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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop

haha no . despite the non-believers in this thread. baseball is actually enjoyable!

All sports have funny moments.

It's just...

Soccer: a team spending $46 billion for a World Cup and a stadium that is only ever used 4 times, then proceeding to give up 10 points on the last week of play
NFL: Buttfumble; the last Super Bowl; the Thursday Night game-ending Safety; a professional player not knowing ties could happen until one happened during his game
Basketball: Both Lebron decisions
NHL: Marc Andre Fleury's playoff career
Baseball: Alex Rodriguez being an idiot; a professional manager who played in the league finding out only weeks ago what the difference between an at-bat and a plate appearance is

Clearly, some are funnier than others


Ray. People will come, Ray. They’ll come to Iowa for reasons they can’t even fathom. They’ll turn into your driveway, not knowing for sure why they’re doing it. They’ll arrive at your door, as innocent as children, longing for the past. “Of course, we won’t mind if you look around,” you’ll say, “It’s only twenty dollars per person.” And they’ll pass over the money without even thinking about it, for it is money they have and peace they lack. And they’ll walk off to the bleachers and sit in their short sleeves on a perfect afternoon. And find they have reserved seats somewhere along the baselines where they sat when they were children. And cheer their heroes. And they’ll watch the game, and it’ll be as they’d dipped themselves in magic waters. The memories will be so thick, they’ll have to brush them away from their faces. People will come, Ray. The one constant through all the years Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It’s been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again. Oh people will come, Ray. People will most definitely come.


Man, mobas and FGC have really exploded and continue to grow while SC2 is pretty much dead. I was a big BW fan as a kid, waited for years for SC2...it was flawed but I enjoyed the hell out of it, watched tournaments nonstop, etc. Checked teamliquid.net daily. But after awhile it just got stagnant creatively and competitively.

I remember when the SC2 stream of tournaments like MLG would have equal or more viewers than LoL/DOTA2. Now it's not even close, and DOTA2 is still getting bigger. Blizzard really fucked up. Some of it is to be expected since SC2 is a harder, less casual friendly game. But Blizzard's inability to foster a casual community, like with BW (Big Game Hunters) really helped kill it. That and the complete lack of a competitive US scene.

Yeah, the lack of a truly competitive Euro/NA scene killed it over here. When the top 95% of pros live in Korea, play on Korean time, and participate in mostly Korean events (also played on Korean time), it makes it really hard to follow.

I feel like they need to fist bump shakas so we can have another whitepeople.gif

In related news, I just went 20-3 against some pub shitters on Ember Spirit (my favorite hero).

I feel like I should get some cosmetics for him.

Also, DOTA stays as long as soccer/various other shitty Euro sports/Noodle abominations stay.


eznark, let's have a truce. I offer you the services of the gata and his cousins as war prizes. You may not return them, do with them what you want.

The Europeans won't post about Soccer and you won't post pictures and gifs of the teenage boys you follow who play video games and deliver pizzas on the weekend at their local Papa Johns.

Also, coldnoodle will stop posting pictures of little boys as a sign of his commitment to this deal.

Packers-GAF is a proud organization within this larger NFL Family. We hope that these past 30 days of turmoil can be forgiven and forgotten. Dutch is a German again and the USA only plays one kind of Football. REAL FOOTBALL

I await your decision. I hope we can get back to making fun of the Lions. In a few months, Bears fans will return to this thread. I know that is entertaining to you and your kin.

I am an honorable man who will follow this code. I long for days of tranquility in this land of freedom and prosperity. Let us have peace. Americans and Euros alike.




Save me Tebow,

Been hacking up my lungs for a week now with the occassional blood coming up to.

I still refuse to take those antibiotics my doc wrote for me, I will on the other hand pound that bottle of promethazine with codeine.
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