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Nintendo has been causing me so much frustration lately...


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's also never been more expensive to be a Nintendo gamer. Everything is full priced and never drops. Lots of Nintendo stuff gets discontinued lately so you're incentivized to buy early or pay resellers more. Amiibos and LEs and all kinds of quickly rare stuff.

People compare this to the Gamecube era, but in those days, Nintendo stuff was going cheap all over the place. They might have been underdogs, but I could afford their games.
They are bad at almost everything outside of video game development.

Hardware/Online/UI/OS/Policies/Supply/etc etc. But they make the best games so i put up with it.


This isn't even an argument. You're just saying this is dumb but have not supported why Nintendo should go out of their way to support farther back into past gens.

Exactly. I could understand the anger if it wasn't compatible with Wii games, the Wii was a super successful system with a ton of games.

It's completely reasonable to see GameCube support dropped.
But the company is still profitable. As far as I know, the Playstation and Xbox divisions don't make a profit.

So it isn't enough for what, exactly?
They're profitable because of Amiibo and the weak yen. The path they're currently on is unsustainable. Their marketshare has never been lower. I think mobile is going to do good things for the company, much to the chagrin of gamers.


Exactly. I could understand the anger if it wasn't compatible with Wii games, the Wii was a super successful system with a ton of games.

It's completely reasonable to see GameCube support dropped.

I think they could at least get software emulation that supports discs with their next console. The PS3 pretty much does that with PS1 games


I think they could at least get software emulation that supports discs with their next console. The PS3 pretty much does that with PS1 games

That's where Nintendo starts to falter. I feel like Nintendo wouldn't see any value added for that considering how much time it takes them to properly emulate games as it is via Virtual Console. They would probably consider a "catch-all" emulator too buggy or not professional enough.

The Virtual Console has so much potential, but as time goes on I feel like Nintendo are squandering that potential. They are definatly doing it good, taking the time with each game to make sure it performs properly... but man does it take forever!

At least we got Earthbound, though!


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I love Nintendo. N & I go way back, back to the old game & watch days (like many here, I'm sure). They have these amazingly talented, creative people. N kind of reminds me of my cousin. Star athlete, math prodigy, drug addict. Incredible potential hampered by self-defeating choices. It's been frustrating, over the years, to watch. I've always wanted them to do well, you know? Believed in them.

When they aren't sideways in the road, though, they still do amazing things.

Your list isn't the same as my list, but I get your frustration.

I don't know how realistic it is to expect disc compatibility with GC, but the VC progress, in general, has been disappointing, especially given the release rate for Wii U games. I don't know if their emulator is just bad, or what takes so long.

It's strange that your Wii U Pro Controller doesn't work with Wii VC games, etc etc etc

But yeah, I get it, but what can you do? If you want Nintendo games, there's only one place to get them.
Could have played a good round of MK for that text.

Nintendo ain't Sony or MS, deal with it - I'm glade they aren't, doubt I'd be playing games at all otherwise.
If Nintendo doesn't work hard to fix their amiibo stock issue the market will gladly solve this for them with the Maxlander NFC Backup tool.

No, they won't. The sad fact is that if Nintendo doubled the SRP of the damned amiibos they would still sell. Everybody will say "Hell no, I wouldn't pay double!" but we all know full well that they would. They'd be posting pictures of them on Twitter, Facebook, and here: "Look what I got! Yay! I just got my wallet absolutely milked for a piece of plastic with an NFC card stuck to it! So happy!" even if they were $100 each.

But it's OK, since every other game from now on will pretty much require an amiibo, now that they've seen how popular they are. Which is a great tactic because all adults love having little plastic toys kicking about in their lounge.

Their account system is still terrible.

Yes, but have you heard? They're sort of going to be maybe one day be doing an Xbox Live/PSN thing one day. Allegedly. They're also considering reducing the number of times you need to press "Continue" on the Wii U Gamepad in order to buy anything from them digitally, from 400,000 to 300,000. I'm honestly surprised that there isn't a page that's just an animated GIF of Reggie saying "Thanks for buying this!" where you need to press "Continue" in order to proceed.

Third Party companies are skipping out on the Wii U

Hardly Nintendo's fault. How were they to know that making an underpowered console with a required input device that would require specific extra development time (as well as having to make control schemes for three different types of controllers) would prevent third party developers from being desperate to develop ports that will be lucky to sell 50,000 copies?

Controller options are not simple. It is confusing

Yes, because they're trying to be all things to all people. I bought a Wii U and two Pro Controllers at launch. Was most happy when I had to wait MONTHS for a patch to be able to play NSMBU with my friends when it launched, because it didn't support multiplayer using the Pro Controller.

Love the way you can't turn the Gamepad off even if you're using a Wiimote/Pro Controller for a single player game, too. Really awesome. And how about Wii Fit U? Paid full price for that when it launched, with the balance board and the pedometer. £80. Traded it in three weeks ago because NOTHING has supported it since. Guy in the game store offered me £1 as he had tons of them already traded and sitting in his stock room. I just told him to take it for nothing as I couldn't be bothered carrying it back to the car.

Wii u has no gamecube backwards compatibility despite that it is possible.

I'm sure it'll be along soon, and all digital. F-Zero GX: $19.99. Super Mario Sunshine: $19.99. Luigi's Mansion: $19.99, etc etc. There'll probably be a dedicated Nintendo Direct broadcast to show it off. Might even be a deal where you spend $80 on Gamecube titles and get a download of Warioworld for free. "These are premium games because they are not as old as NES games, which is why we're charging $20 each for them. Please understand."

No Nintendo stores in key locations

Could be worse. Could live in a town that has 6 supermarkets that have large game sections within a 10 mile radius, yet still have to order Wii U games online since none of them stock the console or games. Two of those stores sell Mario-branded socks and lounge pants. None of them can sell me Mario Party 10.


I'll be completely honest not a single one of those things bother me or seem like a legitimate problem.

Every single one of them has a reasonable explanation to why or is not really a problem just a preference not being met.


Hate the idea of shoehorning amiibos into every single Nintendo 1st/2nd party game.

Yeah, I'm iffy on that too. The only Amiibo I want is Mr. Game & Watch for posterity's sake :)

I'd gladly pay for some of that Amiibo locked DLC outright, but I'm not really a collectable kind of person. If they get those Amiibo cards done I might consider grabbing those, just because it would be easier.


This isn't even an argument. You're just saying this is dumb but have not supported why Nintendo should go out of their way to support farther back into past gens.
Please point me to a post where I said that Nintendo should to that.

Considering how the OP makes very direct comparisons to Nintendo's competitors in his post, it really isn't in this case. That's not even the crux on my argument anyway.
Note how he did not praise Sony or ms in his backwards compatibility point. It's clear that he knows that they aren't as good as Nintendo but that doesn't mean he can't rag on Nintendo as well. I'm not saying Nintendo should do that however as it might not be financially feasible.

Yeah, compatible with last gen.
My bad then.
I think problems arose when Nintendo started to try to "go after the hardcore" (whatever that means) and imitate their competitors during the middle of the Wii's life.

Now, I like the idea behind the Virtual Console. But it was and still is terribly implemented. Even in 2009 with the PSP Go, Sony implemented a system with cross-system, cross-platform purchases. Nintendo's system is still terrible.

Instead of trying to imitate a profile system that works, Nintendo tried to be "all in one" with Miiverse which still lacks some basic online ease-of-use features but....cool! I can draw pictures!

They're really at their best when they try to strike out and tap new markets, not existing markets.


I'm actually glad they've been struggling this gen. They've hit rock bottom, right? There's no where left to go but up...........unless they somehow go sideways.

These bitches needed to learn a lot of lessons, one of the most important ones being that they thought they can get away with the 3DS and Wii U names. I'm optimistic for next-gen. Cautiously optimistic.
Great OP. Iwata and company have to cut the bullshit with online and cut the clutter and confusion with naming, controllers and marketing. They need to be aiming for an elegant ecosystem, not this fucking mess.
I'm actually glad they've been struggling this gen. They've hit rock bottom, right? There's no where left to go but up...........unless they somehow go sideways.

These bitches needed to learn a lot of lessons, one of the most important ones being that they thought they can get away with the 3DS and Wii U names. I'm optimistic for next-gen. Cautiously optimistic.

Problem is that they haven't hit rock bottom and aren't struggling. 3DS is keeping them in the game, and amiibo is going to make them more money than they know what to do with, providing they can find a manufacturer that can create more than 10 units of stock every 14 days.

11 out of this week's top 20 best sellers in Japan are for Wii U or 3DS. 3DS is coming up on 50million worldwide sales.

It's only the Wii U that's doing poorly in the grand scheme of things.

Because it's Nintendo, the 3DS continuing to sell means that they'll keep smashing on with revisions, re-releases, rebrands, and relying on their heritage.

And for better or worse, it'll work, too.


I love that Nintendo's online is absolutely free of charge. It works well. Its a shame though that they are against chating etc.

Well there's always the PC then.
Honestly, I don't see how 9 out of these 10 points can cause "frustration", the only exception being 3rd party support, and it's a stretch.

Maybe OP need to find a hobby, but that's none of my business.


Hate the idea of shoehorning amiibos into every single Nintendo 1st/2nd party game.

This really pisses me off more than it really should.
I've never bothered with buying amiibo because if I started collecting them I wouldn't be able to buy some that I'd want without a ****ing headache.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
They're a painfully stubborn, often outdated company, but I keep buying the crap they peddle.

Wii U is/was a disaster of mistakes though, and from that point alone I'm interested in seeing how they handle the future.


Their online "service" is free, so it's gonna be behind the other 2 until they start charging a fee and pumping more money into their network( probably will with NX)

Why are people still bitching about bc? Xbox one and ps4 don't have it, hell, their solution is remastering every game that came out last gen and charging you for it
But the company is still profitable. As far as I know, the Playstation and Xbox divisions don't make a profit.

So it isn't enough for what, exactly?
Source needed.
I'll be completely honest not a single one of those things bother me or seem like a legitimate problem.

Every single one of them has a reasonable explanation to why or is not really a problem just a preference not being met.
Justify region locking to me. I dare you.
My only beef with Nintendo is that there is nothing announced for the Wii U this year that excites me. Hoping E3 reveals that the new Star Fox game is way bigger than what I am expecting it to be.

I agree. The games announced for Wii U are good, but not exciting. Except Zelda U, but thats delayed.


Hate the idea of shoehorning amiibos into every single Nintendo 1st/2nd party game.

Yeah, this is what really pisses me off about Nintendo these days. Was enough to keep me from buying Codename STEAM.

Runner up: Xenoblade Chronicles port for New 3DS instead of being a remaster for Wii U, or even a Wii VC game so I can play it on the gamepad. (First person to tell me to play the Wii version on the Gamepad with a Classic Controller gets punched in the throat.)
5. Third Party companies are skipping out on the Wii U.

They would rather jump on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. For most gamers they either have 2/3 consoles anyway. But Nintendo will likely repeat this mistake again come next gen. Then again who really wants to play Mass Effect 3, Watch Dogs, Batman Arkham Asylum on Wii U, they don’t even support the DLC and the online population is laughable. Hell Zombie U got no investment return when they made the game for the system.

Your description I think does well to point out the inherent contradiction of Nintendo's third party problem. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't. Honestly they should stop trying so hard and start to realize what we all already know: Nintendo platforms are for playing Nintendo games. Pure and simple.


To be fair, ALL PS3's could still play PSOne games, even after PS2 support was taken out.

Well to be fair, the PS4 can't play any past gens. It can stream PS3 games if you rent them from their service. Oh and even the digital PS1 and PS2 classics on PS3 are not available.

Nintendo is the only one that still offers some backwards compatibility when it comes to current consoles.

Nintendo does have annoying problems, region locking being the biggest. Being critical of the Wii U not playing games from two gens ago seems a bit ridiculous.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
#2 probably took them by complete surprise

No, Nintendo does this with games too, it's them creating artifical demand by shortening supply. Its maddening. Try to tell me one other publisher whose games go up in price over time on a regular basis and you'll see how obvious it is.


Please point me to a post where I said that Nintendo should to that.

Note how he did not praise Sony or ms in his backwards compatibility point. It's clear that he knows that they aren't as good as Nintendo but that doesn't mean he can't rag on Nintendo as well. I'm not saying Nintendo should do that however as it might not be financially feasible.

My bad then.
The person you replied to: Nintendo has done BC better than Sony or micro
You reply: "Other companies do it worse" is a dumb argument
I don't see how that's a dumb argument if Nintendo is not doing a bad job at all in terms of offering BC. You imply that Nintendo is not doing a good job at all. It's just other companies are doing even worse but you don't want to let Nintendo get off scot free. So how do you do better? "Offer more" is the only thing that will come to anyone's mind reading this.
1. Yeah, the hardware confusion is a problem, but I've never heard any complaints over their software. Those still sell a lot.
2. Yeah, there should be more GameCube adapters. Amiibos, too, but they've shipped over 10 million of those suckers in a short amount of time, so I think they've done the best they could there. I imagine producing more is easier said than done.
3. Personally, I haven't had issues connecting to Smash and Mario Kart online. I'll have the rare disconnect, but nothing horrible.
4. Yep. Would love a proper account system.
5. I've accepted a long time ago the lack of third party games. That's what my PS4 is for.
6. Yep. Would love region free.
7. I guess, but no issue for me here.
8. Don't see the issue here.
9. Most amiibo stuff is for unlockables and silly things that aren't necessary, although Mario Party 10 does lock a mode behind it, so that's kind of crappy.
10. Don't see this as a big deal, but they could open one at Universal Orlando with their new partnership.


Justify region locking to me. I dare you.

Devil's advocate, as I generally accept and agree that region locking is harmful overall but:

Region lock means a game is more likely to get a professional localisation if it gets one at all. A high import scene would make it more difficult to justify localising games. It's hard to say whether a game like Rodea: Sky Soldier would have made it over without region locking, for example.

Earlier localisations: due to price controlling we see region free games make their way over later in the case of Japanese games because they don't want Japan importing cheaper foreign copies. I believe its why we're able to get P&D SMB edition early because of this.


The person you replied to: Nintendo has done BC better than Sony or micro
You reply: "Other companies do it worse" is a dumb argument
I don't see how that's a dumb argument if Nintendo is not doing a bad job at all in terms of offering BC. You imply that Nintendo is not doing a good job at all. It's just other companies are doing even worse but you don't want to let Nintendo get off scot free. So how do you do better? "Offer more" is the only thing that will come to anyone's mind reading this.
Nope, you thought wrongly. I think Nintendo is doing a great job with backwards compatibility. What I don't like is people deflecting arguments towards another party just because they do things worse. My post was simply a general statement.


I am american, and only know a lil bit of japanese, nowhere near enough to fully understand most sentences.
region lock means nothing to me.

So let's imagine it would be a Xenoblade Chronicles situation with Xenoblade X where the supply of the game to America is far lower than anywhere in Europe and copies are limited. Wouldn't you want to be able to play a European copy in that case instead of trying to hunt down an American copy that, which, depending how much later than launch you buy it, went up completely in price due to scalpers?

Or what if Xenoblade X being released a year later than in Europe like it happened with Xenoblade Chronicles? Wouldn't you want to be able to play a copy of the game you can understand and play through instead of seeing EuropeGAF talk about how great the game is while you are still waiting for it to be published in your country?

Or what if for any other game there pops up a Last Window/Disaster: Day of Crisis situation where the game doesn't even make it to America due to financial reasons but was localized and released in Europe? Would you not want to be able to play an imported copy then rather than not being able to play it at all?


Amiibo is a mess for a certain portion of consumer who are trying to get one that happens to be niche, retail-exclusive and/or out of production. But I think that was calculated business move and a marvellous one in stimulating interest and demand.

I think outside of Nintendo games which I generally fond of, I am much more interested to see how Nintendo is going to tackle its future endeavours. I'm just drawn to this kind of stuff.
if it runs wii games it can run gc . theyre almost the same

The Wii U disc drive cannot read GameCube discs. Nintendo could offer GameCube games via the eShop but there's nothing that can be done to make the Wii U read GameCube discs short of replacing the disc drive.
I'm happy to put up with a lot of this stuff because I'm in it literally just for the games and I don't play, or intend to play, much online. What fucks me off with the other companies is that to go online, I'm forced to pay. And some shit / old games that I don't want (or in rare cases I've already bought), are supposed to be a deal sweetener? I don't want that from Nintendo.
They do everything wrong...

...except they make amazing games, you don't want to put down and will remember fondly, forever.

So...yeah. They have room for massive improvement, but if I could choose just one area to get right, I'd choose games.
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