He's doing his job, just not very good at it. If you don't think that's adequate you can always fire him. Which the NFL choose not to because they can make more money off of him. Remember playing football is Lynch's job, the media is an obligation that comes with the job, but it's not the main priority that's why the NFL only impose that they are there for like 5 minutes. That's a huge difference, where the media's sole purpose of their job is to right stories. Lynch's obligation is making it harder for them to write their stories so they complain and cry instead of figuring out other methods to write their stories. If you can't tell the difference between that then I don't know what to tell you. Either you don't' want to or it's inherent racism.
holy mental gymnastics batman!
First of all fuck you for calling me racist for thinking Lynch is an asshole for how he treats the media. Seriously? Cause I disagree with you its racism. GTFO with that shit. Only reason you are even defending him is cause he is a player on your team.
I've said the same about Belichek. Hell I've said the same about Reid when he used to treat press conferences and the media after major losses like they were beneath him. They both treat the media like shit when really their anger or complaints should be with the league.
You went out of your way to say what is or isn't Lynch's job but then diminish the media's job. A job is a job. And it's part of the deal the NFL has made which its players have to follow.
I personally don't care for every reporter and of course they ask repetitive and or stupid questions. This is sports media not world news covering important events, wars, or catastrophes. But it is their job. They aren't going out of their way to pick on Lynch or singling him out. If anything he is being a bitch as a grown ass man who enjoys all the benefits of the league but can't adhere to a requirement simply because he doesn't want to.
I know hating on ESPN or sports media in general is a thing on these forums bit I don't see Lynch as a champion of anything other than his own stubborness. The media has an obvious role with the games and unless everyone is in favor of eliminating the whole coverage, media week, and the love affair the fans have with any and all NFL coverage I don't see why Lynch or Belichek get a pass.
Either make everyone do it respectfully or just eliminate the media coverage. I'm sure tons more players and coaches would rather not talk to the media But do it out of respect and obligation.
If it were up to me, just like they told him he would be ejected from the game for wearing his gold cleets, they should notify the Seahawks if this continues forget fines he will be suspended.
But whatever I'm probably racist or something.
Nah, he just hates sportswriters, who are the fucking worst.
They are downright evil!