Kulemin did Cool Lemons move? INCEPTIONKulemin did Aces move tonight, :lol
I'll be on at 10 for games
Kulemin did Cool Lemons move? INCEPTIONKulemin did Aces move tonight, :lol
A day left before the playoffs, I might be on after the Habs game, depends if anyone else wants to get some final games in.
Is anyone else playing tonight, though? If so, I can hop on in a bit.
Lolpreds. We'll still only have 3 tomorrow unless Delryk gets on.
So, what are we doing?
Good... game
Lets aim for a 9 pm EST start for the playoffs tomorrow if everyone is cool with that? Milly - Myself - Aces & Schuey if he can - Delryk
I'm assuming Schuey can't play so if someone else wants to play if he can't just let us know.
Better start taking this shit seriously, or people are going to start getting kicked.
:lol go fuck a goat.