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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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and they were considering one plot before they changed it. Something about Snake and Bus. I forget. (I found the quote.)

and they were considering one plot before they changed it. Something about Snake and Bus. I forget. (I found the quote.)

This adventure mode was the first time Nintendo's characters ever featured in such a CGI-heavy form of storytelling. (Oddly enough, the original story for Subspace had a more comedic tone – characters originally rode to the Smash Stadium in a bus!) The first trailer was unveiled during E3 2006. It revealed the official title, Final Smashes, and was the introduction of several new fighters, including Metal Gear's very own Solid Snake.
Wow, asking the person who crafted scenarios for Final Fantasy to write one for Smash Bros. is a pretty big deal.

I know! (laughs) I didn’t ask him to write everything from scratch though. I explained the world of Smash Bros. and its characters and then asked for his help. The first storyline he came up with, however, wasn’t exactly what I was looking for.

It was different than what you had envisioned.

Right. It wasn’t bad at all and had its own appeal, but it was a bit different than what I had envisioned it would be. It went something like this…"Some of the characters are on a bus on the way to the stadium. Samus is there. Donkey Kong is there and Snake is watching the bus from afar." It was like that. (laughs) I had envisioned a more serious tone for the story. Something with some misfortune like a single character escaping total annihilation of his squadron and then fighting back while rounding up his allies. Ultimately, we worked together and successfully organized our ideas into the storyline for The Subspace Emissary.

As one of the haters of SSE (the story and not the cutscenes per se). The FF guy made a fucking pathetic story (he didnt even knew what the fuck to do with the first story, wich is pathetic and lazy as fuck) when it would have been to easy to write an epic-fun story about famous villians trying to make a team to win the good guys once for all, with crazy hand and master hand apperaing at the end as the true villian/creator (FF shitty villian taboo lol).

It has been made a million times, its saturday morning cartoon material, but it would have worked for smash brothers, because of the nature of its fanservice.
Just make Fantasmic! The game, with Nintendo characters. There you have the SSE story, no need the fuck to create new villians, you have an awesome group already at your disposal.

Also I hate the utter lack of worlds based in their respective franchises and how they are covered in darkness becuase of this team of villians, nearly all were shitty random places that "sometimes" remind videogame places. Its a fanservice game, make it so with the story also.

Just make Ganondorf (as the master of villians), after one of his defeats (totally invented of course, canon means shit) find in Hyrule a fucking crystal or something like that, which opens a portal were he can visit different videogame universes. There he discovers different villians having the same struggles that him. So they team up, and use the power of the crystal to defeat the heroes.
You visit videogame worlds as sidescrollers, the heroes start to lose. Find a way to also team up to try to dfeat the villians with their powers combined. Theres also some fights between the villians, because of course each one wants to be more important than the rest, wich led into their easy defeat. Then appears the real villian that is the creator. The Hands we all know and love.
Team up, win the hands, the end.

Add epic and fun cutscenes, add Liquid and Robotnik as their universes villians (this only works for brawl, but it would have been fun), and you have a typical but fun story.
Also work out better gameplay for this game worlds.
The cutscenes were cool, at least. I mean, they were nonsensical, but they were fun to watch. LASERS and FIGHTING and ACTION POSES and whatever, it worked for me.


Maybe rather than a story, they can do a "tournament" instead. Kind of like in Paper Mario, but kind of like a parody of street fighter/ tekken. There's a tournament, you choose your smasher, there's a subplot about the evil villain hosting the tournament (taboo), you "manage" your fighter by agreeing to fights, placing bets, and cashing in coins for stickers to power up your guy, you can get the audience on your side by getting a lot of points during your matches and in turn they'll throw items for you to use (or at you if your opponent is more favored)...
I thought the story was dumb fun - exactly what I expected from a Smash game.

The gameplay was dumb boring, though.

I thought the story was dumb dumb because of its wasted potential.
The thing is, they didnt use the fanservice they had at their disposal to make a fun saturday morning cartoon story, or make tributes to nintendo worlds, by making sidescrollers stages based on them. (sorry, but random woods, random desert, random jungle, random futuristic station... doesnt work for me)

As other have said, the cutscens, although very cool, where really nonsensical, there was no plot.
Also tabbo needs to die in a fire, theres already a smash brothers character to fit that bill, and are master hand and crazy hand. The use of a shitty FF esque final villian just baffles me.
BTW when sonic "enters" the "story" at the end, has to be one of the worst, most wasted potential parts of the whole package.

Another thing, not making a good epic cutscene created specifically for the titles like melee, instead making an AMV of SSE, was also a huge failure.

And this is really nitpicky, but I also miss the huge epic building narrator shouting SUPER SMASH BROTHERS! at then end of the title cutscene.


There are only 3 good things about the brawl story mode.

1.The Luigi cutscene where he gets scared by a waddle dee

2.The giant gunship cutscene with the various Nintendo vehicles attacking with the halbred.

3.The Luigi, Dedede, and Ness team up is the best Team up.
I don't really care enough to argue. You're talking at the wrong person. As long as it's fun, I don't care about the details.

But I was not arguing :(

There are only 3 good things about the brawl story mode.

1.The Luigi cutscene where he gets scared by a waddle dee

2.The giant gunship cutscene with the various Nintendo vehicles attacking with the halbred.

3.The Luigi, Dedede, and Ness team up is the best Team up.

I agree with this.
I would also add Captain falcon killing Pikmins without noticing and peach and sheik's tea party.
Also Samus saving Pikachu as she usually saves strange animals in her adventures made sense.


Wow, funny how a lot of people have their collection of memorable loved scenes from the story, and damn the rest of it.

I don't know who was expecting a truly serious story here, I thought it stayed true to the original whole premise of SSB, which is simply that of a child playing around in their room full of Nintendo dolls and figures, imagining them fighting and making up stories, first scene of Toy Story style.
To talk about one of the slightly less frequent things. Items. Blue Shell. I mean we have Red, Green shells and also the lightning. Then again a flying, homing bob-omb...no thanks. I don't know why I got the idea for a Duck Hunt Ducks assist trophy (like the old Beedrill or Unown Pokeballs).

Well, Music. I hope my music can mean my music this time (custom playlsits; aka Nintendo enters 21st century) as even with 1000 tracks they would still miss some...or at the very least this needs to somehow get into the Pokemon stadium stage (
and the US version too, of course
). I'm not usually one for lyric songs but that one like erm, the DK rap it is one of those nostalgic ones...except in a good way not the whole embarrassing photos of you as a child that the DK Rap is...

In a slightly more serious note maybe some more dynamic music would be interesting. You know how in Street Fighter it changes at low health, that kind of thing.
PokéKong;34250675 said:
Wow, funny how a lot of people have their collection of memorable loved scenes from the story, and damn the rest of it.

I don't know who was expecting a truly serious story here,
I thought it stayed true to the original whole premise of SSB, which is simply that of a child playing around in their room full of Nintendo dolls and figures, imagining them fighting and making up stories, first scene of Toy Story style.

I think nobody, apart from sonic kids, was expecting a serious story.
About tbe child playing, thats what i saw in melee premise. But I didnt see any of that in brawl.
Maybe you dont remember well the story, but the ROB villian thingy and taboo was in no sense similar to the Nintendo figures and a kid playing with them story or the first absurd but fun first scene Toy Story 3 had.
Its more similar to FF shitty ending story that what you commented.


Can somebody please delete that blue shell post? The idea makes me so mad I'm now scared Nintendo will use the idea from this thread.
Hang on, i'll save the blue shell!
It heads after the leading player but there's a window before it strikes to smash attack it back causing a game of ganondorf battle style tennis, the timing to knock it back is trickier for the person winning and the explosion is weaker than most explosive items....this is all for naught because you all still hate the thing on principle.


unlike Mario Kart, Smash has a lot of way to dodge. The person targetted would try his best to get near other players and dodge it when it comes down, hoping to catch others in the AOE


As in "Heathcliff"
Sakurai: Next Smash Bros. games could take a while; “patience will be rewarded”


We knew this was coming tho. Not counting on anything at E3 now, tho I thought it wasnt gonna happen anyways.

That's cool. I hope that they would take their time to make an excellent game and give me some time to typing up the rules for contest.

I wouldn't expect a release before 2014.

That's my prediction too.

Late 2013 or Early 2014

I'm fine with Late 2014 too.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I expect they'll say late 2013 to save face but it'll be delayed to mid-2014, sort of like Brawl.

I'm also unsure that both games will be released at the same time. I'm expecting the 3DS version first TBH.


I think we'll get an announcement and a teaser trailer at E3. If they show any gameplay, it would probably just be running off the Brawl engine or something.

Not expecting it before 2014, sadly.


...they haven't even started developing it...
unless you just mean a logo.
It's definitely gonna be one of the crowning moments of Nintendo's E3 2013 though.

Didn't Sakurai say that they have ported all the systems to 3DS and that is usually how they start developing the new Smash, by porting the old systems to the new platform and then working from there? I don't believe that there has been absolutely no time put into the new Smash.
I do hope we get a target render for at least one of the two versions, hopefully the U one.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Sakurai: Next Smash Bros. games could take a while; “patience will be rewarded”


We knew this was coming tho. Not counting on anything at E3 now, tho I thought it wasnt gonna happen anyways.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? A few things:

1. He's making not one but TWO SSB games?
2. I thought that KI game already came out like ages ago.
3. He hasn't started SSB Wii AT ALL yet?? What the fuck? It'll be FOUR years since Brawl came out!
4. Look, after Brawl, I'm not nearly as hyped up for the game as I was BEFORE Brawl came out, but the goddamned game still sold 8 million freakin copies! Why do they treat the series like it was F-zero or Startropics?


Maturity, bitches.
The difference is while waiting for Brawl, we had Melee to play.

The wait between Brawl and Smash 4 is much more painful.

Maybe for you. I was busy playing all the other game that were released post Melee.
Also the longer the wait, the more Japan Time gets stretched out.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? A few things:

1. He's making not one but TWO SSB games?
2. I thought that KI game already came out like ages ago.
3. He hasn't started SSB Wii AT ALL yet?? What the fuck? It'll be FOUR years since Brawl came out!
4. Look, after Brawl, I'm not nearly as hyped up for the game as I was BEFORE Brawl came out, but the goddamned game still sold 8 million freakin copies! Why do they treat the series like it was F-zero or Startropics?

You don't know anything do you
The difference is while waiting for Brawl, we had Melee to play.

The wait between Brawl and Smash 4 is much more painful.

Thank fuck for Xbox Live.

Which emphasizes how important Smash WiiU's online needs to be. For me, this isn't Melee. This isn't 2004. I can't just round up a group of friends to play anymore. It's near-impossible to even get one of my friends over on short notice. Meanwhile, we're just fine on our virtual couch in Gears, or Halo, or CoD, or Uncharted. It is imperative that SmashU have good online functionality. It simply must.


Maturity, bitches.
4. Look, after Brawl, I'm not nearly as hyped up for the game as I was BEFORE Brawl came out, but the goddamned game still sold 8 million freakin copies! Why do they treat the series like it was F-zero or Startropics?

I have no clue what this means? One series hasn't seen a game since last gen, the other is dead. How is Smash at all like that? Iwata even comes on stage and says it is HIS game. They've stuck it on a pedestal and worship it daily.
I like the tongue-in-cheek 'serious business' tone of SSE, even though more enemies and locations from Nintendo games would've been a plus.

To me Brawl was nearly perfect. I liked that it destroyed the broken meta game created by Melee kids, since it is a better game all around.

If Nintendo can make Smash 4 just as accessible as Brawl then I'll be thrilled. In fact if they used the exact same engine and just updated the models and added more characters that'd be wonderful. Brawl was perfect and lived up to the hype in my eyes.

(come at me, GAF)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I have no clue what this means? One series hasn't seen a game since last gen, the other is dead. How is Smash at all like that? Iwata even comes on stage and says it is HIS game. They've stuck it on a pedestal and worship it daily.

Yeah, I guess the comparison was kinda shitty. What I meant was, they treat SSB as a red-headed stepchild in the sense that each time one game was completed, they completely forget that it exists for a couple of years and then find it again one day and go "oh right. Why don't we make a sequel to this?".

Now I'm not saying that they don't treat it like an important project once development actually begins, and in fact it seems they go out of their way to contribute resources and money, and treat it like royalty. It's just that dead space between completion of the last project and the beginning of development for the next project that's always had me puzzled.


Yeah, I guess the comparison was kinda shitty. What I meant was, they treat SSB as a red-headed stepchild in the sense that each time one game was completed, they completely forget that it exists for a couple of years and then find it again one day and go "oh right. Why don't we make a sequel to this?".

Now I'm not saying that they don't treat it like an important project once development actually begins, and in fact it seems they go out of their way to contribute resources and money, and treat it like royalty. It's just that dead space between completion of the last project and the beginning of development for the next project that's always had me puzzled.

What do you want, sequels every year like COD?


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Yeah, I guess the comparison was kinda shitty. What I meant was, they treat SSB as a red-headed stepchild in the sense that each time one game was completed, they completely forget that it exists for a couple of years and then find it again one day and go "oh right. Why don't we make a sequel to this?".

Now I'm not saying that they don't treat it like an important project once development actually begins, and in fact it seems they go out of their way to contribute resources and money, and treat it like royalty. It's just that dead space between completion of the last project and the beginning of development for the next project that's always had me puzzled.
Sakurai left HAL to work on other things and probably still wants to do so despite agreeing to Project Sora.
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