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NieR: Automata Review Thread

My fault for being impatient, wa. Changed it to my work address, added a day on, changed it back to my home address and it still added a day on. Certainly still early enough but I guess at this point I may as well not risk it - I'll be at work tomorrow so good chance it would have got miss-delivered anyway (neighbours often not in/delivery person can't be arsed to use the trade button on the building entrance) and I won't get the chance to play after work. Ideally want to be playing all day from early Saturday but just have to hope it gets delivered ASAP that day. Know it only adds 24 hours in terms of it being my hands and I've been waiting for years, but it's still frustrating.

I've been fortunate to have a neighbour whose a housewife and is beyond reliable. Took in my ps4 pro and countless big orders and gave it to me once she notices I'm home. I'm probably going to play late on Friday so early Saturday and suffer the consequences for the poor sleep.


This thread lead me to the Wikipedia page which lead me to learning about the people involved in the game, and now I want to play it.


Maybe I'm just ocd about this and should be media blackout. But I swear in no trailers or regular discourse about this game has there been mention of the 3rd person shooter segment...
The original Nier also had bullet hell segments. Basically, the gameplay will change up a few times during every major story beat but the core gameplay is hack and slash combat.

I played it last night for 2 hours and already encountered: hack and slash melee combat, top down bullet hell shooting, side view bullet hell shooting, twin stick bullet-hell shooting, Star Fox perspective / star wars trench-run style avoid-the-pylons-while-flying-through-a-tunnel gameplay, and side scrolling platformer gameplay.

I expect there to be more types of gameplay to come.
Oh man, please report back once you finish D3. Very curious to hear your thoughts.


I had to google that ending :(

I'm there now. I don't know how many hours this is going to take me, I'm not great at this genre.

Did you try setting your PS4 resolution to 720p? I don't even remember why I tried doing that, and maybe it was just a coincidence, but from that point on, the screen tearing was considerably reduced, and I feel like the huge drops are more rare. Like, people told me it would get much worse than the first couple of hours, but so far it hasn't, and I wonder if it has something to do with that.

Maybe the way the game handles upscaling is borked if you set your PS3 to 1080p? I don't know. Even the Mikhail sections that people say are the worst rarely get that bad for me, they're mostly "almost ok".

Still, that would be like 100 frames for me against your 60. I'm not saying the game runs well at all.

I think I'll get to ending A tonight, can't wait to see how it goes. Chapter 5 started really well.

Yea unfortunately I'm at the last moment of the game so I missed out on this advice. Personally I found the Jungle chapter to have the worst FPS.
Glad to hear you're seemingly enjoying it. Imo the game is pretty interesting, but I was very unconvinced during the first couple hours.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.


The 4Players review text is really positive and they're probably the most critical outlet over here. Man, I'm definitely getting this. Saw a deal for the Steelbook Edition for ~45€.


When will I get this when I order today? Also, what about Zoll?
It's the PEGI version apparently (German subs are included) and I think they're shipping from Germany (at least it's a German shop). It says on the Nier product site that they'll ship today.

Haven't tried the voucher yet, though. Maybe I can even stack another 5€ newcomer voucher from Rakuten. Will test tomorrow.
89?! The dream is dead.

On another note, got the game yesterday, I'm complete garbage at it, but I'm in love already. Totally deserves all the praise it's receiving.


89 ?!




Shit game

Cancelled the shit out of that pre-order right away

89? No reason to buy this game at this point. I'll just wait for Persona 5.[/SPOILER]

Shit game confirmed:


Fuck, knew I should've cancelled my preorder. I got duped.

89?! The dream is dead.

brb returning my copy and deleting my save.

Nier sales bout to tank, oh no :(
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