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Nintendo has been causing me so much frustration lately...

I would usually be really excited for their products and services, but how they handle things are just worrying me. I have difficulty in acquiring their products and it is just not simple for me as a consumer. Right now the biggest problems I have with Nintendo are:

1. Product marketing.

2. Not meeting consumer demand.

3. Their online services still suck.

4. Their account system is still terrible.

5. Third Party companies are skipping out on the Wii U.

6. Still no region free despite the competition.

7. Controller options are not simple. It is confusing.

8. Wii u has no gamecube backwards compatibility despite that it is possible.

9. It's dependent on amiibo as a platform.

10. No Nintendo stores in key locations.

Perhaps I expect a lot from them, but it's not rocket science and Nintendo fans are pissed.

1. The marketing sucks but these aren't old systems, people can use the internet, it's an incredibly easy problem for consumers who care to solve. If it's just parents, that's really more your problem than theirs, it's your job to explain it to them and it's not hard, the boxes say what controllers are supported.

2. Limited and Collectors editions are limited? Who would of thought.

3. Online experience varies, I've had problems with Nintendo's various games online at one time or another. It still works the majority of the time. They could be better though.

4. Yup blows.

5. This is nothing new, how this is even a "lately" thing is so laughable, where have you been son?

6. Yup blows.

7. Controller options are pretty simple. The gamepad is the main controller, use that for every game and you're fine. Every other supported controller is just extra. And really, using all the controllers I amassed last gen is really useful so I don't have to go out and spend 100s on new shit.

8. Why bother with the Cube, no new games are sold at retail and it's been more than 14 years, get the fuck over it.

9. They don't wanna over produce and have it sit on the shelf. Makes sense, if you want it get on the bus and pre order quickly. They seem to be working to produce more though and the cards with the amiibo data will solve this issue anyway.

10. Are you serious? This is a complaint? And Toronto is only 3 million people, it's not even a particularly necessary to have an entire Nintendo store downtown.
Therefore what? You don't care that it means something to other people? That's a really nasty attitude to have, and not an actual justification.

I mean, I guess it's possible that this is true for niche games like Rodea, but I'd have to be given something more substantial than a hypothesis to even bend in that regard. I don't think the Wii/Wii U being region free would have caused a "high import" scene with Rodea personally.

When I think region lock, I think of the fact that as a NA resident, I still can't play Disaster: Day of Crisis or Another Code: R. I think of the fact that EU people had to wait over a year for SMT IV to appear. I think of the fact that I'm going to be importing Persona 4: Dancing from JPN to play on my NA Vita. I think of the people who live in areas with absurd markups who'd rather get them elsewhere. I think of the multilingual people who'd like to play a game from another country.
"Nasty attitude" it just doesnt affect me like that its not a nasty attitude. Im not going to fake like it does cause it doesnt. I have to be blunt.
"Nasty attitude" it just doesnt affect me like that its not a nasty attitude. Im not going to fake like it does cause it doesnt. I have to be blunt.
It is a nasty attitude because you're dismissing a problem with "I don't care." That's not an argument. That's not a justification for corporate policies.

The fact that you don't want a region free console doesn't justify the fact that the Wii U/3DS is not region free and that there are people who do want a region free console. Then of course you and foxuzamaki are acting as though region free only matters to people who are multilingual, which is just ridiculous.


1. Product marketing.

Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo DS, New Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, Wii U pad, Wii Remotes, Wii Remote Plus accessory.
This may be simple to the trained and well versed gamer, but to the parent who has to buy this for their kids is an absolute nightmare. I know cause I work in retail.
You don't know how many customers I get in which I have to explain the differences. If customers can't gasp the concept in several seconds then it’s a bad way in simplicity.

Seeing a customer hold a copy of New Super Mario Bros DS and Super Mario 3D Land in their hand in complete confusion was unsettling. I don't blame the everyday consumer at all, it's just the marketing. They were like "What's new about it? Is this an old game?"
I had to explain to them that one was a 2D platformer and that the other was 3D in which they replied, "Like the old classic one".
Heh, Mario 3D Land came out around the time 3D Tv's were the talk and I thought maybe you needed a 3D capable Tv to play the game or something. And I'm on Neogaf 0_o


I love Nintendo for their library but I cannot disagree with a single thing the OP has stated. They make quality stuff, but they haven't streamlined what they had to be simple in any manner. They need to step up in many areas.


I think 8, 9, and 10 are stretching a little but I completely agree with all of the other points. I have so many options as a gamer and only so much time these days that I'm not going to settle for less just because it's Nintendo any more, They can either stop being stubborn with their archaic practices or I'll gladly spend my money elsewhere.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I do think some of these points are overstating things. For example, there's only one Mario Kart a system. And the Wii and DS are about as relevant to current Nintendo as the Ouya.

It is also weird to moan about too many control options / marketing confusion and then demand to use a last-last-gen controller to play everything instead.
1. Marketing It's a mixture of being aimed at children, not parents and something being lost in translation.

2. Supply and Demand. They under supply to keep their prices high.

3. Online. Minimal support to stay kids friendly and reduce their costs.

4. DRM. I'm still amazed that they let you download games. They must have been worried about phone sales.

5. Third party support. They figured a long time ago that third party sales compete with first party sales.

6. Region Free. They don't want importers to funnel sales from a large margin country to a thin margin country.

I could continue, but the summary is that they position themselves uniquely so that they operate in a niche in which they have no competition. It was critical for them to secure the Monster Hunter license with Capcom so that they don't have to compete with the Vita.

I only hope they go back to making things that are more sturdy and forget about the 3D thing completely. As it is, I don't see their products as something I could buy for my grandchildren.


Unconfirmed Member
I do think some of these points are overstating things. For example, there's only one Mario Kart a system. And the Wii and DS are about as relevant to current Nintendo as the Ouya.

It is also weird to moan about too many control options / marketing confusion and then demand to use a last-last-gen controller to play everything instead.

One mario kart a system isn't really a common knowledge unless you're really into Nintendo games to begin with, and the Wii is still more relevant to the general public than the Wii U is. It doesn't matter what Nintendo thinks the Wii's relevancy should be.
It is a nasty attitude because you're dismissing a problem with "I don't care." That's not an argument. That's not a justification for corporate policies.

The fact that you don't want a region free console doesn't justify the fact that the Wii U/3DS is not region free and that there are people who do want a region free console. Then of course you and foxuzamaki are acting as though region free only matters to people who are multilingual, which is just ridiculous.
You dont understand. Someone who may not be affected will not jump hoops to appear they feel affected. It is a policy I know other people than myself dont sit right with but for myself I cannot care at this moment: Its a nasty attitude to force someone to feel a certain way sometimes there are some people who just dont get phased. The only thing im justifying is myself dont make this seem like something its not.
Yeah a lot of people are still out of the loop about Nintendo devices. Had a friend come in and saw my Wii U game pad lying around and asked if that was the new ds.
6. Region Free. They don't want importers to funnel sales from a large margin country to a thin margin country.
Why is it that Microsoft and Sony don't care?
You dont understand. Someone who may not be affected will not jump hoops to appear they feel affected. It is a policy I know other people than myself dont sit right with but for myself I cannot care at this moment: Its a nasty attitude to force someone to feel a certain way sometimes there are some people who just dont get phased. The only thing im justifying is myself dont make this seem like something its not.
So you just lack empathy and don't care that other people are affected. You are 100% self-absorbed and don't care about negative policies so long as the negative policy doesn't make an impact on your life. Cool. I'll remember that.


OP, you got to treat Nintendo like what they are, a boutique software company that charges premium pricing for what they offer via a hardware paywall. They make shit hardware. This has been true for over a decade now. They're regressive protectionists. True for even longer.

Do not buy Nintendo hardware day one. Buy it when you feel the software available and the price converge at a junction of irresistible value. I bought my Wii U when I knew I could do the following:
1. Get a Wii U refurb for a little over $200 from Nintendo directly
2. Get Mario Kart with a free game code.
3. Use a B2G1 at Target to buy four copies of said Mario Kart to get all the free game codes, trading the games to Best Buy for credit I then used to buy a pro controller and other desired accessories.
4. Use Wii U Deluxe promo credit earned with those game codes to get Shovel Knight for free.
5. Used the same B2G1 and clearances to get ZombiU, W101, Rayman Legends, Lego City, Mario 3D World, etc. for very good pricing.
6. Pre-ordered Bayonetta 2 with an exact release date that was actually going to be met, not a promised quarterly window.

I don't regret it at all, but I also recognize it as being in a close race for my #3 system (PS4/PC battling for 1/2, Wii U battling with Vita for 3/4). If you buy a Nintendo console thinking they're going to provide you nothing more than really good first party software a few times a year and being pleasantly surprised when anything worthwhile outside of that (indies, good value on the back catalog, good 3rd party content) shows up it's an enjoyable experience.

If instead you go in thinking they're actually even able let alone willing to compete with Sony and Microsoft for the premier gaming console, well, you're just fooling yourself.
Latest Nintendo frustration: NoA not releasing Yoshi's Woolly World this summer because their marketing/financial people want the focus on Splatoon.

If WiiU was region free, I'd import Yoshi from Europe to play in June in a heartbeat.


Neo Member
The Apple comparison is kinda off. The iPad didn't have Generation 3 as official name for the device, you can only find out if you read the small print on the back. iPod nano, touch and regular is also not such a great example compared to 3ds 3ds xl and 2ds.


It's not unfair.

Correct me if I am wrong but outside of the PS3 being able to play PS1 games isn't there any other home console ever that could play game discs/cartridges from two generations ago.

Wii-U is the only current gen console that can play last gen games discs. That has to count for something
So you just lack empathy and don't care that other people are affected. You are 100% self-absorbed and don't care about negative policies so long as the negative policy doesn't make an impact on your life. Cool. I'll remember that.
Keep on thinking what you want man. What you just said sounds much harsher than anything videogame related.


Why Microsoft and Sony don't care?
I never really understood this...

There was a time where Nintendo was region-free for portables (and virtually region-free for home consoles*) when others had strict region-locking. The argument was that 3rd-party were complaining, and Nintendo managed to get region-free on portables because of their near-monopoly.

Now, I don't understand anymore...

(* when it's a matter of plastic shape for the cart or a single resistor on the GC main board, it's virtually not locked)


It's not unfair.
Does the GC compatibility really warrant a price increase?

I mean, they removed GC BC from late Wiis because they had trouble sourcing DVD drives that could handle smaller discs, and because they could get rid of GC pad ports. They wouldn't make a U-turn on Wii U on this...


Wii-U is the only current gen console that can play last gen games discs. That has to count for something
Last gen game discs AND digital games too. Even more ironic, considering "lol Nintendo accounts".


In general, I get the frustrations with Nintendo. Same as the other companies still make some weird-ass decisions, but nothing to get actually frustrated or just pointing at them (heck, the PS4 doesn't allow you to use external USB, something the Wii U allowed since launch and the Xbox One allowed months ago; for example). So they all have things to get frustrated over.

Yet, it also depends on how you handle them. After all, it's supposed to be just a hobby.

-NoA sucked at delivering amiibo to stores: so I've been importing them.

-Not been able to use account across multiple systems: no problem at the moment since I only have a Wii U, 2DS and n3DS.

-Customers ignoring aspects and confused by names: well, having worked at retail you just explain them. (And this is not something exclusive to Nintendo and now, even in the 90s people went to stores to ask for Genesis games to play on SNES)

They still make amazing games. Nothing better than after working turning on the Wii U and play some Smash or 3D World.


Unconfirmed Member
Some of those don't matter.

I don't care what they name their products, I have no investment in Nintendo. I don't care about third party support either, at this point I don't expect third parties to care about any Nintendo platform. I'm going to have more than one platform anyway. I'll play Nintendo games on Nintendo hardware, and the rest somewhere else. Whatever neat third party games come out on Nintendo platforms that are at the same level of quality as something Nintendo puts out, I'll put my money there.

Their online and account system are annoying, but largely over exaggerated here on neogaf. It's more annoying than what Sony and MS have but it's not nearly as bad as people tend to make it seem.

Amiibo as an extract income source is incredibly smart for Nintendo.

In terms of not meeting demand, people tend to under estimate a lot of things when it goes into manufacturing goods and services. There's a lot of factors in play, which makes it hard for me to ever believe they're doing this on purpose. I believe other reasons more than artificial demand because that's a pretty stupid copout excuse.

So while I agree with some, I don't agree with the entirety. There's no reason to region lock anymore and their account system should be more convenient -- but that's about it.


Since I had the time figured I'd also do a point by point.

I would usually be really excited for their products and services, but how they handle things are just worrying me. I have difficulty in acquiring their products and it is just not simple for me as a consumer. Right now the biggest problems I have with Nintendo are:

1. Product marketing.
Who cares how Nintendo's marketing is doing? Nintendo clearly doesn't. Their lack of success is their problem. Are they giving you enough games to feel like you got good value for your money? If so good. If not, stop buying their products.

Stop viewing them as a team you root for and you'll stop caring about their marketing success or lack thereof.

2. Not meeting consumer demand.

This is intentional profit maximization. It has been a Nintendo practice for a long time. It is part of the deal. Accept it. They would rather fail to meet demand on a product every quarter year after year than be left overstocked and have to go out of pocket on something just once. The 3DS and Wii U both needing to be sold at a loss only furthered the notion of "leave them wanting more" from a physical goods standpoint.

3. Their online services still suck.

They're Nintendo. I'm pretty sure they only support online grudgingly at this point. They're focused on single player and community oriented games. Again, accept this. They aren't likely to change. It simply isn't something they care about.

4. Their account system is still terrible.

Absolutely, which is why you should more or less restrict yourself to buying physical copies of games and view digital copies as more like long term rentals a la PS+. Much like online I don't think Nintendo really cares to be good at this. They lack the technical expertise to execute it well, would need to hire more people and pay a lot of R&D money, and really, how much is it going to help their bottom line? They still get away with murder selling discrete 3DS, Wii, and Wii U copies of all their old games for exorbitant prices for the age of those games. Their core fans still lap them up. Why spend money to create a feature that has no real chance to pay for itself, let alone make money?

5. Third Party companies are skipping out on the Wii U.

This is a core element of what defines a Nintendo console. Has been for four generations now. You can't blame them for you still thinking they're ever going to try and change this.

6. Still no region free despite the competition.

Nintendo says "fuck you" for the same reasons as #2. They want to control product flow as much as possible to reduce inventory risks and maximize pricing and therefore profits. They are risk adverse. What you're asking for is them to take on more risk. Not going to happen.

7. Controller options are not simple. It is confusing.

Of course, they're trying to service a very fickle core audience. Those people will educate themselves while the younger audience will find a way to make whatever they pick up work. Nintendo gains nothing from streamlining this but exposes themselves to a lot of angst if they eliminate a control set that gets fanboys up in arms.

8. Wii u has no gamecube backwards compatibility despite that it is possible.

Ever think that the new disc drive isn't GD-rom compatible? It took serious R&D to develop a blue laser disc drive that didn't have problems with DVD when there was a huge need for it (legacy support of movies). That included early prototype configurations with dual laser chassis. Nintendo isn't going to foot the bill to R&D that into their new system when they can instead sell those games back to you a la Sony and Microsoft digitally. One costs a ton and makes no money, the other costs nothing and makes a ton of money. I wonder what the for profit company will choose?

9. It's dependent on amiibo as a platform.

I own zero amiibos and enjoy the system quite a lot. How is it dependent on them as a platform? You don't need EVERYTHING related to a game to enjoy that game OP. A lot of times all that extra stuff actually waters down the core experience. I'm sure Nintendo has avoided this but many pre-order bonuses for example take away the challenge from a game right out of the gate.

10. No Nintendo stores in key locations.

Again, very conservative company. How do you expect them to open up Nintendo stores all over the place when they only sell two hardware products, neither of which is lighting the world on fire? You're asking for a brick and mortar boutique from a boutique software company.

Perhaps I expect a lot from them, but it's not rocket science and Nintendo fans are pissed.
You expect way too much from them. They aren't Sony or MS. They aren't going to compete with them. They've dropped out of that race unless they luck into another Wii. Enjoy them for what they are, not the white knight of gaming you seem to think they should be.
1. Product marketing.
Agreed. Honestly though, Apple aren't much better these days.

2. Not meeting consumer demand.
This seems to be an American thing.

3. Their online services still suck.
I wouldn't go that far. Mario Kart 8 is solid and Splatoon ran beautifully during today's load test.

4. Their account system is still terrible.

6. Still no region free despite the competition.

7. Controller options are not simple. It is confusing.

At least there are options. You can't use PS3 pads on PS4 even though they are both bluetooth, for instance. Sony and Microsoft force you to buy all new accessories each gen - Nintendo lets you re-use some of the ones you may already have. I recommend you get an adapter that lets you plug the GameCube controller into the Wiimote and use it as a normal Classic Controller that way.

8. Wii u has no gamecube backwards compatibility despite that it is possible.

As with the above, Nintendo has to be commended for staying committed to BC while the rest have tossed it out like yesterday's trash. The 3DS is technically capable of running GBA games (Minish Cap Ambassador edition) natively, but does not have the slot for it. The solution is quite hacky, as are the methods that enable GC BC on Wii U. Physical BC was never feasible on either machine, but it would be nice to have it digitally. It's just not a matter of simply getting the game data and controller input in there.

I think you raise many solid points though.


To be fair, ALL PS3's could still play PSOne games, even after PS2 support was taken out.


I had no idea and I own my PS3 for aImost two years, thanks!
Nintendo's problem in a nutshell: fanboys and fangirls enabling them.

Yeah that guy gets it for sure: "buy a japanese 3DS"


Sure Nintendo do some things wrong but so do all three companies, at least their games are complete and functional from day 1. Which is one of the main reasons I get Nintendo consoles everything else is a bonus.

And please don't start with the fanboy pointing shit when someone's against your opinion.


I disagree with #3. To me, it works pretty well. But the most important thing, is that it's free. The day it stops being free, is the day I stop playing online on consoles :/
1. Product marketing.

They could obviously improve in some regards but I don't think that's a marketing problem and more of a branding one. Marketing is partially responsible for not making it evident what product is for which platform but to be fair, the way the products are currently branded that's easier said than done.

In terms of marketing material and gaining interest and showcasing new games and products I think Nintendo has been one of the better companies recently.

2. Not meeting consumer demand.

Yes this is an issue. They have acknowledged it and have promised to improve things in the future. That doesn't mean much, but they are aware of it and were apologetic.

3. Their online services still suck.

Their services could be more modern and streamlined. Friend codes... inability to set up lobbies easily with friends, jumping through dozens of hoops for simple operations are many of the things that Nintendo could improve but... I don't think all games are bad online as you suggest. Mario Kart 8, as an example, has been rock solid online for me, and regardless of how great your internet connection is, of course local multiplayer will always be better than online. That's just... common sense.

4. Their account system is still terrible.

Yes it is. That along with region locking, the online issues you mentioned and the ones I did make it an even worse matter.

5. Third Party companies are skipping out on the Wii U.

This is not entirely Nintendo's problem, I think they had a fairly strong third-party push on the system's release and gave third-parties a lot of room to breath and make money, but the appeal for the hardware just wasn't there and most of the software was available on other platforms, with better performance even in some cases.

As for why, you answered that yourself: "They would rather jump on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. (...) Hell Zombie U got no investment return when they made the game for the system."

6. Still no region free despite the competition.

Yep, this is an issue though I think Sony and Microsoft have a bit more leverage with third parties and Nintendo doesn't like to devaluate their products, for better or worse. Thankfully they usually are of very high quality.

7. Controller options are not simple. It is confusing.

This is the part where your arguments start falling apart. The controller options are as complex as you make them. You can have a very simple option and just use the normal controller, or you can use an alternative controller with some limitations, this is because the console was designed with the controller in mind.

While you may argue this is an issue, Nintendo provides much more support and backwards compatibility for their old accessories than any other of their competitors. This is one of the few things they have been doing better than them. It's a bit more confusing yes, but they didn't force you to go buy new Wiimote pluses when they launched the new console.

8. Wii u has no gamecube backwards compatibility despite that it is possible.

Yes it's technically possible, but this limitation is probably due to a licensing issue. I doubt publishers want people to be able to play their 10+ year old games, specially when they've been re-releasing or releasing HD versions of them on newer platforms.

Let's look at this in another light, Nintendo is the only company currently offering backwards compatibility with their gaming platforms.

9. It's dependent on amiibo as a platform.

While this is becoming more relevant with games like Splatoon... I don't really think most titles depend on Amiibo. You're exaggerating a bit.

10. No Nintendo stores in key locations.

I'm not an expert on this matter so I won't make ignorant guesses on whether or not this is bad for them or not.
And please don't start with the fanboy pointing shit when someone's against your opinion.
This isn't a matter of unfair fanboy pointing. You literally said that you will "turn a blind eye" to Nintendo's problems because their games are fun. That's not about opinions, that's about enabling a company's crappy practices because you're a fan.
I can't believe there are people in this thread actually defending region-locking.
As people say, there is a defense force for everything and anything
I'm still annoyed new 3DS don't come with chargers.
Get one off of Craigslist or get one from a friend



8. I don't have a Wii U in front of me, but assuming it has some kind of expansion port, couldn't they release what's essentially an external optical drive sized to, and capable of reading ONLY GCN discs, with some controller ports and memory card slots on it, like the GCN GB Player?


I didn't equate sales to anything. I just don't think Nintendo games are the "best in the industry". I find them pretty mediocre and boring these days. The only game on the Wii U so far that I truly enjoyed was Wind Waker HD. But that was probably because I loved the original. SM3DW and NSMBU were both borefests. Hell, I found all the NSMB games to be pretty dull compared to the original SMB games, that goes for 1 all the way through World.

Even the DKCR games are kinda boring after having played DK64. Going back to 2D DK games after 64 just wasn't as fun to me.
The thing is why aren't you accepting that the industry thinks Nintendo has some of the "best quality games"? I don't enjoy anything GTA related but I can understand why the industry loves them. I just don't get this mindset at all. It is a fact their games are quality.

Plus you stated the majority don't think they are the best because they aren't buying WiiUs for them...so...that's referencing sales=quality.


8. I don't have a Wii U in front of me, but assuming it has some kind of expansion port, couldn't they release what's essentially an external optical drive sized to, and capable of reading ONLY GCN discs, with some controller ports and memory card slots on it, like the GCN GB Player?

That would be way too big of a money-sink. It's best they just leave the GameCube stuff alone.

Everyone just go out and get the "Panasonic Q" GameCube instead.

This isn't a matter of unfair fanboy pointing. You literally said that you will "turn a blind eye" to Nintendo's problems because their games are fun. That's not about opinions, that's about enabling a company's crappy practices because you're a fan.


Crappy practices is releasing games that don't work at launch. Crappy Practices is day one's dlc. Crappy Practices is finding a way to fuck your loyal customers and drain their wallets to the last penny. Nintendos problems are not crappy practices, it's not them shoving a middle finger to its fans, its them in their bubble, falling behind in time. And the WiiU is the needle that popped that bubble (Hopefully)

That's why I can be forgiving to them, cause I don't think its intentional they want to have a bad account system or have a shaky internet just to screw with their fanbase.

And in the end their pros still outweigh their cons.
This isn't a matter of unfair fanboy pointing. You literally said that you will "turn a blind eye" to Nintendo's problems because their games are fun. That's not about opinions, that's about enabling a company's crappy practices because you're a fan.

As people say, there is a defense force for everything and anything

Get one off of Craigslist or get one from a friend

Nobody enabling anything not everyone cares so much as others do. A huge part of Nintendo's fanbase are kids dude. They probably dont even know what region locking is. Other people like myself are simply indifferent. Its sad you cant understand that.
I agree that the controllers are confusing as fuck.

There's like six different classic controllers and you have to look at a grid to see which ones support which games.

And on top of it they all lack features like analog shoulder buttons.

And the pricing is an insult.

And why can't they add fucking GameCube controller support.

I also agree that all the mario games are hard to keep track of.

I can't remember if I own new super Mario bros 2 and at this point I'm scared to ask
I agree that the controllers are confusing as fuck.

There's like six different classic controllers and you have to look at a grid to see which ones support which games.

And on top of it they all lack features like analog shoulder buttons.

And the pricing is an insult.

And why can't they add fucking GameCube controller support.

I also agree that all the mario games are hard to keep track of.

I can't remember if I own new super Mario bros 2 and at this point I'm scared to ask
Is it the one where you collect the coins?
There was another thread like this recently...

  1. Amiibo avalability is ass
  2. Have to Import Consoles due to Region Locking
  3. Had to Import a New3DS and mod it, just to enjoy customizing faceplates
  4. Had to hack my Wii to enjoy gamecube games
  5. Nintendo's Homebrew community has better support than Nintendo does
  6. No Star Fox No Metroid, F-Zero is dead.

Oh and lasty they are ruining their opportunity with the eshop... We need a global account with access to all our purchases. Why are you making me buy games a second time just because I'm on Wii U?


So OP, I think that using the wii u as your main console could lead to agree to many of your points.
Fact is that since the GC I use the N boxes as secondary console.
So the lack of basic modern console features and big third party games doesn't bother me too much, what was wrong was the price for me way too high for what i perceive the value of the wii u is.

Now as a parent, the wii u has been the perfect secondary console, my children love it, i know that buying whatever N i get a perfectly polished game with a content suited for them and here and there is a great game for me too.
And i much prefer them to play a N game than feed them some ftp tablet game.
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