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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop

Chris is that the girl you hooked up with before?

What is that like in the office afterwards?

Yeah that's her, it was fine, nothing awkward or anything. We went out to lunch with our usual group afterwords, nobody has any idea we hooked up. She wanted to keep it a one time thing as well so everything worked out pretty well, she's no longer works there either. She left to start her own business a few weeks ago but we still keep in contact and might go hang out soon, just as friends though. We discussed it a lot before we hooked up so that helped.

Odd that he only had one post and then never responded throughout the thread. Hopefully he's okay even though I don't know the guy.

Seems like it never ends sometimes. Especially if you have kids.

Yeah it's not a good sign though
As I know it's been said before, if you're a Browns fan, you should indeed read Collision Low Crossers. Great insight into Pettine and what he could bring to the organization. Really enjoying the book so far after a few chapters.

Yeah hopefully he doesn't pull a Rex with the offense.

Also late, but why did the Cowboys trade a 6th for Rolando McClain?


Closed on house.

Now I need money for furniture.

I am as poor as Gata now!




You're a team leader, but do you also consider yourself to be a role model?
The way I look at it is if you want a community to support you, you have to be willing to support the community. Every chance I get, I try to go out and do as much as I can because I appreciate how much support the community is giving me. I appreciate the fact that I am looked at as a role model in the community and I try and use this platform to help change the lives of people for the better. And I know I'm not going to be a professional athlete forever, so while I have this opportunity, I want to do as much as I can to use it for good and change people's lives for the better.

Such a good kid that Watt guy. We should give him a new multi million dollar contract.

Pay the man Rick!


Don't pay him Rick! Let Pete and John pay him instead when he comes up to Seattle 8)

I would be emotionally devastated if we don't resign him but I give that about a 2% chance of happening. Uncle Bob likes a face for the franchise (been Dre the last 10 years) and who else but the big Wisconsin boy scout would be a better choice?
I swear if I ever catch Papa John out on these streets...
that fools not gonna be thinking about pizza when I serve him that two piece with a biscuit.


I'm drinking every night

I thought you had to take a break for Medicine or something? Don't fuck with that stuff bro! I drank on amoxicillin for about a year in college (I had really bad acne before I took Accutane) and man that REALLY messed up my stomach.
Think of it this way, this time tomorrow you will be sleeping in! And then you'll be able to celebrate your country by drinking Belgian-Brazilian swill called Budweiser.

Hey now, I don't drink that trash

It's going to be a long day but stay strong my friend, we have eznark baseball analysis to look forward to today. If that isn't worth fighting for I don't know what is!

Also, you are up early as balls.

Well that's better then some of the other things posted around here and yeah I'm going in early so I can leave early, fuck staying late today


Hmm interesting, the highest ABV beer I've had was around 11% and man that shit fucks you up. Three of those and you're ready to fuck for hours.

Definitely, I was already slightly buzzed after half a bottle.

I think the highest I had was 18.2%. Then some in the 14-15% range. The thing is, almost all high ABV beers I've had were good to insanely great. So it's definitely worth sharing those bottles.

Wait, I think I actually had a sip of an ice bock that was in the 20% range. Fun stuff.


Tried watching an NFLN video about their list thing they do every year and there is some new white guy on there doing this awful sterotypical fake jewish accent or something. What the fuck?
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