Shadow Hog
Imagine your tears if Sakurai announced he was cutting Wolf and putting Geno in in his place.Man I wonder how the tears would be delicious if Roy and Mewtwo didn't return.
Imagine your tears if Sakurai announced he was cutting Wolf and putting Geno in in his place.Man I wonder how the tears would be delicious if Roy and Mewtwo didn't return.
Imagine your tears if Sakurai announced he was cutting Wolf and putting Geno in in his place.
If DLC characters do happen for Smash 4, the only characters I could see happening were any characters that were in previous Smash Bros. games that did not return for Smash 4. Why would Sakurai waste the few scant noteworthy remaining newcomers left after completing Smash 4 as DLC?
Personally, I would buy Dr. Mario and Pichu if they were offered as DLC.
They share a grand total of zero moves. (Shadow Ball and Aura Sphere look similar, but they function differently.)Not sure about Mewtwo; wouldn't mind him back, but didn't he play very similarly to Lucario? And I prefer Lucario's design.
They share a grand total of zero moves. (Shadow Ball and Aura Sphere look similar, but they function differently.)
This is more of what I want to see, but the reason why I would want to see DLC characters now is because it's possible that this may be Sakurai's last game so I want him to add as many newcomers that are worthy of a spot as possibe.Snakey said:If DLC characters do happen for Smash 4, the only characters I could see happening were any characters that were in previous Smash Bros. games that did not return for Smash 4. Why would Sakurai waste the few scant noteworthy remaining newcomers left after completing Smash 4 as DLC?
Personally, I would buy Dr. Mario and Pichu if they were offered as DLC.
Imagine your tears if Sakurai announced he was cutting Wolf and putting Geno in in his place.
Regarding Victini,
I know its chances are zilch, but does anyone else think that it may have made a better mascot than Zoroark? Looking at the design reminds me a lot of Gen 5, which made me somewhat surprised when the overall mascot turned out to be Zoroark. I feel as had it been promoted as a mascot and not just another Mew-like Pokémon, it would have been considerably more popular.
Regarding Victini,
I know its chances are zilch, but does anyone else think that it may have made a better mascot than Zoroark? Looking at the design reminds me a lot of Gen 5, which made me somewhat surprised when the overall mascot turned out to be Zoroark. I feel as had it been promoted as a mascot and not just another Mew-like Pokémon, it would have been considerably more popular.
I wish I played this series while growing up. I would love to see some proper Advance Wars character. Cmon Intelligent Systems don't forgot this series like i did. I'd take Sami or Andy preferably. With a redesign these characters could look pretty cool. I can see both Andy or Sami becoming instant favorites. And Instead of a land master they could use a real tank.
I would love to play those games. Yeah, I never had any chance to give it a try.
I want to play as a magnificent deer in Smash 4.
I want to play as Xerneas.
Oh god.
So beautifullll~
That usually has everything to do with the developer being greedy and just postponing pre-made content as DLC and nothing to do with physical limitations of DLC. We still have no idea how in the long-run Nintendo will handle DLC so it could (but probably won't) be something more substantial than just cut characters from previous games.I have no idea why people even want cuts to begin with.
On a sidenote, how feasible is adding a completely new character onto the roster via DLC with no files in game?
I know for most fighters with DLC characters, the characters are most of the time on disc.
That usually has everything to do with the developer being greedy and just postponing pre-made content as DLC and nothing to do with physical limitations of DLC. We still have no idea how in the long-run Nintendo will handle DLC so it could (but probably won't) be something more substantial than just cut characters from previous games.
That being said I'd be far less upset over anybody cut from Brawl if I knew that they would eventually come back as DLC. Probably a bit annoyed, but if it means more new characters than sure, I'll bite the bullet if by a year's time everybody who's ever been in the Smash series is playable in SSB4.
I was totally apathetic about the 3DS version until I got a 3DSXL with Kid Icarus and Mario 3DLand a couple months ago. Those games alone have convinced me that unless SSB4 on the 3DS is just a port and not its own thing that portable Smash is going to be tits.
I guess I'm still more excited about the Wii U version, but 3DS is nothing to scoff at if Uprising is any indicator of what Sakurai can get out of the system.
Xerneas and FerbI want to play as a magnificent deer in Smash 4.
I want to play as Xerneas.
Oh god.
So beautifullll~
TTT2's DLC is already on the disc, though.Concerning DLC I think it's worth noting that the console version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 had free DLC characters (albeit most of them were clones). But that's a big outlier and not at all the norm.
From what I've seen here the majority of discussion is still that but we've discussed almost everything that is worth discussing with the occasional new topic. Imo, we have just become content with what we believe Sakurai may or may not do because of the lack of the info. In time, the crazy speculation will be back.
That's the problem, when people start saying " I can say" instead of " I think / I feel".I can't say any character is a shoe-in, but I can say a character like Palutena and Chrom are more likely than Captain Syrup. I think there's just a higher level of confidence for some characters over others that's all. People are just having fun with it. Sakurai can say that smash is world-wide but unless he can really show it better in this game then I dont buy it. Maybe if we get Ridley I'll change my opinion on the matter. I also like knowing what the japanese fans are thinking because it puts things more in perspective about who we are collectively expecting to appear in the game. I don't consider their word absolute but it's interesting nonetheless what their saying compared to us.
And I could make a very logical post of why Syrup will be in the game >.>. I think Pichu might be out for good, but good day to you sir!
I still maintain that next to Jigglypuff, Falco is the least significant "Nintendo all-star" in the series. Fox and Wolf are the only playable characters Star Fox needs, but I digress.(which is funny because none of the clones were planned but all were important to their series other than Doc)
At the very least, Lucario is the star of a motion picture and is considered the face of an entire generation of Pokémon, and Ike is the main character of two Fire Emblem games. Falco is just some random NPC sidekick with no significance whatsoever.I'm pretty sure Ike and Lucario are as well, they along with Roy were all obviously added because they were the "newest" additions to Fire Emblem/Pokemon which are long-running series with tons of possible choices. Not that I have anything against those characters, Lucario was my favorite Brawl character, but they're not exactly Nintendo All-Stars.
Lucas was kind of the same, but since his series is so small and Mother 3 was such a stand-out title, it's not the same deal.
TTT2's DLC is already on the disc, though.
You just described how echo chambers work.
People keep bouncing around the same non-sense until they have tricked themselves and others into thinking it's real.
That's the problem, when people start saying " I can say" instead of " I think / I feel".
Which is funny with your example. Wario is by far a much larger, popular and well known series than both FE and KI ... it would be easy to rationalize the addition of a 2nd Wario character if it were to happen. Where as KI is a series with exactly 3 games, 2 of which were 20 years ago. Am I saying KI wont get a character? No, just that there's more to think about than that. Look at ZSS, no one was asking for her but it makes prefect sense that Metriod would have more of a standing on the roster than just one character given how it's a long standing, well known-and-beloved Nintendo IP.
And if you want proof you should just look at LoZ. It's a series that even Nintendo states Japan doesn't care for yet the west loves.
You misunderstood me.
I'm not advocating the return of Pichu, I'm saying that people who only saw Pichu as a "convenience clone (which is funny because none of the clones were planned but all were important to their series other than Doc)" and nothing more (not a true 2nd gen mascot or an important Pokemon in general) are dead wrong. The common reason I see for people doing this is to separate Lucario from the stigma of "FoTM replaceable gen rep". Now, one thing I CAN say is that we will be getting a 6th gen Pokemon. How? IDK. They could replace PT Pokemon with the new Starters. They can bring in the Eevee evol that's gonna be in the new short. They can have an Anthro Pokemon set to star in the next movie or something.
All you have to do is think about why we get New gen Pokemon. Clearly the 1st gen has an iconic state with it's Pokemon and thats why we have so many of them. But why Pokemon Like Pichu and Lucario? Because every new generation ushers in a new generation of Pokemon Fans and that gen will be their first generation/ exposure to the series. So the question isn't if we're gonna get a 6th gen Pokemon, it's more "which Pokemon will return". If I had to guess Lucario is getting cut, Mewtwo is returning and we're getting at least one 6th gen Pokemon in some form (be it as an gen rep replacement or as a replacement to Pt's Pokemon)
As somebody who was very much into the hardcore community...I really wish they would make this game competitive again :/
All the items and whacky moves and trips...just get rid of it and give us a good fighting game that will last. I almost wish there was a game mode that turned off all those whacky situations, stages, trips, items... ugg I love the game but it needs a serious online re-haul and speed the damn thing up! Brawl was fun but it's so slow and floaty
Bring back the wave dash
Dang, its really difficult looking at these numbers:
The Wii U situation is perhaps worse, because unlike the 3DS, it does not even have a decent library built up. There are no first-party titles being published for Q1. Nintendo better have a very big show at E3 2013 for the Wii U.
There is a lot of expectations being placed upon Sakurai. Each Smash Bros. game thus far has been a much greater escalation in terms of scale, ambition, and hype than the last. In terms of characters, he has very few bullets left. I think Sakurai has some very big plans for Smash 4, and that the scale in terms of what he has planned for the gameplay is going to get far more people hyped than the likely revealing of those last few hype worthy characters.
I think the AR cards that Sakurai did for Kid Icarus Uprising are going to be expanded upon for Smash 4. It may even be expanded to figurines.
All the items and whacky moves and trips...just get rid of it and give us a good fighting game that will last.
As somebody who was very much into the hardcore community...I really wish they would make this game competitive again :/
All the items and whacky moves and trips...just get rid of it and give us a good fighting game that will last. I almost wish there was a game mode that turned off all those whacky situations, stages, trips, items... ugg I love the game but it needs a serious online re-haul and speed the damn thing up! Brawl was fun but it's so slow and floaty
Bring back the wave dash
One thing in Melee I actually found strangely entertaining was that one mode where the B button was disabled. Together with the battle-achievements (only faced right, etc) it's one of the things I missed most in Brawl.
That is absolutely the worst thing you can do to Smash Bros. I agree about removing tripping though, that was entirely pointless and stupid. But removing everything else? FUCK THAT SHIT
As somebody who was very much into the hardcore community...I really wish they would make this game competitive again :/
All the items and whacky moves and trips...just get rid of it and give us a good fighting game that will last. I almost wish there was a game mode that turned off all those whacky situations, stages, trips, items... ugg I love the game but it needs a serious online re-haul and speed the damn thing up! Brawl was fun but it's so slow and floaty
Bring back the wave dash
Congz on your tag. I really like it.
I really don't get it. Why would some people WANT Smash Bros to remove items and silliness? Like... did they forget what the game is intended for? Why remove the fun for those who isn't into competitive play? Why the hell should Nintendo only cater to a niche part of the fan base? I mean... don't you even realize how selfish that is?
And for the record, I have nothing against the competitive scene. Everyone is free to play however they want... but to limit that is just ridiculous.
That reminds me, doesn't Brawl have a random stage select switch? I always forgot it existed. lolI think good control on turning things off/on is nice. There's a few stages I'd play a lot more without annoying hazards.
If you're talking about my post, it was in reference to Mew2's post, who wanted items to be removed to make the game "good".As far as I know we can already turn off all items though so I'm not sure where the idea that we need to remove items comes from.
That reminds me, doesn't Brawl have a random stage select switch? I always forgot it existed. lol
Oh and in speaking of item switches: Has anyone ever played on Mushroomy Kingdom with just Smart Bombs on?
If you're talking about my post, it was in reference to Mew2's post, who wanted items to be removed to make the game "good".
Hahah yeah I have. My favourite item-setup is just explosives on.
Oh okay. Just making sure because I sometimes say things word and wanted to make sure I was clear.Oh I know who you were referencing to, I just don't get why someone would want no items, makes no sense to me.
As somebody who was very much into the hardcore community...I really wish they would make this game competitive again :/
All the items and whacky moves and trips...just get rid of it and give us a good fighting game that will last. I almost wish there was a game mode that turned off all those whacky situations, stages, trips, items... ugg I love the game but it needs a serious online re-haul and speed the damn thing up! Brawl was fun but it's so slow and floaty
Bring back the wave dash
Wave dash is pretty terrible, too weird to perform and splits the community. Kinda like snaking in MKS, except harder to do. And even if they made something analogous to it, it would totally change the game.
I really hope there is something game changing though. Something to really change things up.
Some kind of dash might be cool, as long as it isn't as OP as wavedashing. They have a good formula going though, so I don't think it needs much.
I would like to see a mode where you can get supers without Smash Balls though, maybe by having a lot of damage and not dying, or getting a lot of attacks in.