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Nintendo E3 2015 Event Schedule


Why does anyone care who "wins" E3? I see it as a group effort by all companies to make the biggest impact on consumers. So far, all of them have been doing a fantastic job. I expect Nintendo to keep the hype rolling.

Because console wars are srs biz.

Glad to see FF7 :D


Sony's conference was superb. I was especially impressed by Horizon: Zero Dawn. Can't believe it's made by the people who made Killzone.


I think Super Mario Maker has huge mass market potential. We've only seen the surface of what that game can do. Tomorrow is going to be fantastic.
Why does anyone care who "wins" E3? I see it as a group effort by all companies to make the biggest impact on consumers. So far, all of them have been doing a fantastic job. I expect Nintendo to keep the hype rolling.

sadly, most people really focused on who's 'winning' E3 every single year


why is this a competition? at least we know that nintendo will announce games that will actually release this decade


Nintendo needs to announce a game that isn't coming out for several years, isn't even funded yet, and isn't exclusive, show a trailer for a game that was announced years ago and was completly ignored and another video of a remake of a game that's not exclusive at all.

I'm sure they'll manage

yeah, they'll be fine
Nintendo needs to announce a game that isn't coming out for several years, isn't even funded yet, and isn't exclusive, show a trailer for a game that was announced years ago and was completly ignored and another video of a remake of a game that's not exclusive at all.

I'm sure they'll manage

1. Zelda
2. Half-Life 3 Kickstarter
3. Sadness
4. Chrono Trigger

Get hype!
Sony's con was a huge surprise. Just wall to wall insanity with the megatons. Either way we've all won between NWC and Sony. The no doubt charming antics tomorrow from nintendo will be the cherry on top


The only things (for me) that could top Sony's announcements would be Diddy Kong Racing 2 and Nintendo vs Capcom. Those two things would literally do it for me.. but even then it's REALLY close because of TLG.


Potential hype:

1) We've been warned that Zelda won't be at E3 but I don't think that rules out a teaser during the direct or (more ambitiously) a behind-the-scenes showing to the press.

2)Star Fox. I don't know that to expect from it but I'm really curious.

3)Retro. They have to be working on something. If they're making Metroid U, I don't think it'll disappoint. They've created very atmospheric Metroid games on much less powerful hardware.

4)Animal Crossing U. The new AC Amiibo are suspicious aren't they? If ACU exists, I hope they've challenged themselves with this title. How about a graphical leap for the series, a more free camera, more deeply integrated online interaction, a larger town area, expanded mayorial powers?

As others have said, I've been a little surprised at the pre-E3 reveals that Nintendo might have withheld if they didn't have much to talk about at E3.


Regardless of what everyone else is doing, Nintendo will have a great showing tomorrow and that's all that really matters. They already did a lot for us - NWC turned out to be an incredible experience. And we'll see more on Mario Maker, Star Fox info, what Retro and Next Level games are up to, probably Animal Crossing. Not to mention they've always got some unexpected bombs to drop. F-Zero or Paper Mario U anyone...?

Oh and they'll acknowledge Zelda in some form. Maybe a small development update.


My body is ready...to leave the bomb shelter since my outlook for bombs from the Digital Event seems slim to none.
45 Minute Event....Event breakdown bets anyone?

Blast Ball - 2 Minutes
Fire Emblem IF - 5 Minutes
SMT: FE - 5 Minutes
Xenoblade Chronicles X - 3 Minutes
Yoshi's Wolly World - 3 Minutes
Star Fox - 10 Minutes
Reveal Pokemon Z - 5 Minutes
Project Treasure - 5 Minutes
Devils Third - 3 Minutes
Indie Sizzle Reel - 3 Minutes
1 Minute filler spread through out DIrect.

Please let me be wrong.
Do you think they'll spend more time on Yoshi aside from a trailer and release date. I'm mean they've already shown the game off today and yesterday and the release is so close in other regions.

My only crazy wish I still entertain is Metroids for both consoles in celebration of the 30th anniversary next year. Otherwise I'm pretty content.

My ultra super crazy wish is an adapter that connects b the Gamepad to a Wii Remote to make the former function as a Classic Controller.

Who cares who won? Besides what Sony did was so crazy it just can't be repeatable.
I'm certain SOME Zelda clip will be shown. Star Fox U is a given. Metroid's latest title will be revealed for sure. If they announce Gamecube virtual console, then we'd be talking business.


I have a feeling just the tone of your words your expectations are too high and you will be disappointed.

never cared about the "win" E3 but this is about the gaming industry. The publications, online sites want to talk about and keep games hyped. If nintendo has a lackluster showing the gaming industry (journalist and such) will just look over them and what they had to show and only discuss Microsoft and Sony. Nintendo needs to understand (not E3) but in general YES they are in competition with Sony and Microsoft. Make the industry stand up and pay attention to what you are doing.

This is the game's media, Nintendo would have been ignored even if they had Reggie giving every Presser blowjobs behind the curtain.


AGITΩ;168195569 said:
My body is ready...to leave the bomb shelter since my outlook for bombs from the Digital Event seems slim to none.
45 Minute Event....Event breakdown bets anyone?

Blast Ball - 2 Minutes
Fire Emblem IF - 5 Minutes
SMT: FE - 5 Minutes
Xenoblade Chronicles X - 3 Minutes
Yoshi's Wolly World - 3 Minutes
Star Fox - 10 Minutes
Reveal Pokemon Z - 5 Minutes
Project Treasure - 5 Minutes
Devils Third - 3 Minutes
Indie Sizzle Reel - 3 Minutes
1 Minute filler spread through out DIrect.

Please let me be wrong.
I can see this happening in addition to Animal Crossing U.


Personally, I'll probably still enjoy NIntendo's stuff more. As awesome as Sony's conference has been, none of the highly anticipated stuff was all that highly anticipated by me personally

I'm in much the same boat. Even though I am disappointed that Zelda will apparently not be shown, I suspect Animal Crossing Wii U will be announced, and that's enough to get my hype back up again.


Frankly, I'd put EarthBound Beginnings in the same tier of "E3 miracles" as Last Guardian, FF7-R and Shenmue III. That, Smash's continued support and a likely showing of Starfox already puts Nintendo well above Microsoft if we're keeping score. Nothing outside of F-Zero and Mother 3 will probably beat Sony's pure buzz, but Nintendo can still have a solid conference. Last year gave us Splatoon as a surprise announcement and that game turned out great, so here's hoping.
Nintendo can still "win" - god I feel so ridiculous saying that, who honestly cares? But I'll bite.

If they have a bunch of unannounced exclusive core games coming this year, they're definitely in the discussion. Sony's was amazing from a hype stand-point and Nintendo definitely cant win in that area. Sony's PC was mostly multi-plats and timed exclusive deals, that's not necessarily a bad thing but I'll take a conference full of solid exclusives over it. Sony did have full exclusive games but even most of them aren't coming this year.

Sony did amazing but if we look at what they're actually delivering exclusive wise [I consider to be the most important in these dumb contests] Nintendo can potentially still come out on top.
Nintendo needs to announce a game that isn't coming out for several years, isn't even funded yet, and isn't exclusive, show a trailer for a game that was announced years ago and was completly ignored and another video of a remake of a game that's not exclusive at all.

I'm sure they'll manage

You need to understand that for huge number of people , that was amazing, is okay tho, not everyone has to like it. For example Mario Maker yesterday was hype for me , but I understand if other people werent as excited.


AGITΩ;168195569 said:
My body is ready...to leave the bomb shelter since my outlook for bombs from the Digital Event seems slim to none.
45 Minute Event....Event breakdown bets anyone?

Blast Ball - 2 Minutes
Fire Emblem IF - 5 Minutes
SMT: FE - 5 Minutes
Xenoblade Chronicles X - 3 Minutes
Yoshi's Wolly World - 3 Minutes
Star Fox - 10 Minutes
Reveal Pokemon Z - 5 Minutes
Project Treasure - 5 Minutes
Devils Third - 3 Minutes
Indie Sizzle Reel - 3 Minutes
1 Minute filler spread through out DIrect.

Please let me be wrong.

Seems very realistic. I don't expect much from Nintendo this year. Also, they will talk about Super Mario Maker.


Sony's con was a huge surprise. Just wall to wall insanity with the megatons. Either way we've all won between NWC and Sony. The no doubt charming antics tomorrow from nintendo will be the cherry on top
Yeah, way I see it, the more great games shown by the Big Three, the better. I have a PS4 and a WiiU, and I may get an Xbone at some point. I want great games on all systems.

Of the stuff Sony showed tonight, I'm very interested in:

- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- The Last Guardian
- Dreams
- Street Fighter V
- Final Fantasy VII-R
- Uncharted 4

That UC4 level, btw, was so much fun. Just so much fun. :-D

Kind of interested in Shenmue 3, Until Dawn, and the Hitman reboot. No Man's Sky continues to look incredibly boring.

From Microsoft's conference, I was really impressed with Cuphead and Beyond Eyes. Rare Replay is an incredible value (Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps, etc., in HD, averaging out to $1 a game). Recore looks promising (Mega Man creator, Metroid Prime creators). Rise of the Tomb Raider is so gorgeous I'd want to check it out for the visuals alone. I don't really remember much else. Rare's new IP deals with pirates (yay!) but appears to be an MMO (meh), so not sure what to think there.

Interesting E3 so far. Bring on Nintendo!
Nintendo should just announce a bunch of NX games. They'll likely be out before any of the big "megaton" titles shown at Sony's conference. They don't even have to tell us they're for NX.
Nintendo will "win" in my mind if they announced a decent 2015 lineup for both the 3DS and Wii U.

Im struggling to think of five games total coming out this year.
Nintendo will continue to give Nintendo fans (the majority of them ) what they want to see. And that is solid Nintendo content. Outside of that, they won't be convincing many other users with other games. And that has been the trend for years. Nintendo produce the Digital Event which is aimed at Nintendo fans/consumers. The concept of the Digital Event excludes a large proportion of non- Nintendo given the appeal of the recoreded video.

This is true, and their strategy has been progressively catering to the base within the past few years. (Which is honestly preferable to leaving us out to dry like they did in the later years of their previous systems, because hey, at least I'll come away blissfully satisfied.) The marketing strategy at this point is all about weathering tough times by keeping the Nintendo core invested.

People interested enough in Nintendo to watch their show will probably come out happy. The rest won't be tuning in at all.

Look at Microsoft's show: 360 backwards compatibility, Halo, Gears, the usual—none of that resonated with me in the slightest as someone who isn't already in the Xbox fold. But there's a whole generation of players now that grew up on the PS2 and don't give a damn about Star Fox or Metroid either. If you're not a longtime Nintendo player, you've never even heard of Mother 3. I don't see Nintendo announcing anything to change that, but as an individual player already in their camp, I also don't care.

Obviously I'd like to see their vision of games and design philosophy succeed, if only so I can be sure I won't be completely alienated by what is an increasingly dull and forbidding industry, but the first priority is to find out about titles I might actually want to play and which are realistically on course for a release in the near future. I don't think very highly of hype for the sake of hype.

Awards for Best Marketing only benefit the marketers, not the players. And as a player, after what I saw of Super Mario Maker on Sunday I'm not the least bit worried. We'll have plenty enough to play between now and the next E3. Will Nintendo generate as much hype by ticking off the right boxes in the NeoGAF demographic as Sony did? Probably not. But I don't base my purchasing decisions on who is most proficient at hype.


The only thing that Nintendo could announce that would put their video above Sony's is Metroid Prime 4. Man, if that game was announced and looked as pretty as some of the stuff we've seen today and have remote and nunchuk support, I'd fraggin' dance the jig.

Since this isn't gonna happen, I don't have to worry about that.
AGITΩ;168195569 said:
My body is ready...to leave the bomb shelter since my outlook for bombs from the Digital Event seems slim to none.
45 Minute Event....Event breakdown bets anyone?

Blast Ball - 2 Minutes
Fire Emblem IF - 5 Minutes
SMT: FE - 5 Minutes
Xenoblade Chronicles X - 3 Minutes
Yoshi's Wolly World - 3 Minutes
Star Fox - 10 Minutes
Reveal Pokemon Z - 5 Minutes
Project Treasure - 5 Minutes
Devils Third - 3 Minutes
Indie Sizzle Reel - 3 Minutes
1 Minute filler spread through out DIrect.

Please let me be wrong.

Project Treasure won't be there. They just uploaded a trailer that said more information summer, not E3.

FE IF won't have that much time spent since it was in the last direct. SMT: FE is too Japanese and too far away to have significant time devoted to it. Pokemon Z if it happens won't have five minutes. Finally Devil's Third will probably get a mention at most.

I'm not expecting more bombs but your times are way off.



This is the train you are riding on.



Literally the biggest thing they could do is say Pokemon MMO and the world's infrastructure will collapse.

I guess if you want a BIG announcement that's realistic, Metroid Prime 4...maybe.

I'll just say I have an increasingly BAD feeling about the Digital Event tomorrow.



The era of Sony is here and Nintendo needs to get their butt fully in mobile and vamoose.

hope there are some good announcements tomorrow, I'll guess 3 new games


Lol all this sony talk, so silly.

Anyway looking forward to see more of Star Fox, and hopefully some other nice goodies on WiiU/3DS. Be nice to see a release window for Fatal Frame WiiU too.
The only thing that Nintendo could announce that would put their video above Sony's is Metroid Prime 4. Man, if that game was announced and looked as pretty as some of the stuff we've seen today and have remote and nunchuk support, I'd fraggin' dance the jig.

Since this isn't gonna happen, I don't have to worry about that.

Prime 4 isn't going to happen, maybe, but the next Metroid game will be announced. All signs are pointing to it. I even just remembered how Reggie wore a Metroid pin in that video not too long ago. It's happening, but I think it'll be a 2.5D game.


But seriously, the win/loss narrative is silly. Today was a fucking gargantuan event for people who like games. If you just like games, tomorrow will deliver as well.

Ehh... to be honest, unless you have serious nostalgia/attachment for TLG and FFVII and Shenmue 3 (all of these titles are pinned on nostalgia)... you'd have the same reaction as Jeff did on GB and as I am having now.

It's all dubious pie-in-sky bullshit. They announced so little that actually exists...


Lol all this sony talk, so silly.

Anyway looking forward to see more of Star Fox, and hopefully some other nice goodies on WiiU/3DS. Be nice to see a release window for Fatal Frame WiiU too.

I don't even think they will mention Star Fox tomorrow let alone much else.
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