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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop


Does anyone have the "this is where I stabbed him" gif of Ray Lewis?

Suddenly I want to see it.



abuse - 2 games
sexual assault - 4 games

Seems fair to me. Keep up the good work Roger
No one caught Ben on video (or if there was video Ben has not yet released it) and I don't think he was arrested either.

Ray was caught KOing a woman and dragging her back to the room (for the obvious apology and reconciliation that BLarry will insist occurred).


It is weird though how few people really ever mention Marvin Harrison when there was so much evidence in his shootings.

No one caught Ben on video (or if there was video Ben has not yet released it) and I don't think he was arrested either.

Ray was caught KOing a woman and dragging her back to the room (for the obvious apology and reconciliation that BLarry will insist occurred).

You can't prove that didn't happen! He probably didn't mean it, you know like when you accidentally hit someone with your elbow
Only thing I can think of is Cortisone shots but I'm not sure that's a painkiller so much as it can only be used every so often.

It's not Cortisone. I forgot the name of it, but it apparently makes players feel invincible. Players wait as long as they can into the season before they start, because once they use before a game, they can't play without it.


NFL athletes are expected to play through pain, both so their teams win and to show manhood. Players expect of each other, as much as coaches demand this. When Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler left the 2011 NFC Championship Game with an injury, then watched the second half from the Bears' sideline moving around without apparent difficulty, he was widely ridiculed, by sportswriters and by other NFL players, as not man enough. If he can't stand up, maybe he needs medical attention. If he's walking around, get his a-- into the game!


That has to be it. Toradol.

Toradol is the trade name for Ketorolac, an amped-up version of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory found in Aleve, an over-the-counter painkiller. Toradol becomes a lot more potent than Aleve when injected rather than swallowed, and is available only by prescription.

A 2002 study found that all but two NFL teams inject players with Toradol on gamedays. How many of the players? The NFL will not release the numbers. Dungy says, "Practically everybody in the NFL is using Toradol."

Here's the thing -- Toradol in the NFL typically is not used to treat injuries. Rather, NFL players get shot up with the drug when they are feeling fine, in order to reduce sensitivity to pain. This allows them to perform with abandon, producing fantastic plays but also causing long-term health harm -- while sending young people the wrong message, that violent activity does not hurt. Football will always be a risky sport with ferocious collisions. But audiences don't know the extent to which NFL trainers employ Toradol to drug up players before they go onto the field.
You can get a fireteam of up to six peeps when you're doing multi, which is kinda one of the draws for me. Doing the same raids over and over again when you can't go beyond level 8 gear is kinda pointless to me.
They don't have any Raids in the beta, they will be the most difficult content which is why it'll allow teams of 6. I did pvp in the Alpha but haven't tried it in the Beta yet. I'd be far more interested if the sole game type in the Beta wasn't my least favorite in all of Halo/other shooters. I'd still play it with you guys though.
Never been a big Halo guy, do you have confidence that 343 can make a great Halo game?
Halo 5 will be the true make or break game. A lot of fans didn't like Reach's MP and hoped Halo 4 would restore former MP glory. Instead, Halo 4's MP was considered the worst in the series by many and the interest in the series has taken a large hit. Thanks to a new console generation and a lack of content, Halo 5 will be given a chance to win people back if 343 shows that they listen to the community and learned from their mistakes. I expect this game to either largely kill the series, or revive it (outside of people playing MP on the old games via MC collection). They have the talent, they just need to change the direction of MP. It needs to go back to Halo and get the fuck away from COD: Starring Master Chief.
"This is an unfortunate and troubling incident. We do not take it lightly. While we accept the NFL's punishment we will continue monitoring the situation and the player to determine whether or not we deem it sufficient. Our thoughts go out to all victims of domestic violence and we hope to come out of this situation stronger as an organization and more aware as a community.

Thank you."

Or you know, anything other than "Ray Rice is a fucking awesome dude bros! Knocked her ass out with one punch! Proud of you son!"
So by the logic used for Rice's sentence, D Wash should get off free or 1 game max next year for his "domestic issue". Or maybe it's all about respecting one shots, if D Wash gets more games he just wasn't enough of a monster. God it blows thinking about how he's missing this whole year and already knowing he'll miss more next year... I know if we cut him he'll just be a beast on the field somewhere else.


Thanks for the memories Jordy. I always knew your dream was to be remembered as the White Javon Walker.

Zero chance he holds out and the priority should be extending Randall Motherfucking Cobb anyway.


Does the book have a plot? I blissfully know nothing beyond it supposedly has copious amounts of sex.
it basically just looks like the story of a woman giving in to the sexual needs of this rich white guy, maybe the climax of the book is when she achieves orgasm.


Also we recently finally hired two new dispatchers, and one of them is a woman who is just about as Autistic and OCD and energetic as me. so now the company has to deal with two hyperactive people lol.
She was fidgeting with her papers and stuff so much she crumpled them. I think shes on ADD meds.
Also we recently finally hired two new dispatchers, and one of them is a woman who is just about as Autistic and OCD and energetic as me. so now the company has to deal with two hyperactive people lol.
She was fidgeting with her papers and stuff so much she crumpled them. I think shes on ADD meds.
Could she be your soulmate?


Also we recently finally hired two new dispatchers, and one of them is a woman who is just about as Autistic and OCD and energetic as me. so now the company has to deal with two hyperactive people lol.
She was fidgeting with her papers and stuff so much she crumpled them. I think shes on ADD meds.

Are you Autistic? Serious question since I have a son with ASD and like to hear stories from people who grew up with autism.
I thought Jordy was going to take the home town discount and he didn't care about money?

I'm confused.

I think he deserves to get paid but if he is going to be dishonest/sneaky, I'm going to have to talk shit about him like I did Jennings!
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