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Nintendo has been causing me so much frustration lately...


I'm usually pretty mellow about the way they handle things, but I've run into my first problem with them. They won't allow me to use a partitioned HDD with the Wii U. I can partition my HDD and use it interchangeably with my PC and 360, so why can't I do the same for the Wii U? I'd love a single HDD for my gaming content rather than multiple ones. It's much easier to manage.


I'm usually pretty mellow about the way they handle things, but I've run into my first problem with them. They won't allow me to use a partitioned HDD with the Wii U. I can partition my HDD and use it interchangeably with my PC and 360, so why can't I do the same for the Wii U? I'd love a single HDD for my gaming content rather than multiple ones. It's much easier to manage.

I think it might have something to do with the file system thw Wii U uses. (exFAT for instance is Microsoft owned)

Fox Mulder

The WiiU is probably the last console I buy from them. They're super frustrating, and NoA is a shitty puppet division that comes off as cheap and incompetent.
Hyperbole in almost every point.

When you work at retail and can not explain the difference between the systems... By the way you are still selling DS games and DS handhelds (must be almost the last shop worldwide selling these old things) or did you just added that to make the list more impressive?

So someone asks for Mario Kart 8 for 3ds? Why is this a problem (or worth mentioning)? Are you not able to tell him that MK7 is a 3DS game and MK8 a Wii U game?

You are angry because Wii U is not compatible with GC games? Is this some kind of joke? Do you really think a console should support all its successors? The price and size of the console would rise when they had to implement all the GC ports. At least Wii U could play Wii games. No one if the other consoles can play games if its predecessor.

Game corruption because of bad online service. And you have ALWAYS lags with Smash Bros. Very, very bad luck it seems. Almost impossible bad luck.

> "Then again who really wants to play Mass Effect 3, Watch Dogs, Batman Arkham Asylum on Wii U, they don’t even support the DLC" <

This seems part of the problem. The third parties did not even try it with Wii U. Mostly only half assed efforts. I think ZombiU is a great game but it only got lala reviews for a reason. It sold good for what it was, but this was obviously not enough for Ubisoft.

Your only really valid points: The amiibo handling could be better. And region locking is unnecessary.


Op, I feel like I'm in your situation for a lot of aspects. I fell out of love with Nintendo over time, gradually soured on their hardware and decisions over time, and became less enamored with their newer titles in established franchises.

The number of people either shrugging off the legitimate complaints put forth, or outright defending them, is really unfortunate. Hold all developers accountable, folks. If you love their products, do what you can to make them better themselves as a platform too.

That goes for any company. Some of the defense here reads like some of the blind defense of Apple I've heard in our stores. Just because you like the games they make doesn't free them from criticism, and if you can't contribute anything except mocking the op, just don't bother.

Red Devil

The number of people either shrugging off the legitimate complaints put forth, or outright defending them, is really unfortunate. Hold all developers accountable, folks. If you love their products, do what you can to make them better themselves as a platform too.

Sure, but he had to add that number 10, it looked like somebody legitimately frustrated until that, now it looks like a joke.


Given the feact that it formats the entire hard drive, I'm led to believe that Nintendo might be using their own proprietary file system, but who knows.
You can use your own file system on a disk that has partitions (you just reformat the partition). That being said, it's far more complex than it's useful, and the complexity can also be troubles for users "hey, your disk has partitions, which one do you want to erase to create the Wii U partition? Or the whole disk?"

Some valid points in the list, but I think many are a bit forced. Especially the GC compatibility, it would have cost a lot to include a drive that can read 8cm discs, 4 GC pad ports (because a lot of games can't be played on anything else than the original GC pads), and possibly memory card slots (although those can be emulated). The "it can be done by homebrew" isn't an argument, since it avoids all the problems and solve none of them.


For me it's not so much frustration as it is fear. As of now Nintendo is still releasing quality titles, but I'm just afraid they'll start following the leaders too much and become too contemporary. I hope it's all unfounded, but it's very much nagging me. Still though if they keep doing what they do best (making games) I'll be just fine.
Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo DS, New Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, Wii U pad, Wii Remotes, Wii Remote Plus accessory.
This may be simple to the trained and well versed gamer, but to the parent who has to buy this for their kids is an absolute nightmare. I know cause I work in retail.
You don't know how many customers I get in which I have to explain the differences. If customers can't gasp the concept in several seconds then it&#8217;s a bad way in simplicity.

Seeing a customer hold a copy of New Super Mario Bros DS and Super Mario 3D Land in their hand in complete confusion was unsettling. I don't blame the everyday consumer at all, it's just the marketing. They were like "What's new about it? Is this an old game?"
I had to explain to them that one was a 2D platformer and that the other was 3D in which they replied, "Like the old classic one".

That's less Nintendo not doing its job and more people not looking at the labels. You can't blame Nintendo because you can't stand to explain things to people not actually looking at things. If a customer is actively confused about any game without actually looking at the box and we're they're at at a gamestore, that's their own fault and you're doing your job to inform them. I've seen parents try to get PS4 games for their kid's PS3s, does that make Sony idiotic? No. But I inform.


Nope, you thought wrongly. I think Nintendo is doing a great job with backwards compatibility. What I don't like is people deflecting arguments towards another party just because they do things worse. My post was simply a general statement.
Then I apologize for misconstruing your intentions.
Though I still think they made a valid point for bringing it up at all in this case because the console makers are still influenced by each other in design decisions.
And if Nintendo walks to the beat of their own drum, it is a unique value proposition that they have whether it has proven beneficial or not.


They do everything wrong...

...except they make amazing games, you don't want to put down and will remember fondly, forever.

So...yeah. They have room for massive improvement, but if I could choose just one area to get right, I'd choose games.

I really don't get this. I've had the WiiU since launch and I have most of their big first party games. And I can't say any of them were "amazing". Not NSMB, 3DWorld, DKCR:TF, Mario Kart or Smash. I was certainly able to put them down after playing them for a while and forgot about them pretty quickly.

The last time I felt that way about Nintendo and their games was back on the Gamecube. There were games on that and all their systems before that I really couldn't put down and never forget. Hell, even now, I've been playing DK64 nonstop since it came out on VC. Those are the amazing and unforgettable games. Games that I couldn't wait to get back to when I had to stop. I haven't had that feeling with their games on the Wii U or even the Wii. And I definitely can't agree that their games are still the "best in the industry."

And it looks like the public at large agrees, they certainly aren't buying WiiUs to play these so-called "amazing" and "best in the industry" games.


Problem is that they haven't hit rock bottom and aren't struggling. 3DS is keeping them in the game, and amiibo is going to make them more money than they know what to do with...


Amiibos are like $10 a pop, they've sold 10 million = $100 000 000. After retail cut, shipping, production costs, etc. their take is $30-40 million at best. Amiibo is profitable, but hardly a 'more money than they know what to do with' cash cow.
I love their output, but there's two things that I find inexplicably stupid in recent memory:

1. Not releasing the regular New 3DS in North America. After years of waiting for a DS Lite or DSi style upgrade (you know, because of the screen scratching problem they never bothered to fix) Nintendo finally came out with a sleeker unit with bunch of sensible improvements. Then it releases region by region as expected before the sudden and completely baffling revelation that it will not be released alongside the XL in their largest market. Fuck you NoA, I don't want a more expensive bulkier XL with poor pixel density. I've never wanted an XL.

This actually pissed me off enough that I haven't bought any retail 3DS games since the awkward non-announcement. Every explanation I've heard whether from Nintendo or from armchair analysts has been nonsensical and belabored. It's an obscenely dumb decision no matter how you slice it. And naturally, the system isn't region free, so even if I wanted to pay a premium and import the damn thing I'd be tethered to another region/language. Thanks! Did I mention in spite of all this they're still distributing the 2DS? The fucking 2DS. :p

2. Games disappearing after a while on the market. When you've got used copies of games inside of the current generation going for more than MSRP on auction sites it's called a missed opportunity. It means there is still at least some demand for your damn software. Want that game? Hope you like being tethered to digital with a limiting and inflexible account system on hardware that comes with a thimble sized hard drive. Have fun with that bulky external drive, because they sure as hell don't support SD cards, even though you could easily triple your "deluxe" Wii U's capacity with a cheap one.

The other part of this that makes me so incredulous is that it's active sabotage for a system that needs every edge it can get. You're not exactly inspiring late adopters if they know half the physical games they want are disproportionately expensive and only available through second hand online sources. What's the point in the strategy of maintaining the value of software if it's not even available to buy full price? It transcends all common sense.


People will still give them money despite all that so eh.

I traded my Wii U for credit way back when and I'm pretty confident of my decision.
The games are fun. They have issues like any other company but the games are undeniably awesome.

I paid full price at launch and am confident of my decision.


1. Product marketing.

Sony keeps it Simple with Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, etc…

Totally simple.
Like "Playstation Portable followed by Playstation Vita".
Why did you forget to mention Sony's handhelds?

Then again who really wants to play Mass Effect 3, Watch Dogs, Batman Arkham Asylum on Wii U, they don’t even support the DLC and the online population is laughable.

Arkham City/Origin have online multiplayer? I didn't know.
btw. I actually prefer playing those games on Wii U. Why? Because on the other consoles someone couldn't be bothered to simply enable VSync, so that no tearing occurs.
and btw. my Wii U Watch Dogs actually is a Special Edition and had DLC included.

Hell Zombie U got no investment return when they made the game for the system.

Isn't ZombiU the highest selling 3rd party game? ZombiU actually has a long breath simply because it's an amazing game. Ubisoft shouldn't have released a broken mess of a game back then and instead delayed it to fix the bugs.

btw. it's called ZombiU. Why? Because "Zombi" was the very first Ubisoft game.

6. Still no region free despite the competition.

Microsoft is doing it. Sony is doing it. Nintendo isn’t, Fuck you.


8. Wii u has no gamecube backwards compatibility despite that it is possible.

Another fuck you to Nintendo. I’ll have to keep my past systems close by.

That's totally logical.

"Microsoft is doing it. Sony is doing it. Nintendo isn't, fuck Nintendo"
followed by
"Microsoft isn't doing it at all. Sony isn't doing it at all. Nintendo is but not for 2 whole generations, so fuck Nintendo"

btw. direct backward compatibility is actually not possible on Wii U unless you change the disc drive. You simply can not read Gamecube discs in the Wii U disc drive. You can complain about that of course, but implementing that would have raised the price even further.

Dr. Buni

As for your complaint about the online, both Smash and Mario Kart have good netcodes and judging by the Splatoon demo, it also have a great netcode. Not sure what you're talking about.

Anyways, you need to relax.


As for your complaint about the online, both Smash and Mario Kart have good netcodes and judging by the Splatoon demo, it also have a great netcode. Not sure what you're talking about.

Anyways, you need to relax.

and it's free
It's also never been more expensive to be a Nintendo gamer. Everything is full priced and never drops. Lots of Nintendo stuff gets discontinued lately so you're incentivized to buy early or pay resellers more. Amiibos and LEs and all kinds of quickly rare stuff.

People compare this to the Gamecube era, but in those days, Nintendo stuff was going cheap all over the place. They might have been underdogs, but I could afford their games.

This is nonsense, at least in the UK it is. SNES games were equally as expensive at launch and Street fighter 2 was £65.


The games are fun. They have issues like any other company but the games are undeniably awesome.

I paid full price at launch and am confident of my decision.

It is more than that for many, they also have a certain special something.

I was getting ready to format my Wii u for resale yesterday because I have too much crap under my tv. I wasnt ready for the waves of nostalgia and sadness that came just because I was deleting some miiis, game data, etc. and because I wouldn't have a Nintendo home console. (I still have three 3DS's tho...wtf, how'd I end up!with 3 of them?) That would never happen with a Sony or MS product.

& Is their any other console manufacture that could inspire a comic like this one: http://www.duelinganalogs.com/comic/a-tear-jerking-story-about-animal-crossing/?
Despite the amazing games, first gen I've completely ignored most of there platforms for so long. Agree with most of you OP, and glad to see Nintendo GAF being reasonable, it's very easy to get all defensive about everything Nintendo when it isn't smashing sales records every month. Some other forums I visit are extremely apprehensive about anything critical towards Nintendo because "OMG Bayonetta and Smash is soooo good."

Nintendo has the first party output no doubt, but man do they need to step it up. For any consolation OP, It does look like that's where they are headed though.


I really don't get this. I've had the WiiU since launch and I have most of their big first party games. And I can't say any of them were "amazing". Not NSMB, 3DWorld, DKCR:TF, Mario Kart or Smash. I was certainly able to put them down after playing them for a while and forgot about them pretty quickly.

The last time I felt that way about Nintendo and their games was back on the Gamecube. There were games on that and all their systems before that I really couldn't put down and never forget. Hell, even now, I've been playing DK64 nonstop since it came out on VC. Those are the amazing and unforgettable games. Games that I couldn't wait to get back to when I had to stop. I haven't had that feeling with their games on the Wii U or even the Wii. And I definitely can't agree that their games are still the "best in the industry."

And it looks like the public at large agrees, they certainly aren't buying WiiUs to play these so-called "amazing" and "best in the industry" games.
Wait, why did you equate sales to be the determining factor for "best in the industry"?

What do you qualify as "best in the industry" if I may ask if it's not to do with the quality of the games?


Definitely some very good points in the OP, I think their marketing is really confusing too sometimes.
Only reason for me why I don't own 3DS and Wii U is because they're not region free, I cannot afford 2 and I'd need both JP and PAL.


I understand people do find the following confusing, but I don't understand why people find it confusing.
How is iPhone, 2, 3, 6, 6+, and so on not confusing, but DS, 3DS, New 3DS, Wii, and Wii U are?


This is all true, but whenever they release a Zelda game I will buy the console that plays it.


Still no Wii U


There's some good points in the OP, but I don't see how you can dog them for BC. They have given far more options than Sony and MS in that regard, and even in a bubble having near full BC with the previous gen is just fine even when BC was the industry standard early last gen. They are the only console maker that is really supporting BC at all, it doesn't make sense.

I understand people do find the following confusing, but I don't understand why people find it confusing.
How is iPhone, 2, 3, 6, 6+, and so on not confusing, but DS, 3DS, New 3DS, Wii, and Wii U are?

It's all in the number system. Not even joking, if you go beyond something very basic like 3 is the successor to 2 or w/e then an alarming amount of people start to not notice.


1. who cares
2. save your money
3. calm down
4. sure
5. time to cope
6. after #2, buy a japanese 3DS
7. you asked for it
8. who cares
9. no
10. boo-hoo

This is how I want all threads of this ilk answered from now on


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So let's imagine it would be a Xenoblade Chronicles situation with Xenoblade X where the supply of the game to America is far lower than anywhere in Europe and copies are limited. Wouldn't you want to be able to play a European copy in that case instead of trying to hunt down an American copy that, which, depending how much later than launch you buy it, went up completely in price due to scalpers?

Or what if Xenoblade X being released a year later than in Europe like it happened with Xenoblade Chronicles? Wouldn't you want to be able to play a copy of the game you can understand and play through instead of seeing EuropeGAF talk about how great the game is while you are still waiting for it to be published in your country?

Or what if for any other game there pops up a Last Window/Disaster: Day of Crisis situation where the game doesn't even make it to America due to financial reasons but was localized and released in Europe? Would you not want to be able to play an imported copy then rather than not being able to play it at all?

But thats not what's happening with X and that certain situation is usually the exception to the rule, even when xenoblade was limited to the gamestop run I preordered and got my copy around day 2 of it's release in america.


I understand people do find the following confusing, but I don't understand why people find it confusing.
How is iPhone, 2, 3, 6, 6+, and so on not confusing, but DS, 3DS, New 3DS, Wii, and Wii U are?

PlayStation3, PlayStation4

Recognizable brand with a simple distinguishing number for sequence that consistently identifies brand new stand alone hardware.

Compared to the alphanumeric soup Nintendo has concocted. Where the average customers aren't even sure if the label represents a console, peripheral, or anything else. Was the WiiU and add on for the Wii? Is the 3DS just a DS with 3D? Hold on... Why would a 2DS come after the 3DS? Is it less powerful than the 3DS, but more than the original DS? Does it play the same games as either? New 3DS? ...wait I thought I already had the new DS? Okay... So those are all different... What about the New 3DSXL? Is that different from the regular New 3DS?

Confusing. It was a bit disorienting for me even and I follow games.


Nintendo defenders can say what they want. The fact remains that both Wii U and 3DS are doing much worse than their predecessors.

And most of the reasons why are mentioned in the OP. You just can't ignore Nintendo's incompetence in some area's.


Wait, why did you equate sales to be the determining factor for "best in the industry"?

What do you qualify as "best in the industry" if I may ask if it's not to do with the quality of the games?

I didn't equate sales to anything. I just don't think Nintendo games are the "best in the industry". I find them pretty mediocre and boring these days. The only game on the Wii U so far that I truly enjoyed was Wind Waker HD. But that was probably because I loved the original. SM3DW and NSMBU were both borefests. Hell, I found all the NSMB games to be pretty dull compared to the original SMB games, that goes for 1 all the way through World.

Even the DKCR games are kinda boring after having played DK64. Going back to 2D DK games after 64 just wasn't as fun to me.
I am american, and only know a lil bit of japanese, nowhere near enough to fully understand most sentences.
region lock means nothing to me.
Im the same way. Even if it was unlocked what can I do? PS4 and Xbox One are both region unlocked and I havent used the "feature" yet.
Therefore what? You don't care that it means something to other people? That's a really nasty attitude to have, and not an actual justification.
Devil's advocate, as I generally accept and agree that region locking is harmful overall but:

Region lock means a game is more likely to get a professional localisation if it gets one at all. A high import scene would make it more difficult to justify localising games. It's hard to say whether a game like Rodea: Sky Soldier would have made it over without region locking, for example.

Earlier localisations: due to price controlling we see region free games make their way over later in the case of Japanese games because they don't want Japan importing cheaper foreign copies. I believe its why we're able to get P&D SMB edition early because of this.
I mean, I guess it's possible that this is true for niche games like Rodea, but I'd have to be given something more substantial than a hypothesis to even bend in that regard. I don't think the Wii/Wii U being region free would have caused a "high import" scene with Rodea personally.

When I think region lock, I think of the fact that as a NA resident, I still can't play Disaster: Day of Crisis or Another Code: R. I think of the fact that EU people had to wait over a year for SMT IV to appear. I think of the fact that I'm going to be importing Persona 4: Dancing from JPN to play on my NA Vita. I think of the people who live in areas with absurd markups who'd rather get them elsewhere. I think of the multilingual people who'd like to play a game from another country.


I used to be frustrated with Nintendo like you. Then I decided to skip on the Wii U, the first Nintendo console I haven't bought. I feel much better for having invested that money in my PC instead.
But thats not what's happening with X and that certain situation is usually the exception to the rule, even when xenoblade was limited to the gamestop run I preordered and got my copy around day 2 of it's release in america.
That's why the post says "imagine."

Also of course, you could try to expand your mind and try to comprehend why other people might want region free consoles, instead of selfishly assuming your own incapacitates are a justification for a locked console.
Add the worst droughts since the N64 to that list, alongside their least varied and least ambitious 1st party console output to date, then you have the perfect mixture for WiiU sales that are rightfully still behind the Dreamcast as of March this year. Well, it's not like they could change most of that for WiiU at this point anymore. That DeNa account system will probably not really fully unfold until NX either.
The real bummer currently is that they've also dropped the ball for 3DS after it did well enough in the first half of its life. Another revision that did nothing but add confusion, their retail release schedule is as good as emtpy, until in 2016 we get that Fire Emblem with ridiculous DLC policies and they keep failing in keeping 3rd parties on their machine compared to the DS, even though it's the only thing selling in Japan (now even Level 5 is bailing out in favor of smartphones, solely excluding Youkai. After initial SE support, DQ11 also seems very unlikely to be for 3DS anymore). Though, 3DS is the only Nintendo platform for which I still have hope for new (big) games being announced at E3, while WiiU will struggle with the same shit we already know about until the NX reveal next year. The DeNa deal gives me hope that with NX they might finally get their shit together, at least a little bit.


The saving grace for the WiiU for me is the hacking scene. I bought a WiiU on a whim for $150 off CL and I get a ton more use out of it than I expected thanks to nintendont.


1. Their marketing is terrible. Has been for awhile, but some of it wasn't all that bad. The Wii and DS brands turned out to be smarter moves than we thought when we first heard them, and they did a great marketing job. It was the 3DS and Wii U where they really dropped the marketing ball.

Games and such, that is what it is. Those problems exist for many franchises out there (that are on various platforms).

2. It;s funny, we didn't complain about this with the Wii shortages, or the PS4 shortages last year. Yet we complain about it with Nintendo. Port strikes they had no control over, unpredictable sales (I mean, they have been doing less then stellar sales for a couple years, who could have predicted 10.5 million amiibo sold, and gcn adapters really being as popular as they are when you can use traditional controls without them now).

Not making excuses here - they NEED to start working on fixing it. It's just not something they can snap their fingers to correct,

3. Their online isn't really all that bad. You brought up street fighter in comparison - that's game specific. There are plenty of instances of excellent online play with Nintendo games. MK8 is a prefect example of this. They are late to the game, so they are going to take time to adjust their stuff to get it right. Mk8 was a huge improvement in that over Mk7. Street Fighter didn't have that latency stuff when it first went online. It takes time to get it right.

4. They need to embrace universal accounts. It seems like NNID is here to stay based on recent remarks, but there is no reason they can't turn them into universal accounts. That solves a lot of hte issues. As for code redeeming, I feel like it was an oversight. Hoping it is fixed in the future.

5. Most of the games you cite have terrible multiplayer regardless of the population. They are inherently single player games.

That being said, console sales more than specs was the reason third party support left. It is a problem, but it wasn't just something they can look in the mirror over. They have to fix point 1 for this point to ever be addressed.

6. I think they will. They've commented on it before. Apparently it still helps with piracy? I don't know enough, but that was an excuse they used.

7. Controller options are simple. Unless you're in wii mode, the GamePad - the only controller the system comes with, works with every single game ont he system (except now, the Wii games released on VC). There are a crap load of options, but hte only controller they are truly obligated to fully support is the one the system comes wiht, and they do that. So it's not really confusing at all.

8. Really? So Nintendo didn't want to enable GCN support and we're listing that as a negative, on a console that LACKS the ability out of the box to support GCN controllers? Come now. That's just downright silly. Where are the people complaining hte PS4 doesn't play PS3 games? I am sure the PS4 is powerful enough to emulate them. Oh wait, they are cool with sony reselling you them through a new system too, just like Nintendo does.

We have full Wii support. That;s more than anyone else. Next thing you know we'll ask that the system lets you plug in SNES carts. Yes, it is possible thanks to the Wii chip. But still, the system doesnt' COME with native GCN controller support. So... it would be odd to include it. THey include dthe sensor bar, not GCN controller ports.

9. amiibo supply frustrates consumers, but man, they;ve sold 10.5 million of those figures. It's working really well for them, tbh.

10. Are their even Sony only stores? Sony and Microsoft were/are tech companies. They can justify chains of stores for their products, just like apple can. Nintendo is a singular focused gaming company. They are lucky they can support the one store in New York, especially considering their poor sales the last few years.
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