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Nintendo Direct 2012.10.25 - Oct. 25, 7AM EDT

For a show almost exclusively focusing on the 3DS? Perhaps the Wii U component is more significant than we previously anticipated. Might have to accelerate the hype
for the 3DS.

Although, the recent NDs haven't had the focus on developer walkthroughs and extended demos that the first few NDs had. Maybe something like that?

Shibata better be on the optic fibres within the hour if Iwata releases something big.

They never said the JPN would mainly focus on 3DS.

EDIT: I was WRONG. The tweets do mention that. Sorry.


<20 minutes!

The important questions: Where will Iwata be this time? How many Iwata "things" will we get? How many gifs? And, well, how many announcements, if you care about that, I guess.
Final predictions:

1. Animal Crossing trailer with ICE-CREAM.
2. Paper Mario.
4. Pokemon Dungeon
5. E.X. Troopers
6. Fantasy Life
7. Crashmo announcement for JP
9. Nintendo Land (1 new game)
10. Zombi U
11. Monster Hunter HD shout out
12. Friend Collection/Luigi's Mansion/One brand new 1st party game for 2013
14. If no new game, new firmware for 3DS announcement

As a matter of fact, as Cheesemeister said in the OP, the ND will be centered on 3DS, but there will be infos on already announced Wii U titles.

As a matter of fact, that's right. The tweets say that. Was thinking of the direct site itself.


What are the chances of Metroid or Zelda for 3DS being shown? No need to save for E3, now that they have these direct videos.


JP one is right in my lunch break, which means I'm going to miss it. Might go into hiding until the US one.
Shiggy said:
In 15 minutes? Finally a Nintendo Direct at a reasonable time for me and not in the morning :D
All the Nintendo Directs have aligned rather well with AEST with the exception of the previous one -- one true timezone to rule them all.




How do people get "hyped" for these? I remember watching the blowout Nintendo did on the WiiU the other day and it was a joke. Only redeeming moment in the whole weak ass presentation was Bayonetta 2.


My body is ready

How do people get "hyped" for these? I remember watching the blowout Nintendo did on the WiiU the other day and it was a joke. Only redeeming moment in the whole weak ass presentation was Bayonetta 2.
The road to the presentation is the most fun part.
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