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Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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I hope Star Wolf gets a more unique move set, and I hope they put Krystal in as well. Her staff and magic have a lot of potential in my opinion.

I think we should also confirm Girahim as a character hands down, but that is just me.


Super Smash Flash 2 convinced me that Lloyd is perfect for Smash 4 if Namco ever gets representation. His moveset practically writes itself.


If anything it's going to Pac-man.

Also lol at people wanting Knuckles or Eggman playable in Smash 4, the whole point of the 3rd parties was to showcase mascots from other games, there won't be 2 playable Sonic characters or MGS characters other than snake, they can cameo as assist/trophies/stage fodder but theres no way they'll put Tails or Raiden as playable characters.


I almost consider Sonic a Nintendo character at this point. His games sell the best on Nintendo platforms (maybe Generations proves this wrong) and he's had, what? 2, 3, 4 games where he's with Mario now?


I hope Star Wolf gets a more unique move set, and I hope they put Krystal in as well. Her staff and magic have a lot of potential in my opinion.

Wolf is only four moves away from being a completely unique character. And as people said on the previous page, Krystal is one of the worst things to happen to Star Fox. Star Fox Adventures was not even supposed to be a Star Fox game.

Also, in regards to your desire for a staff moveset there is:




They are Palutena and Medusa, the two most important characters to Kid Icarus after Pit. Sakurai is very familiar with both of these characters having handled both their re-design and their resurrection game. And that both use a staff like you want so badly.


Super Member
Eggplant Wizard should be playable

his Final Smash would be the most awesome and annoying ever



As in "Heathcliff"
I know that there are many potential characters from KI series.

Palutena, Medusa, Magnus (Yes, that huge guy), Eggplant Wizard and Dark Pit.

I can see them pulling Dark Pit under our nose because one of two character will have brawl moveset and other one will have some kind of weapons from KI3DS as overhauled moveset.


whoever that new guy is in Kid Icarus Uprising , in the trailers, he's gonna be playable.

You mean Magnus, the guy with the big sword? He is a one chapter character according to Sakurai. He is probably going to end up being an Assist Trophy. Palutena and Medusa both have OVAs that are being made about them.

I can also see the Eggplant Wizard being an Assist Trophy.


As in "Heathcliff"
You mean Magnus, the guy with the big sword? He is a one chapter character according to Sakurai. He is probably going to end up being an Assist Trophy. Palutena and Medusa both have OVAs that are being made about them.

I can also see the Eggplant Wizard being an Assist Trophy.

Oh, he's one chapter character. How disappointing.

OVAs? What's that? I assumed Voice Actor or something?
I almost consider Sonic a Nintendo character at this point. His games sell the best on Nintendo platforms (maybe Generations proves this wrong) and he's had, what? 2, 3, 4 games where he's with Mario now?
It would've sold extremely well if it was released on the Wii but Sonic team seems to just not want to, as if Nintendo is competing with them on Sonic..hmmmmm


OVAs? What's that? I assumed Voice Actor or something?

OVAs = Original Video Animation

They are basically going to be six anime shorts to promote Kid Icarus Uprising.

Three of the anime shorts will center around Pit:

Two of the anime shorts will center around Palutena:

One of the anime shorts will center around Medusa (basically shows what Medusa did between the original Kid Icarus and Uprising:


Nope. Lyn's sword is a katana. She would have to compete with Takamaru (who is the most wanted retro character in Japan) and Samurai Goroh (2nd or 3rd most notable F-Zero character). Unlike Lyn, both of these characters have made appearances in other games outside of Smash Bros. Samurai Goroh is certainly more well known than Lyn. So once one of these two characters gets in she would not be an unique addition, unless you want her in as a clone of Takamaru and/or Samurai Goroh. In regards to familarity, Roy also has her beat due to being a playable character in Melee (which was the highest selling game on the GameCube).

Also, a bow would only be useful for one special move, and probably would not operate differently from the bow special move that Link and Toon Link have.
But they don't know what an "F-Zero" is in Japan :( :p

Those 3 use a katana, but it doesn't mean they will play the same


Wasn't Dark Pit kinda already in Brawl? He's just the black recolor of Pit, right?

I think Medusa has a good shot but I'm not sure about Palutena. I'd love to see both though. The new dude (Magnus?) shouldn't get in over those two.


But they don't know what an "F-Zero" is in Japan :( :p

Those 3 use a katana, but it doesn't mean they will play the same

F-Zero is certainly known in Japan. The original F-Zero sold a million copies there alone. F-Zero also received a 50+ episode anime there too.

Also, Takmaru and Lyn are competing for the same style(a quick, precise katana style, as opposed to Goroh's wild style), and considering that Takamaru is as wanted in Japan as the West wants Little Mac...


As in "Heathcliff"
F-Zero is certainly known in Japan. The original F-Zero sold a million copies there alone. F-Zero also received a 50+ episode anime there too.

Also, I could definitely see Takmaru and Lyn competing for the same style, and considering that Takamaru is as wanted in Japan as the West wants Little Mac...

I don't think Sakurai would like to add three samurai characters in one game, because he like to keep it various if you follow his works in SSB series.

Plus, I really want Takamaru to be in the game and I am not from Japan. Also I do want to see Little Mac as well. I just like to see many series that would receive their proper respects.


Plus, I really want Takamaru to be in the game and I am not from Japan. Also I do want to see Little Mac as well. I just like to see many series that would receive their proper respects.

I think Sakurai should add both of those characters too. I think Takamaru would be received well by Western Smash fans despite them being unfamiliar with him (and likewise with Japanese Smash fans in regards to Little Mac).


lol, this reminds me of when Lloyd was in that bad Soul Calibur game... Wasted opportunity.

I actually think they could come up with a Pac-Man moveset if Namco got involved.


Dear god, I forgot there's a sequel to that god awful mess of a game. Did they made the sequel playable?

EDIT: I don't think Lloyd is really relevant these days to be honest.

Is Pac-Man any more relevant?

As for Smash Flash 2, I never played the first one but the second is pretty fun to fool around with for a while. I don't expect any more from a flash game honestly.


Maturity, bitches.

Twinbee (or Winbee or Gwinbee) should represent Konami. They got a 3D classic remake so they are relevant again...
in my dreams

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Did someone just suggested a Tales character? Because my plants died by just uttering shit along with Smash.


Is Pac-Man any more relevant?


EDIT: Actually maybe the image without context doesn't explain itself as much as I thought. That's a promo image of him in Street Fighter x Tekken. Which is coming out this year. I don't think any games featuring Lloyd are.


Super Member
They need to consider characters that Nintendo's already crossed over with, as extra incentive for Smash Bros.

Bomberman from Wario Blast
Pac-man from Mario Kart Arcade GP
Final Fantasy/Dragon Quest characters in Mario Sports/Fortune Street


Nintendo Power's Nester had a game for Virtual Boy

Nester should be in Smash Bros.

and Lark from Pilotwings 64. Lark would walk around with a jetpack and jumblehopper boots, glide with a hangglider and float with a parachute. And his resemblance to Nester will be treated as a giant coincidence


Another vote for Bomberman and Final Fantasy characters, my choice would be Mog.


EDIT: Actually maybe the image without context doesn't explain itself as much as I thought. That's a promo image of him in Street Fighter x Tekken. Which is coming out this year. I don't think any games featuring Lloyd are.

That's certainly evidence of his relevance, but he's also one of the handful of characters that is iconic of gaming enough that even most people who don't play games will instantly recognize.


3rd Party Newcomers:
Mega Man


I don't want Rayman as much as those three but I wouldn't mind him


Wolf is only four moves away from being a completely unique character. And as people said on the previous page, Krystal is one of the worst things to happen to Star Fox. Star Fox Adventures was not even supposed to be a Star Fox game.

Also, in regards to your desire for a staff moveset there is:




They are Palutena and Medusa, the two most important characters to Kid Icarus after Pit. Sakurai is very familiar with both of these characters having handled both their re-design and their resurrection game. And that both use a staff like you want so badly.

And we're all quite aware that Sakurai is prone to nepotism (though in all honesty he was relatively restrained in the first two games, it really came out in Brawl). I'd be truly shocked if there wasn't a vastly increased Kid Icarus presence in the next SSB


I don't think Sakurai would like to add three samurai characters in one game, because he like to keep it various if you follow his works in SSB series.

Plus, I really want Takamaru to be in the game and I am not from Japan. Also I do want to see Little Mac as well. I just like to see many series that would receive their proper respects.

If there's a samurai, it should be the dude from Sakura Samurai, for the sole reason that one of his specials would be throwing a frog.



EDIT: Actually maybe the image without context doesn't explain itself as much as I thought. That's a promo image of him in Street Fighter x Tekken. Which is coming out this year. I don't think any games featuring Lloyd are.[/QUOTE]

Huh. Wasn't aware of that, but I really can't imagine anyone's waiting with baited breath to play as Pac-Man in a fighting game. You have a point though.
oh smash boards, been ages since i've been there, good times

think i'll log in and see how it is

hmmm to go with the wtf inclusion , i think captain rainbow might make it, since no one knows him here in america :O
Erm, what about Medusa or Palutena.
I think this whole "Medusa or Palutena" stance is just as weak as the "Unique weapon" stance.

I mean, just look at those 2 ... those are mages with mage staffs, Krystal has a combat staff/ Rod/ Stick like weapon with magic. Clearly she would do far more close-combat like the other members of the StarFox series where as those 2 likely wouldn't. Think ... someone doing this or someone doing this. The first link is clearly what people expect from Krystal when they talk about the staff.

And ontop of that ... how many swordsmen are in the game? Do they fight anything alike besides the clones? How many characters with swords or sword-like weapons do people think would be great in Smash (Golden Sun/ S&P series characters/ Xenoblade characters to name just a few)? What about blasters? I can think of at least 5-6 characters with blasters in brawl and each uses their gun in different ways.

It would be fun to see some character use a combat staff as an actual discipline in martial arts instead of just an extension of magic (and that would be nice to see in smash to) but this is Sakurai we're talking about ... there's a nice chance that she would just have a move-set based on Fox's with Wolf-Level differences and sweet female animation.


I would love it if Nintendo introduced new characters from obscure franchises like Ray from Custom Robo the dog from Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Starfy and/or Chibi-Robo. I think I would prefer WTF characters from WTF series to loads of Star Fox characters.


It would be fun to see some character use a combat staff as an actual discipline in martial arts instead of just an extension of magic (and that would be nice to see in smash to) but this is Sakurai we're talking about ... there's a nice chance that she would just have a move-set based on Fox's with Wolf-Level differences and sweet female animation.

As I suspected. "The staff" is simply a fig leaf for Krystal fans' sexual attraction to a scantily clad furry.

Palutena and Medusa pretty much stole what little thunder Krystal did have. And when the OVAs and Kid Icarus Uprising are released, they will instantly become the most requested female characters for Smash 4. And oh be sure, they will be citing "the staff" for these characters as well. Also, you are pretty much unaware of how Palutena and Medusa will possibly be utilizing their staffs in Kid Icarus Uprising, and could very well utilizing in the "particular" manner that you are thinking of (of which even Waddle Dee does).

The Krystal Defense Force (all three of them) should find new arguments, considering that now are lacking a leg to even stand on anymore.

Star Fox does not need any more characters. Many in the Star Fox fanbase hate Krystal. Krystal is associated with the decline of Star Fox. Ergo, Krystal would be a poor addition for Smash Bros. Most people are uncool with mixing sexy with fox lady.
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