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NieR: Automata Review Thread

Some but I think Transformers, Star Fox and TMNT games they pumped out in the last couple years can't be shrugged off.

One could have legit concern with their recent productions.
i liked transformers

But it's so clear looking at their previous games that their quality depends on who they work with

Activision: Games puked out on too low a budget on way too short a dev-cycle

Kojima: amazing gameplay meets crazy story, cheesy cutscenes and just a tiny bit too self-indulgent techno-babble

Nintendo: Excellent games that don't sell because neither Mario or Zelda is in them 😔

Nintendo, specifically Miyamoto; too much reverence to a man way past his prime ruins what could have become a great game

Sega: Great games killed by lack of marketing

Microsoft: Game canceled after failure to implement shoehorned online features or to contain halo/forza/gears in the title

Yoko Taro: GOTY


Nah I haven't played the other two, I just wanted to be the devil on your shoulder that convinces you to buy this game.


But it's so clear looking at their previous games that their quality depends on who they work with

*gives purely opinionated, biased and subjective reasoning for publishers he doesn't like*

Hey, sure. ok. whatever you say. LOL.


have you played all 3? Would you recommend it over the other 2 first?

Horizon and Nioh are both just awesome games as well. I think Horizon is kind of a must play for any PS4 owner and Nioh is a must play if you have at least a fleeting interest in Souls or Action games in general.

I have completed Nioh and i am about 10 hours into Horizon, only played the Nier demo but it is obviously a great game based on these reviews.
Transformers Devastation was still pretty good in-spite of its low budget. I mean it was directed by the guy who made Metal Gear Rising.

TMNT being a bit shit never really surprised me because it shared the same director of Legend of Korra, which was considered to be amongst Platinum's weakest works up to that point.


Oh wow, it is actually centering on 90 MC! Expected it to drop quite severely ehat with the previous game's reception, but it is doing amazingly well! Really glad it has turned out to be so good, looking forward to playing it as soon as I can!


Neo Member
Maybe I should buy this game... I was going to wait a month or two because of zelda but this seems like a nice change of pace. Please be a good pc port!.


irresponsible vagina leak
have you played all 3? Would you recommend it over the other 2 first?
I played Nioh and I would go for Nier first for the sake that Nioh you may spend way more time on it to beat than this one plus the new game plus stuff there might hook you.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I hope SE works with Platinum again and make a Parasite Eve Or Vagrant Story game.


Oh wow. I figured it'd be good, but those are some great scores.

Man I just finished Yakuza 0 and started Horizon. Need to try to find time for this before Persona 5 (or maybe after). Just so much good stuff coming out right now.


I hope SE works with Platinum again and make a Parasite Eve Or Vagrant Story game.

Vagrant Story had amazing art direction and all, but i couldn't be bothered with all that crafting and combat.

If it was an action game Nier style, i'd be down tho.
Fans would probably be pissed, however.


Some but I think Transformers, Star Fox and TMNT games they pumped out in the last couple years can't be shrugged off.

One could have legit concern with their recent productions.
i liked transformers

Transformers was great. People saw it being a low budget game and wrote it off.
It fucking sucks to be only an owner of an Xbox One and Wii U now. It's not that i'll likely get bored of Zelda anytime soon, but man i would most definitely buy this game for my Xbox One if the developer had just brought it to it as well. When it comes to Japanese games i really am not at the right place at Xbox. Which really is a shame because it was quite decent on 360, quite decent indeed. Ah well.
This is amazing, I actually ran out of money in my wallet this month with all the games. Pre-ordered Nier with my credit card lol.

I regret nothing: Nioh, Horizon, Nier and got my eyes on KH Remix!

Best Year Evar!


I bet Square is starting to wish they actually marketed this game.

It has a strong start in Japan so it'll be interesting to see how it sells in NA and everywhere else. This is one of those games they can push heavily when it comes to Steam and PSN sales.



I'm going for that Target Buy2Get1Free deal and I plan on getting Horizon and 2 others. The others I wanted were going to be Yakuza 0 and Nioh (since Zelda BOTW Switch isn't eligible). Now I see this game's getting a ridiculous score, fuck this is crazy.

I might have to add this to my "must buy" list.
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