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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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By the way, why do people want K.rool in this game? I think he is just so...blegh. I find him bland and boring. Much better choices IMO. Feel free to try and change my mind, cause I'm struggling to see what makes him interesting.

The Kaptain K.Rool blunderbuss could make up an entire move set for K.Rool by itself just drawing from the DKC2 boss battles. Throw in the idea of him making use of the various get ups he has (Standard King K.Rool, Mad scientist, Boxer) and the varying moves from each and you've got some massive moveset potential.
Plus more heavy characters is a plus in my book, give him a bit of a smash design makeover and i'll weep tears of joy for his glorious arrival.


How about a stage wishlist

Gusty Garden Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy
Skyloft - Zelda: Skyward Sword
Patch Land - Kirby's Epic Yarn
Golden Temple - Donkey Kong Country Returns

Oh man, now I really want Epic Yarn Kirby (as a character) to be in the game...That would be great.

And maybe Matthew from Golden Sun Dark Dawn as well. Isaac got into Brawl as an assist trophy, this is the next step!


As in "Heathcliff"
kick out toon link

add alttp/ladx link

don't add ghirahim

no, add CDI-Link!

To people who quoted me,

Dojo was one of best hype site I ever seen in my life, and they pulled it off perfectly. I am not sure if they will do it again after huge meltdown when they announced release date got delayed. IT was one of huge meltdown I ever seen in my life regard with video games.
I found this thread's lack of Geno disturbing.


Mario: The Faceship. Fairly obvious stuff; could maybe function as a Brinstar Depths kind of stage, with the ship flying and rotating in flight. Plenty of choices for hazards too; comets, hungry Lumas, all sort of stuff.

Zelda: The Sand Sea. A bunch of platforms suspended over the sand, which would function as a KO. The Sand Ship will occasionally sail past and transform bits of the sand into water, which could be swum in to save yourself. Extra platforms could appear or disappear depending on where the ship is.

Wii ____ series: Wuhu Island. Gets the Isle Delfino treatment; floating platforms taking the fight across the island. The town, the volcano, the golf course etc. I'll be amazed if this doesn't happen.

Pokemon: N's Castle. A Spear Pillar type stage, only with both Reshiram and Zekrom fighting in the background at the same time, with occasional blasts of electricity and fire thrown across the stage.

Professor Layton: The Moving Fortress. This is, of course, dependent on Layton being in the game. The giant robot from the end of The Unwound Future, with explosions and debris, with the Laytonmobile occasionally appearing as a platform.

Xenoblade: The Sororal Statues. Fairly basic stage layout set on top of the statues. Features a cosmetic change for the night time, complete with music.
(NOTE: This probably should be Gaur Plains as the game's most iconic location, but I can't really figure out how it would work without selling the location short or being derivative).

Zelda: The Train's Flatbed. Spirit Tracks stage. Fighting on top of the train as it goes around the overworld, with snowball-throwing snowmen, floaty underwater bits and steep volcano climbs. New platforms and battling terrain picked up by the train as it goes round.


I'd like a non swordsman from Fire Emblem to make it in. Along with someone from the Advance War series...

Also people want Layton in? How would he play like? Summon ridiculous plot twist? :p
In all seriousness, he doesn't really strike me as a good fit for that kind of game. (but Don Paolo would be kinda cool :p)


I never really understood the love for Geno... I'd rather have another Square character anyway if they were to go that route.

As for stages, I'd like to see a Wario Land stage, or AT LEAST have Wario Land/World music too and not just Warioware stuff.


I'd love if toon and adult were just skin changes of the same fighter. They have the same style and all...

Huh... hit boxes, animation and voices... You can't make characters with different proportions from each other into 'skins'.
Also people want Layton in? How would he play like? Summon ridiculous plot twist? :p
In all seriousness, he doesn't really strike me as a good fit for that kind of game. (but Don Paolo would be kinda cool :p)

There could definitely be a good, puzzle-based moveset for him, I'd think. I dunno, throwing foxes and chickens at the opponents, or something. :D

Plus, he's got his flying Laytonmobile for a final smash if needed.


Things that need to happen....

King K. Rool
Shadow Mario
Young Link (Majora's Mask style who can change forms similar to Pokemon trainer)


I'd like a non swordsman from Fire Emblem to make it in.
I mentioned this a while back and I'd like to see it too, but there are only three Lords that don't use swords whatsoever.

Hector is pure awesome and badass. He uses axes and given his size he could make a great heavy character that focuses on brute force. The problem is that I don't see him making it in before Eliwood or even Lyn (who is ridiculously popular in Japan, hence her Assist Trophy status). He also has against him the fact that Roy is probably already filling the Elibe quota.

Ephraim might have a decent chance now that Sacred Stones is an Ambassador title. He uses lances and regarding size he would be somewhere in between Ike and Marth. The problem is that Sacred Stones is one of the least popular titles in the series even with the extra 3DS exposure, and Magvel is probably the last continent the fandom would want to see represented in Smash Bros. Not that they don't want it at all, but a lot of people would rather see proper Jugdral representation first.

Micaiah ...okay, I know a lot of you are probably going to jump on me for even suggesting her, but she's the only Lord in the series that exclusively uses magic and she certainly has potential for a very unique moveset. I'm guessing she'll be a lot like Zelda, but a lot lighter and floaty. She's also relatively popular in Japan, not as popular as Ike or Marth, obviously, but she's definitely not as disliked as she is in the west. Of course, there's the fact that Ike already represents Tellius, so on that alone her chances are slim.

Liz is the girl that appears in the upcoming game for the 3DS and while we don't know much about her, if she has Lord status similar to Krom then she might have a good chance, but we'll have to wait if the game is well received first.
For me pretty much the more characters the better. Also i hope the bring back more of the old stages back. Losing stages like poke floats makes me a sad panda.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
i replaced him with someone much better.

Toon Link is great. He feels a lot different from normal Link, I don't see how LttP Link would stay as different. If anything he'd be a clone of normal Link.

As much as I love LttP and pink hair, you're wrong here.
how anyone could deny that lttp has enough of a different stock of items to really differentiate itself from regular link and indeed even toon link and DEFINITELY more than toon link is differentiated from regular link is beyond me

gravijah is way smarter than andrex


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
how anyone could deny that lttp has enough of a different stock of items to really differentiate itself from regular link and indeed even toon link and DEFINITELY more than toon link is differentiated from regular link is beyond me

gravijah is way smarter than andrex

I was commenting on the feel of the character more than really its attacks. LttP Link would be a lot heavier than Toon Link and feel like regular Link.


why the hell would lttp link be in this game

at MOST we'll get a pink haired Link costume. But I highly doubt it.

We'll probably get Skyward Sword Link and Toon Link again.
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