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Nintendo has been causing me so much frustration lately...


I would usually be really excited for their products and services, but how they handle things are just worrying me. I have difficulty in acquiring their products and it is just not simple for me as a consumer. Right now the biggest problems I have with Nintendo are:

1. Product marketing.

Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo DS, New Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, Wii U pad, Wii Remotes, Wii Remote Plus accessory.
This may be simple to the trained and well versed gamer, but to the parent who has to buy this for their kids is an absolute nightmare. I know cause I work in retail.
You don't know how many customers I get in which I have to explain the differences. If customers can't gasp the concept in several seconds then it’s a bad way in simplicity.

Seeing a customer hold a copy of New Super Mario Bros DS and Super Mario 3D Land in their hand in complete confusion was unsettling. I don't blame the everyday consumer at all, it's just the marketing. They were like "What's new about it? Is this an old game?"
I had to explain to them that one was a 2D platformer and that the other was 3D in which they replied, "Like the old classic one".

Another example was when a parent was asking for Mario Kart 8 for 3DS after he saw Mario Kart 7 available for that system.
Or another instance of finding Super Mario 3D World for the Nintendo 3DS. Uhhgg...

Apple seems to keep their product line simple with Generation 1 iPod Touch, Generation 2 iPod Touch, Generation 3…etc.
Sony keeps it Simple with Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, etc…

2. Not meeting consumer demand.

Gamecube controller adapters, rare amiibos, Majora's Mask 3DS CE, New Nintendo 3DS XL CE, etc.
You have preorders at retailers getting cancelled. Well known amiibos from awesome Nintendo franchises are being shunned to extremely low production counts to the point that each store barely gets 1. Scalpers are taking advantage of this and pissed off Nintendo fans are complaining. We see articles, blogs, death threats, videos, comics, critique, etc all reporting on Nintendo's stumbles. Nintendo issued a VERY late apology in hopes of rectifying their mistakes, but will probably see little to no change as they previously blamed the port strike for the amiibo shortage which had virtually little to no impact at all. So taking Nintendo seriously is out of the question.
Gamecube controller adapters trickle down to retailers but order windows are up for around 2 hours before being sold out.

NWC: This Amiibo Situation is Unacceptable


If Nintendo doesn't work hard to fix their amiibo stock issue the market will gladly solve this for them with the Maxlander NFC Backup tool.

3. Their online services still suck.

Whenever I hop on Smash Bros Online it pairs me with someone with terrible connection. There is no preview option like Street Fighter in which you can accept to fight that player based on their internet connection. And to have this ranked as well feels annoying. It's lag delay and constant stutters. Local will always be better than online.

I remember playing Mario Kart 7 for 3DS online I won the match and got in first place. I was waiting for the other players to finish the match. Rather than having a timer I got the circle loading animation. I patiently waited for 20min. My patience would get weary and I would go to the home screen. I close the app and open it again. Game corruption. Not only did my online data was corrupted so was my single player stuff. I immediately threw my cart at the wall as hours of progress gone. I never played this game again.

4. Their account system is still terrible.

It's not like an iPod where you can log onto multiple devices, no, you have to do system transfers. If your storage is full and you want to redeem a game code you won't be able to until you free up that space. You simply can't redeem the code and store it into your account for downloading later. You have to have the available space now for it to accept your digital game code. Also you can't download from your computer as it installs on your system.
I know Nintendo isn't a dedicated tech company like Microsoft that has this feature, and I think Sony has this too for their PS4. But man Nintendo is lagging behind.

5. Third Party companies are skipping out on the Wii U.

They would rather jump on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. For most gamers they either have 2/3 consoles anyway. But Nintendo will likely repeat this mistake again come next gen. Then again who really wants to play Mass Effect 3, Watch Dogs, Batman Arkham Asylum on Wii U, they don’t even support the DLC and the online population is laughable. Hell Zombie U got no investment return when they made the game for the system.

6. Still no region free despite the competition.

Microsoft is doing it. Sony is doing it. Nintendo isn’t, Fuck you.

7. Controller options are not simple. It is confusing.

When you turn on the Wii U, the only controllers operational for the system is natively the Wii U pad, the Wii U Pro Controller, and the Wii Remote (if you point at it). Other options like the Gamecube controller isn’t. You cannot play virtual console games with the Gamecube controller despite the superior ergonomics it has over the Wii U Pro controller. A the primary button is emphasized and easy to reach. The Wii U Pro controllers has its issues especially with the right symmetrical analog stick.

It would be fantastic to play Super Mario 64 on the Wii U virtual console or any virtual console game with the Gamecube controller but alas you can’t.
Hell you can’t even play Super Smash Bros. For Wii U Masterpiece demos with the gamecube controller. You have to play controller roulette and constantly switch.
You can’t even connect a gamecube adapter and play Super Smash Bros Brawl with it either in the Wii Menu option of the Wii U. Very disappointing Nintendo.

8. Wii u has no gamecube backwards compatibility despite that it is possible.

Another fuck you to Nintendo. I’ll have to keep my past systems close by.

9. It's dependent on amiibo as a platform.


On the positive side, I think it's awesome to have Nintendo figurines with NFC support. It's that short lived gimmick similar to AR Cards and eReader cards. You can unlock cool little puzzles like in Toad's Treasure Tracker.

On the negative side, characters are still in short supply. Seeing tons of Rosalinas and Lucinas are out of the question. These things are fetching high prices from scalpers. Nintendo wants to rectify this, maybe in another 2 years they will be able to catch up with demand, but I doubt it by their previous track record.

It's really expensive horse armor.

10. No Nintendo stores in key locations.

There needs to be a Nintendo store in the heart of downtown Toronto.

Perhaps I expect a lot from them, but it's not rocket science and Nintendo fans are pissed.
My only beef with Nintendo is that there is nothing announced for the Wii U this year that excites me. Hoping E3 reveals that the new Star Fox game is way bigger than what I am expecting it to be.


#8 is unfair to Nintendo. GC was 2 gens ago. the Wii U has Wii BC.
MS and Sony don't even have BC with last gen.


They're pissing me off too. A week ago I thought about importing Xenoblade Chronicles X, but NOPE, I remembered I gotta import a Japanese Wii U if I want to play it early!


Unconfirmed Member

Yeah, it's pretty bad. Hard enough dealing with the amiibo madness.


Backwards compatibility is one aspect where they have the PS4 and the Xbox One beat, and you dock points off because they don't go two generations back? Come on. Your other points are understandable though.


Another example was when a parent was asking for Mario Kart 8 for 3DS after he saw Mario Kart 7 available for that system.

Apple seems to keep their product line simple with Generation 1 iPod Touch, Generation 2 iPod Touch, Generation 3…etc.
Sony keeps it Simple with Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, etc…

I've been frustrated with Nintendo at times in the past, but not recently. Aside from the lack of big Wii U games until Splatoon, they've been keeping me pretty happy.

Also, you have some strange complaints.
Sony did with the first gen PS3.
For a year or two to be fair.

But do all of these things bother people? I see people rail on Nintendo for marketing, but on a level that would affect you, I think it's a non issue. I can get being upset by not meeting consumer demand and the account system, but marketing? C'mon
I imagine Wii U can't read gamecube discs and would need to load the file digitally. They just got around to doing that with Wii games on the Wii U eshop, so maybe it'll come?
GBA games are also playable on the 3DS, but 3DS doesn't have GBA BC because it lacks the port.
Seeing as they are the only ones to put BC in their current console, it's not so bad
I would love a Nintendo World store in more locations, one of my favorite places to go when I visit New York every couple of years.
Don't really mind the control thing either. The gamepad is great for navigating menus and the pro controller is amazing for everything else and it's usually not confusing.
Haven't really felt the need to import any japanese games, not sure there are any outside of DQ X which is a japanese MMO so that's no good for me. But yeah, next time they should go region free.
The account system hasn't given me any issues yet. Shares a wallet, haven't lost any of my games thus far and a new system is coming later this year.
The customer demand thing sucks for me, but it's because they are selling very well, but hopefully it's addressed (they did say they are working on it)


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
1. who cares
2. save your money
3. calm down
4. sure
5. time to cope
6. after #2, buy a japanese 3DS
7. you asked for it
8. who cares
9. no
10. boo-hoo
Honestly I'm happy. They make the most of the types of games I enjoy. Yeah region-free should happen and more stock would be great.

A customer asking for 3D World on 3DS is like asking for Uncharted 3 on Vita because there was an Uncharted game on that system.

Support for the Gamecube would require a disc drive that could read discs that haven't been made since 2006.

The Wii U already supports three controllers natively as you said. Including one from the last generation. The Gamecube controller was produced for years, requires a separate accessory and doesn't have a home key to access standby features.

Third-parties left at the the end of the Gamecube. It's not worth the cost to Nintendo to pay for them to come back when they could never get all of them.

They don't overship stuff so they don't lose money. So while other games go down to $20 in a few months Nintendo stuff retains value.
Their horrible online infrastructure and bad pricing is what's been driving me away from the Nintendo systems I have. I know the former is to be improved with their partnership with DeNA but I'm not sure about the latter.
Just play the great games that Wii U have, and problem solved. Is no that hard.... Did you really have a Wii U? Give me your NinID to play Splatoon tonight.


There's a lot of things to criticize Nintendo for, but it's definitely not native BC. They've done good by that for the last two gens while MS and Sony have pretty much dropped the ball on that one. So yeah, I think you can safely direct that Fuck you back to yourself or to Sony or Microsoft or whoever, because Nintendo really doesn't deserve that venom.

Now, a lot of the other things I concur with. The way in which you express yourself makes me roll my eyes a bit, but I can agree with a lot of your frustrations.


10. No Nintendo stores in key locations.

There needs to be a Nintendo store in the heart of downtown Toronto.

Absolutely agree with this point for purely selfish reasons.

Everything else...I mean, what else can you do except vote with your wallet? I hate that advice too, because I desperately wish I could direct my funding of Nintendo business ventures exclusively in putting out a better online infrastructure, or in the case of EA exclusively towards not butchering Battlefront.

At least they're making steps in the right direction. Hopefully they can get it right with NX.
Apple seems to keep their product line simple with Generation 1 iPod Touch, Generation 2 iPod Touch, Generation 3…etc.

I remember when I bought an iPad 3 it was called "The New iPad" and nothing else, it wouldn't be the iPad 3 until the 4 came out.

I remember going to the store and looking at it and wondering what the heck it even was, I thought it was just a bigger iPad 2 or something. I knew nothing of Apple devices but wanted an iPad. The sales person had no idea what it was either, just that it was "new" so I ended up getting that one.


There's a lot of things to criticize Nintendo for, but it's definitely not native BC. They've done good by that for the last two gens while MS and Sony have pretty much dropped the ball on that one. So yeah, I think you can safely direct that Fuck you back to yourself or to Sony or Microsoft of whoever, because Nintendo really doesn't deserve that venom.

Now, a lot of the other things I concur with the. The way in which you express yourself makes me roll my eyes a bit, but I can agree with a lot of your frustrations.
"But other people do it worse!" is such a stupid argument.


Nintendo doesn't 'get' anything outside their office walls. They live in a total vacuum. It doesn't stop them from making great games, but it completely stops them from understanding what people actually want or expect out of technology products in 2015.

What's stopping you from modding your Wii U to play Gamecube games on it?

Why should anyone ever need to do this in the first place? It's like making a house with 3 bedrooms, but having the 3rd bedroom be in the middle of the house with no windows or doors leading to it, literally no way of actually using it. Why should I have to break down the wall to use this room?


For a year or two to be fair.

But do all of these things bother people? I see people rail on Nintendo for marketing, but on a level that would affect you, I think it's a non issue. I can get being upset by not meeting consumer demand and the account system, but marketing? C'mon

To be fair, ALL PS3's could still play PSOne games, even after PS2 support was taken out.
#8 is unfair to Nintendo. GC was 2 gens ago. the Wii U has Wii BC.
MS and Sony don't even have BC with last gen.

#10 isn't fair either. Do you really think Nintendo is profitable enough to open up their own retail outlets across the country? Other than that, I can't say I disagree with the rest of the list.

Nintendo doesn't 'get' anything outside their office walls. They live in a total vacuum. It doesn't stop them from making great games, but it completely stops them from understanding what people actually want or expect out of technology products in 2015.
Yep. They still make the best games in the industry, but in this day and age that isn't enough.


Yeah they have a lot of work to do as far as getting with the times that probably won't see leaps and bounds until their next system (hopefully).

Honestly though I've been pretty happy with the few games I have on it now and look forward to many more coming out. If it's really causing that much strife to make an exasperating thread maybe you should sell it...
From the sounds of it, 3 & 4 could be fixed by the end of this year for both Wii U and 3DS if their DENA plans are implemented.

For #7, I actually like all the options, the main problem is that they can't seem to sell the idea of the main controller method of the Wii U, the Gamepad. They can't/won't use multiple Gamepads for their games which in turn forces people into using other controllers at the same time with games that also support the Gamepad leading to the mess you refer to. Nintendo needs to have a simple controller that is still able to innovate while also being able to do similar control method of the competition, and they shot themselves in the foot with the current Gamepad.
Could they not have designed the system to read GC discs? It's THEIR proprietary software after all.

Of course they could've designed the system with two previous generations in mind, including the old controller and memory card inputs, but the OP is suggesting Nintendo are arbitrarily limiting it.


They have a lot of problems, like most in this industry right now, but they're giving a quality experience to gamers and managing to run a business out of that, so they're at least doing something right.


Online play is quite good actually, or at least the quality of online play. Smash and Mario Kart in particular often have pretty stable connections and play smoothly online. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't make it all bad all the time for everyone.


I guess the only thing they are working on correcting from what you listed are online accounts with DeNA. Otherwise I agree with your points for the most part. Hopefully they correct everything else with NX, but I'm not sure how third parties will act even if Nintendo cater this new console to their needs.
Yup, I still have all my PS1 games physically.

PS3 lets you create digital memory cards for the games, too.

I've been at odds with Nintendo recently, but I'm sure as shit in for Splatoon.
You'd think I'd remember that since I still have my launch PS3 :-/


Yep, Nintendo gonna Nintendo. I can already hear the gears of Nintendogaf starting to turn getting ready to make nonsense of this thread, though.
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