Thanks for the tips, everyone. NHL-GAF hockey game will happen one day!
you still get air circulating through the visor/cage combos
but in cooler weather if you wear contacts you will notice a decent difference compared to a cage for eye comfort
-5 to -10 isn't that bad, I only ever notice my nose getting cold with a half visor
the cage visor combo shouldn't fog up too much more than a half visor
edit: speaking of hockey, I'm not playing on a team this year because I got a huge concussion last year
Sorry to hear about your concussion.
The lie on the blade can also affect your judgement of taking passes/puck handling. One step up or down in the lie of the blade can make a difference of a few inches of how close you typically hold your stick to your body.
Chin - mouth area is a general rule of thumb for height of stick. Slightly longer if you play defense (for poke checks).
I should've chopped it down to around mouth level instead of going fully down to the chin. Ah well. At worst, it's good for ball hockey. But it works fine, just need to get used to the length of it.
As for helmets, I don't know enough about them. I need to buy a new one too. Can't you buy plastic cages? If not the clear plastic full shield bubble. Bauer makes some. I've seen several people use those and like them, although you have to breathe a certain way in order to not fog the shield up occasionally.
I'm debating between a full cage, or half cage with a visor. I guess my only concern is fogging up the visor, especially when I'm outside. I've seen those Bauer full shield bubbles, that was actually my first choice, but again, fogging issues.
I play pond hockey with a metal cage no problem. Even in the frigid winter we had last year. I have a Bauer helmet.
I have my stick cut to chin length on skates and it works for me. If its not a wood stick just buy a plug extender
EDIT: Oh, it is wood, dunno then. And seeing the temperatures, I still dont think a cage is any issue, I wear a mask underneath when it was that cold. I'm in pittsburgh though, it doesnt get as consistently that cold here as it does in canadaland
I'd probably just need to get used to the length. It's weird. I guess that's what happens when you play with different sized sticks.
As TUSR said, you can put a plug on it if it is a composite stick, but with it being wood you are kinda out luck there. I actually prefer shorter stick (though I'm also not a tall guy) as I seem to have much better puck control overall and it doesn't hamper my shot.
Since it is a backup stick I wouldn't fret about it, keep giving it a try and if worse comes to worse, get a new backup stick (you can get even some composites now a days that are decent for pretty cheap).
In terms of a helmet, I haven't used a cage since high school but I also wear glasses when I play so a cage prevents me from being able to adjust them quickly. You can always wear a half head fleece or whatever they are called underneath your cage because those won't really get in the way and will keep you warm. I find though when I'm playing even outdoors that my face stays pretty warm.
When looking at a new helmet, go to a store to look at them and mess with all the adjustments, if you can't get one to feel right while in the store, than you probably won't be able to get it to feel right when playing. Helmets now a days have a ton of ways to adjust them too.
I played outdoors before, so I know how the conditions are, but I haven't worn a visor or cage before. But I figured, for maximum safety, I should invest in full-face protection.
Under Armor has this head gear/balaclava that looks like it's right up my alley.
Forgot you were canadian too, Quick

I take it back then
Jays will win!
I accept this. Normally, I'd have you sent to Mimico, Ontario for correction with Don Cherry, but I'll let it slide.