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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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Because initial word of mouth is really important. Selling a console is also selling a premise of a support but also a certain philosophy. Basically, it tells who you are targeting, what is your mindset for a product.

What hurted Wii U was this lack of initial hype and the lack of hype for games.

Ports wont intrigue buyers because these people weren't interested with Wii U.
Gonna have to disagree here.

There more factors at play here. First these let's assume these ports are available at launch. That's much more appealing then the Wii U was.

Second Name change. Having the name Switch is much better then Wii U.

Lastly, we actually cant judge hype until after the Presentation so maybe in the end you'll be right on DOA. But the Switch Trailer gonna a very positive reception if Nintendo can follow up I say if can succeed.

I don't think we should actually claim DOA until we see how they market it and what the presention holds.


I honestly am not expecting much in terms of games announcements other than launch games and launch window titles. Just a glimpse for a couple of big Fall hitters and mayyyyyybe a quick tease of one or two games from 2018.
I am expecting tons of 3rd party ports and few to zero exclusive games for the first year, while from 2018 Japanese devs will start with exclusives (MonHun5, Bravely, ect.) and Western devs will stick to ports and finally simultaneous release of their AAA games.

I think the presentation will mostly be this:
-Console overview
-Hardware details
-Launch date
-Console and accessories prices
-Mario reveal and gameplay (Launch title)
-Pikmin reveal and gameplay (Launch title)
-MK8 / Smash / Splatoon trailer (two of these at launch, the other one is launch window)
-Nintendoland 2 trailer (launch title)
-Project Giant Robo gameplay (launch title)
-3rd party launch titles reel (Watch Dogs 2, Just Dance 17, Sport titles, RE7, World of FF or DQBuilders, CoD:IF, TESV, Lego Something, Life is Strange)
-Indie launch titles reel (rocket, hyper light, stardew, undertale, niddhog, owlboy, shantae, undertale)
-Partnership with Ubisoft: WD2 and Just Dance17 at launch, For Honor in Spring, Mario&Rabbids in Summer, New AC announced, simultaneous release with other platforms
-1st party/3rd party launch window reel (MonHun XX, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Diablo, Tekken, TF2, Injstice, Sonic)
-Zelda trailer (launches in June)
-Animal Crossing reveal (Fall title)
-Retro new IP reveal (Fall title)
Sure, but the more to it remains to be seen. An initial good showing for me is the Wii or the 3DS. We had ton of exciting exclusives reveales or 3rd party partnerships. Hype was here.


3DS line up was dire compared to what Switch will have.

Looks to be a step above Wii as well in terms of quality, especially with a potential sequel to Super Mario 64 on offer.

Your saying the hype was there but that's because those systems had an officially unveiling. Switch has had a teaser trailer. That's it.

Maybe wait to see the presentation first would be my advice. Obviously.


Because initial word of mouth is really important.

Ports wont intrigue buyers because these people weren't interested with Wii U.

As you know, the initial word of mouth is already much better.

As you know, that is nonsense. There is interest in the games, they moved WiiU consoles which noone was interested in having.

-Nintendoland 2 trailer (launch title)
-Project Giant Robo gameplay (launch title)

No. Quote me on that.
Sure, but the more to it remains to be seen. An initial good showing for me is the Wii or the 3DS. We had ton of exciting exclusives reveales or 3rd party partnerships. Hype was here.
It also helped that it was by far Cheaper, mention controls introduction, and PS completely screwing up.


Sure, but the more to it remains to be seen. An initial good showing for me is the Wii or the 3DS. We had ton of exciting exclusives reveales or 3rd party partnerships. Hype was here.
The 3DS launch was a disaster. It's almost a certainty that Switch's will be better.

3DS line up was dire compared to what Switch will have.

Looks to be a step above Wii as well in terms of quality, especially with a potential sequel to Super Mario 64 on offer.

Your saying the hype was there but that's because those systems had an officially unveiling. Switch has had a teaser trailer. That's it.

Maybe wait to see the presentation first would be my advice. Obviously.

You're mixing launch line up and announcements. When 3DS was announced in 2010, it was announced with Kid Icarus reimagined by Sakurai, an exclusive Resident Evil AAA handheld title, Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing, an exclusive Kingdom Hearts title, a SSFIV port, the full blown remake of the cult classic Ocarina of Time and Starfox 64, a Metal Gear Solid game, a new Layton game and many more with 3rd parties announcing Dead or Alive, Shin Megami Tensei/Persona, Rayman, Splinter Cell etc...
And it kept going on with big titles like a Layton X Ace Attorney cross over. 3DS was a hype machine when revealed. That hype allowed it to exist despite the high price.

Now back to Wii U, it never generated hype or interest and carried this bad word of mouth stigma. Initial hype is rather important, see Wii, 3DS or even PS4.
No matter what Nintendo says, tech wise this is a portable with a dock and not a home console. It's powerful enough for what it is.

And yea they expect people to value the portable aspect of it, that's the main selling point.

Sure, we know that's it a handheld first. But Nintendo is going to be pushing it as a console and that's what it's going to be judged on. On some level that fact alone speaks volumes about them noticing where the value is in the industry. And it's not with pushing a handheld.

PS4 and Xbone are already $250 and have been even less with some discounts.

Not permanently as of now. It's just a holiday drop. Although the slim should've been $250 from the day it launched.


Yes the idea that you shouldn't communicate about future games is a mistake. What people need when buying a console is long term trust. Show them things are coming on the long run.

No, it's really not. If it were the case, they wouldn't fall for and then almost always forgive when games are announced and either get cancelled or released an entire generation later. Unless you live in a world where Final Fantasy Versus XIII was released instead of 2 sequels with Lightning in them they were able to develop in between.

Because initial word of mouth is really important. Selling a console is also selling a premise of a support but also a certain philosophy. Basically, it tells who you are targeting, what is your mindset for a product.

What hurted Wii U was this lack of initial hype and the lack of hype for games.

Ports wont intrigue buyers because these people weren't interested with Wii U.

People were so disinterested in Wii U, it wouldn't be hard to find people that even know they ARE ports, and even more that don't actually care if they ever find out. A great game getting another shake on launch hardware is kind of the industry standard now from all hardware makers. And these games don't carry the Wii U stigma any more than the Smash Bros. series carries the N64/GameCube stigma with it.
As you know, the initial word of mouth is already much better.

As you know, that is nonsense. There is interest in the games, they moved WiiU consoles which noone was interested in having.

No. Quote me on that.

That's rather mixed. People are curious, not yet on board.

It also helped that it was by far Cheaper, mention controls introduction, and PS completely screwing up.

And also the amazing game showing.

The 3DS launch was a disaster. It's almost a certainty that Switch's will be better.

You're mixing launch line up and reveal. Launch line up doesn't matter much. People dont buy a console for its launch line up but for it's upcoming games.
I don't think anyone can deny that Switch is building a way better momentum than the WiiU did.

To success, a console does not only need to have a great catalog, but other factors as:

-Right price
-Right marketing
-Right launch date (meaning it has to be a date that fits with the marketing plan)

So far, we can't say much about those three factors, but if we base on rumors, I think Switch will be on the right spot when it launches.
Nintendo doesn't need to blow their load on January 12th, but I do think they should tease one or two big 2018 projects. Doesn't need to be anything more than a quick teaser trailer or two.


People dont buy a console for its launch line up but for it's upcoming games.

That's wrong tho, maybe NeoGAF people do but the mass market don't buy a console based on upcoming games that they didn't hear about, but the already released games that are marketed.
from the video from obi1


-She reveals that the little button located in the left joycon is indeed a "share" button
-She says that Rockstar doesn't trust Nintendo meaning that they will probably not port Red Dead Redemption 2
-She hasn't heard information about Overwatch coming to the Nintendo Switch
-She prefers not to talk about voice chat
-She said don't expect any delays, The Switch is for sure coming out in March.
-Joy-Con will be sold on release date. Pro controller not included with the system, you have to buy them separately.
-She has heard 3 hour battery estimate at full clock speed
-You can charge it quickly using the USB port
-She says to expect 3 Virtual Console GameCube games at launch.
-GameCube games at original resolution
-Only gray color Switch at launch
-She says that different color Joy-Cons are possible
-Right Joy-Con has a IR pointer
-You can buy Joy-Cons separately, available day one
-She says to not expect the new Mass Effect Andromeda for the Switch
-She says that the recent "Geno leak" is fake
-She has heard 720p resolution for the screen
-The Switch is not using friend codes
-The Switch has Bluetooth
-No extra docks within the first six months. The docks are not gonna be expensive
-The Switch Entry Bundle is 32 Gb. micro SD supports 128 gb
I'm not joking, that's exactly why the PS4 sold so great at launch : aced marketing. Because otherwise, the launch games were complete crap.

This mostly just shows the difference between what you personally think should sell vs. what actually does sell. You may not like that games like BF4, FIFA, Madden, CoD (all launch titles) etc. are massive sellers, but they all are. And having them all at launch and running much better than any other console could was a big deal.


So combining that with the Eurogamer rumor, Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, and Melee are probably going to be there on launch day.
So combining that with the Eurogamer rumor, Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, and Melee are probably going to be there on launch day.

I'd love Rogue Leader before Mario Sunshine.

As a matter of fact, If Mario Switch is on launch day, I don't see Sunshine launching on the same day.


This mostly just shows the difference between what you personally think should sell vs. what actually does sell. You may not like that games like BF4, FIFA, Madden, CoD (all launch titles) etc. are massive sellers, but they all are. And having them all at launch and running much better than any other console could was a big deal.

It's more that every games you listed already released weeks before on PS3/360.


from the video from obi1

-She says that Rockstar doesn't trust Nintendo meaning that they will probably not port Red Dead Redemption 2

This right here is either oddly phrased or editorialized.

Rockstar isn't walking around telling people how they feel about Nintendo or whether or not they "trust" them. If they don't think their games will sell on Switch that's one thing and that's fine, but if those words were spoken at all they were spoken behind closed doors in Rockstar strategy meetings. I have no idea how someone who isn't a higher-up manager at Rockstar would know about this.
So combining that with the Eurogamer rumor, Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, and Melee are probably going to be there on launch day.
Swap sunshine for Mario golf, Luigi's mansion for F Zero, Smash for Rogue Leader and I'd be ultra happy

There's zero chance that's happening though. With a new Mario at or near launch, smash in that same window, I think it's a waste for those to be our GameCube games


You expected Nintendo's portable after the 3DS to be a full generation ahead of the PSVita? The undocked Switch is more like a "portable XB1/PS4" than a portable Wii U.
Yea I did. Just looking at their previous console to portable roadmap. It's the first thing that hit me when I bought the 3ds, "Nintendo's next portable will be their first into hd space, and going by their past portables, it will likely play Wii u like games". And that made me also realize since both their consoles will be in HD, there's a chance they might release one console to accommodate both portable and home. And even though the idea was intriguing, I didn't want to believe the chances of it happening, simply because I still wanted my separate home console and didn't want that unity hampering it.

And how's unlocked switch more like a portable PS4/Xbox? The gflops are closer to Wii u.


The Birthday Skeleton
It's more that every games you listed already released weeks before on PS3/360.

It doesn't matter. GTA V showed that if people have the right incentives they will buy the same game twice or maybe even a third time. That's why the "late port" doesn't excuse poor sales on its own. That's why Switch might get a chance with third parties if the portability offer enough of an incentive for the ports.
It doesn't matter. GTA V showed that if people have the right incentives they will buy the same game twice or maybe even a third time. That's why the "late port" doesn't excuse poor sales on its own. That's why Switch might get a chance with third parties if the portability offer enough of an incentive for the ports.

No, no, no and NO. GTAV is the big exception to that rule. And even then, you could argue that that release scheme hurted later platforms sales that could've sold even more copies. GTA V isn't an exemple of a trend or whatever. For one GTA V, you have 20 late ports with lower sales.
It's more that every games you listed already released weeks before on PS3/360.

Look at how fast those platforms were abandoned. Not just by developers but by gamers. That generation had lasted for so long that people were itching for new consoles. So, it didn't matter that some versions were a few weeks or months old, because they were ready to move on from that generation. And the PS4 offered a big enough upgrade to justify it. Like in BF4 where the PS3/360 versions had 24 man multiplayer vs. 64 on the PS4.


The Birthday Skeleton
No, no, no and NO. GTAV is the big exception to that rule. And even then, you could argue that that release scheme hurted later platforms sales that could've sold even more copies. GTA V isn't an exemple of a trend or whatever. For one GTA V, you have 20 late ports with lower sales.

What late ports with lower sales on PS4 and Xbone?


I played Luigi's Mansion on my 140cm TV a few months ago and I was stunned at how well this game holds up with all the years it carries.

Last time I played Wii games they did not look good on my 4K TV.:-(

Yall got spoiled by the Dolphin emu.

Well Nintendo should probably be able to do better.

Been playing Dolphin on my GPD Win at Gamecube's native res: It looks great.

That's good, I would have thought it would look pretty bad when sub-native.
This right here is either oddly phrased or editorialized.

Rockstar isn't walking around telling people how they feel about Nintendo or whether or not they "trust" them. If they don't think their games will sell on Switch that's one thing and that's fine, but if those words were spoken at all they were spoken behind closed doors in Rockstar strategy meetings. I have no idea how someone who isn't a higher-up manager at Rockstar would know about this.

The wording is oddly phrased indeed by the person who actually made the list. I literally copy+pasted this on gamefaqs. In the video itself that I watched, I heard from Laura Kate that Rockstar wasn't ready to support Nintendo yet, maybe after it sells a ton of units after the first year.


Swap sunshine for Mario golf, Luigi's mansion for F Zero, Smash for Rogue Leader and I'd be ultra happy

There's zero chance that's happening though. With a new Mario at or near launch, smash in that same window, I think it's a waste for those to be our GameCube games

In terms of popularity they are smart choices, especially Melee.
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