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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I'm really not sure about Snake's chances. I mean, Kojima is really buddy-buddy w/ Sakurai.

I hope Snake gets into the Playstation All Stars game, actually. He'd be a perfect fit there. I wonder if they would create an all new moveset for him...

I thought he already was confirmed being in that game? And of course they will make a new moveset for him in that game, I mean... they would be dumb if they didn't. o_O
Nintendo maybe could even sue them or something. I dunno.

I've never heard of those guys...

Shame on you, those are all really good games.

I think atleast we should get one more classic 3rd party character like Megaman and one complete surprise 3rd party character that hardly anyone would have guessed.

Honestly, I'm really hoping for Simon Belmont or some other Castlevania character to be introduced as well, especially if Snake gets dropped as Konami character. Though it also could be one of the characters from the upcoming 3DS game I guess (hopefully not).
Honestly, I'm really hoping for Simon Belmont or some other Castlevania character to be introduced as well, especially if Snake gets dropped as Konami character. Though it also could be one of the characters from the upcoming 3DS game I guess (hopefully not).

So you fear it could end up as Trevor, Simon or Alucard? because those guys are all playable in Mirror of Fate.
So what's everyone's opinion on tether up b's?

Instead of being easily thwarted by people hanging on the edge they should really have the opposite effect and be a great counter to that, like ZSS whip should just bolt them off if someone's hanging on and attach itself to the stage.
I want to love them ever since I pulled off a cheese vine whip recovery with Ivysaur where it snagged the ledge from a distance slightly further than the visual reach of the vine whip, my opponent was already taunting with the thought of victory and then I swang in stylishly and managed to win as well.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

Sadly the game mechanics make it so that tethers are "automatic grab" which means it won't connect when there's someone hanging in it. It really sucks.

They should replace all tether Up Bs as true recoveries (i.e. Pikmin Tornado, where Olimar performs a spinning attack that lifts him, one spin per Pikmin; Retract, where ZSS will push out her whip to a straight line, then pulls her towards it; and Solar Beam, where Ivysaur shoots a downward beam that propels it upward), and stick tethers for grab.


So what's everyone's opinion on tether up b's?

I guess I would be ok with it if it countered ledge grabbers. (basically the tether will knock a person away)

Also I have been thinking, seeing as how Melee had Smash 64 stages and Brawl had Melee stages, what Brawl stages would you guys like to see back? (of course it would be really awesome if they went the Mario Kart route and put in retro stages from every Smash)


Maturity, bitches.
Also I have been thinking, seeing as how Melee had Smash 64 stages and Brawl had Melee stages, what Brawl stages would you guys like to see back? (of course it would be really awesome if they went the Mario Kart route and put in retro stages from every Smash)

Spear Pillar
New Pork City
Rumble Falls
Also I have been thinking, seeing as how Melee had Smash 64 stages and Brawl had Melee stages, what Brawl stages would you guys like to see back? (of course it would be really awesome if they went the Mario Kart route and put in retro stages from every Smash)

So long as Spear Pillar, Smashville and Pirate Ship return, I'll be fine.
I demand the return of Brawl Yoshi's Island, my favourite stage in the series.
Runner up Brawl stage returns would be Delfino Plaza, Either Zelda stage, Spear Pillar, Smashville and Castle Siege.

If they went the MK route and put some 64 and melee back in as well then also add Dreamland 64, Saffron City, Corneria/Sector Z, Mushroom Kingdom 2 and one of the melee pokemon stages.


I guess I would be ok with it if it countered ledge grabbers. (basically the tether will knock a person away)

Also I have been thinking, seeing as how Melee had Smash 64 stages and Brawl had Melee stages, what Brawl stages would you guys like to see back? (of course it would be really awesome if they went the Mario Kart route and put in retro stages from every Smash)

It's hard to say because they might pull a Pokemon Stadium with some of these and make a new stage with the same ideas, but right now I'd like:

Castle Siege
Luigi's Mansion
Pirate Ship


Maturity, bitches.
Wait, Spear Pillar is actually liked? Despite the whole reversing of controls and flipping the screen upside down gimmick that gives the CPU an unfair advantage.
Wait, Spear Pillar is actually liked? Despite the whole reversing of controls and flipping the screen upside down gimmick that gives the CPU an unfair advantage.

Best gimmick stage in the series, unless Cresselia turns up and just lobs cutters everywhere.
Dialga is much preferred to Palkia though, no control swaps, instead you get slow mo or low gravity.


Wait, Spear Pillar is actually liked? Despite the whole reversing of controls and flipping the screen upside down gimmick that gives the CPU an unfair advantage.

It stinks, besides the Pokemon fanservice. People also hide out in the underground part which is hard to KO from. I wish you could pick the Pokemon because Dialga's gimmicks are the best.


Wait, Spear Pillar is actually liked? Despite the whole reversing of controls and flipping the screen upside down gimmick that gives the CPU an unfair advantage.

I hate Spear Pillar aside from the Pokemon fanservice. (the locale itself, music, legendaries)

My friends have a burning love for that stage, so I have to play it often and experience slow-mo, low gravity, mirrored stages, reversed controls, random beams, etc.

So yeah, I really don't want it back, would rather get one of the Pokemon Stadiums (though they may make a new one) or Saffron City.


Watching this hack it still looks pretty fun even without the gimmick, I like the layout more than Spear Pillar's for sure.

Really they should either bring it back with more detail or make a new stage set in a city. If they must do Pokemon Stadium again at least set it in an actual city within the games rather than a generic colosseum.


Saffron (probably remixed though, new pokemon in the door for starters)
Sector Z
Mushroom Kingdom. Again probably would have to be remixed but using warp pipes in a stage is something I'm surprised they never revisited

Fountain of Dreams because it's the best
Mute City because it's wicked better than Big Blue or Port Town

Halberd. Probably my favorite Brawl stage
Yoshi's Island since the art style is amazing and it's my favorite neutral stage
Summit since I think it's pretty well done and there'd probably be a mix of neutral and nutty retro stages

There are a couple other Brawl ones I'd like, namely Delfino and Smashville, but I think Animal Crossing can get a new stage better representing the series and there'll probably be another 8 Mario stages anyway


There are a couple other Brawl ones I'd like, namely Delfino and Smashville, but I think Animal Crossing can get a new stage better representing the series and there'll probably be another 8 Mario stages anyway

Smashville was kinda disappointing. I thought they could've done better than "random floating platform." It works in F-Zero and Delfino because it moves but in Smashville it's just there. I would've rather had the top of Nook's department store or something like Onett.


If Spear Pillar doesn't make it back, maybe N's Castle could work as a suitable location. It has the possibility of having a unique environmental layout, with new hazards presented by Reshiram and Zekrom. Also, like Spear Pillar it is an iconic landmark from Black and White. (maybe they could have some character cameos such as N, Ghetsis, male/female trainer etc. similar to Smashville)
Spear Pillar is an awful stage in pretty much every single fashion beyond fanservice and visuals. All three Pokemon are obnoxious and the cave is just stupid.

Brawl on the whole has too many stages with big and obstructive solid walls and ceilings to tech off of. Lives already last way too long with the game engine itself, the excessive walls and ceilings just make it worse.

EDIT: Actually, by and large, I think Brawl has relatively the worst ratio of good stages to bad stages in the series.


smash 4 needs more gimmicks. just keep final destination/battlefield for those who need their plain stages and go wild on the rest.


smash 4 needs more gimmicks. just keep final destination/battlefield for those who need their plain stages and go wild on the rest.
I'd love for them to go the PlayStation All Stars route and have some stages represent 2 franchises at once. I really love that idea.

Probably can't do it without being called out on it though :|
smash 4 needs more gimmicks. just keep final destination/battlefield for those who need their plain stages and go wild on the rest.

There are those of us who like variety but still like feeling like they're actually playing the game. There's room in the game for both--Brawl I felt swung too far one way. I'm not a full on Battlefield/Final Destination man, I love stages like Onett, Corneria and Frigate Orpheon. I'm not saying there shouldn't be Big Blues and Spear Pillars, just that a game that gives so many options to play it how you want shouldn't weigh so heavily on one side.

But of course Smash fans love their false dichotomies.


I know people are sick of Metroid stages being overly chaotic and filled with lava (how Bowser's Castle hasn't become a stage yet is beyond me) but I would love to see Tourian turned into a stage.


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What's more surprising is that people like Saffron City.

Enjoy recovering from the pit between two buildings!


Smashville was kinda disappointing. I thought they could've done better than "random floating platform." It works in F-Zero and Delfino because it moves but in Smashville it's just there. I would've rather had the top of Nook's department store or something like Onett.

Yeah I definitely agree. There were still some cool touches for it, especially K.K. Slider playing on Saturdays, but considering Sakurai insists on staying true to the Animal Crossing series by not having a playable character, Smashville wasn't a good representation at all
It's been requested to death here but it bears repeating; Sanctuary Fortress would be an awesome Prime 2 stage and it's digital/computer theme mixed with the whole Light/Dark Aether gimmick would set it apart from any other hypothetical Smash stage.


I just hope they're more creative with the general shapes of stages. It seems like as they progressed through the series, they became less and less likely to experiment with different stage layouts, instead focusing on various gimmicks to differentiate stages from each other.

Like you look at Smash 64, all its 9 stages, Dreamland and Yoshi's Island are the only ones that follow what is now the pretty typical design of one big platform and up to three smaller platforms. And even Yoshi's Island had the clouds to make it a bit different. Then you look at the other stages: Hyrule Castle, Kongo Jungle, Saffron City, Mushroom Kingdom... They all have very distinct shapes. And more importantly, they're all still fun to play on.

Then you look at Brawl, and it seems like almost every stage falls in one of two categories:

1) One primary platform, up to three sub-platforms.
2) Distinct stage layout, but really annoying to play on. Possibly with some extremely annoying stage hazard.

I want more Hyrule Castles and Saffron Cities. Fewer Smashvilles.


It seems like Brawl never bothered with moderation, and just did very plain boring template stages and crazy out-there gimmicky stages of random mayhem, with nothing in between.

The Fire Emblem stage seems like proof of this. You've got what could have been two or three very good level designs, but then they just HAAAD to mix it up with cycling you though them for no particular reason in a manner that doesn't make any sense.


I know people are sick of Metroid stages being overly chaotic and filled with lava (how Bowser's Castle hasn't become a stage yet is beyond me) but I would love to see Tourian turned into a stage.


THIS would actually be great. At the very least drawing some inspiration from the colors and those tilesets so it actually brings back memories of something Metroid. Having a series of platforms above a pool of non-lethal lava which only drains health from you gradually while you can stand semi-submerged in it would actually be an original and neat mechanic, as opposed to just a bunch of deadly lava gushing all over violently.

Also a great way to fit in the mind-bogglingly neglected Mother Brain. As well as her astounding boss theme.


PokéKong;39685084 said:
Also a great way to fit in the mind-bogglingly neglected Mother Brain. As well as her astounding boss theme.

Mother Brain was in the background of Melee's Brinstar. No jar or anything, just kinda floating there and jiggling around. It makes no damn sense if you've ever actually played a Metroid game. But she hasn't been completely neglected.

There are so many other good Metroid locations, I really hope we don't get another Zebes level. Have an SR388 or BSL level for classic 2D Metroid, and there are a ton of possibilities for a Prime level. Phendrana, Sanctuary Fortress, Skytown, Pirate Homeworld, Phaaze...

If I had to choose, I'd do ARC from Fusion for one level with Nightmare occasionally appearing as a hazard, and either Sanctuary Fortress or Skytown for the Prime level. I think I'd lean towards Sanctuary Fortess, because the dark world could be an interesting stage hazard.

The one exception I'd make for Zebes to return is the Crateria landing site from Super, just because that's pretty classic and would look awesome in HD.
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