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NHL Off-Season 2016 |OT2| I Want off Marc Bergevin's Wild Ride.


Just got shirts from Quick. Now I can sleep with them in my bed and smell what its like to sleep next to Quick. <3

that's kind of romantic

I should have added

*not actually going to do this

According to HF, we drafted a bum

Matthews isn't even as good as Bozak

Well my gf is here but now its like Quick is here too.



Good luck to everyone with job interviews, hopefully you guys aren't as godawful as 75% of the candidates I've sat in this week. Never done interview panels before... they fucking suck.

"Can you give us a specific example of a time you had to communicate information to people who you knew were not going to be receptive"
"uh................ *repeats back question in garbled form*.... yeah I'd do that good...."

"I don't have much direct experience with reporting or queries myself so I'd have to learn that."
*resume lists experience as DBA, SQL certification, detailed reporting background*

Also, I can't lie, the questions we ask are such bullshit. Feel bad for the applicants to get hit with such vague "please tell me about your career" questions.

EDIT: oh yeah, I feel like I have to say this because almost everyone gets this wrong but if they ask for a specific example of you doing ____ than GIVE A SPECIFIC EXAMPLE. List technical terms, programs, apps, whatever, detailed process shit it doesn't matter if they don't know what you're talking about - in fact it's better that way! They'll never know if your example is kinda bullshit and you're exaggerating your involvement, they just want to tick off specific phrases!


That question about specific examples actually used to freak me out for some reason, only because I really try to look back at previous jobs for an answer. But during my last interview a couple of months ago, I answered the question pretty well, I think.

It was basically "can you give us an example of how you use Excel?" And I basically laid out my day-to-day tasks and how integrated Excel is to my workflow, specifying what I need it for and how I use it.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the job, but I thought I actually nailed that question pretty well. I was apparently part of the shortlist of candidates, but someone else was ultimately selected.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the good luck wishes. Closing in on year without a full time job so it would be fantastic to get this.

Also, I'm sorry about your loss Soc. Haven't dealt with it last year it is difficult :(


Good luck to everyone with job interviews, hopefully you guys aren't as godawful as 75% of the candidates I've sat in this week. Never done interview panels before... they fucking suck.

"Can you give us a specific example of a time you had to communicate information to people who you knew were not going to be receptive"
"uh................ *repeats back question in garbled form*.... yeah I'd do that good...."

"I don't have much direct experience with reporting or queries myself so I'd have to learn that."
*resume lists experience as DBA, SQL certification, detailed reporting background*

Also, I can't lie, the questions we ask are such bullshit. Feel bad for the applicants to get hit with such vague "please tell me about your career" questions.

EDIT: oh yeah, I feel like I have to say this because almost everyone gets this wrong but if they ask for a specific example of you doing ____ than GIVE A SPECIFIC EXAMPLE. List technical terms, programs, apps, whatever, detailed process shit it doesn't matter if they don't know what you're talking about - in fact it's better that way! They'll never know if your example is kinda bullshit and you're exaggerating your involvement, they just want to tick off specific phrases!

This post reminded me that during my phone interview today I was actually asked a few behavioral questions.

Wasn't surprised cause I was told about it beforehand, but I always thought that shit was asked in the face to face interview.


That question about specific examples actually used to freak me out for some reason, only because I really try to look back at previous jobs for an answer. But during my last interview a couple of months ago, I answered the question pretty well, I think.

It was basically "can you give us an example of how you use Excel?" And I basically laid out my day-to-day tasks and how integrated Excel is to my workflow, specifying what I need it for and how I use it.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the job, but I thought I actually nailed that question pretty well. I was apparently part of the shortlist of candidates, but someone else was ultimately selected.

Oh god that's so perfect, I'd weep with joy if someone did that in these interviews. After you do a few of these things from the interviewer side though you quickly realize why they ask the weird questions they do - it's the only way to weed out the gentle fibbing that most everyone does on resumes. So many guys put down they had experience with SQL and/or database management for this but they can't give a specific example to save their life.

And for us anyway, even for internal applicants if someone has experience with Office or SCCM or Remedy or any other tool we use they actually have to say it out loud during the interview for that experience to "count". The interviewers can't just assume because you did a certain job you must know SAP or whatever. I learned that to my dismay about 10 years ago applying for a job here, I was asked about specific skills and technical experience but instead of describing the *direct experience* I had as a result of the job I was doing - something no other applicant could possibly have! - I talked about previous jobs like an idiot. ;)

Few wronger opinions have ever been spoken. But yeah if the message of the movie offends your political sensibilities then I can't imagine you'd be receptive to its humour. Ironically CrazedArabMan loved it.

But it doesn't offend my political sensibilities tho. I just didn't find it funny at all.

Well, I shouldn't say at all. I distinctly remember Shaun and Ed jumping over a fence and kicking an old lady in the fence and I laughed hard at that. Otherwise I don't remember even smiling for the rest of the movie.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if Matthews was a complete bust?

In my dreams, 3 years from now both Matthews and Marner are complete busts and Leafs fans are scrambling to find excuses, they keep hammering that they kinda knew it wouldn't work but that the future is bright with the Gilmourplan
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