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NG: "Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 butchers Spanish language to be “inclusive”"


No need to make the decision NOT to buy this game as I have yet to play the first one..

I'm appalled on behalf of Spanish people as I myself speak a gendered language, and to dictate how the majority of people should speak is infuriating.

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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
blm was already in miles morales.
wokeness was also heavy in rift apart.
Studio is gone

This is what Insomniac Games says about itself:

"Our games promote positive messages. We tell stories about good overcoming evil. We focus on positive themes like friendship, self-sacrifice and fighting for the greater good. And we walk the walk ourselves through our inclusive workplace culture and industry leadership."

Those positive messages just happen to be are straight out of left-wing identity politics text books and their recent games have become so milquetoast because they're written by a committee of blue haired nose pierced writers who both want to preach THE MESSAGE but also don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Insomniac can no doubt create a great looking Wolverine game and deliver on time, but boy oh boy, they're completely the wrong studio to handle an iconic, brutal character.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I'd reckon something like this:

That's gringx lol


Seems like the european spanish is as bad that even one of the most famous spanish content creators had a reaction to try to get rid of it:

I plan to play this at some point and I'm glad I tend to play games with their original language. I'm worried about how bad could english version be.
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I beat the first one not that long ago and there didn't seem to be that much "woke" shit in it. It seem they dailed it up to 11 in this one. I usually don't let things like this bother me when I decide to buy a game or not but this is too much.
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As upsetting as this is for those viewing it from a position of politics, languages are meant to be dynamic and fluid to change alongside the population.
As upsetting as this is for those viewing it from a position of politics, languages are meant to be dynamic and fluid to change alongside the population.
True, but only if it’s not politically incentivized and there’s the problem. Also, forbidding words is fascist as hell. Not a single word ever used is offensive. Only people choose to be offended by the use of language and that is stupidity.
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Ev1L AuRoN

The game does a lot of virtue signalling, they even have that cringe BLM painting on SP Miles Morales, but they never got in the way of the history in an intrusive manner, I think they crossed that line now, I hope the Spanish community gets vocal enough to show them that it's not ok to temper with their language that way.


Can’t Git Gud

I've given it a read and it sounds really bad.
He compares it to how gow 2018 was perfect and then they turned wokeness crap (angrboda and atreus) to 11 in sequel and I agree. i hated her and hated playing as him.
Anyone who already finished SM2 can confirm it really smells of this bs ?

that makes me think.... Since I hate Peter face so much... Maybe I should play original ps4 version on ps5 rather than remaster. he says the original game was better.


World’s Biggest Weeb
As upsetting as this is for those viewing it from a position of politics, languages are meant to be dynamic and fluid to change alongside the population.
Yes, languages evolve over time. Doesn’t mean that, when some small minority are trying to force a change, everyone else is obligated to shut up and go along with it. It evolves if, and only if, the speakers of that language change the way they speak, and they have every right to choose which neologisms to adopt.

I’d also remind you that those in power try to manipulate and redefine words in order to suit their own interests. And there are plenty of words that progressives tried, and failed, to force into the language because ordinary people declined to use them (like “womyn”)


I've given it a read and it sounds really bad.
He compares it to how gow 2018 was perfect and then they turned wokeness crap (angrboda and atreus) to 11 in sequel and I agree. i hated her and hated playing as him.
Anyone who already finished SM2 can confirm it really smells of this bs ?

that makes me think.... Since I hate Peter face so much... Maybe I should play original ps4 version on ps5 rather than remaster. he says the original game was better.

Please, Anita, just chill. Play the game, it is really good.


The game is full of political statements. Including against guns.
Peter is a NYC citizen and a scientist, no one would expect him to not have an opinion on several subjects.
It adds depth to the character.

Both the article le and -e termination are current proposals to make the Spanish language more inclusive, Insomniac is a pretty diverse studio and inclusiveness is one of the values they have always embraced in their games. More power to them for sticking to it in such measure.

It's ok. I'm cool with that. It's their IP to do what they want. People is just calling out the politics behind it. Nothing wrong with that either.


The go woke go broke mantra doesn’t apply to stuff like this. They infiltrate and hijack world-famous IPs with multigenerational appeal that they didn’t create and then subvert them in these ways. Then they basically hold it hostage to tens of millions of people who base their whole lives and identity around this stuff. They name their pets and children after the characters of these worlds and get tattoos. Most will hold their nose and buy as they are already too invested. Honestly they could have had Peter and Miles engaged in a gay pederastic relationship and it would still probably sell 20 million. Didn’t something like that win Oscar’s a few years back? Nothing is off the table anymore.


Still with this Latinx shit goddamn why US always have to bother all cultures around the world by forcing theirs everywhere and not ever asking for permission. Please stop ✋
Not to mention even my woke as fuck ex husband HATED this shit. I haven't met a single Latino/Latina in person that liked this idea that didn't stand to make money or gain clout be onboard with it in general.
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You no it was always gonna happen all of sony studios on instagram constanly got going on about pride and diversity etc , im finding now im doing a lot more retro gaming as get sick off allsorts of agenda shoved into games these days
like i mentioned a few months ago someone said on uk playstation instagram post how maybe they should get more games out instead of constant posts about lbg stuff and there official reply was that if they didnt like it then find a different platform to play on
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as a huge, long-time insomniac fan, it was the 2016 ratchet & clank remake that first tipped me off that the insomniac i'd known & loved was no more. all the sarcasm & irony removed, all the questionable taste stuff gone, the original subversive villain replaced, & the full-on-kiddie-power knob turned up to 11. it was no longer recognizable as the game it'd been...


The go woke go broke mantra doesn’t apply to stuff like this. They infiltrate and hijack world-famous IPs with multigenerational appeal that they didn’t create and then subvert them in these ways. Then they basically hold it hostage to tens of millions of people who base their whole lives and identity around this stuff. They name their pets and children after the characters of these worlds and get tattoos. Most will hold their nose and buy as they are already too invested. Honestly they could have had Peter and Miles engaged in a gay pederastic relationship and it would still probably sell 20 million. Didn’t something like that win Oscar’s a few years back? Nothing is off the table anymore.

Thats has always been the thing. This woke stuff always has to attach itself to well known and liked ip because on it's own no one really gives a crap about it.

"It's lord of the rings but it's woke now"
"It's starwars but it's woke now"
"It's Castlevania but it's woke now"

If these companies actually cared they would be creating new stories or adapting new content that already had that stuff.
Why isn't Amazon making a billion dollar new diverse Fantasy IP? Oh right because then they'd have to sell it based on the actual story and content and couldn't just slap a well known IP on it.


Seems like the european spanish is as bad that even one of the most famous spanish content creators had a reaction to try to get rid of it:

I plan to play this at some point and I'm glad I tend to play games with their original language. I'm worried about how bad could english version be.

What the actual fuck....


The nicest person on this forum
Currently Marvel is so hard trying to be "politically correct" their stories feels like very bad Saturday morning cartoon, thats basically whats happening with most Disney's CG movies.

I never get and never will people love with Marvel, they so fucking creatively boring.
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Perpetually Tired
Currently Marvel is so hard trying to be "politically correct" their stories feels like very bad Saturday morning cartoon, thats basically whats happening with most Disney's CG movies.

I never get and never will people love with Marvel, they so fucking creatively boring.

I recently watched TMNT, GI Joe, He-Man and the Master’s of the Universe, She-Ra, and Transformers from the 80s. All saturday morning cartoons and none of them were as bad as the stuff they try to do now. Sure, they had stuff like the “Drugs are bad, m’kay” episodes - but they were upfront about what they were. They were usually one offs, and were still so cheesy/dumb they could be entertaining.

The stuff now is so heavy handed and patronizing it, at times, comes full circle to being rather racist/bigoted, playing on stereotypes.
The last pic is when "you could not decide the level of wokeness and decided to go with all possible flag choices" :messenger_tears_of_joy:

If these companies actually cared they would be creating new stories or adapting new content that already had that stuff.
The thing is that indeed, you are right, that nobody cares about that stuff by itself and thus they are trying to shove that in IPs that people care about.
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This game is insufferable what the heck was Insomniac thinking
y'know, i found miles morales to be unsufferable, & was shocked that hardly anyone else seemed to. '50's family sitcom level saccharine overdose, so fucking sweet it could induce instant cavities. i've now tried to stick with it twice, & failed...
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