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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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OoT Link is like 18, TP/SS Link around 16/17. (That puts OoT Young Link around 11, and MM Link probably 12 or 13)

I remember an interview that said that TP Link was the oldest one.

OOT Link is 16, it was in Iwata Ask.

Straight from Iwata Asks,

Yes. When we decided to handle Link growing up from a 9-year-old child to a more mature 16-year-old, I wanted lots of characters to fulfill various roles. For example, Kaepora Gaebora is a grandfather figure who gives Link all kinds of advice and looks out for him. And since Link is a boy, I wanted girls besides Princess Zelda to show up.

To answer the original question, Adult Link is referred to as an adult for 2 reasons:

1. Biologically, he is an adult (Can reproduce)
2. It's how we differentiate him from Young Link. "Adult" Link sounds better than "Older" Link.


Like I said earlier on, they should just have a single Link who's a nice balance of both, and SS Link seems like the most logical way to do that. Plus I'm real into keeping everyone current. Give Mario some Star Bits move to replace the lame FLUDD one, update Samus' look for heaven's sake, etc....

If you've played the new Rayman Origins (which too few did, unfortunately), you woud know that Rayman could be a perfect fit for a new Smash Bros. He already has most of the attacks, and the new squash-and-stretch artstyle would be beautiful to have in the game!


I support this so much, plus he already had a good footing on a Nintendo console with the Rabbids games. The moves definitely, but he should probably retain most of his traditional 3D appearance, just to fit in more nicely.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Nah, Rayman's still fair game. I don't think he's a popular choice, but there's really no rule to third party Smash characters other than "has to be on a Nintendo console at least once sometime since the NES."
If you've played the new Rayman Origins (which too few did, unfortunately), you woud know that Rayman could be a perfect fit for a new Smash Bros. He already has most of the attacks, and the new squash-and-stretch artstyle would be beautiful to have in the game!


Sukapon clone.
Am I the only one that'd be perfectly fine with no extra 3rd party guys aside from the two we have already?

I've always seen Smash as a really really Nintendo-oriented series, and although I'm fine with Snake and Sonic (For one the creator begged, for the other we have this ancient rivalry, sure, great.) but at the same time I feel like adding 3rd party characters for the sake of adding them is kinda ... almost against the point of the game.

Personally I'd prefer to see quite a few Nintendo-owned characters over something like Rayman, megaman or whatever else people seem to want from 3rd party guys.


Am I the only one that'd be perfectly fine with no extra 3rd party guys aside from the two we have already?

I've always seen Smash as a really really Nintendo-oriented series, and although I'm fine with Snake and Sonic (For one the creator begged, for the other we have this ancient rivalry, sure, great.) but at the same time I feel like adding 3rd party characters for the sake of adding them is kinda ... almost against the point of the game.

Personally I'd prefer to see quite a few Nintendo-owned characters over something like Rayman, megaman or whatever else people seem to want from 3rd party guys.

I'd rather see the opposite. I would really like to see Smash Bros as a big video game crossover that was limited for various reasons at the start to only having Nintendo characters, but eventually grew to include so much more. I mean, I'd like to have Waluigi, King K Rool, Ridley, Tom Nook, whatever, playable - but having a roster with not just Mario, Sonic and Snake, but Megaman, Ryu, Pacman, Rayman, whatever other iconic video game character - that would be a million times better.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Am I the only one that'd be perfectly fine with no extra 3rd party guys aside from the two we have already?

I've always seen Smash as a really really Nintendo-oriented series, and although I'm fine with Snake and Sonic (For one the creator begged, for the other we have this ancient rivalry, sure, great.) but at the same time I feel like adding 3rd party characters for the sake of adding them is kinda ... almost against the point of the game.

Personally I'd prefer to see quite a few Nintendo-owned characters over something like Rayman, megaman or whatever else people seem to want from 3rd party guys.

I agree with you. They can pretty much take the 3rd party fantasy into crap like MUGEN. Smash wasn't meant to cater with the "guest pass" stupidity unless the game title is "Nintendo vs" stuff.


If they do special guest characters then keep it to a minimum again. 3 or 4. The game is partially homage to the world of Nintendo.

Takamaru (shogun protagonist from Murasame)
Little Mac (boxer protagonist from Punch Out)
Mike Jones (adventurer protagonist from Punch Out)
Tamagon (creature protagonist from Devil World)

Those are my main picks from classic characters for the new Smash.


I believe the only restriction Sakurai had for 3rd Party characters was that he won't add any characters that were never on a Nintendo system. This makes Rayman fair game.

WayForward should talk to Sakurai to put Shantae in.


I believe the only restriction Sakurai had for 3rd Party characters was that he won't add any characters that were never on a Nintendo system. This makes Rayman fair game.

WayForward should talk to Sakurai to put Shantae in.

Way more important characters than Shantae, like Megaman or Simon Belmont.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Snake was only added due to Kojima's request. Not sure how Sonic ended up in Brawl, though I guess it had something to do with the mutual Sonic related stuff appearing (like the Mario + Sonic Olympics I think).

qq more

Snake was only added due to Kojima's request. Not sure how Sonic ended up in Brawl, though I guess it had something to do with the mutual Sonic related stuff appearing (like the Mario + Sonic Olympics I think).

The whole Sega VS Nintendo rivalry was likely what got Sonic in.

Oh and Rayman is totally not gonna be in the next Smash Bros. It'd be cool... but can you honestly see Ubisoft giving a shit? I really don't expect much from 3rd parties.
Snake was only added due to Kojima's request. Not sure how Sonic ended up in Brawl, though I guess it had something to do with the mutual Sonic related stuff appearing (like the Mario + Sonic Olympics I think).

Sonic got in because Sakurai took a poll in Japan asking fans to send in what character they would like to see.

He was the most wanted one and he was actually the last character to get in.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Sonic got in because Sakurai took a poll in Japan asking fans to send in what character they would like to see.

He was the most wanted one and he was actually the last character to get in.

So the people saying Wolf was cloned from Sonic needed to be castrated then.
So, howsabout a Mii character who's performance is based on the various characteristics/attributes of the player's Mii?

Say, harder to knock off if they're tall/fat, but slower too. Moved could vary with favourite colour, and aspects such as birthday/game log data could affect them too.

What if the system recognises the fact you have a Zelda save data on your profile, and thus makes you less susceptible to attacks from Link?

Final smash could be an onslaught of other people's Mii's that you have encountered online - the more you play/meet, the stronger/longer the attack.


yes they're going to announce smash bros. 4 before sakurai is finished with icarus

yes it's going to be for the Wii and 3DS.
If they do special guest characters then keep it to a minimum again. 3 or 4. The game is partially homage to the world of Nintendo.

Mike Jones (adventurer protagonist from Punch Out)

Those are my main picks from classic characters for the new Smash.

who huh wha-

Anyways, as long as Travis Touchdown is in, that's all I need from third parties. Or we could just save the spots for more Nintendo characters. I'm ok with that too.
I agree with you. They can pretty much take the 3rd party fantasy into crap like MUGEN. Smash wasn't meant to cater with the "guest pass" stupidity unless the game title is "Nintendo vs" stuff.

This pretty much summarises the post I wanted to make but couldn't in so few words, hahah.

Honestly, I'm not against an "ALL STARS" game, but not at the cost of my Nintendo fanservice free-for-all smashing experience.

The fact that it is generally "Nintendo Only" means a lot more obscure characters can make it in than if it was "famous protagonists from each series".
I agree with you. They can pretty much take the 3rd party fantasy into crap like MUGEN. Smash wasn't meant to cater with the "guest pass" stupidity unless the game title is "Nintendo vs" stuff.

This is stupid.

There's absolutely no reason to restrict the game exclusively to Nintendo characters. Just because that was the original intent of the games doesn't mean things can't change. Sonic and Snake show that it works, and that the characters can be super fun, even if they come from a "serious" (but cheesy) franchise like Metal Gear.

There is no such thing as the quote-unquote purity of Smash Bros. Get over it.
This is stupid.

There's absolutely no reason to restrict the game exclusively to Nintendo characters. Just because that was the original intent of the games doesn't mean things can't change. Sonic and Snake show that it works, and that the characters can be super fun, even if they come from a "serious" (but cheesy) franchise like Metal Gear.

There is no such thing as the quote-unquote purity of Smash Bros. Get over it.

This is stupid.

It's not about wether it can work or not, you could make a Generic CoD soldier work in Smash, that's not the point.

Personally I'd prefer to see some fun obscure Nintendo characters in smash over random protagonists from games that belong to other companies unless there is a very specific reason for them to make it in.

If whoever holds the rights to Ryu or bloody cooking mom begs Sakurai, I'm fine with that, but I don't think it's a good idea for Smash to actively try to seek out 3rd party guys just for the sake of having them.
Uh, Sonic and Snake didn't either. Joke post lol?

I think Rayman would be the best Ubisoft choice definitely IMO, if they wanted to get involved.

So you ignore not only the latter half of my post which explains why Sonic got in, but also Metal Gear for the NES which explains Snake's inclusion. It takes a certain amount of gymnastics to do all that, but you did it. Bravo.


So you ignore not only the latter half of my post which explains why Sonic got in, but also Metal Gear for the NES which explains Snake's inclusion. It takes a certain amount of gymnastics to do all that, but you did it. Bravo.

The first Metal Gear was on the MSX2. IIRC, Kojima was not involved nor even likes the NES port.

You have two characters that did not debut on Nintendo platforms yet you say Rayman can never get in based on the fact that he didn't start on Nintendo, which was never even one of the criteria.

His inclusion just depends on Nintendo's willingness to work with third parties, and Ubisoft's willingness to work with Nintendo.

good job on completely ruining your entire argument with this line

there's just no talking with insane nintendo fans i guess

How? I'm just saying that being able to make it work doesn't mean it's a good idea.

When I'm saying a generic CoD soldier could work I mean you could make a fun and incredibly playable character out of it, that doesn't mean such a character has any right to be in smash.

I'm not entirely sure what about what I said makes me an "insane nintendo fan" aside from your utter incapability of making an argument without flinging ad hominem left and right.
How? I'm just saying that being able to make it work doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Because you're talking extremes. No one WANTS that kind of character. No one is TALKING about that kind of character. To bring it up as an example is foolish, as it's completely irrelevant to the argument. The only kind of person who would do that is the kind of person that is so insanely against an idea that they will provide the most ludicrous examples to back up their position.

Since you're that kind of person, there's no sense in arguing with you. You "win", because I am not going to continue.

Or knowing Ubi's support of Nintendo consoles, it would be a Just Dance silhouette or a Gerbilz.

Or a Rabbid. A Rabbid is, unfortunately, probably the most likely choice if Ubisoft were to be allowed in this hypothetical game.


Or a Rabbid. A Rabbid is, unfortunately, probably the most likely choice if Ubisoft were to be allowed in this hypothetical game.

Yeah, the team that worked on Brawl do have experience in that area, lol.

Overall I'd be fine if just Sonic and Snake returned. I would like to see Mega Man though but that's on Capcom.
Yeah, the team that worked on Brawl do have experience in that area, lol.

Overall I'd be fine if just Sonic and Snake returned. I would like to see Mega Man though but that's on Capcom.

I wouldn't mind a Slime Knight from Dragon Quest. U:

A plain ol' Slime is boring, though. However, there isn't a "slime" character in Smash at all, yet, so they might be able to do some fun things with him.
Because you're talking extremes. No one WANTS that kind of character. No one is TALKING about that kind of character. To bring it up as an example is foolish, as it's completely irrelevant to the argument. The only kind of person who would do that is the kind of person that is so insanely against an idea that they will provide the most ludicrous examples to back up their position.

Dude, I didn't bring it up to "Win", I was simply saying that I don't see how "it can be fun" is reason enough for inclusion.

I'll be frank, I used the example of CoD soldier because I tried to make my argument seem humorous, of course I am fully aware that nobody wants that, that was kind of the whole point.

I think I mentioned before that I'm not entirely against third party guys, but I do think they need a lot of additional qualifiers to justify their place in a game with a fairly low character slot count.

Insane fanboyism, to me, is when people run around shouting that Sakurai betrayed them by including 3rd party characters; I don't see how throwing a bit of fun silliness into an argument is equal to that sort of hystery.
Oh no I used another extreme example, that must mean I'm double insane!
If it's jokes, then I forgive you, and I apologize, because jokes are jokes.

Insane was perhaps the wrong word. Closed-minded is a much better one.

I was simply saying that I don't see how "it can be fun" is reason enough for inclusion.

Video games are supposed to be fun. Smash Bros. especially.

Why include some random obscure Nintendo franchise? Because it would be fun. Why include this or that extra Mario character? Because it would be fun.
I think you guys are both right and therefore there is no need for argument.
edit: it's been resolved, then

I would also like to see inclusion of DQ, that'd be interesting for sure.

Prof.Layton would be my one pick.
which brings me to my question, do you think a character has to be able to stand on 2 legs?
have we had quadrupedal characters?


Prof.Layton would be my one pick. which brings me to my question, do you think a character has to be able to stand on 2 legs? have we had quadrupedal characters?

Pikachu, Pichu and Squirtle run on all fours, if that counts. Ivysaur is full on quadruped.
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