So has anyone in the US been able to preorder this yet? Or are we still waiting till after the event.
- new screenshots on a regular basis
- Nintendo tweets out Zelda art for the holidays
- a three-months calendar with Zelda art
- Fallon but with Zelda
- wonky rumour about sudden problems in QA and translation
- multiple ADS with Zelda saying release in March
- I said so
What else do you need?
So has anyone in the US been able to preorder this yet? Or are we still waiting till after the event.
But you also have the fact that it's only officially been a "2017" game even though Switch has a launch date, and leakers have said it will miss the launch. Both Laura and Emily IIRC.
It's a pretty balanced "for and against" list.
What else do you need?
Switch doesn't have an official launch date yet, just a month. So yeah I guess they could say Zelda is March 2017, but I think they are just covering their butts so they can work on it as much as possible.
We all know Retro will be working on a classic and beloved Nintendo franchise that has fallen by the wayside for far too long. I am of course speaking of Urban Champions
We're gonna be debating until January 12th if Zelda is delayed or comes out in March, won't we?
The sources that've been saying Zelda isn't a launch game were all european. It might be a NA launch title but EU's gonna be waiting.
Hmmm... even GameStop has ads for the Switch now and it shows Zelda.
But didn't Emily Rogers say this too? I thought she was American.
Yeah, though she only said that Zelda won't be ready for launch. Unlike Laura, Emily never gave a specific timeframe for BotW.But didn't Emily Rogers say this too? I thought she was American.
I don't know but she seems to get most of her info from European sources.
I won't believe dates until Nintendo officially announces them.
I do know, however, both games 3D Mario and Zelda won't be there at launch. They'd cannibalize the shit out of each other' sales.
Not saying they'll save one for summer or Holidays 2017 but both at the same time? yeah, that's not happening.
If the rumors from Laura are to be believed, then we should expect BotW sometime in June.I agree. I think they're going to with Mario as a launch game because it has a much broader appeal than Zelda, and release Zelda around a month later (if they can get it out that soon, of course) when the hype of the system's launch is cooling off.
I actually didn't know that, or at least follow that trend.
If that turns out to be the case... I'm sorry EU NintendoGAF D:
#TeamNovember- new screenshots on a regular basis
- Nintendo tweets out Zelda art for the holidays
- a three-months calendar with Zelda art
- Fallon
- wonky rumour about sudden problems in QA and translation
- multiple ADS with Zelda saying release in March
- I said so
What else do you need?
But the ads came from GAME in UK, is it?
But the ads came from GAME in UK, is it?
Hahahahaha.Maybe every launch Switch will ship with a BotW demo or demo code,
Maybe every launch Switch will ship with a BotW demo or demo code, while the game's proper release will be summer?
Or they're pushing Zelda because it's the only game we've seen a ton of at this point. Assuming the rumors are true, it'll likely be replaced by Mario after January.Think about it this way. Would Nintendo have shown Zelda as the demo for the mass markets introduction to Switch on Jimmy Fallon if it wasn't going to be ready for launch ? They would have demonstrated Mario Switch had that been the only big day one launch game imo.
People should also not take everything out of ER and LKD's mouths as insider info unless they explicitly stated it as such. Some of it will be opinion and predictions.
I don't think there's anyway some info can possibly be known outside of a few of Nintendo's higher ups so I'm waiting on official info for most things like pricing and launch line ups.
Or they're pushing Zelda because it's the only game we've seen a ton of at this point. Assuming the rumors are true, it'll likely be replaced by Mario after January.
They'll probably just update the banners whenever the actual release date is revealed. It's not like Nintendo ever changed their non-specific 2017 release date.But this is exactly the point of the conversation we're having. Do these rumors make sense when game stores are putting up ads saying March?
What if GAME screwed up? If they pull down those ads before Jan 12... That'll pretty much confirm Zelda won't make launch.I'm seeing on Twitter people saying that the Mar2017 font is the font Game uses.
They'll probably just update the banners whenever the actual release date is revealed. It's not like Nintendo ever changed their non-specific 2017 release date.
Still not sure why people care so much about multi-plats. Third party support I can understand, but surely you buy a console for it's exclusives?
Plus, Miyamoto a ways back said they MIGHT show it at the next E3.Seems pretty nutty to believe that Mario, a game we've seen two split-second clips of, will ship before Zelda, a game we have dozens of hours of footage of.
What do you mean 'a few'? We'll know the launch lineup in 12 day. Right?#teamwaitafewweeks
My point is, there are a lot of things happening right now which don't make sense in the context of Laura's and Emily's rumors about BotW missing launch, not just the GAME marketing.
GameStop had it as Q1 2017 in their financial results briefing, Nintendo is doing the whole weekly screenshot/concept art thing, and now GAME has it up as a March launch. It's at least worth discussing that this particular rumor might be wrong. Laura herself even said that all of the official, public info is pointing to a March launch.
When you can get multiplats like Dark Souls 3 on a truly portable console, that changes things quite immensely from my point of view at least.
#*teamwaitforlessthantwoweeksWhat do you mean 'a few'? We'll know the launch lineup in 12 day. Right?
Plus, Miyamoto a ways back said they MIGHT show it at the next E3.
Yeah, that's great if it happens, but generally multi-plats are just cod and ass creed generic rubbish. If that's your bag, get a PSbone and be done with it, surely?
Bah bah.He said "you may see a new type of Mario game" at the next E3, which doesn't mean there isn't one coming out before then.
Bah bah.
Plus, Miyamoto a ways back said they MIGHT show it at the next E3.