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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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Kat and Ana
Dixie Kong
Captain Syrup

With Palutena being what I think would be the most likely, and Captain Syrup being the least likely.

Fixed for my picks.

Capt. Syrup
Jill (Drill Dozer)
Dixie Kong
Female FE rep
Female WarioWare rep

I'd be really happy with those (I know you only said 4 :p)

Speaking of Drill Dozer I should really get around to playing it one of these days, I hear new copies are dirt cheap.
EDIT: WOW they are. $12 total on Amazon for a new and sealed copy... o_o

Yea, I still agree that Palutena is in, she's probably one of the few right now that has the best chance of being a sure thing. Syrup chances are not the best and I'm not blind to that, just hopeful lol. I wouldn't say Lyn, Jill or Kat and Ana have a better chance BUT they have been ATs so they are not totally invisible to Sakurai, which is a good thing. Daisy could easily play differently from Peach and Dixie has the history making her an important character. Lip is the potential retro character so there's always a chance for a surprise.

And I forgot about Impa she would be a pretty good character also a Sheik variation at the latest with more magic possibly.

Jody Summers and Rhythm Heaven Girl for me.

Jody? If she was a female Falcon with a move comparable to the Knee and she would be fine. She needs a redesign though.


Yeah she def needs a redesign, imo. :|

Edit: Had to edit, other pic was too big.
Palutena (Though more because she's probably the one character I think will automatically get into Smash 4 when it's announced)
Dixie Kong (But I don't expect or want her over K. Rool; she was probably cut from Brawl for a reason after all)
Jill (Drill Dozer is tits)
Lip (Could fight using her flower stick and panel de pon/tetris attack blocks)
Captain Syrup or Mona (Depends on whether they feel like acknowledging Wario Land exists or not really, but either would lend themselves to a unique moveset)
Dark Samus ('She' sort of counts... Right?)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
And I don't see what's wrong with Jody Summer. She's like Detective Inspector from Speed Racer only she's actually racing and is a girl right?


And I don't see what's wrong with Jody Summer. She's like Detective Inspector from Speed Racer only she's actually racing and is a girl right?

Nothing is wrong with her, I think she would be a fun character to play as in the same vein as Falcon. She would definitely be the most athletic female so her style should reflect that. I just think Jody could benefit from getting a redesign if she was added to the roster. Something different but still intergalactic. She might look too much like ZSS for some people who haven't heard of her.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Nothing is wrong with her, I think she would be a fun character to play as in the same vein as Falcon. She would definitely be the most athletic female so her style should reflect that. I just think Jody could benefit from getting a redesign if she was added to the roster. Something different but still intergalactic. She might look too much like ZSS for some people who haven't heard of her.

Oh that.

Maybe make her a bit more agile and uses guns.


What is the full Smash cycle, exactly? :p

That's a good question that I don't know lol. What I usually see...

-roster cuts
-roster limits
-Sakurai said so
-Lucario is a clone of mewtwo, clones etc
-Ridley is too damn big
-I want random x 3rd paty character in no matter how crazy it sounds and I want 22385772 guest characters (C'mon Tekken, bro?)

and sometimes the tiresome
-smash is a party game and should be played like this
Yeah seriously. Not to mention most of them don't seem to realize Brawl (and Uprising too if I remember right) were also heavily outsourced projects, just to smaller-name companies compared to Namco.
I think you're underestimation the people making a big deal over this and I think you're over-looking how big this partnership is.

No, I don't think this is a case of simple "outsourced man-power" as it was with the other games and companies. The way this was revealed makes it appear to be much more of a collaboration in which they're working together. And if the tone from the Harada quotes say anything it's that they seem to has a lock on some form of Character Rep on the roster.

Ugh, yeah. The thread is full of ignorance and extremely high expectations.

...I mean really... 3-4 Namco characters? Did people forget what happened during the Brawl hype?
You seem to be referring to me ... and you're wrong. My expectations are actually shocking low.

Given Sakurai's quote about Smash simply reaching it's max in the amount of character's it can reasonably have or w/e I really don't think there will be more than 2-3 new slots in the smash 4 roster at release. If anything I expect a pretty chunky amount of cuts so that spots can be replaced in favor of new IPs and expanding 1 or 2 larger IPs with few characters (like Wario or Metroid). And that's because normally people expect new characters in new installments for fighting games and if you're making one and you're content with the size of the roster than replacements would be an option.
Snake and Sonic? I have nothing against them but I could see them getting the boot in favor of becoming DLC released at a later date seeing as they're guest characters.
Falco? Lucario? Wolf? Ike? Toon Link? So-on and so-on? Yeah, I could see them getting cut.

And I expect some of those cut characters to come back as DLC because Nintendo aint dumb enough to pass up the chance to get people to buy DLC for Smash. It's one of those games where I could see most people not slinging into blacklash mode if DLC is revealed for the game at a decent price some time after release.

As for the gameplay, IDK what to expect. I could see them going for a 3D fighter ... he seems hellbent on doing something "different" so who knows. But I do expect him to come through on this "character customization" he talked about seeing how awesome Namco is at that kinda thing.

qq more

You seem to be referring to me ... and you're wrong. My expectations are actually shocking low.
Okay. I believe you, although I still stand by a lot of the people are expecting too much in the thread.

And I expect some of those cut characters to come back as DLC because Nintendo aint dumb enough to pass up the chance to get people to buy DLC for Smash
No DLC in a fighter isn't exactly dumb. Especially given reactions to fighter DLCs lately. (As long as it's reasonably priced and they don't pull a Capcom, I'm alright with the DLC.)

As for the gameplay, IDK what to expect. I could see them going for a 3D fighter ... he seems hellbent on doing something "different" so who knows.
Ehhh I think that might be just taking his quote a bit out of context but that's just me. I honestly can't see Sakurai completely changing the gameplay. Seems way too risky.


-Ridley is too damn big
My problem with Ridley isn't his size but his body shape in general. A boney winged reptile that almost always flies doesn't seem like a character who would be very playable to me. Maybe if they take inspiration from Charizard or something... I dunno. :/
And I don't see what's wrong with Jody Summer. She's like Detective Inspector from Speed Racer only she's actually racing and is a girl right?

The problem is Nintendo actively wants you and the public at large to forget F-Zero exists. :(

I think you're underestimation the people making a big deal over this and I think you're over-looking how big this partnership is.

No, I don't think this is a case of simple "outsourced man-power" as it was with the other games and companies. The way this was revealed makes it appear to be much more of a collaboration in which they're working together. And if the tone from the Harada quotes say anything it's that they seem to has a lock on some form of Character Rep on the roster.
Oh, it's definitely a bigger deal than Sora's first two outsourced games were, but a lot of those comments seem to suggest the people making them are clueless that Brawl and Uprising were also out-sourced projects. I do see having more traditional fighting game people working heavily on Smash as a good thing personally, since while either way I'll likely get the party game I want, this way 'competitive' fans will more likely get the fighting game they want.

Also I think Harada said the exact opposite in terms of Namco characters:
We also asked Harada if he knew of any Namco characters who would be appearing in Smash Bros. Wii U.

Harada responded, "That question was one of the most frequently asked questions we got when we announced the project. Especially from abroad."

"The fans, rather than asking about Tales or Gundam, or some of our other franchises, the fans abroad saw Tekken as one of the key words and took off on that."

"We’re not really sure at this moment but when thinking of the playerbase who is playing Smash Bros, maybe Tekken characters is something they wouldn’t want, so I’ve been pulling back on that a bit. But I don’t know."
Tales characters are actually relevant to Nintendo, Gundam is disqualified since it's anime and the quote you're talking about seems to suggest they're holding back on Tekken characters, a series which hasn't to the best of my knowledge even appeared on a Nintendo console (besides the upcoming Tag Team 2 for Wii U). I think the most you'd see is Pac-Man and Lloyd from Namco, and even then Lloyd is a big 'if'
who I also don't give two shits about sorry tales of symphonia fans


My choices for female characters:

Palutena/Medusa - At least one of them, Kid Icarus has great female characters and I think both would make for good fits.

Dixie Kong - I would prefer King K. Rool instead, but I'm sure Dixie could be made into a fun character if given the time.

Midna - She would probably work best if paired with Wolf Link, but even on her own I'm sure she would make for an original addition to the cast. I'm actually rooting for her over Ghirahim at this point.

Krystal - Personally I hate her, but she is the only Star Fox character left worth adding due to her unique skillset.


Nope that's his descendent...

What in the...I really just guessed when I saw the headband. So confused.

My problem with Ridley isn't his size but his body shape in general. A boney winged reptile that almost always flies doesn't seem like a character who would be very playable to me. Maybe if they take inspiration from Charizard or something... I dunno. :/

Yeah, he would be a challenge but they could make him work. Since enough people want him in I think it would be worth the hassle no matter what the end product is. People just want him playable at this point.


My problem with Ridley isn't his size but his body shape in general. A boney winged reptile that almost always flies doesn't seem like a character who would be very playable to me. Maybe if they take inspiration from Charizard or something... I dunno. :/

The always flying thing is a good point I don't ever see brought up; I hadn't considered it before but you really do almost never see Ridley on the ground, and even when he is it's not for very long. I never really understood the huge fan outcry over Ridley's exclusion anyway purely from a logistics point of view, and Metroid is my second favorite game franchise. I'm fine with no more playable Metroid characters honestly, they just need to make up for that by making the Metroid levels actually good this time (and Mother Brain as a boss wouldn't hurt either)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Krystal - Personally I hate her, but she is the only Star Fox character left worth adding due to her unique skillset.

Honestly I have a feeling they'll be adding either Slippy or Leon if (and that's a big if) on Star Fox. The two are like stars in Japan.

If you ask me though I'd rather have Panther.
I really hope we won't get Skyward Sword Link beacuse it's the worst possible design for Smash Bros.
TP / future new WiiU Link should be chosen.
I really hope we won't get Skyward Sword Link beacuse it's the worst possible design for Smash Bros.
TP / future new WiiU Link should be chosen.

Skyward Sword Link is pretty much the same design as Twilight Princess Link, just with poofier pants. Remove the SS shading (which Smash would do anyway), reverse him so he's left handed to align with his Smash moveset, and he'd look pretty much the same as Brawl Link.

On the topic of female characters:

Dixie Kong
Toon Zelda (transforms into a Phantom, not Tetra/Toon Sheik)

Those would be my more realistic choices. A random personal want from me would be Medusa, if only as an apology for how poorly Uprising treats her.


Female characters I'd like to see:

Dixie Kong (Probably will be in)
Midna (final form)
Micaiah (To give Fire Emblem reps some variety)
Mona/Captain Syrup (Second Wario rep)
And... maybe one of the Xenoblade girls?
The female characters I'd like are:

Cackletta (Bowletta Final Smash?)
Hilda (Female PC from Pokémon Black and White)
Jill Dozer
Toon Zelda
Alexandra (Eternal Darkness)
Mimi (Super Paper Mario)
Might as well say some females I wouldn't mind.

Sami / Lash ( Most likely AW girls I guess)
Amaterasu (As a guest so wouldn't really count)
I strangely want some Animal Crossing characters so Blanca randomly.

I don't think we need more Princesses, I'd prefer Waluigi...


Neo Member
*Xenoblade spoilers!*
Lip (not without a redesign, of course)

Though I really just want Lip in so we can have an event on a Rhythm Heaven stage where you fight against Peach, Zelda, and Samus as Lip while Beautiful One Day plays in the background (and beating said event unlocks the song).

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What if Palutena ends up as a clone lof Pit ololol

But then again the accused "clones" introduced in Brawl are not clones so she has a safe pass.


I think Jill is my most wanted character behind Ridley. New franchise, female, and a heavy.

Mainly I just want to drill people in the face. But also Drill Dozer was a fun game and it deserves to be recognized.

Azure J


Sakurai:"You get a LandMaster! You get a LandMaster!You get a LandMaster!"

Well played. :lol

Edit: Actually, with how self referential the cast of the Kid Icarus series is, I wouldn't be surprised but would still laugh if Palutena got a FS that was basically a random item drop with a Landmaster in the mix.


I tried to tally up the votes, not very easy, to see what we have collectively in our random informal poll...For those who use X character/(slash)/ Y character I just counted them as two votes to make it simpler.


Dixie Kong-6
Captain Syrup-6
Jill (Drill Dozer)-4
Toon Zelda-2
Sami (Advance Wars)-2

Lash (Advance Wars)-1
Kat and Ana-1
Dark Samus-1
Hilda (Pkmn B/W)-1
Jody Summers-1
Rhythm Heaven Girl-1
Ayumi Tachibana-1
Haruka Amami-1
Alexandra (Eternal Darkness)-1
Mimi (Super Paper Mario)-1
Blanca (Animal Crossing)-1

Female WarioWare rep-1
Female FE rep-1
Xenoblade girl-1

*Xenoblade spoilers!*
*Xenoblade spoilers!*
*Xenoblade spoilers!*

Guest Character:



But what does it mean?....probably nothing but the fact that, other than Palutena and maybe Dixie, they could pull anyone from any series and have a unique female character, imo.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You can't talk to me ya old hoot. Imma buff Braviary!

Seriously though I think Funky would give a nice, new feel to character diversity - Smash needs a Dee Jay-esque character in Smash
Too much protein and rare candies is your problem pal.
As for the Funk, it's nice to imagine a Dee Jay style character but the only chance Funky realistically has is a DK clone, it's the only reason he was in Mario Kart Wii (I think , same model and animations?).
Actually on this note i'm thinking Dixie could be somewhat Capoeira like in her fighting style as well as all the obvious hair stuff, I would main the hell out of such a character.
I'd prefer if all franchises represented followed the pattern of:-

Sidekick / Ally / Rival

Off my head this already applies to Kirby, LoZ ( Even if Ganondorf is crap) and Starfox. I know it can't apply to all franchises, and Mario has already over done it, but at least that would put K. Rool ahead of Diddy in drag.
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