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NHL October 2015 |OT| Dan Cleary was re-signed




Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

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Last season, a senior Maple Leafs team executive met with Toronto Police Service officers to address concerns that Leafs players were purportedly using cocaine or were associating with those who were, according to two people familiar with the matter.
A Maple Leafs spokesperson declined to comment.



Kassian suspended by the league without salary, by the NHL AND the NHLPA. Either he was driving drunk, or the coke thing is not a coincidence.

EDIT: Yep.

NHL/NHLPA announce Zack Kassian placed on Stage 2 of Substance Abuse program. Suspended without pay until cleared by doctors


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
ah, the good old "His salary is big, we don't like him, he did drugs" Mike Richards clause


This season is definitely going to be the NHL's equivalent of the 2014-15 NFL season in terms of mishandling of controveries


What's stage 2?

From Bob McKenzie:

On NHL-NHLPA program (Kassian), Stage 1 can be voluntary or mandatory depending on circumstances but there is rarely public acknowledgement.

Stage 1 is with pay. But any violation of Stage 1 conditions (can be very strict) leads to automatic entry to Stage 2, suspended without pay

So basically, before doing the trade, MTL was probably aware Kassian was in stage 1 (Bergevin indirectly confirmed it this morning when he said he already met with Kassian and ordered him to stay away from the MTL nightlife), but the public wasn't.


41 > 38
41 fookin games for Torres. Damn, the book has been thrown.

This is total bullshit.

The poor guy was just trying to get a roster spot. How was he supposed to know that Silfverberg's head was going to be there?

Someone please explain to me how Torres is any different from a drug dealer just trying to put food on his table?

You are literally killing Torres' children.


Unconfirmed Member
Shit man, GAF fantasy draft is just over an hour away and I haven't done any research at all. I don't even know how this works exactly, ah well.


Belmont, good point. Stage 1 Kadri!

I do too god damn it.

He was a great locker room guy.

Fuck Kassian. I thought he wasn't playing well because Vancouver didn't know what to do with him but it seems it was a bigger issue than that.
That was the argument of some Canucks fans initially, but not recently. He's been given various opportunities on different lines and could never remain consistent. He'd also be scratched out of the blue on occasion. No one could definitively say what exactly was going on but it was understood that it was him, not the organization. I think most people continued to hold out hope because he was still young and could turn things around but his value, no doubt, was not good.

And for the record, Canucks fans generally didn't like the trade not out of adoration for Kassian but becaude we traded for a 30+ year old veteran when we need to build for the future.


Why are they sending him to a substance abuse program? For Alcohol? Was he drunk when he was in the car too? I thought he was just getting tail from 2 girls.

Dude's just a knucklehead, sucks that it suspension with no pay lol.
Why are they sending him to a substance abuse program? For Alcohol? Was he drunk when he was in the car too? I thought he was just getting tail from 2 girls.

Dude's just a knucklehead, sucks that it suspension with no pay lol.

He's had Cocaine problems in the past as rumoured in Vancouver. It's probably that and Alcohol.


That's you trying to justify your opinion or whatever. It doesn't explain the joke at all.

If what you said was wrong in your OP just be a man and take it.

Umm...no, I was just explaining it to you. Person who bumped the thread already conceded to the point anyway. Not a big deal.

Regardless of sport, you consistently present the worst (and flat wrong) opinions on the planet.

Right back at you. Not understanding the hostility.
Live draft is now open if you guys want to hop in.

Draft isn't still for another ~40 minutes or so, but just in case something goes wrong it probably doesn't hurt to at least check if your browser wants to fuck it up.

EDIT: :lol there's only 6 of us?

Compared to my 14 team draft I had last night, this is going to be amazing.

Draft order - snake draft, btw

1. Subbey Doos
2. Team Samyy
3. Shinny Pucks
4. Silex
5. Team FUBAR
6. Streit Outta Compton


Unconfirmed Member
Live draft is now open if you guys want to hop in.

Draft isn't still for another ~40 minutes or so, but just in case something goes wrong it probably doesn't hurt to at least check if your browser wants to fuck it up.

EDIT: :lol there's only 6 of us?

Compared to my 14 team draft I had last night, this is going to be amazing.

Draft order - snake draft, btw

1. Subbey Doos
2. Team Samyy
3. Shinny Pucks
4. Silex
5. Team FUBAR
6. Streit Outta Compton

Woo first overall, David Desharnais is mine!
If the draft isn't working so well for anyone you can download the yahoo fantasy sports app and do it on your phone/tablet as well.

Or try other browsers. Mine works fine in Firefox.
I knew something was up with Kassian after hearing what Bergevin had to say. He wouldn't have talked like that about a regular car accident.

I still think they made a mistake trading Prust for him.
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