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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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No worries, I haven't eaten for like 12 hours so I'm a little crabby too.

lol, I feel you. I've only had a fiber bar.

Anyone else really going to miss playing Smash with the Gamecube controller? I've been using my purple launch controller in Smash for over ten years.


I also got used to playing Brawl with the CC, so no problem here.

But if they do plan on releasing GC games through digital download, wouldn't they want to release a WiiU-compatible controller that properly mimics the GC controller?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well not an "super complete announcement", just a teaser, like the E3 before, where we just see Mario, Link, Kirby, and Pikachu get "updated" into Brawl models.


Yeah, I guess the comparison was kinda shitty. What I meant was, they treat SSB as a red-headed stepchild in the sense that each time one game was completed, they completely forget that it exists for a couple of years and then find it again one day and go "oh right. Why don't we make a sequel to this?".

Now I'm not saying that they don't treat it like an important project once development actually begins, and in fact it seems they go out of their way to contribute resources and money, and treat it like royalty. It's just that dead space between completion of the last project and the beginning of development for the next project that's always had me puzzled.

The thing is, Smash is a one game per console game since the N64.

It's only now we might get two smash games in a generation, only one will be more single player orientated the other multiplayer.

qq more

Right, because the only two options one has is a 6-7 year waiting period or an annual one.

If only there was such a thing called a 'middle ground' that existed.

I don't know, 6-7 years doesn't sound like a bad idea. Making a Smash Bros game is kind of time consuming and requires A LOT of resources to begin with. It's also one of those games that are meant to last a Generation.
Gamecube controller is to Smash what a Fightstick is to TFGs. Releasing a Gamecube controller just for Smash on WiiU would be the bees knees.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't know, 6-7 years doesn't sound like a bad idea. Making a Smash Bros game is kind of time consuming and requires A LOT of resources to begin with. It's also one of those games that are meant to last a Generation.

But the thing is, they're not working on it for 6-7 years continuously. Melee was made in 1.5 years and Brawl was made in a similar time span.
But the thing is, they're not working on it for 6-7 years continuously. Melee was made in 1.5 years and Brawl was made in a similar time span.

Not sure how long it took Brawl but yeah, Melee is well known for being a rush job and it's the game many fans consider to be the best in the series. Also, up until this game, all the characters were balanced by Sakurai alone apparently. Smash isn't like LoZ or Mario or Metriod ... with every game you DON'T have to reinvent the wheel and completely change shit. That's why Mario Kart and the other side Mario games come out sooo fast compared to the Mario Main games, they know their role and build on it. Unless SSB WU/3DS is gonna be a 3D Power Stones like game I don't see it taking a super long time ... but Sakurai does have a hard on for epic SSE crap :/

So yeah ... hope they get KI out asap.


Super Member
but the cc pro already does that.
I actually haven't used the CC/Pro to play Brawl, but it brings up an interesting question.

Does anyone miss Melee's analogue shields?

I do, but based on Brawl and a 3DS version being made, they probably won't return.


Nintendo must make a GC controller compatible with the Wii U. Especially if they put out Gamecube games on virtual console. You need those triggers, CC Pro just doesn't cut it.

At the very least, Madcatz can put out a Gamecube controller.


I actually haven't used the CC/Pro to play Brawl, but it brings up an interesting question.

Does anyone miss Melee's analogue shields?

I do, but based on Brawl and a 3DS version being made, they probably won't return.

Moreso than lightshielding, I miss powershield reflects. It was fun timing Falco's laser spam back at him.


It'd be cool if Wii-U has an actual controller but, based on the GC controller.
It just adds a L1, L3, R3, and a actual right analog stick.

When the game comes out, i'd like to see Vivian, Tetra, Fi, and Midna in the game.

qq more

But the thing is, they're not working on it for 6-7 years continuously. Melee was made in 1.5 years and Brawl was made in a similar time span.

To make myself clear: The 6-7 year thing in my post was referring to the time gap between releases. (Actually 5-6 years sounds fine too on second thought).


Sorry to bump this thread, but I don't want to create a new thread for this.

Anyway, did anyone know a link to a version with subtitles of this song?




Might as well try to keep the hype rolling in here. What kind of new stages do you guys hope to see in the new Smash game?

I'd like a stage with a giant Gatchapon machine in the background with a whirlwind of items, and assist trophies flying around inside of it that keeps kicking out stuff onto the stage.
Its handle could be a platform that occassionally spins when it kicks them out, but if you do down B dive attacks to the handle you can get it to spin to kick out an item at a time too.

Also Skytown would be awesome. My wife is a big Smash player and here's her take on it.

my waifu said:
My choice is Skytown, Elysia, from Prime 3. A floating city in the sky seems perfect for Smash Bros. It'd be a big stage kind of like Hyrule Temple. The Sky Tram could give you a moving platform, and you could use the ziplines to move around to different parts of the stage quickly.

Skytown has nice aesthetics, too; a golden city above the clouds, with steampunk design elements, bathed in golden light? Yes please. You could stick some moving steambots and a steamlord in there-- either as background or an occasional stage hazard.

Oh, Skytown also had these huge cannons that would fire you from one section to another, so, there's that.

I know its early but we have hype threads for everything these days. Might as well keep this one rolling. Especially since I just keep wishing I had a new one to play lately.


What kind of new stages do you guys hope to see in the new Smash game?

I'd love a Mario Galaxy inspired stage. One that uses gravity the same way Mario Galaxy does. There could be two or more different planets. Characters would be able to jump from planet to planet and traverse all around them. There could also be a chance that the planets "save" characters through their gravity. For instance, you are hit and have 160% damage or whatever and as the character blasts away he/she/it is caught in a planets gravitational pull and is sent around it rather than straight toward the edge.

Since it would be 2D I would imagine it would control more like this (with a fixed camera)

Preferably, they would use the Gusty Garden theme/look with a more "actiony" remix of the music. Why? Because I love the Gusty Garden Galaxy.



I'd love a Mario Galaxy inspired stage. One that uses gravity the same way Mario Galaxy does. There could be two or more different planets. Characters would be able to jump from planet to planet and traverse all around them. There could also be a chance that the planets "save" characters through their gravity. For instance, you are hit and have 160% damage or whatever and as the character blasts away he/she/it is caught in a planets gravitational pull and is sent around it rather than straight toward the edge.

Since it would be 2D I would imagine it would control more like this (with a fixed camera)

Preferably, they would use the Gusty Garden theme/look with a more "actiony" remix of the music. Why? Because I love the Gusty Garden Galaxy.

That is an AWESOME idea. Imagine projectile characters going for shots and gravity wells pulling things off target. Ness would be awesome here.


That is an AWESOME idea. Imagine projectile characters going for shots and gravity wells pulling things off target. Ness would be awesome here.

Yeah! I wasn't thinking about items but, now that you mention it, I could really see things being caught in the orbits and just going around and around each planet. Like Link would shoot an arrow, the arrow would go around one planet, get pulled into another planet, and end up going around in an infinite loop until it hits something.

Sakurai should hire us.


If they fix snakes hitboxes and give sonic proper buffs, im happy.
For a new 3rd party, I would choose crash loll
Man I cannot WAIT for SSB4 to come out. This is hands down my FAVORITE video game series of all time next to nothing. After this comes Uncharted(starting to change my mind due to the horrible MP structure) and a few others.

Anyway I played Melee for about 7 years until Brawl came out. I was soooooo geeked out for Brawl I literally watched the first reveal trailer and got goosebumps and was on that dojo website DAILY. When the game came out it was just the most divine experience ever. It was like a holiday morning and getting a gift from the future that you thought for sure you'd die before you get.

Fast forward to today and I no longer own a Wii. Smash Bros Brawl with a working online system would've kept it but no.

It is IMPERATIVE that the new Nintendo Network or whatever they'll call it is near immaculate in it's function that it allows me to play Smash Bros 4 online as trouble free as possible.

I don't want to have another "Hey here's my friend code 3465464984 64348 49384 Coolbgdog "
"Lol you need to add me and I add you and when your online we can play" moment.

DLC, voice chat, amazing next gen graphics , GC controller support maybe??(I could live without it as long as everything else is up to snuff)

*freezes self*
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