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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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You're forgiven. (Although to be fair, I have the tendency to word my posts wrong, so I apologize if I did sounded rude there.)

Cool. :D

Ehh, I can see where both sides are coming from. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they've added a few more 3rd parties. I can see Dragon Quest and Mega Man fit in the Smash Bros universe so well.

I mean, in the end, I'm just happy the game exists. There will always be characters I want that can't or won't make it in for various reasons. I'm also not asking for a ton of third-party characters. I just think it'd be neat if people (including the developers) were more open-minded to the idea. There's so much potential. DQ and MM are two good franchises for Smash. I'd like to see a Mega Man that gains the power of the enemy only when he kills someone. Might be too random, unlike Kirby's controlled power-gain, but it'd be fun. X:

But we'll just have to wait and see what happens, I guess. Waiting is horrible. ):


S: Fox, Falco, Jigglypuff, Sheik
A: Marth, Peach, Captain Falcon
B: Ice Climbers
C: Dr. Mario, Ganondorf, Samus
D: Pikachu, Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong
E: Link, Young Link
F: Zelda, Roy, Mewtwo, Yoshi, Mr. Game & Watch
G: Ness, Bowser, Kirby, Pichu
Woah, when did Jigglypuff become S-Tier? I could have sworn she was around the middle before.

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I'd like to see a Mega Man that gains the power of the enemy only when he kills someone. Might be too random, unlike Kirby's controlled power-gain, but it'd be fun. X:

Mega Man has so much potential. It'd be VERY interesting to see how he'd be implemented. I really want him to be in Smash because of that.

But we'll just have to wait and see what happens, I guess. Waiting is horrible. ):

Yeah, I kind of wished Iwata didn't announce Smash Bros 4 last E3, especially when it didn't exist at the time (and if it does now, it probably doesn't have much to show off). We'd be lucky if we get anything in the first half of the year (like E3). Hope I'm wrong though. I'm ready to hear about new Smash Bros!
Yeah I kind of hate when developers announce a game way ahead of time, but if they're going to do it, at least be more open about the development process. More behind the scenes. Just be perfectly clear that things are prone to change, and it'll be fineeeeeeeeee.


As in "Heathcliff"
Yeah I kind of hate when developers announce a game way ahead of time, but if they're going to do it, at least be more open about the development process. More behind the scenes. Just be perfectly clear that things are prone to change, and it'll be fineeeeeeeeee.

Feh, same here. I hope people realized that they pulled same crap with Brawl. They announced SSB:Online during e3 2005. They were considering to add online to Melee, but they asked Sakurai about third iteration. He was willing to do it, so we got brawl instead. We didn't get any trailer until e3 2006.

I don't understand why they would pull that. I think they want to announce something cool that would scream, MEGATON. I assumed that Sora LTD haven't start working on SSB4/SS3DS yet because they just finished with Kid Icarus or still working on the bugs and glitches.

Honestly, I expect them to announce SSB4 Characters poll during e3. They did it for Melee and Brawl. IIRC.

I wonder if they are planning to try to release SSB4 as launch title but I wouldn't put my hope on that because I know it is more likely to release between 2013 and 2014.

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Feh, same here. I hope people realized that they pulled same crap with Brawl. They announced SSB:Online during e3 2005. They were considering to add online to Melee, but they asked Sakurai about third iteration. He was willing to do it, so we got brawl instead. We didn't get any trailer until e3 2006.

I don't understand why they would pull that. I think they want to announce something cool that would scream, MEGATON. I assumed that Sora LTD haven't start working on SSB4/SS3DS yet because they just finished with Kid Icarus or still working on the bugs and glitches.

Honestly, I expect them to announce SSB4 Characters poll during e3. They did it for Melee and Brawl. IIRC.

lol I remember hearing about SSB Online in 2005. Geez, that was an annoying wait. I think I eventually forget about it til Brawl's reveal the following year.

I wonder if they are planning to try to release SSB4 as launch title but I wouldn't put my hope on that because I know it is more likely to release between 2013 and 2014.

At this point, a Wii U launch would be impossible for Smash Bros. So yeah, I too think it'll be released around the 2013-2014 timeframe.

I wonder if they'll do another Dojo site.


Not to start a "Melee vs Brawl" debate or anything, but I hope the gameplay is much more closer to Melee. That game was a MASTERPIECE.

Loved Brawl still though. But god Melee was so good.

And I know its not gonna happen, but I pray for a new smash bros to be at EVO again. Competitve Melee gameplay was so hype.


Feh, same here. I hope people realized that they pulled same crap with Brawl. They announced SSB:Online during e3 2005. They were considering to add online to Melee, but they asked Sakurai about third iteration. He was willing to do it, so we got brawl instead. We didn't get any trailer until e3 2006.

I don't understand why they would pull that. I think they want to announce something cool that would scream, MEGATON. I assumed that Sora LTD haven't start working on SSB4/SS3DS yet because they just finished with Kid Icarus or still working on the bugs and glitches.

Honestly, I expect them to announce SSB4 Characters poll during e3. They did it for Melee and Brawl. IIRC.

I wonder if they are planning to try to release SSB4 as launch title but I wouldn't put my hope on that because I know it is more likely to release between 2013 and 2014.
Brawl wasn't a launch title either, right? I actually got a Wii BECAUSE of Brawl, and that was on the tail end of when it was really hard to order a MSRP-priced Wii. I think I used a website that would automatically text message you when Amazon etc. got them into stock so you could quickly rush to order it.

And since I didn't have a TV at college I also got a crazy video-to-PC adapter capture hardware thing or two so I could play Brawl with crazy extra lag on my laptop. Oh, those were the days. It was a pain trying to play anything with the sensor either, and I remember trying different players (VLC etc.?) to find the one with the lowest lag.


Jigglypuff is a dude!


B-but... the blue bow...

Not to start a "Melee vs Brawl" debate or anything, but I hope the gameplay is much more closer to Melee. That game was a MASTERPIECE.

Loved Brawl still though. But god Melee was so good.

And I know its not gonna happen, but I pray for a new smash bros to be at EVO again. Competitve Melee gameplay was so hype.


As in "Heathcliff"
Brawl wasn't a launch title either, right? I actually got a Wii BECAUSE of Brawl, and that was on the tail end of when it was really hard to order a MSRP-priced Wii. I think I used a website that would automatically text message you when Amazon etc. got them into stock so you could quickly rush to order it.

And since I didn't have a TV at college I also got a crazy video-to-PC adapter capture hardware thing or two so I could play Brawl with crazy extra lag on my laptop. Oh, those were the days. It was a pain trying to play anything with the sensor either, and I remember trying different players (VLC etc.?) to find the one with the lowest lag.

Brawl was supposed to be Launch Title. I think it is Nintendo's goal to make SSB launch title because it helped a lot for console selling.

Melee was launch title for GameCube (I think)
Brawl supposed to be launch title for Wii
They reveal SSB4 and SSB3DS when they reveal Wii U. I think they are trying to set a goal that SSB4 will be Wii U Launch Title.

I seriously doubt it will happens anyway. It will running into bunch of delays just like Brawl.

lol I remember hearing about SSB Online in 2005. Geez, that was an annoying wait. I think I eventually forget about it til Brawl's reveal the following year.

At this point, a Wii U launch would be impossible for Smash Bros. So yeah, I too think it'll be released around the 2013-2014 timeframe.

I wonder if they'll do another Dojo site.

I never knew there was SSBO because I was focused on other games until my friends show me SSBB trailer. I read the articles and all threads about SSBB and they kept bringing up the fact about Melee supposed to be online game for Wii. I wonder how many people wish that it was SSBM with online instead of Brawl.

Yeah, pretty much. I really hope that Dojo will happens again. For some reasons, my guts is telling me that it wouldn't happen. I hope that I am wrong.


Edit:We don't know anything about the game right now right?

Well, there was an interview earlier on with some vague details:

-Wii U and 3DS games, but they won't be the same.
-3DS game will have some kind of "building up" your character aspect, while Wii U will be a more traditional game.
-There'll be some connectivity between them, some way to showcase what you've gotten in the 3DS game using the Wii U one.
-Sakurai won't be handling balance by himself this time.
-He doesn't want to just add a bunch of characters, stages and make the graphics prettier.

Yeah, pretty much. I really hope that Dojo will happens again. For some reasons, my guts is telling me that it wouldn't happen. I hope that I am wrong.

I'd say a Dojo-like site is almost guaranteed. There was one for Melee, although it was Japan-only, and then Brawl's with the simultaneously translated daily updates. I can see them dropping the daily updates idea though.

I don't understand why they would pull that. I think they want to announce something cool that would scream, MEGATON. I assumed that Sora LTD haven't start working on SSB4/SS3DS yet because they just finished with Kid Icarus or still working on the bugs and glitches.

I'd think that the Smash Bros team would be bigger than Kid Icarus', especially now that it seems to be in its last development stages. They can probably start Smash while leaving some team members for the final tweaks to Icarus. It'd be kind of silly if they delayed Smash's development for months and only started it next year when Kid Icarus Uprising finally goes gold.


I hope Lucario stays in the roster of Smash Wii U. He's my primary, and no one else really is close to him. Mewtwo is the closest but he's sluggish.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Where are people getting the "Lucario replaced Mewtwo" anyway? They only shared a similar B move... then that's that. Suddenly people think that in that instance, "OMG NEW GEN REPLACES THE OTHER!!!"

I just find it weird that Gen III is the only Gen with no rep. Even Gen II got a rep by Pichu.


I wonder what will they do with online this time. I hope that KI has a good netcode and a lot of customization, since it is most probably going to be the first glimpse into what we can expect from online in the next Smash.
Where are people getting the "Lucario replaced Mewtwo" anyway? They only shared a similar B move... then that's that. Suddenly people think that in that instance, "OMG NEW GEN REPLACES THE OTHER!!!"

I just find it weird that Gen III is the only Gen with no rep. Even Gen II got a rep by Pichu.

I read somewhere that some vague hidden priority values were the same for Lucario and Mewtwo, which might be where they got it.

Honestly though, I doubt this whole "Yeah each game one pokemon will replace another"-logic was actually based on any real established rule or logic it's just something people decided cause Mewtwo is pretty much the only non-clone that got canned.

I don't know, the last thing I want to speculate on is what characters get removed, because this is something that mostly happens because of logistic reasons, not because of "intentional design" as far as I can tell.
As far as gameplay I want tripping removed and there's not much else I can say oh wait the create a stage mode needs to be a lot more in depth. I would like to be able to create hazards other than simple spike traps. The first thing I wanted to make in the game was a stage with lava fountains like in the Metroid stage, but it wasn't possible. I also want to be able to put more than one song for a stage like the standard stages.

For new characters I expect:

Lil Mac
Some new pokemon
Some new third party character

Sonic and Snake won't return.

I would also like to see the competitive community to allow the use of items it doesn't have to be all of them, but banning all of them cuts down a lot of the fun.


I've been playing some brawl lately, and, wow, I forgot how mindfuckingly horrible final smashes are. What the FUCK were they thinking? Someone like diddy or sonic, who by all rights has an easier time getting the smash ball than almost anyone else, can almost kill everyone twice, while other characters have basically WORTHLESS smashes like peach and DK. Didn't Sakurai say he did all the character balancing himself?


Where are people getting the "Lucario replaced Mewtwo" anyway? They only shared a similar B move... then that's that. Suddenly people think that in that instance, "OMG NEW GEN REPLACES THE OTHER!!!"

I just find it weird that Gen III is the only Gen with no rep. Even Gen II got a rep by Pichu.

Based on some game data, apparently Plusle and Minun were considered. They would have been a cool hybrid of Ice Climbers/Pichu I assume.

That and Toon Zelda always sounded cool, assuming Zelda turned into Tetra instead of Sheik.


Kinda answered your own question.
This is from the same man who invented tripping


I wish I could go back and just play melee, but I love the addition of Lucas, Wario, Diddy, etc. All of the new characters are really well done with the exceptions of Rob Toon Link (too big a missed opportunity) and, IMO, Pit. I guess I should try out brawl + one of these days.


All I hope for is that this Smash's joke character is Captain N. Makes more sense than ROB. Course we'll likely get spidermech virtual boy though for that lineup lol.

Akuma-like shadow filled dash move. Old school game sound FX oh his moves. "PAUSE" as his final smash. Dat zapper.
Jigglypuff was supposed to be a joke character in the first game (and I get the feeling she was supposed to be one in Brawl too). And then of course there was Pichu.
I find it hard to say when a character does or doesn't count as a "joke".

A lot of people seem to think Pichu was the only joke character, but I'm not sure why exactly.
Pichu really is the only joke character. The series doesn't really suit them, to get in as playable you really need to be a notable face, and you can't get away with making notable characters 'jokes' without pissing some fans off. (That's a no-no in a game about fanservice, dontcha know)


For some reason, I entered this thread with hope that there might be some actual news instead of just an epic ton of wishlists and speculation.


I thought Pichu was added mostly because Melee used a ton of clones to expand it's roster, and it happened to be one of the least imaginative choices the creators could come up with in a 5 second timeframe.

Turning Pikachu into Pichu (and immediately representing POKEMON NEO!) was pretty obvious when your thinking purely from a "what'd be an easy clone to add"-perspective.

I can tell you, the moment it'd become apparent that easy-as-pie clones like Pichu or Dr.Mario would come back in a new Smash game, it'd completely and utterly change my roster expectations entirely, because rather than relevance being a deciding factor, it'd be easy clonage.

This is kinda why I've never seen Pichu as a joke character myself, I think I'd only see him as that if he was the only clone in a totally non-clone roster.
Pichu's entry on the old Melee site says he was a joke character. Jigglypuff's entry says she was a joke character in the first Smash Bros., but she was "fixed" because Pichu already filled that role.


imo a joke character is a character that sucks (but in a funny way) or someone very "wacky." smash bros is filled with wacky, so it doesn't really count and i suppose pichu fits the former.


As in "Heathcliff"
All I hope for is that this Smash's joke character is Captain N. Makes more sense than ROB. Course we'll likely get spidermech virtual boy though for that lineup lol.

Akuma-like shadow filled dash move. Old school game sound FX oh his moves. "PAUSE" as his final smash. Dat zapper.

Laughing Dog. :)


Does Nintendo own Captain N? There's also the question of whether people in Japan would even know that character, lol.

Paper Mario is one of my most wanted characters, if done right he could be very unique.
On the Zoroark thing, I know he's this generation's "Lucario", however the timing is completely different from Lucario as well.

If I remember correctly Smash and pokemon D/P came out around a very very similar time and because of that one of the only new PkMn that had any media significance from the D/P generation was Lucario.

Lucario was pretty much the big time mascot and to a large degree one of the few things with enough significant media attention whilst Brawl was in full production, which pretty much made him seem like a shoe-in.

When I think of Zoroark's relation to Smash WiiU/3DS I'm seeing a "mascot" for a game that's been out in Japan for over year.

Now this obviously does not discredit Zoroark, but it does mean that his media significance could easily pale if a new pokemon title gets announced during the creative process of the next Smash Brothers.

I'm not sure when we'll be getting our first info on good old PkMn Grey, but I wouldn't be surprised if it came together with a silly new reveal along the lines of "Sky Shaymin". (Turd Keldeo or Sexpistol Genesect, I don't know)

If something like this happens I think it could have significant impact on Zoroark's chances of inclusion, even if he is "The Lucario" of his generation.

Either way, it's not really anything worth speculating on till we get new pkmn news, which is about as elusive as new Smash news.
Joke character? Urban Fighter guy easily wins that.

final smash it either the pot drop, manhole cover appearing (to be honest there are more B moves) or the police turning up and arresting the other characters.
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