come from the character's game.
You should look at the quality of mods that are available now, it completely eclipses all the old textures.

I mean, Zero character model from MvC3 in Smash? How fucking incredible is that?

Anth0ny said:
He admits that Melee is the most "hardcore" Smash game. The question is... does he want to go in that direction again for Smash 4? The answer is almost certainly no.

To which I respond... is it possible to have less hitstun than Brawl?
I saw a video on Youtube once of this 2D fighter...the characters were like school girls. The game had like absolutely no hitstun at all. It was hilarious.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Anth0ny said:
He admits that Melee is the most "hardcore" Smash game. The question is... does he want to go in that direction again for Smash 4? The answer is almost certainly no.

To which I respond... is it possible to have less hitstun than Brawl?

which is a terrible and honestly surprising attitude.
making the game deeper does not make it any less accessible or fun.
completely shunning your most passionate fans is so sad.


DonMigs85 said:

Ah, I can hear Smashboards now


amtentori said:
which is a terrible and honestly surprising attitude.
making the game deeper does not make it any less accessible or fun.
completely shunning your most passionate fans is so sad.

Did he actually say he IS going more party/non-competitive for Smash 4?
PKrockin said:
Did he actually say he IS going more party/non-competitive for Smash 4?
I don't think he's said anything about Smash 4. If I recall correctly, the announcement of Smash 4 was premature. However, he did say this in an interview with Famitsu about a year ago.

Looking back, nearly a decade on, Sakurai seems proud of Melee overall. "Melee is the sharpest game in the series," he wrote. "It's pretty speedy all around and asks a lot of your coordination skills. Fans of the first Smash Bros. got into it quickly, and it just felt really good to play."

However, he has one particularly deep regret: the game's accessibility level. "I had created Smash Bros. to be my response to how hardcore-exclusive the fighting game genre had become over the years," Sakurai said. "But why did I target it so squarely toward people well-versed in videogames, then? That's why I tried to aim for more of a happy medium with Brawl's play balance. There are three Smash Bros. games out now, but even if I ever had a chance at another one, I doubt we'll ever see one that's as geared toward hardcore gamers as Melee was. Melee fans who played deep into the game without any problems might have trouble understanding this, but Melee was just too difficult."
You can read the full article here.

It would lead one to assume that the next Smash will play more like Brawl. I've never heard anybody say that Melee was too difficult though. Unless you're talking about competitive play, but the vast majority of players don't even know that stuff exists. Wasn't Melee also the best selling Gamecube game ever?


Death Prophet
You know, what... I was just thinking. Smash Bros may be the first time we see a lot of our favorite Nintendo franchises in HD, or at least levels and characters.


Snakey said:
They are surprisingly not different at all. The only difference is that Roy and Mewtwo are more wanted than actual "true" newcomers. The primary reason as to why they are pessimistic about so many of Brawl's newcomers being possibly cut is due to them not expecting those two characters from Melee to be cut (they were also among the most popular characters in Melee). Really, Mewtwo and Roy were basically excluded as a result of priorities and Sonic being added so late to the game. From the Smash forums I read, they they would like to see K. Rool and Mega Man too. Takamaru is also really requested there too.

Really the only differences seemed to me the lack of requests regarding Ridley and Little Mac (who are probably the most requested newcomers among the Western Smash Bros. fanbase).

In regards to your earlier question about whether Ridley, Little Mac, and Isaac were the most requested characters for Smash 4 among Western Smash fans, yes I would say so. I would also throw in K. Rool and Mega Man into the West's Top 5.

Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up. The only character that I don't understand is K.Rool. I'm not a fan, but I guess he's an older villain that people like.


Rlan said:

Though with Advance Wars: Days Of Ruin cutting that whole story and characters away, it might not happen :(
I think Andy is my least favorite CO from the trilogy aside from some of the Black Hole guys and Grimm. Lash and Jugger excluded. Hoping for Sami to represent the series.


Snakeyes said:

Now this is the Smash I know and love. Does this have auto L-canceling?
Yes, yes it does. Which is amazing :) Because I suck at L-canceling and always felt it was a completely stupid, unnecessary execution barrier in Melee. If there is never a reason NOT to do a technique (hitting L every time you hit the ground), it should be automatic. Or, you know, everyone should just have less cooldown on aerial moves when they hit the ground.

Brawl+ is Melee for everybody and it's great. I really hope Smash 4 has a bit of a faster game speed, and really brings back the tech game of things with increased hitstun. And as much as I love auto ledge-snap, the game really is a bit more dangerous and punishment heavy without it.

Also I think they'll pass on Ridley again, unless they find some way to incorporate large characters into the game. Similar to Sentinel/Nemesis in MvC3. People always used to just yell that you could just shrink Ridley to be much, much smaller and make him playable, but there's a certain degree of character that you have to stick to with your representation, and a small Ridley in this age just does not suit his character. The dude is huge.

That said I really don't know how many more characters they could add, and really, I don't think the game needs that many more characters. Just make significant changes to a lot of other characters and the game will easily feel fresh enough.

However MOAR THIRD PARTY SUPPORT. I hope Nintendo took notice when companies like Capcom said they'd have been more than happy to work something out, but Nintendo never contacted them.


Removing them just increases the ledge game a bit. In Brawl you typically have to hit someone pretty far out for it to be worth trying to gimp them or play some over-the-ledge games. If they're too close to the stage they'll just use their up-B and auto-snap from great distances, or can easily maneuver with their double jump/up-B to avoid your pursuit and snap to the ledge from anywhere. You also can't really be edge-hogged because you'll either snap the ledge, or if they hog it you can just recover on stage. It's like an option select :p . In Melee every single time you hit someone off the edge it's trouble. You can choose to maneuver around their pursuit, but it might cause you to make an odd approach at the ledge, either unsafely landing above the ledge, or completing a long animation while waiting to snap to the ledge. If your opponent anticipates this properly they can likely punish.

And at lower levels of play, well, if they screw up their recovery you can just smash the hell out of them :p

Oh, and if they do try to snap, depending on their up-B move, they might get edge-hogged, so you have to decide whether or not you'll recover on stage or on-ledge.

All kinds of shit :p It just opens the ledge game up more and makes the whole game a bit more dangerous. Definitely turns it into a 4-stock competitive game as opposed to regular Brawl's 3.
PKrockin said:
What's wrong with auto ledge snap?
Oversimplifies recoveries, removes necessary spacing to sweetspot an edge grab and dumbs down one of the most unique aspects of Smash Bros: edgeguarding and recovering.


Ghirahim will almost definitely be in it in my opinion. They'll want to represent SS and he is perfect. Though there could be other character in the game that we don't know of yet, of course.

But I guess everybody thought Brawl would have Zant, so who knows.

After finishing SS, Ghirahim needs to be in this game. Teleporting, gliding, no handed, one sworded gameplay etc he'd be a great fighter

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I recall seeing a post about "Brawl characters being mostly filler" in that Sony Smash thread.

To which I say NAY! Clearly, they haven't heard of Japan popularity!


It is weird going back to Melee after all these years, the game is just so fast and fluid. Definitely my favorite in terms of 'competitive' Smash play but I think for just getting three other friends and having fun Brawl is just so much better.

I really hope the next console iteration finds a better middle ground between Melee and Brawl and for the love of god no tripping.
Ghirahim will almost definitely be in it in my opinion. They'll want to represent SS and he is perfect.

I would hope so after playing some SS. My first fight with him was pretty damn intense.

Too bad that Sakurai seems to think the Zelda Series begins and ends with OoT. Would make prefect sense to redo some things with the characters based on the games ... but maybe this customized character thing can allow that. Different B moves maybe? A choice that may involve NON-OoT moves and such?
Ghirahim should definitely be in. SS SPOILERS.
His final smash could be summoning a Bokoblin army, or maybe summoning Demise and acting as his sword, in a ZS Samus/ Samus kind of transformation.

Oh, and Sheik should be replaced by


He admits that Melee is the most "hardcore" Smash game. The question is... does he want to go in that direction again for Smash 4? The answer is almost certainly no.

To which I respond... is it possible to have less hitstun than Brawl?

I really believe that his recent comments about Melee were done just in an attempt to acknowledge the Melee fanbase. If you look at most of the gameplay changes to Brawl, they had nothing to do with simplifying the games to a newcomer. Eliminating Wavedash or L-Cancel won't make the game simpler for a new player. Something like an optional automatic third jump attack assigned to the jump button, rather than Up+B, could simplify the game for a new player though, but there was nothing like that in Brawl. The only thing that was arguably done for accessibility was the slower pacing, but even that can easily fit with the intent behind the other changes to the basic gameplay system.

The changes in Brawl had one goal: forcing everyone to play the game like Sakurai intended. Why Wavedash was cut? Because it made standard movement pointless, and you're supposed to use the standard movement. Why cut L-cancel? Because it made people favor using short hops+ jump attacks rather than just ground attacks while fighting on land. Slower pace? To make the detailed animations more noticeable. Drastically reduced power for repeated attacks? You're supposed to use the full moveset, not just one attack over and over.

And, of course, he apparently only cut them because they were extremely popular among hardcore gamers and they were playing the game "wrong". Thus, something like chain grabbing, which previously was less popular, stayed in the game even though it goes against everything he did in other points, like reducing the hitstun.

Too bad that Sakurai seems to think the Zelda Series begins and ends with OoT. Would make prefect sense to redo some things with the characters based on the games ... but maybe this customized character thing can allow that. Different B moves maybe? A choice that may involve NON-OoT moves and such?

Smash Link's moveset isn't specifically based on OoT. He has attacks from AoL, he can use a boomerang since the first Smash, something OoT Link couldn't do in his adult form... it's just that for whatever reason, Sakurai has avoided changing anyone's moveset "radically" so far. Thus, TP Link had no chance of getting a wolf form, and the Zelda/Sheik transformation stayed even though there was no Sheik in TP. Up to Brawl, at least, once a character got into Smash, that became his basic moveset and the later changes were fairly minor, mostly adding new required moves and balance tweaks. It's not something limited to the Zelda cast.

Someone like Samus really could use some basic changes to how her blasters works in order to approach her own games - in fact, the same holds true to most Smash characters introduced in 64, aside from Mario, Link and Kirby. Most 64 movesets deviated from the original gameplay of the characters much more than the movesetws introduced in Melee or Brawl, aside from the Melee clones, but it won't happen because it'd change their "Smash character".
Oh, and Sheik should be replaced by

I'm waiting to beat SS before I read your Ghirahim spoilers, but with the Shiek replacement, I agree. This character appeared in Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, the Oracle games, and Zelda II, as well as being referenced in Wind Waker and the manual for Zelda I. She represents the overall series, while Shiek only represents Ocarina.


I really believe that his recent comments about Melee were done just in an attempt to acknowledge the Melee fanbase. If you look at most of the gameplay changes to Brawl, they had nothing to do with simplifying the games to a newcomer. Eliminating Wavedash or L-Cancel won't make the game simpler for a new player. Something like an optional automatic third jump attack assigned to the jump button, rather than Up+B, could simplify the game for a new player though, but there was nothing like that in Brawl. The only thing that was arguably done for accessibility was the slower pacing, but even that can easily fit with the intent behind the other changes to the basic gameplay system.

The changes in Brawl had one goal: forcing everyone to play the game like Sakurai intended. Why Wavedash was cut? Because it made standard movement pointless, and you're supposed to use the standard movement. Why cut L-cancel? Because it made people favor using short hops+ jump attacks rather than just ground attacks while fighting on land. Slower pace? To make the detailed animations more noticeable. Drastically reduced power for repeated attacks? You're supposed to use the full moveset, not just one attack over and over.

And, of course, he apparently only cut them because they were extremely popular among hardcore gamers and they were playing the game "wrong". Thus, something like chain grabbing, which previously was less popular, stayed in the game even though it goes against everything he did in other points, like reducing the hitstun.

Sakurai did make changes so newcomers would pick up the game more quickly. Just not the ones you listed. Not every change revolved around this one principle of teaching tournament goers a lesson.

Encouraging air combat:
Increased short hop height
Floaty characters
Air dodging

L-Canceling - There's no reason not to do it, so all it does is complicate the controls.
Ledge snap properties
Holding the A button to automatically repeat jabs

Wavedash was cut because air dodging in Melee was completely useless except to wavedash. You air dodge in Melee, you get punished. Air dodging in Brawl actually serves its purpose, and incidentally its new physics make wavedashing impossible.

Attack staling has been in all three games and it's not much stronger in Brawl. Nothing wrong with encouraging players to vary what moves they use anyway. I would probably consider a tournament match where each player uses their full moveset more interesting than one where each player spams three moves the entire game.

I don't think chaingrabbing was intentional besides Ice Climbers. When I remember Ness and Lucas's ground releases I can't discount the possibility of less egregious exploits like Falco's chaingrab being an oversight.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I agree with Ghirahim being included, he's rather cool and styling...I also think that the
Sealed Grounds should be his stage, maybe taking place atop of the Imprisoned as he climbs up the temple.

Demise would also make a pretty cool Ganondorf alternate costume.

Anyway, here are some ideas I have for WiiU stages. I kind of thought it'd be cool if each character had their own "home stage" that you would fight them in during Classic and All-Star Mode. Here's what I thought for Mario, Link, and Donkey Kong.

Starship Mario - Mario Galaxy 2
*This level would take place on the Starship Mario from Mario Galaxy 2, and it would be similar to Brinstar Depths from Melee...the starship would slowly rotate as the level progresses, changing the terrain. For example, the chimney at first would serve as a wall but, as the planet curves to the left, the chimney becomes a platform keeping you from falling to your doom.
*Lubba sits at the steering wheel in the middle, and you can bounce off him for fun, or knock players into him to bounce them around. You can also see Gearmo, Whittle, and other Galaxy species hanging out on the ship, but they're non-interactable.
*The Galaxy-style Bees would occasionally appear around the stage, and you could temporarily stand on them for extra platforms. Eventually though, they'll get mad and drop you, so watch out.
*As the level progresses, you fly past various Galaxy 1 and 2 stages in the background, such as Good Egg and Fluffy Buff.
*Music would include Starship Mario (Mario Galaxy 2), Good Egg Galaxy (Mario Galaxy), and Rainbow Road (Mario Kart Wii)

Hyrule Castle - Ocarina of Time
*Even though the Link would be based off Skyward's, the level itself would basically be a Hyrule Castle inspired by Ocarina of Time 3D, but with a graphical style slightly reminiscent of Skyward Sword. It would be similar to the original Smash stage, taking place on-top of the castle, and you use the various towers to hide from foes.
*The main feature of this stage, which is rather simple (you can fall off the sides of the castle, or be knocked into the air), are the use of Treasure Chests. They randomly appear, and, for this level, are the ONLY place you can find items in. The items that will pop out are the ones you have active, excluding barrels and crates. You simply hit into them and the item pops out. Sometimes a large, golden Treasure Chest will appear--as well as a separate key somewhere on the stage. This contains a Smash Ball, and you need to grab the key, and carry it to the chest. Whoever opens the chest with the key instantly gains the Final Smash.
*There is also a cuccoo that appears randomly...you can pick it up, and if you jump with it, you can glide a bit. If you hit it too much, though, it'll summon an army of cuccoo which fly through the air and hit everyone.
*Visually, the day cycles through day and night, like Hyrule Field, and in the background you can see Death Mountain, part of Gerudo Desert, and the Kakariko Windmill.
*Music would include The Legend of Zelda Main Theme, Hyrule Field (Twilight Princess), and Title Theme (Zelda II)

Donkey Kong
Construction Site - Donkey Kong
*Rather than another Jungle Japes-inspired level, Construction Site is a 3D rendition of the 25M stage of the original Donkey Kong Arcade game. It is a completely faithful rendition of the stage's layout, with all the same ladders which you can climb up. Players can fall off the sides, or be shot up into the air.
*At the top of the construction site is Donkey Kong...but not the playable one, but a fiercer, tie-less one implied to be Cranky Kong, as well as Pauline calling out for help. Pauline isn't interactable, but if you hit Donkey Kong, he'll swat you away. It's not as crazy powerful as the Donkey Kong in the 75M level in Brawl. He'll also roll barrels down, which will hurt you unless you attack them. He'll sometimes throw stronger, blue oil barrels which explode.
*The level isn't simply a red beam structure floating in the air, but resembles a building being constructed, and in the background there are workers working on the building (think the level in Super Street Fighter IV) including one that resembles Foreman Spike. The skyscraper-in-construction overlooks a large, New York-looking city. There is another Donkey Kong cameo as well...a billboard advertising Stanley's Extermination Service.
*Music includes 25M (Donkey Kong), Intro (Donkey Kong Country), and Stage Theme 2 (Wrecking Crew)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yet more mario/link/dk stages?

We need more from the others. Probably like a Metroid one (there's that area in Fusion where it's dark and have X parasites floating around). Maybe another Pikmin (inside the cave) or AC (actually being in the village) should do it too.
Saki from S&P should be playable.

Yeah, either that or the dude from Star Successor. (God damn it I still need to play that)

I think we're at the point where the floodgates are pretty much open, in terms of who can be a character. I'm expecting Ridley, Little Mac, Shulk and maybe Ghirahim, plus an Animal Crossing character (Phoenix Wright is now in a fighting game, people- ANYTHING GOES). So characters from S&P, Golden Sun, Chibi-Robo, Balloon Fight, Last Story, EBA/Ouendan, Advance Wars... who knows what we could see, but there's a fair chance of each of the series I just mentioned getting a look-in.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Well, I have ideas on stages for basically every character...I just started with those first. I thought they were nice representations of the characters that offered up a fun gameplay style, and were a mix of old and new Nintendo history.

Basically, I think every character (perhaps except for Captain N, since I'm basing these ideas off my idea for a roster I posted back a few pages) should have their own stage so the more characters a franchise has, the more stages it has which seems like a decent balance. Of course some franchises could have extra stages even if they don't have more than one character, like F-Zero (I think Captain Falcon is fine on his own).

I don't think they should bring any stages back, however, so I wasn't considering the overabundance of Mario, DK, and Zelda stages when thinking of these however.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
I really would like the ULTRA attacks to work off of combo meter. You land enough consecutive strikes you are granted a character specific ultra. I am not a fan of a little ball flying around open to anyone.

More characters from Murasame. Advance Wars. F-Zero. 1080 Snowboarding/Wave Race (Rob Haywood), MoleMania, F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Card Hero, TeleroBoxer, WarioWare, Rhythm Tengoku, Jam With The Band, Animal Crossing etc.

OS/System viewable trophies :)


I think they should try representing as much series as possible, even series without potentially playable characters should be shown through stages, like Animal Crossing and Electroplankton in Brawl. Even if Kyle Hyde and Agent J don't make it as playables (which would be beyond awesome), stages based on Hotel Dusk and EBA would be amazing.

And I'm totally calling a stage based on FreakyForms.
I want a Spirit Tracks train stage, with the Spirit Tracks overworld theme, and a Xenoblade Gaur Plains stage, with Shulk as a playable character.

We need Rosalina and Fawful as characters.

Also, I'd put the odds of WuHu Island being a stage as close to 100%.
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