Because of the sparse PR I thought we might be getting a Nintendo Direct; but if we were they'd've announced so by now right? Any chance they've got a cool sale planned that'll be a surprise; or is this just a quiet week?
It's possible to get one announced tomorrow for a Thursday air... or hell, the Direct Micro before E3 just dropped on YouTube out of nowhere. But it's probably just a quiet week outside of Wind-Up Knight and the VC stuff because of delays.
(Also, the ESRB hasn't leaked the VC games: I've been checking all day.)
Because of the sparse PR I thought we might be getting a Nintendo Direct; but if we were they'd've announced so by now right? Any chance they've got a cool sale planned that'll be a surprise; or is this just a quiet week?
It's probably sparse because of obon week in Japan.
Freedom Planet delayed again do to a console freeze bug. They are apparently still tracking it down, so no new release info yet. Though title does say Aug 20th,
@Axis1500 Thanks! The Bridge will release in Europe the same time as America, on August 14th/18th/20th for Xbox/PS/WiiU
Well that's rather cool. It's not Xenoblade, but Nintendo is living up to its "games for hardcore gamers" hype so far.Pandora's Tower is up tomorrow on the eshop for US
I for one am hyped!
Pandora's Tower is up tomorrow on the eshop for US
I for one am hyped!
I guess NOA really does consider Wii downloads as part of Virtual Console now?!? RIP logic but okay, I guess...^^
I guess NOA really does consider Wii downloads as part of Virtual Console now?!? RIP logic but okay, I guess...^^
I guess NOA really does consider Wii downloads as part of Virtual Console now?!? RIP logic but okay, I guess...^^
Pandora's Tower can be played just on the gamepad, so that might get me to buy it.
Or is it a situation where it can technically be played on the pad, but motion controls are way better?
I guess NOA really does consider Wii downloads as part of Virtual Console now?!? RIP logic but okay, I guess...^^
Pandora's Tower can be played just on the gamepad, so that might get me to buy it.
Or is it a situation where it can technically be played on the pad, but motion controls are way better?
I'd be willing to buy more of the Wii releases if they still did the $10 first week deal. $20 makes it much harder for me to pull the trigger.
Paper Mario turned 15 years old today. Should've celebrated with......*Paper Mario already on VC, TTYD won't happen, only choice is Super Paper Mario on Wii*.....
.......some kind of tweet.
I bought Brave Tank Hero last night.
It's definitely a game that has a tank in it.
I bought Brave Tank Hero last night.
It's definitely a game that has a tank in it.
Going to buy. Need to show NoA my support for Wii games.Pandora's Tower is up tomorrow on the eshop for US
I for one am hyped!
EDIT: I also downloaded the demo for that Japanese Rail Sim game. I'm finding it...strangely enjoyable. (Not worth the $20 asking price at all, but I'd be down for $5 or less.)
Hey! Woah Dave! is hitting the Wii U on 8/20! And it's cross-buy! If you own the 3DS version then you get it free!
Woah Dave! Wii U launches next week: retroactive crossbuy for 3DS owners.
But is it a Brave Tank? Does it come with a Blanky as well?