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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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No offense but it's this kind of attitude that will put a lot of non-portable owners off the system if that's the case (which I hope it isn't). Besides, they're still supporting the DS line, while their main home console is all but dead. Let's get something for the Switch that couldn't be done on the 3DS or the WiiU.
Their portable base is 6x as big as their console one. People like their portables as a secondary system. Not having to buy 2 Nintendo systems to get everything is a big bonus
There won't be a Bravely Third. ;_;
After the first one I don't really want to play a game in that universe again...unless the gameplay changes drastically.
They tried to get the most out of their game by stretching it out and """adding value"""" but it just made me tired of the franchise before finishing the first.
A great 30 hour game with 20 hours of optional content would've made for a better game than a 60 hour slog


I am okay with Zelda being let's say June rather than launch, let them polish it as much as possible.
Nintendo need a heavy hitter, 10/10 game as soon as possible, and between Mario Switcharoo and Zelda i think the 2nd one has a higher chance, so let it cook for a few months more, Mario will still sell a shitload of units at launch (and not that i don't expect it to be great, the opposite actually).
Look at Sony, their first high rated game come more than a year after launch (Bloodborne), and i think that hurted the first months of the console.
Nintendo can't allow the same mistake imho

After the first one I don't really want to play a game in that universe again...unless the gameplay changes drastically.
They tried to get the most out of their game by stretching it out and """adding value"""" but it just made me tired of the franchise before finishing the first.
A great 30 hour game with 20 hours of optional content would've made for a better game than a 60 hour slog

I'm okay with a New IP too, just give us something similar on the Switch!


There'll be third party games (ports from previous PS4/Xbox One games and simultaneous releases with some PS4/Xbox One future games) at least until 2018 so I wouldn't worry about that. The First Party side is the most interesting one despite all the "leaks" that have appeared lately.

I'm really hoping for a balanced approach to first party games. I'd love to see a new Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, but at the same time, have a new IP in the same vein of Animal Crossing or Splatoon - something wildly different and very 'Nintendo'.


Sure, but if Zelda isn't actually a launch title then Nintendo will have earned it this time. Let's just look at their recent handling of it. Take the Jimmy Fallon appearance for example. No one was even expecting to see the Switch there. People were just expecting Reggie to show off Super Mario Run. But not only do the show the Switch, they had the first ever live demo of it. And what game do they choose? Zelda. And look at the recent campaign they started where they're releasing new images and art of Zelda up its launch. Both are notable because they were unnecessary. No one would've gave them shit for not live demoing Zelda on Fallon or not starting this launch screenshot campaign. That's something they did on their own, but it's also something that will make people start to think that they're going to be able to pick up Zelda when they purchase their Switch at launch.

But what other game would they have shown on Fallon though? What other first party game have they announced that they could have used instead? There hasn't been anything other than rumors about the new Mario or Skyrim, or the Splatoon port. And I might be mistaken but I don't think Nintendo have announced any first party game officially other than Zelda.

There's really only 2 games they could have used that have the brand recognition that a national audience would recognize. Mario and Zelda. Mario isn't ready for his unveiling just yet so they went with Zelda. I don't think that means it has to be a launch title because they used it though.


I'm really hoping for a balanced approach to first party games. I'd love to see a new Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, but at the same time, have a new IP in the same vein of Animal Crossing or Splatoon - something wildly different and very 'Nintendo'.

Laura and Emily were already talking about something like that, seems like Nintendo has a very out-there new IP coming to Switch sooner rather than later:

Emily Rogers said:
19 Oktober 2016
New IP coming to NX from one of Nintendo's teams in Japan. Described as weird, fun and crazy. "Nintendo doesn't have another game like this"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Wasn't there a leak that Skyward Sword HD was on the way for Switch as well?


Wasn't there a leak that Skyward Sword HD was on the way for Switch as well?

Don't see how that would be workable without a sensor bar and motion+, and I don't think they would rework the entire game with a traditional control scheme. Maybe they'll have the original for Wii VC.


We have been hearing a lot about WiiU ports to the Switch, and one reason for that is probably that the WiiU sold poorly. But we haven't heard anything about 3ds ports for the Switch. This feels a bit strange to me on the one hand, since the Switch' portable aspect would lend itself well to getting some 3ds games. On the other hand, of course, there is the not insignificant fact that the 3ds is actually selling well still.

So, do we think that the Switch won't get 3ds titles that are already available ported or will we see some title make the switch to the new hardware? For example, to capitalise on the Fire Emblem mobile game hype (if it is going to exist) they could port the recent Fates games to the Switch to both get their new hardware some extra momentum and to get some software sales going. On the other hand, they capitalised on the pokemon hype just fine with the 3ds versions.


Junior Member
Playing the "guess the launch and 2017 line-up" game:

Mario Switch
Pikmin 4 
Mario Kart 8 Switch 
Smash Bros or Splatoon Switch
Project Giant Robot
Nintendo Land Switch

Watch_Dogs 2
Just Dance 2017
Fifa 17
Resident Evil 7
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
World of Final Fantasy
Life is Strange
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare or Modern Warfare Remastered
The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Remastered
Lego Star Wars / Marvel Super Heroes / Dimensions
Trine 3
Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate (JP)
Musou Stars (JP)
Disgaea 5 (JP)
Dragon Quest Builders (JP)

Rocket League
Hyper Light Drifter
Niddhogg 2
Shantae Half-Genie Hero
The Banner Saga 1/2
Stardew Valley

Virtual Console titles (all the titles released on WiiU, plus GC games like Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion and Smash)

Then during launch window Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate (West release), Smash or Splatoon (the one that didn't release at launch), Zelda Breath of the Wild (June), and
Super Mario Maker and Monster Hunter Stories Ultimate (JP) in Summer, plus a second wave of 3rd parties (For Honor, Diablo 3, Tekken 7, Battlefield 1/Titanfall 2, Injustice, Sonic Mania).

I can see Fall picking steam up again with a new Animal Crossing (September), Pokémon Star (October), Retro's New IP (November), Monster Hunter Stories (November) and Mario&Rabbids RPG (December).

Seems like a pretty solid and realistic list for the most, scarce of 3rd party exclusives, but those (Bravely 3rd, MonHun5, Ace Attonery etc.) will start coming by japanese devs in 2018, while western studios will stick to release (or try to) their big games simultaneously with PS4/XBO.
Laura mentioned that Splatoon is currently the only enhanced port and that'll be out on Day 1 & is bundled with the $300 Deluxe Edition. MK8 is currently coming within the first 3 months, while Smash 4 will supposedly drop within the first 6 months. That said, I recall her saying that the MK8 port is basically done, but I could be mistaken.

Also, the Mario-Rabbids game is supposed to be out on Day 1.


The only thing I want from the Switch is a robust VC catalog and a unified account system.

And it would not bother me one bit if they re-released all of their first party Wii U games again on the Switch, since so few people have played them (relative to the overall pool of gamers).

But yeah, just the thought of having GC, N64, GB, and DS games all on one system... crazy. I know it's not confirmed yet but honestly, that's all I want.


Laura and Emily were already talking about something like that, seems like Nintendo has a very out-there new IP coming to Switch sooner rather than later:

This is exactly what I want. When Nintendo's teams take the time to create a new, big IP, we get amazing, fresh games like Animal Crossing, Splatoon and Pikmin. I'd like at least one new IP similar to these with the Switch, 2 if possible.


Don't see how that would be workable without a sensor bar and motion+, and I don't think they would rework the entire game with a traditional control scheme. Maybe they'll have the original for Wii VC.

Skyward Sword doesn't use the sensor bar iirc and the joycons have motion+ like capabilities from what we know


Their portable base is 6x as big as their console one. People like their portables as a secondary system. Not having to buy 2 Nintendo systems to get everything is a big bonus

I know. They are still supporting the DS and those who have them will be satisfied. Switch is their WiiU replacement, but they can make the Switch something totally unique with games that differ from what they were doing with the 3DS. What's the point of having a portable console if it can't flex it's muscles and just end up with 3ds games but in HD?


Junior Member
Do you guys think they will show Pokémon "Stars" will be shown at the event? Or maybe they delay the announcement/reveal for may/june?
It could really go either way. On one hand, Nintendo may push for Stars to be revealed at the January event to drum up hype for the Switch amongst Pokémon fans sooner rather than later (& increase Pokémon Bank subscriptions, as it will be made available for Sun/Moon on the same month). But at the same time, The Pokémon Company typically announces stuff on their own terms, so I could easily see them holding off on announcing Stars until maybe April or so where Stars would have the spotlight all to itself.


I think the really exciting thing about this console will be that there's going to be more new Nintendo ip, hopefully. In order to fill at least a game or two each month for the next few years, they're going to have to expand their output from just Mario, link and whatever else. I would expect a new ip each year or two.

Let's hope so. Splatoon proved to be a huge success despite being on the Wii U, just imagine if they release more new and crazy IPs like Splatoon in more popular hardware like (hopefully) Nintendo Switch.
Do you guys think they will show Pokémon "Stars" will be shown at the event? Or maybe they delay the announcement/reveal for may/june?

They'd better talk about it, but they also shouldn't. I hope they do, though.

It's like, if they do show it off in January, you prove how awesome the Switch is prior to its launch by showing that Nintendo is bringing all their big guns to it.
However, they'll now lose sales on SM because of the announcement of the "superior" version, and they may even put off people who just recently bought SM and/or a new 3DS from buying a Switch and the new game (kinda like how most of my friends feel about the PS4 Pro) because of how soon it will feel since the release of SM.

If they don't show it in January and hold it off, they'll now have less big games to show off and make it harder for them to convince consumers that they're going all out with the Switch.
There'll always be that looming question of whether the next Pokemon game is coming out to the 3DS or the Switch, and the longer it takes for the Switch to hit a good number of units sold, the longer it takes to get developers who are on the fence to decide it's worth developing for.

There won't be a Bravely Third. ;_;

Were sales really bad or something? I only just recently got a 2DS for Sun so I haven't had a chance to go back and play the great games on the 3DS yet, I've heard good things about the Bravely Default series, I was hoping we would get to see the next one on the Switch. :(
i just won't believe Mario/Zelda launch switch (hah!) until it happens.
makes no sense to me.

especially because she says Zelda is summer, then what's for holidays?
Part of me has this feeling there will be a borderlands 2 re-release for switch at launch as part of their plan to put that series on everything they possibly can.
I also think Borderlands 2 is coming. Maybe it has a Samus or a Bayou Billy style character and a Ridley boss fight.

The surprise I wonder about is Valve involved?! Valve putting out a New Orange Box with Left 4 Dead, CS GO, Portal 2, and Dota 2. Would be an amazing title if Nintendo is courting the esports crowd as rumored.

Valve already had some of these games running on Nvidia Shield, so I don't think it is a stretch to see it in Switch.


Did you read Ghengis Khan post too? He seem confused that someone is saying 2K would be coming from EA

I was ironically responding to his comment confusing NBA Live and NBA 2K with another comment confusing Capcom and Battlefield. It's what us morons call a joke. It's supposed to make people laugh, or at least make their zygomatics active by producing a smile on their faces.


Gold Member
Part of me has this feeling there will be a borderlands 2 re-release for switch at launch as part of their plan to put that series on everything they possibly can.

I might actually buy a Borderlands 1+2 bundle if it were to show up on Switch, if they included all DLC's.
I have some thoughts about the Switch's appeal I'd like to share.

I was having a conversation with my father the other day and the Switch came up. I was sitting on the couch playing my 3DS and he asked me if I could put it on the TV (since those screens are so small, according to him). I said no, you can't do that with this system. He thought that was weird, "You know they have the ability to do that," he said, "so why don't they?" I told him that for this particular system it wouldn't look great on the big screen since this little system can only look so good on a little screen, in layman's terms.

He then asked it you could put a phone or a regular tablet up on the TV and play your games, and again I said you can't really do that plus even if you could most of the games are for touch screens and wouldn't work well on the TV. As an avid TV watcher, my Dad thought this was the dumbest thing ever and said that if you have the technology to put it in your pocket, the technology should exist to put it on the big screen and play it from your recliner.

He had never heard of the Switch, of course, so I explained the concept to him and said "About time, that's how it should work."

I thought this was an interesting take coming from somebody who doesn't play games at all. I think it shows that the basic concept of the Switch can resonate and make sense in the most fundamental of ways with an average consumer.
But what other game would they have shown on Fallon though? What other first party game have they announced that they could have used instead? There hasn't been anything other than rumors about the new Mario or Skyrim, or the Splatoon port. And I might be mistaken but I don't think Nintendo have announced any first party game officially other than Zelda.

There's really only 2 games they could have used that have the brand recognition that a national audience would recognize. Mario and Zelda. Mario isn't ready for his unveiling just yet so they went with Zelda. I don't think that means it has to be a launch title because they used it though.

What i'm asking is why did they have to live demo it at all? They were already past the Game Awards where people were kinda expecting to see the game played live, but they instead showed it running on the Wii U. And they were now just a month away from the proper Switch reveal, so why not just wait? I guess you could say that they had a chance to show it live on national TV which is one they wouldn't want to miss, and that's a fair point. But now they've just live demoed a game that people can't buy at launch.

If I remember correctly since last generation the game first live demoed for each console has ended up being a launch title. I think this is the list

PS3: Resistance
Wii: Wii Sports
360: Perfect Dark Zero
PS4: Knack
Wii U: Just Dance 4
Xbox One: Killer Instinct

Zelda would obviously break that streak if it's not there. All i'm saying is that if it's not a launch title, then Nintendo will have brought the backlash that they will receive onto themselves. It won't be undeserved this time.


According to Laura, it will be :

Damn, I was hoping for Mario Kart at launch....
Really want a good racing game with the system.
So unless there's a new Waverace or Excitetruck game at launch, this will be a major disappointment.

And yeah, I'm not counting on F-Zero anytime soon, even though that would be perfect as well.


Good morning all, just requesting again a recap of the last week's new leaks since I got the sense I missed a whole bunch, in case anyone has seen a complete list anywhere or knows where one is being posted. Thanks!
How do you think 3rd parties will deal with online multi-player games on the go? Does it make sense to port overwatch if people will not be able to take it on the go? Well, an offline mode against bots but... yeah. I think the switch kind of discourages online multi-player games.

Also, how would a mario maker work in the switch without a stylus? There was no stylus in the patents. Do you guys think it could work just with your fingers?


How do you think 3rd parties will deal with online multi-player games on the go? Does it make sense to port overwatch if people will not be able to take it on the go? Well, an offline mode against bots but... yeah. I think the switch kind of discourages online multi-player games.

Also, how would a mario maker work in the switch without a stylus? There was no stylus in the patents. Do you guys think it could work just with your fingers?

If it's supposed to be capacitive touch, then that's the reason why no stylus. There's really no problem with using the fingers. The challenge is when the Switch is docked.

For multiplayer games on the go, possibly similar with the DS/3DS handling of multiplayer games: via wifi for online or local wireless multiplayer.


As long as the new Mario doesn't get called Super Mario Switcharoo then it's all good lmao.

Good morning all, just requesting again a recap of the last week's new leaks since I got the sense I missed a whole bunch, in case anyone has seen a complete list anywhere or knows where one is being posted. Thanks!

Good morning! And yes, please! This would be much appreciated because I also don't know exactly what the new leaks are other than RDR2 will not come to Switch because hell no.
Battlefield 1 is not developed by Capcom, though, lol.

I think he was just being sarcastic.

I was ironically responding to his comment confusing NBA Live and NBA 2K with another comment confusing Capcom and Battlefield. It's what us morons call a joke. It's supposed to make people laugh, or at least make their zygomatics active by producing a smile on their faces.

Ohhh I think one of yall legit dumb then lol.. Or im just dumb


Were sales really bad or something? I only just recently got a 2DS for Sun so I haven't had a chance to go back and play the great games on the 3DS yet, I've heard good things about the Bravely Default series, I was hoping we would get to see the next one on the Switch. :(

Bravely Second declined a lot in Japan and at least a bit in the West. It still didn't do terribly but they're probably better off trying something new.

How do you think 3rd parties will deal with online multi-player games on the go? Does it make sense to port overwatch if people will not be able to take it on the go? Well, an offline mode against bots but... yeah. I think the switch kind of discourages online multi-player games.

Also, how would a mario maker work in the switch without a stylus? There was no stylus in the patents. Do you guys think it could work just with your fingers?

Mario Kart DS was Nintendo's first ever online game. Being on a portable isn't a massive barrier.
How do you think 3rd parties will deal with online multi-player games on the go? Does it make sense to port overwatch if people will not be able to take it on the go? Well, an offline mode against bots but... yeah. I think the switch kind of discourages online multi-player games.

Also, how would a mario maker work in the switch without a stylus? There was no stylus in the patents. Do you guys think it could work just with your fingers?

Good morning all, just requesting again a recap of the last week's new leaks since I got the sense I missed a whole bunch, in case anyone has seen a complete list anywhere or knows where one is being posted. Thanks!

From what I remember, we heard that Assassin's Creed Egypt (not the title as far as I know) will launch on Switch the same time as PS4/XB1 and this was backed up by LKD. The youtuber who first dropped that also says that developers are working on Switch VR games, though LKD did not back that up.

We have also heard that gamestop will start putting up promotional Switch materials next week. And apparently we've seen some today/yesterday already if you go back a few pages.

Vern also said that he's heard Rockstar will likely be porting an older game to Switch this year- GTA V seems likely.

As with all rumors/leaks take them with a grain of salt and all that.

How do you think 3rd parties will deal with online multi-player games on the go? Does it make sense to port overwatch if people will not be able to take it on the go? Well, an offline mode against bots but... yeah. I think the switch kind of discourages online multi-player games.

Also, how would a mario maker work in the switch without a stylus? There was no stylus in the patents. Do you guys think it could work just with your fingers?

One of the confirmed Switch games (DQX) is an MMO. So I don't think they're terribly worried about always online being a problem for third parties.


Well, I've missed several pages :p.

Seems we're mostly in same place though? Despite new rumors surfacing? Or has speculation changed at all? I last posted in the late 90s (page number) iirc.

Still seems to be, for me, "(1) hope Nintendo captures the perfect storm Switch could be for Japan; (2) realize that Nintendo will not completely do so; (3) hope that they approach doing so; (4) realize that, historically, Nintendo has had problems bringing Japanese third parties where they want to go, but also that Switch is uniquely situated to unite DS/mainstream PSP line support with PS3 line support and Vita line support; that brings us back to (1)."
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