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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop




Oh my....all those MP maps,......









Memphis rubbed ribs with a Carolina vinegar bbq mop served with shaved sautéed brussel sprouts and grilled yellow corn.


Looks fantastic Konka.

Thanks! I rubbed down the ribs and cooked them in the oven for about two hours and then cut them in half so I have a half rack for tomorrow as well. Then I finished them on the grill and just flooded them with smoke over high heat. It's obviously not the same as long smoking them but you can get some great smokey flavor by just flooding them at the end.


I missed out on the whole 360/PS3 generation and really wanted a PS4, but the X1 is really trying it's best to be my annual wasteful purchase.
Ended up $420 ahead from the casino. Bought Super Mario 3D World and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Gonna probably use the rest gambling on Saturday when we go to Seattle before going to a Mariner game on Sunday.


dibs on the cutie pie on the left!

All this food porn is making me hungry. I'm about to call this rib place that delivers. The only thing is these ribs are too skinny. I pay $20 for a full slab of ribs then I want something that lasts.

The woman on the left looks like she will Dizaster anybody that comes with some fuck shit. That tattoo lets me know she bout that life. It looks cold as shit outside and she relaxing in that picture.

I need an update on your favorite team's rookie QB.

I hope Connor Shaw turns into a Kirk Cousinsesque backup. I'm not looking forward to the third week when Skip Baseless calls for Pettine's job like he did Rex Ryan. Logan Thomas is showing promise. Then again Ryan Lindley had a solid OTA run as well. The BYU looked good for 3.5 quarters. The warbirds are coming for the division crown. Respect to 1AG Russell Wilson of course and the LOB but this is a new season and we coming for that title.
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