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Nintendo Classic Mini - NES Coming on November 11th (30 NES games)

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There are a number of A-tier games missing. Castlevania 3 and Ninja Gaiden 2 are better than the entries we are getting. It would have also been nice to get at least one Dragon Quest.

Still the lineup is better than expected.
If the don't have a way to buy add-on carts with say 5-10 games each, it's a missed opportunity.
I agree.

Although I hope it’s widely available after the holidays and not just a limited run item.

However, it hasn’t been announced as such, so I think it will be around afterwards.

This thing is guaranteed to print money. I'll be shocked if it's a limited run only.

If the don't have a way to buy add-on carts with say 5-10 games each, it's a missed opportunity.

This machine isn't meant to replace or compete with their main hardware business. If you want a console that lets you buy additional NES games, they'll want you to buy a Wii U or 3DS instead.


It's the title of the official article on the site and there's: "The Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System comes packaged with an HDMI cable, a USB cable for powering the system*, and one Nintendo Classic Mini: NES Controller."

Everything points to 'Nintendo Classic Mini' being the name of a product line, it's also placed separately on the box.
Ah, I see it on the title graphic too. I was going by the PR and the box art. My bad


Nintendo is notoriously bad at emulating their own titles, and the recent Wii U hacks have revealed that the dark NES & N64 VC titles were *intentional*.

Please try this out in-store on a display similar to your display at home before buying it. I don't know who's actually building this thing, but I'm very, very wary.

I doubt any retail space is going to devote a kiosk for a $60 device. They have bigger fish to fry.

I am assuming after the holidays these things will be sitting on shelves and probably can be had for $30.


Imagine the Snes version of this with 30 titles:

Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Zelda: Link to the Past
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Super Metroid
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario RPG
Super Mario Kart
Super Punch-Out!!!
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Contra 3
Super Castlevania IV
Turtles in Time
Mega Man X
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Final Fight
Final Fight 2
Mortal Kombat 2
Illusion of Gaia


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
When can I preorder?

I so want to see what's inside.


SNES next year and N64 the following leading up to the mini Gamecube in a few years and some Gameboys along the way.

This is a neat idea but I don't see myself buying it.
All that list is missing for me is Earthbound Beginnings, other than that this is going to make a SWEET collectors item, just look at how cute it is!

To be honest there's A LOT missing here and some of the choices they made make no sense in 2016. I realize nostalgia goes a long way for a lot of people but NES Pac-Man was ALWAYS bad. That is not the Pac-Man you actually want to play. Also, Simon's Quest is an important game that has aged terribly. I would say Dracula's Curse would've been a better choice. Or instead maybe swap out Simon's Quest for another Konami classic like Metal Gear or Life Force.
Also, I think swapping out a game like Ice Climbers for something like Rygar or SMB2(JPN) or EarthBound Beginnings or Dragon Warrior would've made a lot more sense. Either way, this is still a great bundle especially as a gift for lapsed gamers.


This well sell unreal amounts as a gift at Xmas man, good way to counter act having fuck all for thier two machines. I hope they make enough as this will sell gangbusters as a stocking filler.


Folk asking for other systems should look at the titles currently available on the virtual console. All these NES games have had VC releases.

Well, what I’m hoping for if this sells well (which I think it will). It will get Nintendo to start open talks with third parties to get those games that never made it to the VC.

Battle of Olympus and Crystalis are the first that pop in my mind for the NES, and I know there are others.

And if other systems do come out, we can hopefully get games like Lufia 1 & 2, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma. Just to name a few.

But if there would be no way to add games to these miniature systems, it would be a moot point, anyways.
What in the world---

This is practically a megaton for me. So awesome and completely random. It will all depend, obviously, on how the games look and play and how the whole thing comes together. If this is really based on the Wii VC as people have mentioned, that would be fantastic, but the Wii U VC NES games are kind of shameful.

I wish I had known about this a month ago - I just recently spent 20 bux on Mario 2 and 3, Mega Man 2, and Punch-Out for the Wii VC, thinking that the Wii Channel Shop would probably close pretty soon and that I wanted to make sure I had a little NES collection of classics. But this adds so many other games - Startropics! Zelda 1 and 2! Final Fantasy! Castlevania! - in such a cool little package that I'll eat the damage and get it. If there were any way to add additional games (though it seems there isn't), that would be heavenly. A hidden gems pack with Blaster Master, Bionic Commando, Metal Storm, Guardian Legend, and Shatterhand? Yes.


Well, what I’m hoping for if this sells well (which I think it will). It will get Nintendo to start open talks with third parties to get those games that never made it to the VC.

Battle of Olympus and Crystalis are the first that pop in my mind for the NES, and I know there are others.

And if other systems do come out, we can hopefully get games like Lufia 1 & 2, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma. Just to name a few.

But if there would be no way to add games to these miniature systems, it would be a moot point, anyways.
Quintet's SNES RPGs need to get to VC one way or another.


This is great. I still have my NES running & functioning but this is awesome. For people that never got to play on the original console.
This is really, really. Cool. I might pick one up, if only for the controller. Would be neat to see a SNES model somewhere down the line.

If I had to guess, I would think that the most obvious reason is that Konami no longer has the source code for the NES version.

I don't think the source code is necessary to emulate the game. They could always just dump the data themselves if they needed the ROM.

Kind doubt it has anything to do with Microsoft, too. Both the original Arcade version and the NES version were available on DS (Through Konami Classics Collection and via Contra 4 as an unlockable, respectively).
I doubt Square-Enix would give away all 4 of their big SNES games (plus Mario RPG). I would expect Final Fantasy IV and Actraiser.

I didn't mention a single game outside of StarFox, Turtles in Time, and Yoshi's Island that aren't already on VC. If VC rights carry over, why would square care. That lineup would have cash flooding Square-Enix's office through royalties. Far more than they make via VC now, at least.

Jamie OD

Imagine the Snes version of this with 30 titles:

Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Zelda: Link to the Past
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Super Metroid
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario RPG
Super Mario Kart
Super Punch-Out!!!
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Contra 3
Super Castlevania IV
Turtles in Time
Mega Man X
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Final Fight
Final Fight 2
Mortal Kombat 2
Illusion of Gaia

Needs another sports game or two like NBA Jam and International Superstar Soccer.
If the don't have a way to buy add-on carts with say 5-10 games each, it's a missed opportunity.

If you look closely at the press image, there's no cartridge slot. The cover is just molded plastic.

Considering the insides are passively cooled and run off a USB port it's almost undoubtedly just a small system on a chip build. USB power in, HDMI out, and two Wii controller ports.

I guess wifi is possible but would be surprising.


Imagine the Snes version of this with 30 titles:

Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Zelda: Link to the Past
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Super Metroid
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario RPG
Super Mario Kart
Super Punch-Out!!!
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Contra 3
Super Castlevania IV
Turtles in Time
Mega Man X
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Final Fight
Final Fight 2
Mortal Kombat 2
Illusion of Gaia

I would pay $$$ for this.


I really don't need this, I can already play all those games on my retropi setup.... But I want it!! I will have to get this! Why!?!


If I had to guess, I would think that the most obvious reason is that Konami no longer has the source code for the NES version.
You don't need source code for emulation, only a rom.

I also doubt the ancient XBLA port of arcade Contra is holding anything back. More likely there's issues with, erm, "inspired" imagery (legal concern) or else excessive hit flashes (epilepsy concern) and neither Nintendo nor Konami think it's worth editing the rom like other companies have for VC games with similar issues (Zelda II, Star Tropics, Revenge of Shinobi, etc). Still doesn't answer how Wayforward snuck it into Contra 4 then though.


A) I want to preorder right now honestly. I hope they sell more games for it too.

B) As many are saying, I would absolutely adore a SNES version of this


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Imagine the Snes version of this with 30 titles:

Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Zelda: Link to the Past
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Super Metroid
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario RPG
Super Mario Kart
Super Punch-Out!!!
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Contra 3
Super Castlevania IV
Turtles in Time
Mega Man X
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Final Fight
Final Fight 2
Mortal Kombat 2
Illusion of Gaia

A compilation within a compilation?


To be honest there's A LOT missing here and some of the choices they made make no sense in 2016. I realize nostalgia goes a long way for a lot of people but NES Pac-Man was ALWAYS bad. That is not the Pac-Man you actually want to play. Also, Simon's Quest is an important game that has aged terribly. I would say Dracula's Curse would've been a better choice. Or instead maybe swap out Simon's Quest for another Konami classic like Metal Gear or Life Force.
Also, I think swapping out a game like Ice Climbers for something like Rygar or SMB2(JPN) or EarthBound Beginnings or Dragon Warrior would've made a lot more sense. Either way, this is still a great bundle especially as a gift for lapsed gamers.

It could be way worse. At least the list isnt padded with all those early first party sports games that are like getting coal for Christmas when they waste release slots on the various virtual console offerings.
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