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Nintendo E3 2015 Event Schedule


- Animal Crossing (WiiU, EAD)
- Paper Mario (WiiU, IntSys)
- The Legend of Zelda * (WiiU, EAD)
- Diddy Kong Racing (WiiU, Monster Games)
- Luigi's Mansion (WiiU, Next Level Games)
- METROID (WiiU, Retro Studios)

* they said it wouldn't be at E3... but they'll just say, "We meant it won't be playable"

Now pick one of those and there you go. #expectations


Have we really not gotten any pics of the nintendo booth? It has to be nearly complete at this point..
We haven't got a lot of anything, really. Yeah there's been the leaks but beyond that Nintendo's presence at E3 seems deathly quiet. I'm not seeing a whole lot of Reggie interviews or rumours or booth photos or anything.

It's not the lack of stage presentation because last year there was a lot of chatter in the build up and the Digital Event was amazing. I'm starting to worry Nintendo are displaying the event for a reason.


We haven't got a lot of anything, really. Yeah there's been the leaks but beyond that Nintendo's presence at E3 seems deathly quiet. I'm not seeing a whole lot of Reggie interviews or rumours or booth photos or anything.

It's not the lack of stage presentation because last year there was a lot of chatter in the build up and the Digital Event was amazing. I'm starting to worry Nintendo are displaying the event for a reason.

All that leaked last year was Mario Maker from a worker. It was deathly quiet and unknown then too, otherwise.


All that leaked last year was Mario Maker from a worker. It was deathly quiet and unknown then too, otherwise.
I don't mean in terms leaks, I mean general hype and coverage around Nintendo. Last year there was a buzz. This year it's more like a cautious, quiet 'let's see' approach.

I would fine with no leaks

we already have at least a 3DS Metroid spin-off
Animal Crossing WiiU
That's very presumptuous for an 'at least' statement.
I don't mean in terms leaks, I mean general hype and coverage around Nintendo. Last year there was a buzz. This year it's more like a cautious, quiet 'let's see' approach.

That's very presumptuous for an 'at least' statement.

well Metroid WiiU is asking too much


I don't mean in terms leaks, I mean general hype and coverage around Nintendo. Last year there was a buzz. This year it's more like a cautious, quiet 'let's see' approach.

Well, ya, everyone died after SMM re-reveal at the NWC... and for a moment remembered that gaming was about fun and not empty hype and controlled leaks...




I don't mean in terms leaks, I mean general hype and coverage around Nintendo. Last year there was a buzz. This year it's more like a cautious, quiet 'let's see' approach.

I feel that caution comes from the fact that Nintendo can always come out and drop a thousand bombs and announce everything people want or, do the complete opposite.


I feel that caution comes from the fact that Nintendo can always come out and drop a thousand bombs and announce everything people want or, do the complete opposite.

Also, last year was the first time Nintendo decided to not do a traditional conference.

And it does not help that its almost impossible to predict what they are doing. Their biggest announcement may be something no one is expecting, like Splatoon last year


Nintendo, please be good to me tomorrow!!!!



Also, last year was the first time Nintendo decided to not do a traditional conference.

And it does not help that its almost impossible to predict what they are doing. Their biggest announcement may be something no one is expecting, like Splatoon last year

Exactly, last year Nintendo went all in with their particular sens of quirk and fun. It was amazing and a welcome reprieve from the usual dull live conference.

This year Nintendo doesn't really hold that 'surprise'. We all have a rough idea of what to expect in terms of the presentation, but little in way of content. Who would have guessed that Splatoon would be the hit that it became?
Apprehension this year stems from the absence of Zelda Wii U and what form Starfox will come in.

And as a general aside, the 'doubt' in Nintendo always feels strongest after everyone else has the conference. If Sony does announce a FFVII remake/Last Guardian in the next few hours, eek, I hope Nintendo had something lined up to counter that noise.


So much doubt for tomorrow? Based on what?

Honestly, for me it's based on the following:
1. The idea that the entire company is probably throwing its weight behind the NX and mobile development behind the scenes but we won't see either tomorrow.
2. The fact that there's already quite a few games we know about that are yet to release for 3DS and Wii U which could take up plenty of time, and
3. The 3DS is coming to the end of its life and the Wii U isn't a success. Doesn't make sense to keep throwing AAA blockbusters at them, imo.
4. No Zelda.

I reckon we'll see an AC: New Leaf remaster for Wii U, but little else that we haven't seen before. Last year was incredible, but this year I'm keeping my anticipation levels as low as possible.

Get ready to spend lots of time on Xenoblade, both Fire Emblems, indies, Wooly World etc. They'll make for a great release schedule but a poor 'hype show'.


All I want to see is Reggie's eyes moisten as the camera slowly zooms in on his face. I want to see his "wax on, wax off" hand gesticulations, and hear that eerily gentle voice, the one he uses when he consoles the children of a man he just brutally murdered at the government's behest.

"It's OK, Timmy. Your dad might be a smoldering crater in the ground right now, and I regret you had to see that. But at the end of the day, we can all enjoy the worlds in Nintendo games. Because at the end of the day, there's nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun."

*Reggie's feet turn into rocket thrusters and he flies into the sky as Timmy weeps*
All eyes are honestly on Sony right now. It's pretty sad that virtually everything announced at every press conference won't be coming out on Wii U or 3DS. There's a lot less noise surrounding Nintendo and for good reason. I'm not sure Nintendo has anything that could match the sheer buzz The Last Guardian or Final Fantasy VII brings.


Honestly, for me it's based on the following:
1. The idea that the entire company is probably throwing its weight behind the NX and mobile development behind the scenes but we won't see either tomorrow.
2. The fact that there's already quite a few games we know about that are yet to release for 3DS and Wii U which could take up plenty of time, and
3. The 3DS is coming to the end of its life and the Wii U isn't a success. Doesn't make sense to keep throwing AAA blockbusters at them, imo.
4. No Zelda.

I reckon we'll see an AC: New Leaf remaster for Wii U, but little else that we haven't seen before. Last year was incredible, but this year I'm keeping my anticipation levels as low as possible.

Get ready to spend lots of time on Xenoblade, both Fire Emblems, indies, Wooly World etc. They'll make for a great release schedule but a poor 'hype show'.

For your third point, I personally don't give a fuck about AAA blockbuster games. I just care about good games. That's why I'm hyped for tomorrow's conference. And yeah, although the Wii U is definitely not a success, it also isn't a complete failure that has scarred Nintendo to the point where they won't support it with big crazy games. It's sustainable.

All eyes are honestly on Sony right now. It's pretty sad that virtually everything announced at every press conference won't be coming out on Wii U or 3DS. There's a lot less noise surrounding Nintendo and for good reason. I'm not sure Nintendo has anything that could match the sheer buzz The Last Guardian or Final Fantasy VII brings.

They already did with the Nintendo World Championships lol


If Nintendo was hurting for content, they would've saved the Roy and Ryu bombshell for their conference. They would've saved the micro Direct content for their conference. They would've saved EarthBound Beginnings for their conference.

But instead they showed all of that in advance. Which to me says they're confident in their lineup.


- Tropical Freeze was actually finished in October 2013. Nintendo then delayed release to February. So Retro has had ~18 months to work on their next game. I think we'll see it.

- Next Level Games is also due to show another game. Luigi's Mansion was in the spring of 2013. What have they been working on? I think we'll see it.

- Monster Games may very well be working on something. Their port work could've been mere side projects if they were working together with another company on a main project.

- We may be due for a new Animal Crossing.

- We -will- get our first look at the new Star Fox.

And who knows what else. But already that's some solid potential. Guess we'll see.


For your third point, I personally don't give a fuck about AAA blockbuster games. I just care about good games. That's why I'm hyped for tomorrow's conference. And yeah, although the Wii U is definitely not a success, it also isn't a complete failure that has scarred Nintendo to the point where they won't support it with big crazy games. It's sustainable.

Sorry, I consider almost all of Nintendo's major franchises blockbusters. Sure Zelda and Xenoblade are, but even Fire Emblem Awakening and the new sequel are AAA blockbusters to me, from that Nintendo fan perspective. On the other hand something like Nintendogs, Fallblox or that weird Blockform game aren't. A remaster isn't either, really.

I also don't think it's sustainable for Nintendo to keep developing those big budget games for the Wii U, sadly. A 10m install base (or thereabouts) is just crazy this far into a console's life. Tragic but unavoidable truth. I don't think we'll see much more for it than we already know about.

Dr. Buni

Honestly, for me it's based on the following:
1. The idea that the entire company is probably throwing its weight behind the NX and mobile development behind the scenes but we won't see either tomorrow.
2. The fact that there's already quite a few games we know about that are yet to release for 3DS and Wii U which could take up plenty of time, and
3. The 3DS is coming to the end of its life and the Wii U isn't a success. Doesn't make sense to keep throwing AAA blockbusters at them, imo.
4. No Zelda.

I reckon we'll see an AC: New Leaf remaster for Wii U, but little else that we haven't seen before. Last year was incredible, but this year I'm keeping my anticipation levels as low as possible.

Get ready to spend lots of time on Xenoblade, both Fire Emblems, indies, Wooly World etc. They'll make for a great release schedule but a poor 'hype show'.
Personally, I want good games. Not blockbusters. My favorite games of the generation so far are not blockbusters, as far as I am concerned. What is a blockbuster in terms of Nintendo games even? Fucking Zelda? Yet another Metroid Prime? Which brings the point, how is not having Zelda at the event a sign the show isn't going to be good? Not everything is about Zelda. I love the franchise, but man does it have some obnoxious fans.

There's absolutely nothing suggesting the digital event will be underwhelming. For what's worth, it might be better than last year's one, which was already great. The very fact Retro might finally reveal their new game and that Animal Crossing U is likely to be announced are already reasons to look forward for the event.


If Nintendo was hurting for content, they would've saved the Roy and Ryu bombshell for their conference. They would've saved the micro Direct content for their conference. They would've saved EarthBound Beginnings for their conference.

But instead they showed all of that in advance. Which to me says they're confident in their lineup.


- Tropical Freeze was actually finished in October 2013. Nintendo then delayed release to February. So Retro has had ~18 months to work on their next game. I think we'll see it.

- Next Level Games is also due to show another game. Luigi's Mansion was in the spring of 2013. What have they been working on? I think we'll see it.

- Monster Games may very well be working on something. Their port work could've been mere side projects if they were working together with another company on a main project.

- We may be due for a new Animal Crossing.

- We -will- get our first look at the new Star Fox.

And who knows what else. But already that's some solid potential. Guess we'll see.

Stop filling me with all these expectations! Tomorrow is too far away already! >_<

Star Fox is a given, and I can't fucking wait to see if they didn't fuck up. I hope, so much, that they didn't fuck up...


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Maybe it's unlikely due to EarthBound Beginnings, but I'm hoping for one cool "available now" thing tomorrow for Virtual Console. There's gotta be at least a couple of new N64/GCN/Wii titles that they can unveil.


All eyes are honestly on Sony right now. It's pretty sad that virtually everything announced at every press conference won't be coming out on Wii U or 3DS. There's a lot less noise surrounding Nintendo and for good reason. I'm not sure Nintendo has anything that could match the sheer buzz The Last Guardian or Final Fantasy VII brings.

Nintendo's new E3 format kind of dominates E3, to be honest


Whenever if it was intentional or not, I think Mario's construction outfit is a cute reference to the days when he had a multitude of different occupations. (Factory worker, sportsperson, physician, baker, etc.)



All eyes are honestly on Sony right now. It's pretty sad that virtually everything announced at every press conference won't be coming out on Wii U or 3DS. There's a lot less noise surrounding Nintendo and for good reason. I'm not sure Nintendo has anything that could match the sheer buzz The Last Guardian or Final Fantasy VII brings.

TLG is for GAF, the general public and gamer stopped caring years ago.


All eyes are honestly on Sony right now. It's pretty sad that virtually everything announced at every press conference won't be coming out on Wii U or 3DS. There's a lot less noise surrounding Nintendo and for good reason. I'm not sure Nintendo has anything that could match the sheer buzz The Last Guardian or Final Fantasy VII brings.

That's easy to say when they're the next conference to go. Also, would Square Enix want to let Sony take all the shock and excitement away from their own conference?


Yeah, I don't think the general public cares about the current status of a game with a giant bird cat thing especially with it being MIA for so long. Its not COD, its not GTA, its not Minecraft, its not sports.


I don't mean in terms leaks, I mean general hype and coverage around Nintendo. Last year there was a buzz. This year it's more like a cautious, quiet 'let's see' approach.

Screw that I'm excited. Fuckin E3 TOMORROW MORNING >:D

I thought people last year were pretty jaded what with them being disappointed by e3 2013.


Yeah I meant to put and/or. Didn't Bethesda alone get 500k viewers? That matched the NWC and The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy are bigger deals that Fallout 4, in my opinion.

Ya... No. Not at all.

Fallout is an enormous, topical franchise for two consoles and the entire PC population.
Yeah I meant to put and/or. Didn't Bethesda alone get 500k viewers? That matched the NWC and The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy are bigger deals that Fallout 4, in my opinion.

Are they though? I mean outside the enthusiast bubble that encompasses places like GAF? Also, NWC was a side event and not really the same as a press conference, amazing as it was


ppl thinking that Nintendo aren't going to drop bombs... lol

we gonna get star fox, new metroid, shenmue 1+2 HD and shenmue 3 wii u exclusive, new MK8 DLC, games no one has even heard of yet, mother 3, and more

nothing but megatons

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